173 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat persepsi petani P3A terhadap pengelolaan irigasi di Bandar Sawah Padang, Kabupaten Solok Selatan. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif.Variabel penelitian terdiri dari variabel bebas, yaitupersepsipetani, danvariabelterikat, meliputi perolehan air, alokasi air, sistem pemeliharaan, pengadaan sumberdaya, dan penanganan konflik.Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Persepsi petani terhadap pengelolaan perolehan air oleh P3A, terdapat 92% responden mengatakan P3A mempermudah petani dalam memperoleh air irigasi, sementara 8% menyatakan tidak. Selain itu, 87% responden mengatakan P3A menyediakan air dalam jumlah yang besar, sementara 13% responden menyatakan P3A menyediakan air dalam jumlah yang tidak besar, 2) Persepsi petani terhadap pengelolaan alokasi air oleh P3A, 92% responden menyatakan P3A selalu mendistribusikan air pada setiap petani tanpa pembedaan, sementara 8% menyatakan sebaliknya. Selain itu, terdapat 91% petani menyatakan alokasi distribusi penggunaan air memperhitungkan ketersediaan dan kebutuhan air, sementra 9% responden menyatakan tidak seharusnya seperti itu, 3) Persepsi petani terhadap sistem pemeliharaan irigasi, terdapat 7% petani setuju jika sistem pemeliharaan saluran irigasi selalu dilakukan secara gotong royong, sisanya 93% responden tidak setuju. Selain itu, 7% responden menyatakan P3A selalu mendorong petani ikut serta melakukan pemeliharaan dan merawat sistem saluran irigasi, sementara 93% lainnya tidak setuju, 4) Persepsi petani terhadap sistem pengelolaan pengadaan sumber daya untuk pemeliharaan saluran irigasi, 7% responden setuju jika P3A menghimpun tenaga kerja untuk pemeliharaan irigasi, sementara 93% responden tidak setuju. Selain itu, 3% responden menyatakan P3A perlu menghimpun dana melalui iuran kepada petani untuk pemeliharaan irigasi, sementara 97% responden tidak setuju dengan adanya iuran, dan 5) Persepsi petani terhadappengelolaan konflik dalam pengalokasian air irigasi, dimana 100% responden setuju jika P3A menampung dan menengahi perselisihan akibat alokasi air. Selain itu, 86% responden setuju jika P3A tidak memberikan air irigasi selain untuk pertanian, sementara 14% tidak setuju, alasannyaair irigasi dapat juga digunakan untuk keperluan minum ternak, mencuci, dan lainnya. Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Petani, Irigasi, Bandar Sawah Padang PERCEPTIONS OF FARMERS ON IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT ON BANDAR SAWAH PADANG KABUPATEN SOLOK SELATAN Amri Ismail (1021202157) (under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Nursyirwan Effendi, and Dr.Ir Osmet, M.Sc.) Study Program Regional and Rural Development Graduate Program, Andalas University ABSTRACT This study aims to look at the perception of farmers on irrigation management P3A in irrigation area of Bandar Sawah Padang, South Solok. This research is a quantitative research. Variabel consisted of independent variabels, are perception of farmers, and dependent variabel, includes water acquisition, water allocation, system of maintenance, procurement of resources, and conflict handling. Analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that: 1) Perception of farmers on the acquisition of water management by P3A, there are 92% of respondents said that P3A facilitate the farmers in obtaining water for irrigation, while 8% said no. In addition, 87% of respondents said that P3A provide water in large quantities, while 13% of respondents stated that P3A provide water in an amount not large, 2) Perception of farmers on the management of water allocations by P3A, as many as 92% of respondents stated that P3A always distributing water to each farmer without distinction, while 8% said the opposite. In addition, there are 91% of the farmers stated that the allocation distribuasi water use taking into account the availability and the need of water, while 9% of respondents are not supposed to like it, 3) Perception of farmers on maintenance system for irrigation, there are as many as 7% of the farmers agreed that if the maintenance system of irrigation channels are always made by mutual cooperation, the remaining 93% of respondents disagreed. In addition, 7% of respondents stated that P3A always encourage farmers to participate and perform maintenance and care system of irrigation channels, while 93% do not agree, 4) Perception of farmers on the management system of procurement of resources for maintenance of irrigation chanals, as many as 7% of respondents agreed that if P3A gather manpower for maintenance of irrigation, while the remaining 93% of respondents disagreed. In addition, 3% of respondents said P3A need to raise funds through contributeof the farmers for maintenance of irrigation, while 97% of respondents do not agree with their dues, and 5) Perception of farmers on the management of conflicts in the allocation of water for irrigation, of which 100% of respondents agreed that if P3A accomodating and accommodate and mediate disputes as a result of the allocation of water. In addition, 86% of respondents agree that P3A not provide irrigation water in addition to agriculture, while the remaining 14% do not agree, because for them the irrigation water can also be used for livestock drinking and washing. Keywords: Perception, Farmer, Irrigation, Bandar Sawah Padan


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    Toko Jawa Timur adalah toko yang beralamat di Jl. Jendral sudirman Kota Sorongadalah sebuah toko yang menjual berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat seperti sembako, baju danaksesoris dan lain-lain. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti bahawa karyawan yang bekerja di tokoToko Jawa Timur bekerja terjadi ketidakdisiplinan dan kurang maksimalnya dalam bekerja dilapangan dan hal ini yang perlu diperhatikan dengan stres kerja pada karyawan. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa tingkat tinggi stres kerja karyawan dan faktorfaktorpenyebab stress di Toko Jawa Timur. Analisa perhitungan dalam gejala stres yangdialami karyawan dengan mengkatagorikan menjadi tiga, yaitu gejala fisiologis, gejala psikologisdan gejala perilaku dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dimana peneliti menentukanpengambilan sampel dengan cara menetapkan ciri-ciri khusus yang sesuai dengan tujuanpenelitian sehingga diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian inimenyimpulkan bahwa tingkat stres kerja yang dialami karyawan secara keseluruhan tergolongpada katagori rendah yaitu 2,33 dengan skor indicator stree kerja fisiologis dengan skorrataan2,6, psikologis dengan skor rataan 2,5 dan perilaku dengan skor rataan 2,0


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    This article studied the phenomenon of contestation between orang Sunnah and orang Yasin in Sidodadi, Aceh Tamiang, to gain the recognition of being the most pious Muslim adherent. The research zoomed in on exploring the shape of the contestation and the socio-religious changes that may occur due to the existence of the mentioned contest. The researchers interviewed a dozens of informant, observed their religious practices and the strategy that they launch to propagate their belief and recruit new members. The study showed that the contestation between the two community take place in almost all religious practices. Some of the worth mentions are ritual practices, broadening and enhancing the religiosity of respective community members, or the approach they used in approaching Islam. Apart from that, the contestation between these two groups also triggered the negotiation and reconciliation of Islamic practices of both groups. The reconciliation of religious practice is in accordance with the "culture in between " theory as proposed by Homi K Bhabha in which he believes that truly there are always no clear boundaries between two groups of different credentials. In Sidodadi, the credentials difference of each group to actualize the ideal of Islam in managing the house of God for instance, triggers the struggle of both groups for the control of the mosques and mushollas in one hand, and in other hand it brings out the empathy of each community to revive the religious activities in worship places, though adapted with the credential feature of their respective groups. Keywords: Piety, Orang Sunnah, Orang Yasin, Aceh Tamian


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1) Menemukan formula ayam panggang Keraton, ayam bakar Kalasan, bebek goreng Madura yang diganti dengan burung puyuh sehingga menghasilkan produk yang disukai oleh masyarakat. 2) Menemukan prosedur pengolahan produk botok puyuh Keraton, puyuh bakar Kalasan, puyuh goreng Madura yang sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat. 3) Menemukan penyajian yang sesuai produk botok puyuh Keraton, puyuh bakar Kalasan, puyuh goreng Madura yang menarik. 4) Mengetahui penerimaan masyarakat akan botok puyuh Keraton, puyuh bakar Kalasan, puyuh goreng Madura. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Juni 2012 di Laboratorium Boga, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Boga dan Busana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan produk ini adalah R & D melalui beberapa tahap yaitu,1) Menganalisis resep, 2) Merancang formula baru pengembangan ayam bakar Kalasan, ayam panggang Keraton, bebek goreng Madura subtitusi unggas burung puyuh, 3) Melakukan pra eksperimen pembuatan produk, selanjutnya melakukan pembuatan produk untuk uji coba produk pertama (Validasi I) dan uji coba produk kedua (Validasi II), 4)Melakukan uji panelis dan pameran untuk mengetahui daya terima konsumen terhadap produk pengembangan.5) Melakukan analisis data dari penerimaan panelis semi terlatih dan masyarakat terhadap produk secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh : 1) Resep yang tepat untuk puyuh bakar Kalasan yaitu penggantian 100% bahan utama dari ayam menjadi burung puyuh, formula yang tepat untuk botok puyuh Keraton yaitu 100% bahan utama yang diganti dari ayam menjadi burung puyuh dan meliputi teknik olah yang diubah dari memanggang menjadi pengukusan, formula yang tepat untuk puyuh goreng Madura yaitu 100% bahan yang diganti dari bebek menjadi burung puyuh 2) Prosedur pembuatan puyuh bakar Kalasan yaitu boilling dan bakar, teknik olah botok puyuh Keraton yaitu boilling atau perebusan dan pengukusan dan teknik olah puyuh goreng Madura yaitu teknik olah boilling dan menggoreng. 3) Penyajian pada puyuh bakar Kalasan, botok puyuh Keraton, dan puyuh goreng Madura menggunakan piring rotan yang diberi alas daun pisang beserta pelengkapnya seperti nasi putih, lalapan dan sambal. 4) Berdasarkan uji penerimaan produk terhadap produk puyuh bakar kalasan cukup disukai oleh panelis 27 (93%) dari total 30 panelis. Sedangkan yang menyukai botok puyuh Keraton yaitu 25 (90%) dari total 30 panelis dan yang menyukai puyuh goreng Madura yaitu 23 (77%) dari total 30 panelis

    The Implementation of Islamic Education: The Process of Instilling Akhlakul Karimah (Noble Characters) for Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students

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    Islamic Religious Education is an important and inseparable part of the educational curriculum in Indonesia. Besides being an obligation for its adherents, Islamic learning can instill the values of faith and make students possess noble morals (akhlakul karimah). This study aims to examine and discuss how the implementation process of Islamic education in instilling noble morals in students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School). This study uses a qualitative approach with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing as the data analysis. The sample of this study was the principal of the madrasah, vice-principal, students, and teachers of Islamic education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Makassar. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that through the implementation of Islamic Religious Education, the students could possess noble characters. There are eight behaviors that are applied to instill the noble characters, namely habituating the smiles, salaam, and greetings, mutual respect (tolerance), sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday, performing the Duha prayer, performing dhuhr prayers, reciting the Quran, congregational prayer, and getting used to alms giving (infaq). These eight commendable behaviors are recommended for teachers and principals to be applied in their respective schools


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    Character building is seen to be an essential answer of the grim value ofeducation in which the gap is occured between intelectual intelligence and socialintelligence. On the intelectual intelligence side, education system succesfulydelivers brilliant people. Meanwhile, on the social intelligence, some of those whoare educated regarded the education as a showcase to justify actions that actuallyadverse the commonsense. This is, of course, go against the true value of eductionin which the outcome is to shape a brilliant, well-mannered generation. This is alsocompatible with the mission of Prophet Muhammad who aimed to complete themorality of human being. Therefore, teachers as the primary key of education bear ahuge responsibilites to transfer all the knowledge to the learners according to Iman, Islam, and Ihsan philosophy. All can be done as the teachers become role models of Iman (faith), Islam (religious), and Ihsan (good behaviour) to their pupils in theirlearning proces

    Convolutional neural networks and deep belief networks for analysing imbalanced class issue in handwritten dataset

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    Imbalanced class is one of the trials in classifying materials of big data. Data disparity produces a biased output of a model regardless how recent the technology is. However, deep learning algorithms such as convolutional neural networks and deep belief networks have proven to provide promising results in many research domains, especially in image processing as well as time series forecasting, intrusion detection, and classification. Therefore, this paper will investigate the effect of imbalanced data discrepancy of classes in MNIST handwritten dataset using convolutional neural networks and deep belief networks. Based on the experiment conducted, the results show that although the algorithm is suitable for multiple domains and have shown stability, the imbalanced distribution of data still able to affect the overall performance of the models