29 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Relationship between Market Volatility and Firms Volatility on the Polish Capital Market

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    In this paper we investigate if the strength of firm-market volatility relationship has changed after subprime crisis on the Polish Capital Market. The empirical study concern the selected companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) from the construction and IT sectors in the 2004–2011 period. The volatility measures were computed on the basis of daily low and high prices for companies shares and WIG index. For each company   ARFIMAX-FIGARCH model with additional exogenous variables, which represented market volatility, was estimated in the stable and the turbulent period. Conducted empirical studies have not shown that the negative shocks flowing from the American stock market through investors' behavior channel contributed to the increase in the fraction of firms of the construction and IT sectors listed on the WSE whose volatility is shaped by market volatility

    The 2014 primary health care reform in Poland: Short-term fixes instead of a long-term strategy

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    AbstractAt the end of 2013, the Minister of Health started legislative changes directly and indirectly affecting primary health care (PHC). The reforms were widely criticised among certain groups of medical professionals, including family medicine physicians. The latter mainly criticised the formal inclusion of specialists in internal diseases and paediatrics into PHC within the statutory health care system, which in practice meant that these two groups of specialists were no longer required to specialize in family medicine from 2017 in order to enter into contracts with the public payer and would be able to set up solo PHC practices—something over which family medicine physicians used to have a monopoly. They argued that paediatricians and internists did not have the necessary professional competencies to work as PHC physicians and thus assure provision of a comprehensive and coordinated PHC. The government’s stance was that the proposed measure was necessary to assure the future provision of PHC, given the shortage of specialists in family medicine. Certain groups of medical professionals were also supportive of the proposed change. The key argument in favour was that it could improve access to PHC, especially for children. However, while this was not the subject of the critique or even a policy debate, the proposal ignored the increasing health care needs of older patients—the key recipients of PHC services. The policy was passed in the Parliament in March–April 2014 without a dialogue with the key stakeholders, which is typical of health care (and other) reforms in Poland. The strong opposition against the reform from the family medicine specialists, represented by two strong organisations, may jeopardise the policy implementation in the future

    Comparison of Physicochemical, Mechanical, and (Micro-)Biological Properties of Sintered Scaffolds Based on Natural- and Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Supplemented with Selected Dopants

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    The specific combinations of materials and dopants presented in this work have not been previously described. The main goal of the presented work was to prepare and compare the different properties of newly developed composite materials manufactured by sintering. The synthetic-(SHAP) or natural- (NHAP) hydroxyapatite serves as a matrix and was doped with: (i) organic: multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), fullerenes C60, (ii) inorganic: Cu nanowires. Research undertaken was aimed at seeking novel candidates for bone replacement biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite—the main inorganic component of bone, because bone reconstructive surgery is currently mostly carried out with the use of autografts; titanium or other non-hydroxyapatite -based materials. The physicomechanical properties of the developed biomaterials were tested by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Dielectric Spectroscopy (BSD), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), as well as microhardness using Vickers method. The results showed that despite obtaining porous sinters. The highest microhardness was achieved for composite materials based on NHAP. Based on NMR spectroscopy, residue organic substances could be observed in NHAP composites, probably due to the organic structures that make up the tooth. Microbiology investigations showed that the selected samples exhibit bacteriostatic properties against Gram-positive reference bacterial strain S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228); however, the property was much less pronounced against Gram-negative reference strain E. coli (ATCC 25922). Both NHAP and SHAP, as well as their doped derivates, displayed in good general compatibility, with the exception of Cu-nanowire doped derivates

    Zarządzanie przepływem i ochroną informacji

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationPrzedstawione wydawnictwo stanowi zasadniczy plon obrad konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej przez Katedrę Zarządzania Informacją na Wydziale Ekonomii i Zarządzania w dniach 25—26 marca 2007 roku. Ambicją organizatorów konferencji było włączenie w tok dyskusji licznych przedstawicieli praktyki gospodarczej, mediów oraz studentów. W odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do udziału w konferencji napłynęło ponad dwadzieścia referatów problemowych, z których kilka, ze względu na problematykę ściśle wiążącą się z zagadnieniami bezpieczeństwa, zostanie opublikowanych w nowym czasopiśmie naukowym Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego pt. „Problemy Bezpieczeństwa”. Autorami wszystkich przygotowanych tekstów są uznani eksperci w dziedzinie przepływu i ochrony informacji, a także młodzi pracownicy szkół wyższych i przedstawiciele praktyki gospodarczej. Patronat medialny objęły pisma o ogólnopolskim zasięgu i uznanej renomie: „Przegląd Organizacji”, „CSO Magazyn Zarządzających Bezpieczeństwem” i „Czasopismo Zabezpieczenia”. Całość rozważań Autorów podzielona została na trzy części, ściśle ze sobą powiązane. Część pierwsza grupuje teksty pod wspólnym tytułem „Przepływ, przetwarzanie i ochrona informacji we współczesnych systemach zarządzania”, część druga nosi tytuł: „Informacja jako determinanta tworzenia wartości dodanej oraz przewagi konkurencyjnej”, część trzecia zaś omawia „Zarządzanie wiedzą w wybranych dziedzinach aktywności gospodarczej i publicznej”

    A comparative study of three-dimensional printing directions: The degradation and toxicological profile of a PLA/PHA blend

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    The use of biobased plastics is of great importance for many applications. Blending thermoplastic polylactide (PLA) with polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) enables the formulation of a more mechanically powerful material and this enables tailored biodegradation properties. In this study we demonstrate the 3D printing of a PLA/PHA blend as a potential candidate for biocompatible material applications. The filament for 3D printing consisted of PHA, which contains predominantly 3-hydroxybutyrate units and a small amount of 3-hydroxyvalerate units, as revealed by multistage mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). This research found that the properties of 3D printed species before and during abiotic degradation are dependent on printing orientation. Furthermore, the 3D printed specimens exhibited good biocompatibility with HEK293 cells, indicating real promise as biological scaffolds for tissue engineering applications

    Neurological symptoms in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and their association with in-hospital mortality

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    Objectives. To evaluate the spectrum of neurological symptoms in patients with COVID-19 during the first 14 days of hospitalisation and its association with in-hospital mortality. Material and methods. We included 200 patients with RT-PCR-confirmed COVID-19 admitted to University Hospital in Krakow, Poland. In 164 patients, a detailed questionnaire concerning neurological symptoms and signs was performed prospectively within 14 days of hospitalisation. In the remaining 36 patients, such questionnaires were completed retrospectively based on daily observations in the Department of Neurology. Results. During hospitalisation, 169 patients (84.5%) experienced neurological symptoms; the most common were: fatigue (62.5%), decreased mood (45.5%), myalgia (43.5%), and muscle weakness (42.5%). Patients who died during hospitalisation compared to the remainder were older (79 [70.5–88.5] vs. 63.5 [51–77] years, p = 0.001), and more often had decreased level of consciousness (50.0% vs. 9.3%, p < 0.001), delirium (33.3% vs. 4.4%, p < 0.001), arterial hypotension (50.0% vs. 19.6%, p = 0.005) or stroke during (18.8% vs. 3.3%, p = 0.026) or before hospitalisation (50.0% vs. 7.1, p < 0.001), whereas those who survived more often suffered from headache (42.1% vs. 0%, p = 0.012) or decreased mood (51.7% vs. 0%, p = 0.003). Conclusions. Most hospitalised patients with COVID-19 experience neurological symptoms. Decreased level of consciousness, delirium, arterial hypotension, and stroke during or before hospitalisation increase the risk of in-hospital mortality

    Using policy maker program in health policy

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    Political mapping is a technique of political analysis at the service of study effectiveness, formulation and implementation of social politics targets. A computer program, Policy Maker was developed at Harvard’s University as a tool enabling practical application of mapping. It is based upon extensive theoretical grounds including a model of rational behaviour, model of public administration, model of bureaucracy, concepts of business groups, model of public option, principles of Marxist analysis and stakeholders analysis. In the past each approach was used in analyses of health sector. Policy Maker enables us or at least makes us easier to make use of the analytical and constructive potential of the technique. Researchers describing and explaining the processes in health politics, as well as political decision-makers that want to be more effective may equally collect benefits. The main aim of the authors was not only to demonstrate the tool but also to prove its usefulness in direct co-operation with leaders of the health care reforms. The starting point was to define the goals, prepared for this purpose in co-operation between the researchers and the members of the health care reforms leader group. However, it should be emphasised that the goals presented below should be regarded as ‘obligatory only in the present phase of the reform’. The following four goals were considered as most important in the implementation of the health care reform: Organisation of the negotiation process within the system Restructuring of the employment with the assumption that the increase in the number of professional workers is not the aim of the reform process Achievement of a high level of professionalism among the participants of the health care system Utilisation of external (informal) resources for the public benefit. A very important element in PM analysis is stakeholders analysis. It is a systematised way of analysing groups and individuals depending on their involvement and role in the implementation of the defined goals. One should identify all critical groups and individuals, both with respect to their true or hidden interests and general approach, which is indispensable for building up an effective coalition and strategy. The most difficult stage in analysis is working out a strategy. Policy Maker comprises two methods of strategy planning: a general set of suggested strategies to be used or adjusted, and a tool for reviewing and evaluating the information, which has already been entered to provide original solutions. Two dangers that may be encountered in the implementation of the reform emerged upon scrutiny: opposition or less than expected support due to a lack of knowledge about the reform in a large number of the participants of the health care system, and marked opposition by the key medical staff. Thus, the fundamental goal of the suggested strategy was to overcome these difficulties. In the course of work with the reform leaders the following recommendations have been proposed: 1. Provide clear interpretation of legal regulations. 2. Ensure security for the laid off persons 3. Neutralise environments of opposition 4. Provide concrete and solid information 5. Consult independent experts 6. Apply temporary solutions in POZ (Primary Care) 7. Motivate doctors to individual practice 8. Eliminate unprofitable organisations in the health care. 9. Guarantee financial benefits 10. Establish clear principles of contracting 11. Increase nurses’ scopes of authorization It should be emphasised that the strategies although worked out in co-operation with the reform leaders have never been applied and in this way the effects of the procedure have only a cognitive nature

    Chinese goldsmithing – luxury craft or luxury products?

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    Purpose: The text presents the crafts related to precious metals in terms of the importance of gold in China's economic culture; the development of jewelry manufacturing techniques and their makers, the jewelry market divided into the geographical location (within the PRC); the needs and preferences of the demand side, as well as the gender and age group of the final consumers. The aim of the article is to answer the question whether Chinese goldsmithing is associated with luxury or associated mainly with the production of luxury products. Design/methodology/approach: The research method used was desk research – an analysis of the literature and articles written by Chinese journalists based on interviews with goldsmiths. Findings: The article points out that the contemporary group of Chinese goldsmiths is very diverse. Although gold is associated with luxury and a good financial situation, the profession of a craftsman is not as closely associated with this social consciousness. Originality/value: The article presents the topic of goldsmithing, which is relatively rarely represented in the literature of economic sciences

    Zjednoczone Królestwo

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