530 research outputs found

    Construction of a Spatial Housing Price Index by Estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System

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    The aim of this article is to build a spatial housing price index for the Chilean communes (the commune political body similar to a municipality or county). The first step is to recover hedonic prices of three housing attributes by estimating a mixed index model (Bowden, 1992) using a generalized method of moments procedure. Secondly, a censored almost ideal demand system (Deaton and Muellbauer, 1980) is estimated to build expenditures for every commune and to compare them among different spatial units, while maintaining a constant utility level. Using micro data from the 2009 CASEN survey, we show that there are important differences in housing prices among Chilean communes and the axiomatic approach tends to understate spatial index compared to economic approach.spatial housing price index, mixed index, demand system with censored data, economic approach

    Pretendo amar a los demás como a mí mismo: la escuela como lugar de ciudadanía

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    [Abstract] Present is always the result of an accumulation of different historical ages. Inside any social group, persons living together but belongig to different age cohorts have also different ideas about social reproduction. Regarding ethics, two great para.. dign1s coexist in the present: economy, that's directed to maxiluizing profit, and generates contradictions between individuals and social groups; religion, that tries to overcome those contradictions by developin.g ideas of solidarity. The author of this paper has developed social research about inforlual and formal education. He argues in favour of a non..authoritarian pedagogy, resulting of interaction between thougtful persons, on the basis of introspection, the use of comparative luethod, and the opening of school to social reality.[Resumen] El presente es el resultado de una acumulación de épocas históricas, generándo.. se una "estratigrafía" que se puede reconocer en la diversidad de ideas que animan a personas pertenecientes a las distintas cohortes de edad que coponen cualquier grupo familiar o local. En el terreno de la ética, dos grandes paradigmas recorren la historia del pensamiento occidental y se entrecruzan en el presente: la econolnía, dirigida a maximizar el lucro, que genera contradicciones entre individuos y grupos sociales; la religión, que más allá de la metáfora de la divinidad, intenta superar estas contradicciones sistel11.atizando ideas de solidaridad. El autor reflexiona sobre las diferencias entre el sistema educativo informal y formal. La reforma educativa debe.. ría basarse en una pedagogía no autoritaria, resultado de la interacción entre seres hUlnanos reflexivos, basada en el método comparativo y en la apertura de la escue.. la a la realidad social

    El imaginario del Holocausto en la memoria social de las dictaduras latinoamericanas

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    The reconstruction of everyday life for political prisoners, starting with the cases of violations of Human Rights in Chile and Uruguay, implies resorting to memory -with its plurality, diversity and hesitations- as the major source of understanding that contributes to recreating and reassigning the images evoked. Acknowledging the reality and the memory that reconstruct them as social constructs, including the realizations of common sense, the text warns against the processes of transfer and deformations present in the testimonies, illustrating this phenomenon the presence of the Holocaust imaginary in the testimonies of political prisoners in the Southern Cone of Latin America.La reconstrucción de la cotidianidad en la prisión política, a partir de casos de violaciones a los dd.hh. en Chile y Uruguay, supone recurrir a la memoria -con su pluralidad, diversidad y vacilaciones- como la principal fuente de conocimiento que contribuye a recrear y a resignificar los espacios evocados. Entendiendo la realidad y la memoria que la reconstruye como construcciones sociales, que incluyen el conocimiento de sentido común, el texto advierte sobre los procesos de transferencias y deformaciones presentes en los testimonios ilustrando esto con la presencia del imaginario del Holocausto en los testimonios de prisión política del cono sur de América Latina

    Content Analysis on Hispanic Populations Across Marriage and Family Therapy Journals

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    There is ambiguity on what kind of coverage of Hispanic populations in counseling journals is often used by couple/marriage and family therapists (C/MFTs) and researchers. The aims of this study are to identify how these journals consider Hispanic populations and what advice is provided when working with Hispanic populations. An explanatory sequential mixed method content analysis study was conducted. The first quantitative stage used descriptive statistics to analyze 17 journals’ articles between 2011-2020 regarding the type of research designs used, the frequency of articles that fit the inclusion criteria for the study, and the use of psychosocial terms (i.e., acculturation, discrimination, immigration, mental health, substance use, and family cohesion) in the articles’ components (i.e., title, abstract, and keywords). Statistics were used to determine the relationship strength between the psychosocial terms and journals and articles’ components. A random sample from the quantitative data was used to select articles for the quota sampling for qualitative thematic analysis, followed by mixed-method integration and interpretation. This study\u27s analysis of the included articles demonstrated that the most frequently used research design is quantitative. Almost five percent of all the articles published in 17 journals over ten years mentioned Hispanic or relative terms in the articles\u27 components. The articles\u27 components, on average, did not mention the psychosocial terms though the terms either had a moderate or strong relationship. The qualitative thematic analysis supported the majority of the psychosocial terms. Two psychosocial terms, substance use and family cohesion, had divergent findings. The qualitative thematic analysis and mixed-method results indicated the need for C/MFTs and researchers to increase knowledge of Hispanic cultural values and oppression and create more research on Hispanic populations. The results indicate a small number of articles on Hispanic populations published in journals that C/MFTs often use as a resource. The existing ones report on the importance of understanding Hispanic populations\u27 cultural values and the multiple stressors they experience, increasing knowledge on oppression, and producing more research on Hispanic populations

    Arbitraje y mediación : los medios jurídicos tras el conflicto del Beagle

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    La historia bilateral chileno – argentina está marcada por el uso de medios pacíficos de solución de controversias, las cuales han primado por sobre la guerra en los problemas de límites. En la década del setenta, se dio uno de los puntos más álgidos de conflicto bilateral entre Chile y Argentina por las islas del canal del Beagle, en la zona austral, donde uno de los medios utilizados, el Arbitraje Británico, que había sido realizado en ocasiones anteriores, fue considerado un agravio por una de las partes, Argentina, provocando una escalada de insospechadas consecuencias, que motivaron una segunda opción, la Mediación de Juan Pablo II. En el presente artículo se explicara en qué consistieron ambos métodos, sus principales características y como ellos evitaron una guerra en el Cono Sur de América al actuar como los canales de entendimiento de ambos países.The bilateral History Chilean- Argentina is marked by the use of peaceful means of settling disputes, which have predominated over the war on problems of limits. In the seventies, there was one of the high points of bilateral conflict between Chile and Argentina over the Beagle Channel islands, in the southern area, where one of the means used, the British Arbitration had been made at times above, was considered an affront by one party, Argentina, causing an escalation of unexpected consequences, which prompted a second option, the Mediation of John Paul II. This article will explain that consisted of both methods, its main characteristics and how they avoided a war in the Southern Cone of America acting as channels of understanding of both countries.Fil: Manzano Iturra, Karen Isabel. Universidad de Concepción (Chile

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    Herbal extracts differentially inhibit oxidative effects caused by the biotransformation of nifurtimox, nitrofurantoin and acetaminophen on rat liver microsomes

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    Inflammation is a cellular defensive mechanism associated to oxidative stress. The administration of nitrofurantoin, nifurtimox and acetaminophen generates oxidative stress by their biotransformation through CYP450 system. The main adverse effect described for the first two drugs is gastrointestinal inflammation and that of the last, hepatitis. Therefore, standardised dry extracts from Rosmarinus officinalis, Buddleja globosa Hope, Cynara scolymus L., Echinacea purpurea and Hedera helix were tested to evaluate their capacity to decrease drug-induced oxidative stress. For that, rat liver microsomes were incubated with drugs in the presence of NADPH (specific CYP450 system cofactor) to test oxidative damage on microsomal lipids, thiols, and GST activity. All drugs tested induced oxidation of microsomal lipids and thiols, and inhibition of GST activity. Herbal extracts prevented these phenomena in different extension. These results show that antioxidant phytodrugs previously evaluated could alleviate drugs adverse effects associated to oxidative stress

    Autorregulación del aprendizaje en estudiantes de 4 ° años medios de las especialidades Técnicos-Profesionales y Humanístico-Científico del Instituto Comercial de Linares y Liceo Abate Molina de Talca.

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    64 p.La presente investigación, buscó identificar los niveles de autorregulación del aprendizaje de los estudiantes de cuarto año de enseñanza media de dos modalidades distintas, la educación Humanístico-Científico y Técnico-Profesional. Además de ello, trató de identificar si existían diferencias significativas entre las puntuaciones de estudiantes hombres y mujeres, así como también conocer la relación existente entre estos puntajes y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Para lograr este propósito, se debió efectuar una validación de constructo de las escalas del Inventario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Estudio (LASSI, por sus siglas en inglés), instrumento utilizado. Para ello, se aplicó este instrumento a 363 alumnos de dos establecimientos de la región del Maule. Los resultados indicaron en primer lugar, un adecuado nivel de ajuste de las escalas del Inventario, a excepción de la escala de Estrategias de Estudio. En segundo lugar, se pudo apreciar que los niveles de autorregulación del aprendizaje son similares en ambos establecimientos educacionales, que las alumnas presentaron mejores puntajes en la dimensión de autorregulación que los alumnos, lo que podría deberse a la mayor utilización de estrategias de planificación que los hombres. Finalmente y en coherencia con otras investigaciones hemos encontrado una asociación entre autorregulación del aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico
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