91 research outputs found

    Nonlinear integral equation methods for the reconstruction of an acoustically sound-soft obstacle

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    The problem considered is that of determining the shape of a planar acoustically sound-soft obstacle from knowledge of the far-field pattern for one time-harmonic incident field. Two methods, which are based on the solution of a pair of integral equations representing the incoming wave and the far-field pattern, respectively, are proposed and investigated for finding the unknown boundary. Numerical resultsare included which show that the methods give accurate numerical approximations in relatively few iterations


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    У статті досліджено проблеми специфіки формування діалогічного мовлення іноземних студентів медичних ВНЗ України з метою набуття готовності майбутніх лікарів-іноземців до професійної діяльності. Розглянуто сфери спілкування студентів та пріоритетні форми їх діалогічного мовлення з урахуванням екстралінгвальних чинників, що впливають на мовну особистість фахівця. (The article deals with the problem of the formation of specific dialogue speech foreign medical students in order to attain Ukraine of future doctors to foreign occupation. Considered the scope and priority communication students form their dialogue speech given extralinguistic factors that influence the linguistic identity specialist.

    Effectiveness of a program of the comprehensive correction of foot arch disorders in young athletes aged 7-8 years specialised in taekwon-Do I.T.F.

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    Introduction. A number of scientists have proven the positive effect of taekwon-Do I.T.F. on the physical state of people of all ages, the state of their musculoskeletal system. However, in the scientific literature there is no data on the effectiveness of taekwon-Do I.T.F. use in the programs of correction of foot arch (FA) disorders of young athletes. Similarly, no studies have been conducted on the effect of taekwon-Do I.T.F. exercises on the development of myofacsical kinematic chain (MFKC) of the lower limb and its role in the foot maintenance and correction in foot arch disorders. The purpose is to experimentally test the effectiveness of a comprehensive program for the foot arch disorders correction of young athletes by means of taekwon-Do I.T.F. Material and method. The following instrumental methods were used in the work: plantography (baropodograph using computer device “DIERS FAAMUS” (Germany)); electroneuromyography ("Neuro-EMG-Micro" made by "Neurosoft" (Russia)); photometry; myotonometry; formative consistent pedagogical experiment; methods of statistical data processing (Statistics 6.0 (StatSoft, USA)). Young athletes aged 7–8 with FA disorders and a normal foot took part in a 12-month formative experiment. Results. The value of the Friedland index, which characterizes the functional foot reserves, increased statistically significantly among EG1 young athletes who practiced according to the program developed by us, compared with those who were training according to the traditional program – by 6.48% against 3.85%, respectively. Conclusions. Analysis of FA morphological parameters of young athletes aged 7-8 years shows that the positive changes are statistically significantly more performed in young athletes who were training in the sports center "Taekwon-Do I.T.F." on a program of comprehensive correction, which is confirmed by FA changes

    Huygens’ principle and iterative methods in inverse obstacle scattering

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    The inverse problem we consider in this paper is to determine the shape of an obstacle from the knowledge of the far field pattern for scattering of time-harmonic plane waves. In the case of scattering from a sound-soft obstacle, we will interpret Huygens’ principle as a system of two integral equations, named data and field equation, for the unknown boundary of the scatterer and the induced surface flux, i.e., the unknown normal derivative of the total field on the boundary. Reflecting the ill-posedness of the inverse obstacle scattering problem these integral equations are ill-posed. They are linear with respect to the unknown flux and nonlinear with respect to the unknown boundary and offer, in principle, three immediate possibilities for their iterative solution via linearization and regularization. In addition to presenting new results on injectivity and dense range for the linearized operators, the main purpose of this paper is to establish and illuminate relations between these three solution methods based on Huygens’ principle in inverse obstacle scattering. Furthermore, we will exhibit connections and differences to the traditional regularized Newton type iterations as applied to the boundary to far field map, including alternatives for the implementation of these Newton iterations.Fundação Calouste Gulbenkia

    Таємниця чину, або Дещо про героїзм Івана Гонти

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    The essay considers Honta’s actions as they are presented in Shevchenko's poem “Haydamaky”. The author of the essay uses comparative and hermeneutic approach. It is stated that Shevchenko exploits character of Honta for modeling Ukrainian heroic ideal of a national leader. The images of ancient heroes, such as Horace, Brutus, Valerius, Manlius, have been involved in the essay for making context.У статті в герменевтичному та компаративному планах розглянуто чин Гонти в поемі Т. Шевченка “Гайдамаки”. Указано, що поет в образі Гонти моделює український героїчний ідеал національного провідника. Для контексту залучаються образи античних героїв – Горацій, Брут, Валерій, Манлій

    Трактування характеру карпатського верховинця в поезії Петра Скунця: герменевтично-компаративні аспекти

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    The paper deals with some issues of comparative and hermeneutical interpretation of Carpathian highlander character in the poetry by Petro Skunts. As the author points out, the creative thinking of the poet is rooted in two powerful traditions: the one of boyko folklore and the national one.У статті розглядаються окремі герменевтичні та компаративні аспекти трактування характеру карпатського верховинця в поезії П. Скунця. Автор указує на дві потужні традиції в художньому мисленні поета – фольклорно-бойківську та загальнонаціональну (шевченківську)

    Початкові модуси відкривання буттєвого сенсу в поезії Євгена Маланюка

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    The interpretation of the initial modes in the early poetry by Yevhen Malaniuk was comprehended in the article from the standpoint of the natiosophic hermeneutics. It is shown that understanding, anguish, joy and horror open up essentially the national meaning of being of a lyrical protagonist and being in general.У статті з позицій націософської герменевтики осмислено витлумачення початкових модусів у ранній поезії Євгена Маланюка. Указується, що розуміння, туга, радість і жах привідкривають сутнісно національний сенс буття ліричного протагоніста та буття в цілому

    Usage of low-energy electromagnetic fields of marginal high-frequency range for reconstruction of the injured by infectious microorganisms animal skin

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    The paper is concerned with the mechanism of interaction between the electromagnetic field and the microorganisms. Currently the issue for usage of low-energy electromagnetic fields of marginal high-frequency range for reconstruction of the injured by infectious microorganisms animal skin is of great interest. The use of low-energy electromagnetic fields for restoring animal skin cover is significantly different from the existing physical and therapy procedures.The authors made the theoretical and the experimental research on updating and developing the low-energy electromagnetic technology and hardware of the electromagnetic field of high-frequency range to restore animal skin cover of infected wounds.The process of interaction between low-energy electromagnetic fields of high-frequency range in terms of infected animal skin cover is examined on the basis of the mathematic model. Particular attention was paid to theoretical aspect and cellular level analysis of the biotronic parameters of electromagnetic fields for the oppression of infectious microorganisms in wounds of animal skin cover and its effective reunion


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    The economic cost analysis of creating energy willow plantations in Ukraine is provided in the present paper. The experience of creating bioenergy willow plantations at scientific and industrial institutions in Ukraine has been used in the paper. The purpose of this scientific work is to conduct an analysis of the structure of cash expenses for the creation of bioenergy willow plantations based on the experience of various institutions of Ukraine. The analysis is based on a technological map created during the study on drained peat lands at Panfyly Research Station. Analyzing the cost structure by category, the data obtained during the creation of bioenergy willow plantations of Salix Energy LLC and the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet were also taken into account. After analyzing all the technology stages of growing bioenergy willow, it was revealed that the most expensive is the second stage associated with the preparation for planting and planting willow cuttings in the context of the pricing policy in Ukraine. In general, more than 60% of all expenses fall upon the first year of cultivation. According to the experience of Ukrainian institutions, the cost structure will have a significant shift towards planting material - 55-60%. The remaining costs are distributed during the use of equipment in the field, which constitute 26-30% and transportation costs respectively are 12-19%


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    The present study determined that the essential factor of technogenic influence on the roadside landscapes is a motor complex that leads to the alienation of large territories, destabilizing of the natural ecosystems, the disarticulation of landscapes and an irreversible transformation of nature and territorial complexes in general. The significant influence of motor transport is the exhaust emissions with Carbon (ІІ) oxide, Nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, soot (technical carbon), mineral dust, heavy metals, etc., that influence not only on the environment, but also on the health of the population. The migration and deposition of the pollutants that are produced by vehicle flows are caused by many factors of different genesis. In particular, this landscape topographic characteristics and the geochemical territory activity of natural and technogenic geo-ecosystems, structure of biocoenoses, presence of geochemical barriers (including artificially created), density, construction, transport, physical and geographical, social and economic features of transport network infrastructure, the intensity of transport flows, etc. Therefore, to ensure the environmentally safe operation of "car – road – environment" system should include a systematic approach to the development concept of the transport complex within the specific natural and man-made geo-ecosystems with developed automobile and communication networks that would provide not only its economic and transport feasibility, but also minimizing the anthropogenic transformation of natural and territorial complexes in general. To reduce eco-destructive impact we recommend to apply the developed design of forest of gas and dustproof lane road that substantially reduce the dangerous zone of influence