45 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to compare three methods of measuring the volume of individual trees used extensively as a basis for adjusting volumetric functions in areas under forest management in the Brazilian Amazon, and verify the influence of species and diameter classes in obtaining the volume of individual trees.   A total of 53 sample trees belonging to five species were analyzed and separated into three diametric classes.  The real volume (VR) was obtained using Smalian’s method on fixed sections of 2 meters intervals along the stem; the geometric volume (VG) was also obtained by Smalian’s method, but with the lengths of the various sections along the stem.  Volume loss (VP) was subtracted from the VR to obtain the usable volume (VA).  An ANOVA in a factorial design (5 x 3 x 3) was performed to verify the effect of 5 species, 3 diameter classes, and 3 volume measurement methods (VR, VG, and VA) on the different volumes obtained.  The 3 factors did affect the outcome of the analysis, but there were no interactions found between these variables.  The volumes obtained by cubic scaling with different lengths (VG) presented a lower mean volume than VR.  Although there was no difference between the means of VA and VR, wood loss was 6.5% of the total volume. There is a relationship between section length and volume loss, according to the presence of hollows, twists and cracks in the logs in the largest diameter classes


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    Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar e espacializar a evolução dos estados de transformação da complexidade, de diferentes Tipos de Paisagens do Projeto de Assentamento Benfica, Mesorregião Sudeste Paraense. Foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Landsat-TM correspondentes a 1987, 1992, 1996, 2001 e 2005 e técnicas de Geoprocessamento conduzidas no sistema SPRING, além de dados de campo e modelos gráficos da paisagem. A metodologia aplicada permitiu a identificação, classificação e quantificação de seis Tipos de Paisagens: Florestal (TP0), Mosaico Agrícola (TP1), Mosaico Agrícola com Pastagem (TP2), Grandes Extensões de Pastagem (TP3), Grandes Extensões de Pasto com Babaçu (TP4) e Babaçual (TP5). A integração dos resultados deu origem a uma Escala de Complexidade dos Tipos de Paisagens, em que os graus de intensidade variaram do mais “simples” (0) ao mais “complexo” (12), sendo os de maior intensidade os Tipos de Paisagens Florestal (TP0), Mosaico Agrícola (TP1) e Mosaico Agrícola com pastagem (TP2). A abordagem geográfica refletiiu diferentes dinâmicas que se estabelecem a partir das condições e chances de manter ou não os sistemas produtivos, fazendo aumentar ou diminuir o seu grau de complexidade. O enfoque na complexidade de uma tipologia de paisagens permitiu tratar questões ligadas à sua dinâmica e mostrou ser aplicável para qualquer planejamento ou estratégia de conservação ambiental. Palavras-chave: Sudeste Paraense. Projeto de assentamento. Tipos de paisagens. Complexidade da paisagem. Complexity of settlement project landscapes in Benfica, southeastern of Pará, State Pará This work has as main objective to analyze and spot the evolution of complexity conversion of different types of landscapes in Benfica Settlement Project, southeastern region of Pará. We used images from Landsat-TM corresponding to 1987, 1992, 1996, 2001 and 2005 and geo processing techniques conducted by SPRING system, as well as field data and graphical models of landscape. Applied methodology allowed the identification, classification and quantification of six types of landscapes: Forest (TP0), Agricultural Mosaic (TP1), Mosaic of Agricultural Pasture (TP2), large areas of pasture (TP3), large areas of pasture with Babassu ( TP4) and forest of Babassu palms (TP5). Integration of results led to a range of complexity of the types of landscapes, where the degrees of intensity ranging from “simple” (0) to more “complex” (12), being the more intense the Types of Forest Landscapes (TP0), agricultural Mosaic (TP1) and Mosaic Agricultural pasture (TP2). The geographical approach reflected different dynamics that are established based on the conditions and chances of maintaining or not the production systems, thus increasing or decreasing its complexity. The focus on the complexity of a typology of landscapes allowed addressing issues related to their function and proved to be applicable to any plan or strategy for environmental conservation. Key words: Southeast of Pará. Settlement project. Types of landscapes. Complexity of the landscape


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    Em meio a uma heterogeneidade de ambiente, a fragmentação tem mostrado efeitos e interações distintas. O objetivo desse estudo é comparar a densidade, qualidade da copa e altura do fuste da espécie andiroba (Carapa guianensis Aublet) em diferentes tamanhos de fragmentos florestais, no Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista Praialta Piranheira, sudeste do Pará. A metodologia envolveu inventario florístico em três áreas de fragmentos grandes (> 50 hectares) e três fragmentos pequenos ( 50 hectares) and three fragments small ( 50 hectáreas) y tres fragmentos pequeños (<50 hectáreas). La densidad ind / ha, la calidad de la copa y la altura del tallo (m) se compararon entre los fragmentos mediante la prueba ANOVA - F. Los resultados muestran que no hubo diferencia estadística de las variables estudiadas en los diferentes tamaños de fragmentos de bosque, tal similitud puede ser En relación con los factores ambientales, así como con las acciones antrópicas, este trabajo sugiere que otras variables se investiguen entre ellas la acción antrópica, así como la prueba de otros tamaños de fragmentos de bosque. PALABRAS CLAVES: Agro-extractivistas, Cubierta vegetal, Producto no maderable

    Diversidade de savanas de Roraima

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    Distribution and conservation of Aniba Aubl. (Lauraceae Jussieu) species in Brazil

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    <div><p>Abstract: This study conducts a biogeographical review of Aniba in Brazil, including its actual and potential distribution, and a review on the species conservation status. The potential distribution of each Aniba species was modeled using the Brazilian Plants and Fungi Biogeography system, which is interconnected with the SpeciesLink network. A consensus model based on up to five algorithms was used to model the potential distribution of each species. The endemism, conservation status and rarity of each species in Brazil were also analyzed. A total of 3059 records of 30 Brazilian Aniba species were found. In total, 16.1% of the records were excluded because of the lack of valid names, and 53.4% were excluded because of the lack of georeference and name of the person who identified the record. The consensus model showed good results for species with 20 or more pixels. The other species had many errors, and their models could only be used to determine new areas for collections. Nine species were endemic to Brazil, and only three species showed no indicator of rarity. The geographical distribution of Brazilian Aniba species shows a predominantly Amazonian pattern. Only four species are not actually found in the Amazon. Some Amazonian species may also be found in Atlantic Forest areas, and many other species have the potential to live there. Our results indicate that only three species have no conservation problems, whereas 14 species have conservation problems, and 13 other species require further population studies to be best evaluated.</p></div

    Estimativa de biomassa de sistemas agroflorestais das várzeas do rio juba, Cametá, Pará Biomass estimation of agroforestry systems of the Juba river floodplain in Cametá, Pará

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma estimativa da biomassa seca (BS) acima do solo e estoque de carbono (EC) de sistemas agroflorestais (SAF) estudados nas várzeas do rio Juba, Cametá, Pará. A BS foi estimada pelo método indireto a partir dos dados de um inventário florestal realizado em sete parcelas de 0,25 ha (50 m x 50 m). Foram inventariados em média 2594 indivíduos/ha com DAP >5 cm. Euterpe oleracea Mart.(açaí) e Theobroma cacao L. (cacau), foram as espécies mais importantes e representaram 80 % dos indivíduos (54 % e 26 %, respectivamente) e as outras espécies (árvores) 20 %. Em média a BS dos SAF foi de 298,44 t/ha. O açaí apresentou BS de 4,47 t/ha (43 % nas folhas e 57 % nos estipes), o cacau 1,45 t/ha (18 % nas folhas e 82 % na madeira) e as árvores 292,52 t/ha (1 % nas folhas e 99 % na madeira). O EC contido na BS total média foi de 134,30 t/ha; as árvores estocaram 131,63 t/ha (98 %), o açaí 2,01 t/ha (1,5 %) e o cacau 0,65 t/ha (0,5 %). O EC médio dos SAF estudados (idade média de 12 anos) representou, em média, cerca de 96 % do carbono que é estocado numa floresta primária de terra firme; cerca de 62 % a mais do estocado em florestas secundárias enriquecidas (idade média de 26 meses) e 23 % a mais do estocado em florestas de várzeas na Amazônia brasileira.This work presents an estimation of dry biomass (BS) above ground and stock of carbon (EC) agroforestry systems (SAF), studied in the floodplains of the river Juba in Cametá, Pará. The BS was estimated by the indirect method from the data of a forest inventory carried out in seven plots of 0.25 ha (50 m x 50 m). They were surveyed on average 2594 individuals/ha with DBH >5 cm. Euterpe oleracea Mart.(açaí) and Theobroma cacao L. (cacao), were the most important species and represented 80 % of the individuals (54 % and 26 %, respectively) and the others species (trees) 20 %. On average the BS of the SAF was of 298.44 t/ha. Açaí presented BS of 4.47 t/ha (43 % in leaves and 57 % in stems), cacao 1.45 t/ha (18 % in leaves and 82 % in wood) and the trees 292.52 t/ha (1 % in leaves and 99 % in wood). The EC contained in the BS average total was 134.30 t/ha; the trees had about 131.63 t/ha (98 %), açaí 2.01 t/ha (1.5 %) and cacao 0.65 t/ha (0.5 %). The EC average of SAF studied (average age of 12 years) represented, on average, about of 96 % of carbon that is storaged in a primary forest, about of 62 % more than of storaged in enriched secundary forest (average age of 26 month) and 23 % more than of storaged in forest of floodplains in brasilian Amazonia


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    In this study we analyze the floristic and structure of forest remnants in Benfica Settlement Project located in the municipality of Itupiranga, in southeastern Amazon. Eleven areas of forests located in different properties and different levels of disturbance were selected. Within each area, plants in one plot of 500 m2, were surveyed considering three strata: upper, middle and inferior. The species were classified in five life forms: tree, scrub, liana, palm and herb; and two functional groups, the pioneer and forest species. Two houndred and eighty-six (286) species, 173 genera and 68 families were found. Most woody species (51 %) occurred in only one stratum. The richness of species was 70 % of estimated richness by Jack-nife of first order. The percentage of rare species was high, 138 species occurred in only one area. In all strata, the trees had higher density, except in inferior stratum, where the grasses were denser. The forest species, in all strata, were dominant. There was significant difference between the forest and pioneer in all forms of life, in all strata. The principal components analysis showed heterogeneity among the studied plots, forming three groups which appear to be related to the different disturbance levels.Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e analisar a composição florística e a estrutura de remanescentes florestais do Projeto de Assentamento Benfica, no município de Itupiranga, Pará. Foram selecionadas 11 áreas de florestas localizadas em diferentes propriedades e com diferentes níveis de perturbação. No interior de cada área foi inventariada a vegetação em um transecto de 500 m2, considerando três estratos: superior, médio e inferior. A vegetação foi classificada em cinco formas de vida: árvores, arbustos, lianas, palmeiras e herbáceas; e dois grupos funcionais: pioneiras e florestais. Foram encontradas 286 espécies, 173 gêneros e 68 famílias. A maioria das espécies lenhosas (51 %) ocorreu em apenas um estrato. A riqueza de espécies correspondeu a 70 % da riqueza estimada por Jack-nife de primeira ordem (J1 = 418,45). A porcentagem de espécies raras foi alta; 138 espécies ocorreram em apenas uma área. Em todos os estratos, as árvores apresentaram maior densidade, exceto no estrato inferior, onde as herbáceas foram mais densas, seguida das árvores. As espécies florestais predominaram em todos os estratos. Houve diferença significativa entre as florestais e pioneiras em todas as formas de vida, em todos os estratos. A análise de componentes principais mostrou heterogeneidade entre os transectos estudados, formando três grupos que parecem estar relacionados com os diferentes níveis de perturbações


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    In this study we analyze the floristic and structure of forest remnants in Benfica Settlement Project located in the municipality of Itupiranga, in southeastern Amazon. Eleven areas of forests located in different properties and different levels of disturbance were selected. Within each area, plants in one plot of 500 m2, were surveyed considering three strata: upper, middle and inferior. The species were classified in five life forms: tree, scrub, liana, palm and herb; and two functional groups, the pioneer and forest species. Two houndred and eighty-six (286) species, 173 genera and 68 families were found. Most woody species (51 %) occurred in only one stratum. The richness of species was 70 % of estimated richness by Jack-nife of first order. The percentage of rare species was high, 138 species occurred in only one area. In all strata, the trees had higher density, except in inferior stratum, where the grasses were denser. The forest species, in all strata, were dominant. There was significant difference between the forest and pioneer in all forms of life, in all strata. The principal components analysis showed heterogeneity among the studied plots, forming three groups which appear to be related to the different disturbance levels.Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e analisar a composi\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica e a estrutura de remanescentes florestais do Projeto de Assentamento Benfica, no munic\uedpio de Itupiranga, Par\ue1. Foram selecionadas 11 \ue1reas de florestas localizadas em diferentes propriedades e com diferentes n\uedveis de perturba\ue7\ue3o. No interior de cada \ue1rea foi inventariada a vegeta\ue7\ue3o em um transecto de 500 m2, considerando tr\ueas estratos: superior, m\ue9dio e inferior. A vegeta\ue7\ue3o foi classificada em cinco formas de vida: \ue1rvores, arbustos, lianas, palmeiras e herb\ue1ceas; e dois grupos funcionais: pioneiras e florestais. Foram encontradas 286 esp\ue9cies, 173 g\ueaneros e 68 fam\uedlias. A maioria das esp\ue9cies lenhosas (51 %) ocorreu em apenas um estrato. A riqueza de esp\ue9cies correspondeu a 70 % da riqueza estimada por Jack-nife de primeira ordem (J1 = 418,45). A porcentagem de esp\ue9cies raras foi alta; 138 esp\ue9cies ocorreram em apenas uma \ue1rea. Em todos os estratos, as \ue1rvores apresentaram maior densidade, exceto no estrato inferior, onde as herb\ue1ceas foram mais densas, seguida das \ue1rvores. As esp\ue9cies florestais predominaram em todos os estratos. Houve diferen\ue7a significativa entre as florestais e pioneiras em todas as formas de vida, em todos os estratos. A an\ue1lise de componentes principais mostrou heterogeneidade entre os transectos estudados, formando tr\ueas grupos que parecem estar relacionados com os diferentes n\uedveis de perturba\ue7\uf5es