74 research outputs found

    Способ нахождения укрупнённых железных дорог

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The author justifies the rationality of changing of the exisiting Russian network of interconnected railways [branches of JSC Russian Railways - ed. note] by enlarging certain of them under conditions when the level of their technical equipment, automation of management processes and possibilities to consolidate production resources are growing thanks to the advancement of transport and logistics system of globalization of network technologies. The proposed method of rank positioning of railways, selection of optimizing criteria evaluation is tested on systemic and provable examples. Keywords: modernization, scientific and technical progress, automated control systems, enlarged railway, methodology, approaches.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Автор обосновывает рациональность укрупнения железных дорог в условиях, когда растёт уровень их технической оснащённости, автоматизации процессов управления и возможностей консолидировать производственные ресурсы, благодаря прогрессирующей транспортно-логистической системе глобализации сетевых технологий. Предлагаемый при этом метод рангового позиционирования дорог, выбора оптимизирующих оценки критериев апробируется на системных и доказуемых примерах

    Решение транспортной задачи методом последовательного уменьшения её размерности

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The article considers the solution of the transport problem in two ways: by the method of the north-western angle and the method of the minimal element. As a result of the analysis, it is proved that the minimal element method allows to reduce the number of iterations several times. In solving complex problems of large dimension, the choice of a rational method plays a decisive role, which is demonstrated by the method of successively reducing this dimension by means of the algorithms used to optimize the distribution of shipments of goods. Keywords: transport problem, logistics, optimization, programming, decision methods, dimension, algorithms.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).В статье рассматривается решение транспортной задачи двумя способами: методом северо-западного угла и методом минимального элемента. В результате анализа доказывается, что метод минимального элемента позволяет сократить количество итераций в несколько раз. При решении сложных задач большой размерности выбор рационального метода играет определяющую роль, что и демонстрирует способ последовательного уменьшения подобной размерности посредством используемых алгоритмов оптимизации распределения поставок (перевозок) товара

    Влияние сока подорожника на проявления и исход острой интоксикации циклофосфаному крыс

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    To estimate the influence of the plantain juice on neurological manifestations of the severe acute cyclophosphamide intoxication, rats have been gavaged with 4 ml/kg plantain juice 1 h before cyclophosphamide dosing (intraperitoneally, 600 mg/kg). Within 3 h after cyclophosphamide administration, rats’ blood ammonia, glutamine and urea was increased. These alterations have been attenuated with the prophylactic administration of the plantain juice. At the background of the administration of the plantain juice the hypodynamia was less pronounced, duration of life has increased. Therefore, experimentally has been demonstrated the potency of the plantain juice usage for prophylaxis of hyperammonaemic and neurotoxic action of cyclophosphamide.Для оценки влияния сока подорожника на обмен аммиака и неврологические проявления острого тяжелого отравления циклофосфамидом крысам внутрижелудочно вводили сок подорожника в дозе 4 мл/кг за 1 ч до инъекции циклофосфамида (внутрибрюшинно, 600 мг/кг). Через 3 ч после введения циклофосфамида в крови крыс были повышены уровни аммиака, глутамина и мочевины. Эти изменения были частично коррегированы профилактическим применением сока подорожника. На фоне введения сока подорожника гиподинамия у отравленных животных была менее выражена, продолжительность жизни увеличивалась. Таким образом, экспериментально показана возможность использования сока подорожника для коррекции гипераммониемического и нейротоксического действия циклофосфамида

    Effect of the chemical composition of filter media on the microbial community in wastewater biofilms at different temperatures

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    © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry. This study investigates the microbial community composition in the biofilms grown on two different support media in fixed biofilm reactors for aerobic wastewater treatment, using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology. The chemical composition of the new type of support medium (TDR) was found to be quite different from the conventionally used support medium (stone). The analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments recovered from the laboratory scale biofilm system show that biofilm support media and temperature conditions influence bacterial community structure and composition. Greater bacterial diversity was observed under each condition, primarily due to the large number of sequences available and sustenance of rare species. There were 6 phyla found, with the highest relative abundance shown by the phylum Proteobacteria (52.71%) followed by Bacteroidetes (33.33%), Actinobacteria (4.65%), Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia (3.1%) and Chloroflex (>1%). The dataset showed 17 genera of bacterial populations to be commonly shared under all conditions, suggesting the presence of a core microbial community in the biofilms for wastewater treatment. However, some genera in the biofilms on TDR were observed in high proportions, which may be attributed to its chemical composition, explaining the improved level of wastewater treatment. The findings show that the structure of microbial communities in biofilm systems for wastewater treatment is affected by the properties of support matrix

    Upon impact: the fate of adhering <i>Pseudomonas fluorescens</i> cells during Nanofiltration

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    Nanofiltration (NF) is a high-pressure membrane filtration process increasingly applied in drinking water treatment and water reuse processes. NF typically rejects divalent salts, organic matter, and micropollutants. However, the efficiency of NF is adversely affected by membrane biofouling, during which microorganisms adhere to the membrane and proliferate to create a biofilm. Here we show that adhered Pseudomonas fluorescens cells under high permeate flux conditions are met with high fluid shear and convective fluxes at the membrane-liquid interface, resulting in their structural damage and collapse. These results were confirmed by fluorescent staining, flow cytometry, and scanning electron microscopy. This present study offers a 'first-glimpse' of cell damage and death during the initial phases of bacterial adhesion to NF membranes and raises a key question about the role of this observed phenomena during early-stage biofilm formation under permeate flux and cross-flow conditions.European Research Council (ERC

    Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis surface topographical heterogeneities: Do they matter for initial bacterial adhesion?

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    The role of the physicochemical and surface properties of NF/RO membranes influencing bacterial adhesion has been widely studied. However, there exists a poor understanding of the potential role membrane topographical heterogeneities can have on bacterial adhesion. Heterogeneities on material surfaces have been shown to influence bacterial adhesion and biofilm development. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether the presence of membrane topographical heterogeneities had a significant role during bacterial adhesion as this could significantly impact on how biofouling develops on membranes during NF/RO operation. An extensive study was devised in which surface topographical heterogeneities from two commercial membranes, NF270 and BW30, were assessed for their role in the adhesion of two model organisms of different geometrical shapes, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The influence of cross-flow velocity and permeate flux was also tested, as well as the angle to which bacteria adhered compared to the flow direction. Bacterial adhesion onto the membranes and in their surface topographical heterogeneities was assessed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), fluorescence microscopy and image analysis. Results showed that up to 30% of total adhered cells were found in membrane defect areas when defect areas only covered up to 13% of the membrane surface area. This suggests that topographical heterogeneities may play a significant role in establishing environmental niches during the early stages of biofilm development. Furthermore, no noticeable difference between the angle of cell attachment in defect areas compared to the rest of the membrane surface was found.European Research CouncilScience Foundation Irelan

    The influence of the plantain juice on the manifestations and outcome of acute cyclophosphamide intoxication in rats

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    To estimate the influence of the plantain juice on neurological manifestations of the severe acute cyclophosphamide intoxication, rats have been gavaged with 4 ml/kg plantain juice 1 h before cyclophosphamide dosing (intraperitoneally, 600 mg/kg). Within 3 h after cyclophosphamide administration, rats’ blood ammonia, glutamine and urea was increased. These alterations have been attenuated with the prophylactic administration of the plantain juice. At the background of the administration of the plantain juice the hypodynamia was less pronounced, duration of life has increased. Therefore, experimentally has been demonstrated the potency of the plantain juice usage for prophylaxis of hyperammonaemic and neurotoxic action of cyclophosphamide