42 research outputs found


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    Pollen viability of eight quince cultivars (ʻLeskovackaʼ, ʻVranjskaʼ, ʻMoravaʼ, ʻPazardzijskaʼ, ʻHemusʼ, ʻAsenicaʼ, ʻPortugalʼ and ʻTriumphʼ), was studied in the two-year period (2011-2012). Testing of pollen viability was performed using two methods: the staining of pollen with acetocarmine (indirect method) and pollen germination in vitro with sucrose and agar-agar (direct method). Studied cultivars differed significantly in terms of pollen viability. The lowest percentage of stained pollen grains was detected in ʻLeskovackaʼ cultivar (70.29%) and the highest in the cultivars ʻAsenicaʼ, ʻHemusʼ and ʻTriumphʼ (over 90%). Similarly to that, the lowest percentage of pollen germination was obtained in ʻLeskovackaʼ cultivar (62.86%) and the highest in the cultivars ʻMoravaʼ, ʻAsenicaʼ, and ʻTriumphʼ (over 80%). With the exception of ʻPortugalʼ cultivar, the values of pollen viability determined by staining with acetocarmine were higher for 3-15% compared to the pollen germination in vitro. However, values obtained using these tho methods are highly positively correlated. On the basis of obtained results, the both methods can be recommended as reliable tests for pollen viability of quince, although priority should be given to the method of pollen germination in vitro, because it is more accurate. All tested cultivars are distinguished for high pollen viability, and can be successfully used as male parents in hybridization. In addition, they also can be recommended as a good pollenisers when are planting new quince orchards

    The effect of carbodiimide on push-out bond strength of fiber posts and endogenous enzymatic activity

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    BackgroundTo investigate the effect of 0.3 M 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) aqueous solution pretreatment on push-out bond strength (PBS) and matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) activity within radicular dentin when different post cementation strategies were employed.MethodsOne hundred and twenty monoradicular human teeth were endodontically treated and randomly divided into six groups, depending on the cementation strategy and root dentin pretreatment (n = 20): EAR: cementation with an etch-and-rinse adhesive (LuxaBond Total Etch, DMG) and resin cement (LuxaCore Z Dual, DMG); EAR/EDC: 1 min EDC pretreatment after etching + EAR; SE: cementation with a self-etch primer (Multilink Primer, Ivoclar Vivadent) and corresponding cement (Multilink Automix, Ivoclar Vivadent); SE/EDC: self-etch primer + EDC pretreatment + SE; SA: cementation with a universal self-adhesive cement (RelyX Universal, 3 M); SA/EDC: EDC pretreatment + SA. Slices were submitted to PBS test and interfacial nanoleakage evaluation 24 h after cementation or after thermocycling (40.000 cycles, 5-55 & DEG;C). To investigate the effect of EDC on MMPs activity, 4 additional first maxillary premolars per group were processed for in situ zymography analysis. Multivariate ANOVA and post hoc Tukey tests were used to analyze PBS values. The data from in situ zymography were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn's pairwise multiple comparison procedures (& alpha; = 0.05).ResultsThe variables "EDC pretreatment", "root region" and "thermocycling" significantly influenced PBS (p < 0.05), while the variable "cementation strategy" had no influence (p > 0.05). Thermocycling significantly reduced PBS in SE and SA groups (p < 0.05). EDC was effective in preserving PBS after artificial aging. EDC pretreatment significantly reduced enzymatic activity at baseline in EAR and SE groups, and in SA group after thermocycling (p < 0.05).ConclusionsThe use of EDC prevents the reduction of bond-strength values after artificial aging and silences endogenous enzymatic activity within radicular dentin when different cementation strategies were employed

    A configuração do nosso trabalho docente em tempos de pandemia. : Uma experiência de Pesquisa Ação Participativa na Província de Misiones

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    The experience we share is part of the Research Project: Misiones: Educational Research and Networking. Action, Reflection, Action, at the FCEQyN, UNaM. ThisProject leads to participative experiences construction and democratic and horizontal bonds among the educational agents involved. Therefore, the Participatory Action Research strategy of knowledge production was adoptedconsequently revising our own activity as educators in context. Through a critical pedagogical approach, progress was made in the 'process of enlightenment' or 'self-training' (Carr and Kemmis, 1988) of the educators involved.  As a work team, in March 2020 we found ourselves in a context of Preventive and Compulsory Social Isolation (ASPO, Spanish Acronym), which led us to rethink ourpractices as researchers. So, we asked ourselves: How did we do Action Research under these circumstances? How did we conform ourselves as a research group? How did we build pedagogical knowledge in a virtual context? What constituted our work as educators at that moment of history? In this process, we constructed PAR alternatives as we considered important to support ourselves as a research group, virtually. Consequently, we developed several strategies that implied: instances of questioning, analysis, reflection, writing, reading, systematization of situations and experiences about our teaching work. This method contributed to the development of a space of reflection andanalysis, research in and from our own practice in the context of ASPO. Our aim is to communicate the hints of self-reflection that enhance collaborative processes. We have built social empowerment, which is not only limited to thefight for better salary conditions but also the construction of other ways of thinking about action research possible. We believe that this can be a significant contribution to think about PAR in relation to the use of technologies and the new age we are facing as researchers and educators.La experiencia que compartimos se da en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación: Misiones: Investigación Educativa y Trabajo en Red. Acción, Reflexión, Acción radicado en la FCEQyN, UNaM. Este Proyecto propicia la construcción de experiencias participativas y vínculos democráticos y horizontales entre los agentes educativos involucrados. Para ello se adoptó la estrategia de Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) de producción de saberes, revisando nuestra propia actividad como educadores, en contexto. Mediante un abordaje pedagógico crítico, se avanzó en el ‘proceso de ilustración’ o ‘autoformación’ (Carr y Kemmis, 1988) de los educadores implicados.Como equipo de trabajo, en marzo de 2020 nos encontramos en un contexto de Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO), lo que nos llevó a repensar nuestras prácticas como investigadores. Entonces, nos preguntábamos ¿Cómo hacíamos IAP bajo estas circunstancias? ¿Cómo nos conformábamos como grupo de investigación? ¿Cómo construíamos saber pedagógico desde lo virtual? ¿Qué, de lo que estábamos viviendo en este momento de la historia, configuraba nuestra actividad como educadores?En ese proceso construimos alternativas de IAP, ya que considerábamos bien importante sostenernos como grupo de investigación, ahora desde la virtualidad. Para ello desarrollamos diversas estrategias que implicaron: instancias de problematización, análisis, reflexión, escritura, lecturas, sistematización de situaciones y vivencias acerca de nuestro trabajo docente. Esta modalidad propició el desarrollo de espacios de reflexión y análisis, de investigación en y desde la propia práctica en el contexto de ASPO.Nos proponemos comunicar en este trabajo, los indicios de autorreflexión potenciadores de procesos colaborativos. Hemos construido un empoderamiento social, que no se redujo solo a la lucha por mejores condiciones salariales, sino que posibilitó la construcción de otras formas de pensar la investigación acción. Consideramos que esto puede constituirse en un aporte significativo para pensar la IAP en relación con el uso de las tecnologías y los nuevos tiempos que nos atraviesan como investigadores y educadores.A experiência que compartilhamos realiza-se no âmbito do Projeto de Investigação: Missões: Investigação Educativa e Trabalho em rede. Ação, Reflexão, Ação com base na FCEQyN, UNaM. Este Projeto incentiva a construção de experiências participativas e vínculos democráticos e horizontais entre os agentes educacionais envolvidos. Para isso, foi adotada a estratégia do IAP de produção de conhecimento, revendo nossa própria atividade como educadores, em contexto. Por meio de uma abordagem pedagógica crítica, houve progresso no 'processo de ilustração' ou 'autotreinamento' (Carr e Kemmis, 1988) dos educadores envolvidos. Como equipe de trabalho, em março de 2020 nos encontrámos num contexto de Isolamento Social Preventivo e Obrigatório (ASPO do español Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio), o que nos levou a repensar as nossas práticas como pesquisadores. Então, nos perguntamos, como fazemos IAP nessas circunstâncias? Como formamos um grupo de pesquisa? Como construímos conhecimento pedagógico a partir do virtual? O que vivíamos neste momento histórico moldou nossa atividade como educadores? Nesse processo, construímos alternativas de IAP, pois consideramos muito importante nos sustentarmos como grupo de pesquisa, agora a partir da virtualidade. Para isso desenvolvemos várias estratégias que envolveram: instâncias de problematização, análise, reflexão, escrita, leituras, sistematização de situações e experiências sobre o nosso trabalho docente. Esta modalidade fomentou o desenvolvimento de espaços de reflexão e análise, de pesquisa na própria prática e a partir da própria prática no contexto da ASPO. Pretendemos comunicar neste trabalho, os indícios de autorreflexão que potencializam os processos colaborativos. Construímos um empoderamento social, que não só se reduziu à luta por melhores condições salariais, mas também possibilitou a construção de outras formas de pensar a pesquisa/ação. Consideramos que isso pode constituir uma contribuição significativa para pensar a IAP em relação ao uso das tecnologias e aos novos tempos que vivemos como pesquisadores e educadores.A experiência que compartilhamos realiza-se no âmbito do Projeto de Investigação: Missões: Investigação Educativa e Trabalho em Rede. Ação, Reflexão, Ação com base na FCEQyN, UNaM. Este Projeto incentiva a construçãode experiências participativas e vínculos democráticos e horizontais entre os agentes educacionais envolvidos. Para isso, adotou-se a estratégia do PesquisaAção Participativa (IAP, em espanhol: Investigación Acción Participativa) deprodução de conhecimento, revisando nossa própria atividade como educadores em contexto. Por meio de uma abordagem pedagógica crítica, houve progresso no'processo de ilustração' ou 'autoformação' (Carr e Kemmis, 1988) dos educadores envolvidos. Como equipe de trabalho, em março de 2020, nos encontramos em um contexto de Isolamento Social Preventivo e Obrigatório (ASPO, do espanhol: AislamientoSocial Preventivo y Obligatorio), o que nos levou a repensar as nossas práticas como pesquisadores. Então, nos perguntávamos: como fazíamos IAP nessascircunstâncias? Como formávamos um grupo de pesquisa? Como construíamos conhecimento pedagógico a partir do virtual? O que vivíamos neste momento histórico, configurava nossa atividade como educadores? Nesse processo construímos alternativas de IAP, pois considerávamos muito importante nos sustentarmos como grupo de pesquisa, a partir da virtualidade. Para isso desenvolvemos várias estratégias que envolveram: instâncias deproblematização, análise, reflexão, escrita, leituras, sistematização de situações e experiências sobre o nosso trabalho docente. Esta modalidade fomentou o desenvolvimento de espaços de reflexão e análise, de pesquisa na própria prática e a partir da mesma, no contexto da ASPO. Pretendemos comunicar neste trabalho, os indícios de autorreflexão que potencializam os processos colaborativos. Construímos um empoderamentosocial, que não se reduziu somente à luta por melhores condições salariais, mas também possibilitou a construção de outras formas de pensar a pesquisa-ação. Consideramos que isso pode constituir uma contribuição significativa para pensar a IAP em relação ao uso das tecnologias e aos novos tempos que vivemos comopesquisadores e educadores

    Antioxidant Activity of Pea Protein Hydrolysates Produced by Batch Fermentation with Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    Nine Lactobacillus strains known for surface proteinase activity were chosen from our collection and tested for their ability to grow in pea seed protein-based medium, and to hydrolyze purified pea proteins in order to produce peptides with antioxidant (AO) activity. Two strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus BGT10 and Lactobacillus zeae LMG17315, exhibited strong proteolytic activity against pea proteins. The AO activity of the pea hydrolysate fraction, MW lt 10 kDa, obtained by the fermentation of purified pea proteins with Lactobacillus rhamnosus BGT10, was tested by standard spectrophotometric assays (DPPH, ABTS, Fe3+-reducing capacity) and the recently developed direct current (DC) polarographic assay. The low molecular weight fraction of the obtained hydrolysate was separated using ion exchange chromatography, while the AO activity of eluted fractions was determined by means of a sensitive DC polarographic assay without previous concentration of samples. Results revealed that the fraction present in low abundance that contained basic peptides possessed the highest antioxidant activity. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that Lactobacillus rhamnosus BGT10 should be further investigated as a candidate strain for large-scale production of bioactive peptides from legume proteins

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    Oral health difficulties in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: Parental perception

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    Introduction/Objective Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by features that have the potential to make oral hygiene and dental appointments challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate difficulties related to oral hygiene and dental appointments that may be encountered in children and adolescents with ASD, in comparison to their typically developing peers. Methods A 48-item questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of the study and distributed to parents of children and adolescents with ASD in three specialized daycare centers, as well as to parents of typically developing children and adolescents at the Clinic for Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Belgrade, Serbia. Ninety-two questionnaires were considered and statistically analyzed in the SPSS program, using χ2 and Mann-Whitney U-test. Results The following statistically significant differences were found between children and adolescents with ASD and their typically developing peers: general difficulties in everyday oral hygiene, need of help for basic oral hygiene tasks, tooth brushing frequency, sensory difficulties related to toothbrush and toothpaste, level of anxiety prior to dental appointment, cooperation during appointment, sensory difficulties related to touch, operatory light and sound of dental unit, number of treatments under general anesthesia, and the number of refused dental treatments. Conclusion Children and adolescents with ASD face significantly more difficulties concerning everyday oral hygiene and dental appointments in comparison to their typically developing peers. Dentists' awareness of issues that are specific to this population of patients is important in order to enable quality dental care.Uvod/Cilj Poremećaji autističnog spektra (PAS) mogu biti uzrok poteškoća vezanih za održavanje oralne higijene, kao i za posete stomatologu. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrde razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vršnjaka sa aspekta održavanja oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu. Metode Upitnik od 48 pitanja distribuiran je roditeljima dece i adolescenata sa PAS u tri specijalizovana dnevna boravka, kao i roditeljima kontrolne grupe neurotipičnih vršnjaka. Devedeset dva upitnika je uzeto u obzir i statistički analizirano u programu SPSS. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike između dece i adolescenata sa PAS i njihovih tipično razvijenih vršnjaka utvrđene su u sledećim kategorijama: teškoće u svakodnevnoj oralnoj higijeni, potreba za pomoći u održavanju oralne higijene, učestalost pranja zuba, senzorne teškoće vezane za četkicu i zubnu pastu, nivo anksioznosti pre posete stomatologu, saradnja tokom stomatološkog tretmana, senzorne teškoće vezane za dodir stomatologa, svetlo i zvuk stomatološkog uređaja, broj tretmana pod opštom anestezijom i broj odbijenih stomatoloških usluga. Zaključak Deca i adolescenti sa PAS suočavaju se sa znatno većim poteškoćama u pogledu svakodnevne oralne higijene i poseta stomatologu u poređenju sa tipično razvijenim vršnjacima. Svest stomatologa o pitanjima koja su specifična za ovu populaciju pacijenata je važna kako bi se deci i adolescentima sa PAS omogućila kvalitetna stomatološka nega