206 research outputs found


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    Golongan balita adalah paling rawan dan menderita bila terjadi krisis ekonomi terutama ancaman status gizinya sehingga dikhawatirkan muncul missing link I lost generation .Apabila bila ditunjang dengan kasus balita kurang energi dan protein (KEP).Sebagai antisipasi dampak ancaman status gizi dan kesehatan pada kelompok balita KEP,pemerintah Kabupaten Boyolali melalui program APBD II mempunyai program yang salah satu kegiatanya adalah PMT- P dengan sasaran anak balita (12-36 bulan) dengan memberikan suplemen gizi 360-430 kalori dan 9-11 gram protein dengan biaya Rp 1.500,- per orang perhari.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perubahan status gizi anak umur 12-36 bulan sebelum dan sesudah PMT- P. Penelitian ini termasuk Pra eksperimental dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Pre and Post Test One Group Only .Populasi sekaligus sampel adalah semua anak yang berumur 12-36 bulan dengan kasus KEP yang berjumlah 52 anak.Hasil pengolahan dan analisis data dibantu dengan komputer soft ware SPSS Versi 10.0.Uji statistik dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh PMT- P terhadap perbedaan status gizi anak sebelum dan sesudah dengan t-test for paired sample . Dari penelitian ini didapat kesimpulan bahwa status gizi anak sebelum dan sesudah berdasarkan indeks BB/U ada peningkatan rata-rata nilai z skor sebesar 0.18,demikian juga pada indeks BB/PB ada peningkatan sebesar 0.47.Namun nilai rata-rata z skor pada PB/U mengalami penurunan sebesar 0.52.Agar ada kesinambungan dalam pemberian PMP- P program APBD II. Kata Kunci: PMT- P Program APBD II,Status gizi,anak umur 12-36 bulan THE EFFECT OF RECOVERY ADDITIONAL FOOD GIVING (PMT- P)AGAINST THE CHANGES OF BALITA,S NUTRIENTOF KEP AGED 12 TO 36 MONTHS AT THE PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER AREA OF SAMBI II,BOYOLALI REGENCY The group of balita is the group that most seriously affected and suffered when the ecomomic crisis happen,particularly his/her nutrient status threat,so that there will appear a missing link/lost generation .Moreover,if this is supported by the case of Balita who less of Energy and Protein (KEP).As the anticipation against the effect of nutrient status and health threat in the balita group of KEP,the Government of Boyolali Regency through the APBD II Program has program which one of those is PMT- P with the target of balita/children under five (12-36 months) by giving nutrient supplement in the amount of 360 - 430 calories and 9 - 11 grams of protein which cost Rp 1.500,00 per person per day.The aim of this research is to know the change of nutrient status of children age 12-36 months before and after PMT- P. This research is included in Pra Experimental by using the research design of Pre and Post test One Group Only .The population and also the sample is all children aged 12-36 months with the case of KEP in the amount of 52 children.The result of data processing and analysis was assisted by software computer SPSS 10.0 version.Statistical test was conducted to examine the effect of PMT- P against the difference of children,s nutrient status before and after with t-test for paired sample . From this research,it can concluded that the children,s nutrient status before and after based on the index of BB/u increases with the average of children nutrient of z score is in the amount of 0,18,and also there is an increasing in index of BB/PB in the amount 0,47.However there is a reducing of z score average value in PB/U in the amount of 0,52 in order to make a continuity in giving PMP- P of APBD II Program. Keyword: PMT- P of APBD II Program,nutrient status,children aged 12-36 month

    Implementation of Welding Production Unit Learning Model for Students’ Entrepreneurial Preparedness of Public Vocational High School

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    Vocational High Schools are expected to produce graduates able to create job vacancies and produce competitive job seekers. For this purpose, they need a special curriculum. One of the applicable learning methods relevant to the need is the creation of production units. By having practical experience in a business unit, vocational students are expected to have a motivation to make entrepreneurial endeavors so that vocational graduates are able to work professionally in the industrial world and work independently as entrepreneurs. This research was a descriptive using the qualitative approach. The data were collected by holding interviews to describe the effectiveness of the production unit of a welding workshop in indicating the entrepreneurial preparedness of the students of Public Vocational High School (PVHS) 2 Tulungagung. The research result showed that the implementation of the learning model for welding production unit affected students’ interest in entrepreneurship and preparedness for it. As many as 55.88 percent of respondents expressed their readiness for entrepreneurship after graduation. However, the welding production unit of PVHS 2 Tulungagung still needed evaluation and improvement especially in their marketing, students’ involvement and the management of financial administratio


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    Abstract: Developing Learning Materials Based on Training Within Industry (TWI) to Improve the Building Construction Student’s Learning Outcomes.This second study aims to test significances differences between (1) using teaching materials with TWI method and the conventional method; (2) the high achievement motivation students and the low achievement motivation students; and (3) learning structures (TWI method and conventional method) and the high achievement motivation and the low achievement motivation toward the students’ learning outcomes. This study is an experimental research for students who take the Bricklaying and Concrete Practice lesson in an academic year. The hypothesis test uses two-way variance analysis (ANAVA) to find out the differences in the mean between cells (A and B). The results showed that there were significant differences in the students’ learning outcome be­tween (1) the TWI teaching materials and conventional method; (2) the students who have the high achievement motivation and the students who have the low achievement motivation. Furthermore, there were significant interactions between factor of giving the vocational work practices and motivation to­ward the students’ learning outcomes


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan pembentukan dan peningkatan kemampuan profesional mengajar. Mahasiswa PPL dilatih untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai tenaga keguruan dan atau kependidikan yang memiliki nilai sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi guru yang profesional. Fokus kegiatan adalah hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan usaha peningkatan kualitas pendidikan disekolah, baik yang berupa berbagai kegiatan yang bakal dilaksanakan dikelas maupun saat diluar kelas yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung menunjang peningkatan kualitas pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam PPL antara lain kegiatan persiapan, kegiatan praktik pelaksanaan mengajar, dan kegiatan evaluasi praktik mengajar. Kegiatan persiapan meliputi observasi pembelajaran dilakukan saat Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar berlangsung. Kegiatan praktik mengajar dilaksanakan di kelas X, XI, XII AP , X, XI, XII AK, X, XI, XII JB, setiap hari Selasa sampai Sabtu dari jam 1,2 dan 3,4, kecuali pada hari Rabu dan Sabtu hanya pada jam 1 dan 2 saja. Seluruh kegiatan PPL dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan lancar meskipun ada sedikit hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya. Namun demikian, hambatan tersebut dapat teratasi berkat hubungan dengan guru pembimbing, pihak sekolah dan sarana prasarana yang mendukung dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Sehingga mahasiswa PPL mendapatkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang banyak untuk mempersiapkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengajar untuk digunakan ketika akan menjadi seorang guru yang profesional nantinya


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    Stasiun Karantina Ikan Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan Aceh (SKIPM) merupakan salah satu instansi di bawah Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikan (KKP) yang melaksanakan pelayanan pengeluaran sertifikat kesehatan ikan. SKIPM Aceh beralamat di Jalan Raya Bandara Sultan Iskandar Muda Blang Bintang Aceh Besar. Penulis Melaksanakan Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) di Stasiun Karanntina Ikan Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan Aceh selama 2 bulan sejak tanggal 12 Februari sampai dengan 12 April 2018. Pelaksanaan Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) tersebut di mulai dari pukul 08.00 s.d 16.30 WIB.Tujuan penulisan Laporan Kerja Praktek (LKP) ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persyaratan ekspor ikan sebelum melakukan pengiriman ke luar negeri yang di keluarkan oleh SKIPM Aceh dan bagaimana prosedur perhitungan, pelaporan, dan penyetoran PNBP (Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak), apakah telah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang undangan yang berlaku. Syarat yang wajib dipenuhi oleh eksportir sebelum melakukan ekspor ikan adalah: (1) harus melengkapi sertifikat kesehatan apabila di persyaratkan oleh negara tujuan, (2) harus melalui tempat-tempat pengeluaran yang telah ditetapkan, (3) dilaporkan dan diserahkan kepada petugas karantina di tempat pemasukan untuk keperluan tindakan karantina, (4) harus dilengkapi izin/ Rekomendasi SAT-LN dari Direktorat Jenderal PHKA Kementerian. Tata cara perhitungan untuk sertifikat, uji sample, dan surat perintah muat adalah dengan langsung dikalikan 1 Rp dengan tarif masing-masing. Untuk pelaporan bisa langsung datang kepada pegawai SKIPM yang sedang bertugas dan untuk penyetoran wajib setor datang ke loket atau teller, atau bisa juga melalui sistem elektronik lainnya seperti ATM (automatic tellermachine), internet banking, dan EDC (elektronic data capture)


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    Implementation of Legal Aid Post (Posbakum) by the District Court includes three (3) the scope of legal services in accordance with the provisions contained in the Perma No. 1 Year 2014. Those 3 scopes are services of fee waiver, and the holding of the trial outside the court building and providing Posbakum Court. In connection with the implementation of this Posbakum actually State Court only provides room facilities to Posbakum for three Legal Aid Provider or accredited lawyers organization. As for the legal aid fund handling each case will be filed by the Court through the Lokal Office of Kemenkumham. However, this does not mean that the facilitator function can be ignored, considering this Posbakum takes place in the Court, it is noteworthy that there is a special mandate from the State Officials to the Court in order to succeed the free legal services for the poor. Therefore, it can also be expected that the presence of the Posbakum in the Court can erode the negative and scary stigma on the Court for the general public. Keywords: Court, Legal Aid, the Poo

    Effectivity of ozone water application on the socket after posterior tteeth extraction to accelerate clotting time phase

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    After tooth extraction, dentists always place sterile tampons on the extracted socket to stop bleeding, to prevent infection and to reduce patients’ discomfort. Ozone is a biocompatible, bactericidal gas that can accelerate the healing of wounded soft tissue. In addition, it comes up with hemostasis effect to stop bleeding and may accelerate the clotting time and wound healing. Another advantage of ozone therapy is that it can be treated without making any trauma. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectivity of ozone water application in the socket to accelerate clotting time phase after posterior teeth extraction in 3 minutes, 6 minutes, and 10 minutes. This research was clinical experimental research with post-test only control group design. The research sampling was done through non-probability sampling. Then, sample was divided into two groups, each of which consisted of 15 patients treated with ozone tampons and 15 patients treated with sterile tampons after tooth extraction. Data were analyzed using chi-square test, and results showed a significant difference between the two groups. Ozone tampons show better result in accelerating clotting time after posterior teeth extraction than sterile tampons

    Kompetensi Lulusan Smk Program Keahlian Teknik Bangunan Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Konstruksi Batu dan Beton yang Dibutuhkan Industri Jasa Konstruksi di Jawa Timur

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    This research aims at investigating predominant factors of competent graduates SMK TBB required by construction service industry in East Java. This study was using a descriptive design in which each variable was analysed using Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA). The unit analysis within this study is a construction service industry compliance agent. This study used a cluster sampling technique in which the sample was obtained gradually from the small area to the wider area. The instrument of this study used likert scale and further was measured and translated as a variable indicator. The result of this study showed that the knowledge competence of SMK TBB graduates within the small scale requires an understanding of concrete aggregate quality and construction management in the field such as drawing up a schedule of material management, labor, equipment, and time estimation construction until construction report. Within the intermediate scale, it requires an understanding of slump test method, material USAge, and concrete construction. While within the high scale, it requires an understanding of aggregate quality, concrete construction, and management construction.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan dari kompetensi lulusan SMK TBB yang dibutuhkan industri jasa konstruksi di Jawa Timur. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, dimana masing-masing variabel akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa industri jasa konstruksi yang bergerak di bidang pelaksana. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah cluster sampling, pengambilan sampel ditetapkan secara bertahap dari wilayah yang luas sampai ke wilayah terkecil. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket dengan skala likert yang akan diukur dan dijabarkan menjadi indikator variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pengetahuan lulusan SMK TBB pada skala kecil dibutuhkan pemahaman mengenai mutu agregat beton dan mengelola pekerjaan konstruksi di lapangan, seperti pembuatan jadwal pengelolaan material, tenaga kerja, peralatan dan waktu pekerjaan konstruksi sampai dengan pelaporan pekerjaan. Skala menengah dibutuhkan pemahaman mengenai tata cara pengujian slump, penggunaan material, dan pekerjaan konstruksi beton. Skala besar dibutuhkan pemahaman mengenai mutu agregat, pekerjaan konstruksi beton, dan pengelolaan pekerjaan


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    The implementation of ISO 9001: 2000 in productive learning of building engineering sector in vocational education. The objtective of this study was to uncover the barriers to implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in productive learning. The study was designed using multisite study design. Tecniques of collecting the data were interview, observation to partici­pants, and documentation test. The result of the study are: (1) Implementation of the ISO 9001: 2000 in productive learning of  building engineering sector relates to the implementation of the concept of P-D-C-A in the ISO quality management system; (2) the barriers in implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in pro­ductive learning include low awareness level, inconsistencies, and disobedience; and (3) efforts to overcome the barriers to implementation of ISO 9001:2000 in produc­tive learning involve building the shared commitment, socialization in order to create together awareness, supervising, and doing the preventive action.Implementasi ISO 9001: 2000 pada Pembelajaran Produktif Bidang Keahlian Bangunan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Penelitian ini bermaksud meng­ungkap lebih mendalam tentang, imple­men­­­tasi, hambatan-hambatan, dan upaya-upaya dalam mengatasi ham­batan penerap­an ISO 9001: 2000 pada pembelajaran produktif. Penelitian ini diran­cang dengan menggunakan rancangan studi multisitus. Teknik pengum­pulan data meliputi wawan­cara, observasi partisipan, dan studi dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian adalah: (1) Penerapan ISO 9001: 2000 pada pem­belajaran pro­duktif teknik bangunan mengacu pada konsep P-D-C-A ke dalam sistem manajemen mutu ISO; (2) hambatan implementasi ISO 9001: 2000 pada pem­bel­ajaran produktif meliputi tingkat kesadaran rendah, inkonsistensi, dan ketidak­taatasasan; dan (3) upaya mengatasi hambatan dalam implementasi ISO 9001: 2000 pada pembelajar­an produk­tif meliputi membangun komitmen bersama, sosialisasi dalam rangka me­num­buhkan kesadaran bersama (awareness), supervisi, dan melakukan usaha preventif (preventif action)
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