97 research outputs found

    V, R, I and Halpha photometry of circumnuclear star forming regions in four galaxies with different levels of nuclear activity

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    V,R,I continuum bands and Halpha + [NII] photometry for circumnuclear star forming regions (CNSFR) is presented, for galaxies with different kinds of nuclear activity: NGC 7469 (Sy 1), NGC 1068 (Sy 2), NGC 7177 (LINER) and NGC 3310 (Starburst). Their Halpha luminosities (0.02 - 7x10**40 erg/s; uncorrected for internal extinction), are comparable to those observed in other galaxies. No systematic differences in the broad band colours are found for the CNSFR in the different galaxies, except for those in NGC 3310 which are considerably bluer, partially due to a younger stellar population. Using theoretical evolutionary synthesis models some colours can be reproduced by single populations (between 7 and 300 Myr) and extinction 0.5-1.5 mag). However, in many cases, the observed equivalent width of Halpha, require a younger population. NGC 1068, 7177 and 7469, are fitted by a two-burst population model at solar metallicity; the age difference between both populations is around 5-7 Myr and the younger burst involves 3 - 61% of the total mass of the cluster,consistent with the younger burst being originated by supernova activity from the previous one. NGC 3310, requires younger ionizing population ages and lower metallicity. An excess (R-I) observed/predicted, not consistent with a normal reddening law can be atributted to red supergiants present in the older population, and not properly accounted for by the models. The two-population scenario seems to show a trend of the evolutionary state of the CNSFR with the nuclear type of the parent galaxy that remains to be explored.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 22pages, 11 figure

    Quality of live and quality of work life in organic versus conventional farmers

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    Quality of life (QOL) and quality of work life (QOWL) play a key role in the overall concept of sustainability. In this paper we analyze QOL and QOWL variables in relation to the type of livestock farm (organic/conventional) and the use of some quality label (PDO Protected Designation of Origin, PGI Protected Geographical Indication). Data were collected through regular visits in 2011 to 70 small ruminant farms in Spain using five-point Likert items with 1-5 range. Of all the 70 farms, 6 are organics, 39 have a quality label and 17 use traditional manufacturing methods. The possession of quality labels in the small ruminant farms analyzed seems not to be related with the quality of life and work. Farmers with traditional production show higher valuation of quality of life but not of quality of work. Organic farms provide quality of life and quality of work significantly better than conventional ones

    Conjugative Coupling Proteins and the Role of Their Domains in Conjugation, Secondary Structure and in vivo Subcellular Location

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    Type IV Coupling Proteins (T4CPs) are essential elements in many type IV secretion systems (T4SSs). The members of this family display sequence, length, and domain architecture heterogeneity, being the conserved Nucleotide-Binding Domain the motif that defines them. In addition, most T4CPs contain a Transmembrane Domain (TMD) in the amino end and an All-Alpha Domain facing the cytoplasm. Additionally, a few T4CPs present a variable domain at the carboxyl end. The structural paradigm of this family is TrwB(R388), the T4CP of conjugative plasmid R388. This protein has been widely studied, in particular the role of the TMD on the different characteristics of TrwB(R388). To gain knowledge about T4CPs and their TMD, in this work a chimeric protein containing the TMD of TraJ(pKM101)and the cytosolic domain of TrwB(R388)has been constructed. Additionally, one of the few T4CPs of mobilizable plasmids, MobB(CloDF13)of mobilizable plasmid CloDF13, together with its TMD-less mutant MobB Delta TMD have been studied. Mating studies showed that the chimeric protein is functionalin vivoand that it exerted negative dominance against the native proteins TrwB(R388)and TraJ(pKM101). Also, it was observed that the TMD of MobB(CloDF13)is essential for the mobilization of CloDF13 plasmid. Analysis of the secondary structure components showed that the presence of a heterologous TMD alters the structure of the cytosolic domain in the chimeric protein. On the contrary, the absence of the TMD in MobB(CloDF13)does not affect the secondary structure of its cytosolic domain. Subcellular localization studies showed that T4CPs have a unipolar or bipolar location, which is enhanced by the presence of the remaining proteins of the conjugative system. Unlike what has been described for TrwB(R388), the TMD is not an essential element for the polar location of MobB(CloDF13). The main conclusion is that the characteristics described for the paradigmatic TrwB(R388)T4CP should not be ascribed to the whole T4CP family. Specifically, it has been proven that the mobilizable plasmid-related MobB(CloDF13)presents different characteristics regarding the role of its TMD. This work will contribute to better understand the T4CP family, a key element in bacterial conjugation, the main mechanism responsible for antibiotic resistance spread.This work was in part supported by grants from the University of the Basque Country (GIU18/229 and COLAB19/08) and the Industry Department of the Basque Government (ELKARTEK 2020 KK-2020/00007). IA-R was a pre-doctoral student supported by the Basque Government

    The pluripotency factor NANOG controls primitive hematopoiesis and directly regulates Tal1

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    Progenitors of the first hematopoietic cells in the mouse arise in the early embryo from Brachyury-positive multipotent cells in the posterior-proximal region of the epiblast, but the mechanisms that specify primitive blood cells are still largely unknown. Pluripotency factors maintain uncommitted cells of the blastocyst and embryonic stem cells in the pluripotent state. However, little is known about the role played by these factors during later development, despite being expressed in the postimplantation epiblast. Using a dual transgene system for controlled expression at postimplantation stages, we found that Nanog blocks primitive hematopoiesis in the gastrulating embryo, resulting in a loss of red blood cells and downregulation of erythropoietic genes. Accordingly, Nanog-deficient embryonic stem cells are prone to erythropoietic differentiation. Moreover, Nanog expression in adults prevents the maturation of erythroid cells. By analysis of previous data for NANOG binding during stem cell differentiation and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, we found that Tal1 is a direct NANOG target. Our results show that Nanog regulates primitive hematopoiesis by directly repressing critical erythroid lineage specifiers.This work was supported by the Spanish government (grant BFU2014-54608-P and BFU2017-84914-P to MM; grants RYC-2011-09209 and BFU-2012-35892 to JI). The Gottgens and Nichols laboratories are supported by core funding from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome and MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MINECO) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)S

    Validity and reproducibility of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire in Spanish preschoolers - The SENDO project

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    Introduction: nowadays, it is important to determine whether food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) are valid tools to collect information on usual diet in children. Objective: we evaluated the reproducibility and validity of the semi-quantitative FFQ used in a Spanish cohort of children aged 4-7 years. Methods: to explore its reproducibility, parents filled a 138-item FFQ at baseline (FFQ-0) and then one year later (FFQ-1). To explore its validity, the FFQ-1 was compared with four weighed 3-day dietary records (DRs) that were used as standard of reference. To estimate associations we calculated deattenuated Pearson’s correlation coefficients to correct for season-to-season variability, and the Bland-Altman index. We also calculated the weighted kappa index and assessed participant’s gross misclassification across quintiles. We analyzed data from 67 (for reproducibility) and 37 (for validity) children aged 4-7 years old, recruited by the pilot study of the SENDO project. Results: regarding reproducibility, we found mean Bland-Altman indexes of 0-10.45 % for nutrients and 1.49 %-10.45 % for foods. The adjusted r ranged between 0.29 and 0.71, and between 0.27 and 0.74 for nutrients and foods, respectively. Regarding validity, we found mean Bland-Altman indexes of 0 %-16.22 % and 0 %-10.81 % for nutrients and for food groups, respectively. The deattenuated r ranged between 0.38 and 0.81 for nutrients, and between 0.53 and 0.68 for foods. The weighted kappa index for agreement across quintiles ranged from 54.1 to 85.1 for nutrients, and from 55.4 to 78.4 for food groups. Conclusions: our results showed acceptable levels of both reproducibility and validity, and that the ad-hoc developed FFQ is a valid tool for assessing usual diet in Spanish preschoolers.Introducción: es importante determinar si los cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (CFCA) son herramientas válidas para recopilar información sobre la dieta habitual en los niños. Objetivo: evaluar la reproducibilidad y validez del CFCA semi-cuantitativo de una cohorte española de niños de 4 a 7 años. Métodos: en total se estudiaron 67 (para reproducibilidad) y 37 (para validez) niños de 4 a 7 años de edad del estudio piloto del proyecto SENDO. Para explorar la reproducibilidad, los padres cumplimentaron el CFCA basalmente (CFCA-0) y al año (CFCA-1). Para explorar la validez, el CFCA-1 se comparó con cuatro registros dietéticos (DR) pesados de 3 días. Calculamos coeficientes de correlación de Pearson desatenuados para corregir la variabilidad inter-estacional, y el índice de Bland-Altman. El índice kappa ponderado permitió evaluar la clasificación errónea de los participantes entre quintiles. Resultados: respecto a la reproducibilidad, encontramos índices promedio de Bland-Altman de 0-10,45 % para los nutrientes y de 1,49-10,45 % para los alimentos. La r ajustada varió entre 0,29 y 0,71, y entre 0,27 y 0,74 para nutrientes y alimentos, respectivamente. En cuanto a la validez, encontramos índices promedio de Bland-Altman de 0-16,22 % y 0-10,81 % para nutrientes y alimentos, respectivamente. La r desatenuada osciló entre 0,38 y 0,81 para los nutrientes y entre 0,53 y 0,68 para los alimentos. El índice kappa ponderado para el acuerdo entre quintiles varió entre 54,1 y 85,1 para los nutrientes y entre 55,4 y 78,4 para los grupos de alimentos. Conclusiones: nuestros resultados mostraron niveles aceptables tanto de reproducibilidad como de validez. El FFQ desarrollado ad hoc es una herramienta válida para evaluar nutrientes y alimentos en preescolares españoles

    Safety and Biocompatibility of a New High-Density Polyethylene-Based Spherical Integrated Porous Orbital Implant: An Experimental Study in Rabbits

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    Purpose. To evaluate clinically and histologically the safety and biocompatibility of a new HDPE-based spherical porous orbital implants in rabbits. Methods. MEDPOR (Porex Surgical, Inc., Fairburn, GA, USA), OCULFIT I, and OCULFIT II (AJL Ophthalmic S.A., Vitoria, Spain) implants were implanted in eviscerated rabbis. Animals were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=4 each) according to the 3 implant materials tested and 2 follow-up times of 90 or 180 days. Signs of regional pain and presence of eyelid swelling, conjunctival hyperemia, and amount of exudate were semiquantitatively evaluated. After animals sacrifice, the implants and surrounding ocular tissues were processed for histological staining and polarized light evaluation. Statistical study was performed by ANOVA and Kaplan-Meier analysis. Results. No statistically significant differences in regional pain, eyelid swelling, or conjunctival hyperemia were shown between implants and/or time points evaluated. However, amount of exudate differed, with OCULFIT I causing the smallest amount. No remarkable clinical complications were observed. Histological findings were similar in all three types of implants and agree with minor inflammatory response. Conclusions. OCULFIT ophthalmic tolerance and biocompatibility in rabbits were comparable to the clinically used MEDPOR. Clinical studies are needed to determine if OCULFIT is superior to the orbital implants commercially available

    Influence of the Seasonal Thermocline on the Vertical Distribution of Larval Fish Assemblages Associated with Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Spawning Grounds

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    Temperature is often an important variable influencing the vertical position of fish larvae in the water column. The same species may show different vertical distributions in areas with a strong near-surface seasonal thermocline compared to isothermal near-surface regions. In areas with a strong surface thermocline, tuna larvae show a significant preference for the near-surface warmer layers. Little is known regarding larval tuna vertical distribution in isothermal waters and on the vertical distribution of the associated larval fish assemblages. We conducted vertical stratified sampling using the same methodology and fishing device (MOCNESS) in the two major spawning areas of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT): western Mediterranean Sea (MED), characterized by a surface thermocline, and the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) which lacks thermal stratification. Tuna larvae occupied the upper 30 m in both areas, but the average larval depth distribution was consistently deeper in the GOM. In the MED, vertical distribution of larval fish assemblages was explained by temperature, and species such as BFT, Thunnus alalunga, and Ceratoscopelus maderensis, among others, coexist above the thermocline and are separated from species such as Cyclothone braueri and Hygophum spp. (found below the thermocline). In the GOM, the environmental correlates of the vertical distribution of the larvae were salinity and fluorescence. Mesopelagic taxa such as Ceratoscopelus spp. and Cyclothone spp., among others, had a shallower average distribution than Lampanyctus spp., Hygophum spp., and Myctophum spp.Versión del edito