124 research outputs found


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    Menurut pandangan Hardin, padang penggembalaan dan berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama lainnya, biasanya dimanfaatkan oleh setiap orang secara bebas, tanpa ada insentif untuk mengkonservasinya. Karena itu, tidaklah heran bahwa berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama atau tidak ada pemiliknya sangat rentan mengalami “the tragedy of the commons”. Di samping itu, menurut Hardin, berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama hanya dapat dikelola dengan baik melalui swastanisasi atau dikontrol pihak pemerintah. Namun, berdasarkan hasil-hasil studi dari berbagai kelompok masyarakat di berbagai wilayah, menunjukkan bahwa berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama, seperti maritim, padang penggembalaan, dan hutan tidak selalu mengalami degradasi. Hal ini dikarenakan berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama tersebut tidak selalu merupakan akses tanpa pemilikan, dan bebas dimanfaatkan oleh setiap orang. Selain itu, kenyataan di lapangan juga menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan sumberdaya milik bersama tidak selalu dapat dikelola secara efektif oleh pihak swasta atau pemerintah. Karena itu, tidaklah heran bahwa pandangan Hardin tersebut banyak dikritik oleh berbagai kalangan ilmuwan pasca Hardin. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan tantangan terhadap teori Hardin mengenai “the tragedy of the commons” bahwa berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama selalu rentan mengalami degradasi. Kata kunci: tragedi milik bersama, berbagai sumberdaya milik bersama, degradasi lingkungan

    The Effect of The Partial Solar Eclipse on Behavior of Three Species of Ardeidae In Rancabayawak Bandung

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    The natural occurrence of solar eclipses can cause various impact on bird species. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the partial solar eclipses on changes in behavior of three species of Ardeidae in the Rancabayawak, Gedebage, Bandung, West Java. The research method used was qualitative which direct observation sampling technique was applied.  The results of study showed that three bird species of Ardeidae namely Javan Pond-Heron (Ardeola speciosa Horsfield 1821), Buffalo Egret (Bubulcus ibis Linnaeus 1758, and small egrets (Egretta garzetta Linnaeus 1766) with total population 566 individuals were recorded in the resting and breeding place of bamboo trees and surrounding area of Rancabayawak during the partial solar eclipse.The behavior of these tree bird species, including sound of chicks, sunbathing, preening the feather, and flying of individual adults went out the resting and breeding place of bamboo trees observed tend to be normal before occurring the partial solar eclipse. During the partial solar eclipse, however, the sound of the chick stopped for a second. Some individual adult birds stopped involve in preening their feather. While, some adult individual birds were flying go back to the nest of bamboo trees that may be assumed it has already late afternoon due to dark of sun shine. Implication of this research have been considered to be very important for contributing the scientific knowledge on bird behavior changes caused by natural phenomena of the partial solar eclipse.

    Ethnobotanical Knowledge on Vegetable Plants Among Traders in Ujungberung Market, Bandung, West Java

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    Various edible plants, including vegetable are commonly traded in traditional markets of Indonesian cities. Three main objectives of this study: firstly, the elaborate local knowledge of traders on species and landraces of vegetable plants that are traded in the traditional market; secondly the origin supply of vegetable plants that are traded in the traditional market; and thirdly, the utilization of various vegetable plants that are traditionally used as the dietary diversity of the households. The research site was located in the Ujungberung traditional market, Bandung City, West Java. The mixed method of qualitative and quantitative with an ethnobotanical approach was applied in this research. The results of the study showed that based on local knowledge of the vegetable traders, it was documented that total 62 species and landraces representing 18 families of the vegetable plants were commonly traded. While based on a botanical taxonomy, it revealed 48 species representing 18 families. Of the 48 species, 9 species have landraces that are used as vegetable.  Various vegetable plants that are commonly traded in the market come from the Bandung and surrounding areas. Traditionally, various vegetable plants are generally used as fresh vegetables and processed into special dishes. The benefit of this research is to development of ethnobotany science aspects, including the influence of human culture on edible plants traded in the traditional market of the cities

    Local knowledge of the Sundanese community on traditional foods to enhance the family food security

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    Sundanese people in rural West Java have a rich the local knowledge on a variety of traditional foods. However, studies on the local knowledge of Sundanese rural communities on the variety of traditional foods are still rare. The objective of this article is to elucidate the local knowledge of Cijambu Village community, Tanjungsari Sub-district, Sumedang District, West Java, on the traditional foods. The method used in this study was qualitative with Gastronomic Ethnobiological approach. It may be defined as the study of the complex interactions between human societies, food, and their environment. The result of study showed that there are at least 26 types of traditional foods that are usually created by the local community of Cijambu Village. The producing of a variety of traditional foods is based on local knowledge of the rural people as a result of inheritance from one generation to another. The basic ingredients for creating a variety of traditional foods are mainly used various plants that are produced from village agroecosystem. At least 39 species of plants representing 21 families are predominantly used to create 26 types of traditional food of Cijambu village community. Almost all of those plants are obtained from the production of various village agroecosystems of Cijambu, including homegarden, upland field, and wet-rice fields. The existence of a variety of traditional foods in rural areas, in addition to maintaining the identity of the village traditional food cultures, is also important to support food security in rural areas


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    ABSTRACT This research was conducted for 21 days starting from November 12 until December 2, 2017. Located at the Seed Fish Hall (BBI) Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Riau Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of silkworm with the different percentages on the survival and growth of baung larvae (H. nemurus). The method used was an experimental method using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 3 replications namely, P1 (Giving silkworm 3%/fish weight), P2 (Giving silkworm 6%/fish weight), P3 (Giving silkworm 9%/ weight of fish) and P4 (12% silkworm/fish weight). The test fish used were larvae of 3-day-old bamboo fish with an average weight of 0.02 gr and an average length of 0,7 cm. Larva baung fish obtained from the spawning in the Seed Fish Hall (BBI) Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Riau Pekanbaru. The container used is 10 liters or 10 liters capacity. From the research result, the best survival percentage on P4 is 90%, then P3 is 89%, then P2 is 87% and the lowest at P1 is 85%. The absolute and absolute highest absolute growth is found in P4 weighing 0,28 gr and length 2.13 cm, then P3 weighing 0,27 gr and length 2,10 cm, then P2 weighing 0,26 gr and the next 2,07 cm length lowest on P1 weighing 0.24 gr and length of 2,03 cm. The highest daily growth rate was also found in P4 13,81%, P3 13,57%, P2 13,32%, and the lowest in P1 was 13,05%. Keywords: Silk Worms, Survival, Growth, Baun


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    The Jatigede Dam construction project has caused many residents in the inundation area of the Jatigede reservoir to move to new areas. The affected households by the Jatigede Dam in new places must adapt to obtain sources of income for food and other necessities. This research aims to elucidate the agroecosystem production, off-farm jobs, and food adequacy and food security of the affected people of Jatigede Dam in Jatimekar Hamlet, Jemah Village. The research method used was a combination of qualitative and quantitative. The results revealed that the affected households of the Jatigede Dam Development Project who live in Jatimekar Hamlet, Jemaah Village, have less agricultural land ownership such as rice fields, mixed gardens and home gardens than before the Jatigede Dam existed. Consequently, some of the affected households of Jatigede Dam, they are also involved in various off-farm jobs. Based on food security, it shows that the affected people of Jatigede Dam in Jatimekar Hamlet, Jemah Village are in a vulnerable condition, due to low family income, and farming also faces various problems, such as water scarcity in the dry season and agricultural inputs, such as inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and plant seeds have high price.

    Karakterisasi Sumber Cahaya Menggunakan Spektrofotometer Vis-Nir untuk Optimasi Optical Non-Contact Speedometer

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    Characterization the light source has been carried out using a Vis-Nir spectrophotometer with the Ocean Optics DTmini-2 model. The purpose of this characteristic is to obtain the optimum wavelength as a light source in making a digital optical non-contact speedometer model. There are 5 light sources tested, namely blue, green, yellow, red and white light. From the characterization results, the wavelengths were blue (450 nm), green (540 nm), yellow (570 nm), red (640 nm) and white (550 nm). In making the digital optical non-contact speedometer model, a photodiode sensor is used which has an absorbance peak point at 479 nm, 680, and 900 nm. The working principle of the prototype is to detect changes in light intensity as a result of the reflectance by the wheel. The sensor reads every color changes on the wheel and the results will be sent to the microcontroller for further processing. The results obtained are that the red LED is excellent to this prototype because it has the highest ADC value compared to other light sources tested. This is consistent with the results of the sensor spectrophotometer characterization

    Model Penormaan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Hukum Adat Datuk Sinaro Putih dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kecamatan Pelepat Kabupaten Bungo

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    This study aims to examine and analyze in depth the form of community empowerment and the application of local wisdom in the administration of village governance. The problem raised in this study discusses whether local wisdom as an unwritten law can be applied as a guide in administering village governance. This study uses the normative method with steps of description, systematization and explanation of the contents of the positive law in depth using the concept approach, the approach of the law and the analysis of systematic synchronization. This research is expected to give a clear picture of whether the empowerment of customary law communities with all the local wisdom that grows and develops in the indigenous law community Datuk Sinaro becomes a union with the land, territory and natural resources. Likewise with the law that is used as an instrument of development in achieving the welfare goals of indigenous law communities, is it based on legal pluralism in Indonesia which is still maintained and is valid until now. The sociocultural societal diversity contained in local wisdom is generally verbal and not fullydocumented. Formalization of customary law with local wisdom owned by the community,as a law that lives in society has become a social reality that has lasted a long time. On the one hand, there is a view that customary law as a legal system does not need to be an official law, or formulated, because, if customary law is formulated in writing it will result in counterproductive consequences resulting in reducing public awareness of customary law. On the other hand, there are views that see the importance of customary law with the values of local wisdom formulated in writing, through the mechanisms and procedures of the regional legislature, given the conditions of customary law with all its local wisdom which currently tends to be marginalized by the presence of written law

    Etnoekologi dan Pengelolaan Agroekosistem oleh Penduduk Desa Karangwangi Kecamatan Cidaun, Cianjur Selatan Jawa Barat

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    Abstrak. Sejatinya di masa silam, penduduk pedesaan di Jawa Barat, termasuk penduduk di Desa Karangwangi, Kecamatan Cidaun, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat dominan menggarap sistem ladang (sistem huma). Namun, sejalan dengan kian padatnya penduduk, makin berkurangnya kawasan hutan, dan berkembangnya ekonomi pasar di pedesaan, maka, sistem huma berubah menjadi beberapa tipe sistem agroforestri tradisional, seperti kebon kayu-kayuan (kebon kai), kebon campuran kayu-kayuan dan buah-buahan (talun) dan sistem pekarangan (buruan). Selain itu, dengan adanya program Revolusi Hijau pada sistem sawah dan introduksi albasiah/jengjen (Paraserinthes falcataria (L) I Nielsen) pada sistem tegalan dan agroforestri tradisional, seperti kebon kai. Konsekuensinya,  sistem sawah dan sistem huma mengalami perubahan secara drastis. Paper ini mendisuksikan tentang perkembangan beberapa tipe agroekosistem dari sistem huma, dengan berbagai perubahannya. Metoda penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnoekologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil studi telah memberikan berbagai informasi untuk lebih memahami perilaku penduduk pedesaan dalam mengelola berbagai tipe agroekosistem di desanya. Dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan, seyogianya berbagai pengetahuan ekologi lokal penduduk yang positif dan kearifan ekologi penduduk tidak diabaikan atau bahkan dicoba untuk dimusnahkan, namun dapat diintegrasikan dengan pengetahuan ilmiah barat untuk dapat digunakan untuk pembangunan sistem pertanian di Indonesia yang berkelanjutan.  Kata kunci: sistem huma, agroforestri tradisional, agroekosistem, revolusi hijau. Abstract. Originally in the past, village people of West Java, including people of Village of Karangwangi, Sub-district of Cidaun, District of Cianjur and Province of West Java predominated practicing the swidden farming system (sistem huma). However, due to increasing human population density, decreasing the forest area, and rapid development of market economy in the village, the  huma system have changed to  several types of the traditional agroforestry systems, such as the tree garden system (kebon kai), mixed-garden system of wood and fruits (talun), and home garden (buruan). In addition, because of introduction of the green revolution in the sawah systems and the introduction of albasiah/jengjen (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) I Nielsen) in the traditional agroforestry systems, such as kebon kai. As a result, those agroecosystem types have dramatically changed.  This paper discusses the development of the traditional agroforestry systems which is developed from the huma system. Method used in this study qualitative with the ethnoecology approach. The resulted of study show that it has provided rich information which is very useful to more understand the village people behavior in managing various type of agroecosystem in their village. With regard to development process, we suggest various positive  local knowledges and ecological wisdoms, rather than ignoring or attempting to replace them, it may be useful to be integrated with the scientific knowledge to use in supporting the sustainable agriculture in Indonesia. Keywords: swidden system, agroforestry traditional, agroecosystem, green revolutio

    Etnoekologi, Biodiversitas Padi dan Modernisasi Budidaya Padi: Studi Kasus Pada Masyarakat Baduy dan Kampung Naga

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    Program Revolusi Hijau di Indonesia mulai digulirkan di akhir 1960-an. Program ini telah memberikan dampak positif dan negatif. Dampak positif di antaranya dapat meningkatkan poduktivitas padi sawah secara makro. Sementara itu, dampak ngatifnya diantara telah menyebabkan kepunahan anekaram varietas padi lokal secara masif. Oleh karena itu, kajian tentang kepunahan anekaragam padi lokal di berbagai kawasan perdesaan di Jawa Barat dan Banten sangat penting untuk diteliti. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji  pengetahuan masyarakat perdesaan tentang ekologi, terutama  kaitannya dengan pengeloaan keanekaragaman varietas padi lokal dan perubahannya dampak Revolusi Hijau, berlandaskan   dari studi kasus pada masyarakat Baduy, Desa Kanekes, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten Selatan dan masyarakat Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnoekologi, yaitu peneliti mempelajari pengetahuan penduduk perdesaan tentang berbagai aspek ekologi dalam kaitannya dengan pengeloaan padi lokal. Teknik pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan yang kompeten yang dipilih secara’ purposive’. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sejatinya para petani ‘huma’ Baduy dan petani sawah Kampung Naga memiliki peran penting dalam mengkonservasi anekaragam varietas padi lokal secara in-situ. Namun, akibat program Revolusi Hijau, beberapa varietas padi lokal sawah penduduk Kampung Naga mengalami kepunahan. Sementara itu, kepunahan anekaragam varietas padi lokal di ‘huma’ Baduy tidak terdokumentasikan. Mengingat penduduk Baduy tidak menerima program Revolusi Hijau. Kepunahan keanekaragam varietas padi lokal dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, seperti kebijakan pemerintah, perubahan ekosistem, dan akibat perubahan sistem sosial ekonomi dan budaya masyarakat. Penelitian ini dapat memiliki kontribusi penting untuk ilmu pengetahuan dan kepentingan praktis. Berdasarkan kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan yaitu dapat bermanfaat untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya dalam bidang etnoekologi dan etnobotani. Sementara itu, untuk kepentingan praktis, diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk dijadikan masukan  bagi berbagai pihak terkait, guna upaya konservasi anekaragam padi di Indonesia.  