78 research outputs found


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    Ruas Jalan Kutai Kartanegara (Simpang 3 batas kota Tenggarong – Desa Jahab) dengan panjang ruas 10 km dan lebar 7 meter, Lapisan permukaan menggunakan perkerasan lentur (flexible pavement). Ruas jalan sangat ramai lalu lintasnya karena jalan tersebut merupakan Jalan Nasional yang menghubungkan antar Kabupaten. Peningkatan Volume laulu Lintas pada ruas jalan tersebut dari tahun ke tahun mengakibatkan menurunnya kemampuan jalan untuk menerima beban di atasnya. Tingginya frekuensi kendaraan yang lewat di atas permukaan jalan yang ada menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pelayan jalan. Adanya retak-retak (crack), pengelupasam (raveling) dan lubang-lubang (potholes) pada permukaan jalan merupakan bukti bahwa jalan mengalami penurunan tingkat pelayanan atau jalan dalam kondisi rusak. Kerusakankerusakan kecil yang tidak segera diantisipasi penangannya menyebabkan kerusakan yang terjadi semakin parah, pengaruhnya semakin luas serta mengurangi kapasitas jalan itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kerusakan jalan dan tingkat kerusakan jalan berdasarkan nilai Pavement Condition Index (PCI), berdasarkan nilai prioritas Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari data primer dengan mengukur luasan masing-masing kerusakan dengan menggunakan mistar . Data sekunder didapat dari Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, Penataan Ruang dan Perumahan Rakyat Propinsi Kalimantan Timur Bidang Bina Marga. Hasil penelitian kondisi ruas jalan dengan metode pavement condition index (PCI) didapat secara keseluruhan nilai PCI ratarata sebesar 58,33. Klasifikasi perkerasan jalur simpang 3 batas kota tenggarong – desa jahab berdasarkan rating kondisi jalan adalah fair dan nilai yang diberikan oleh Bina Marga sebesar 9,83 berdasarkan nilai urutan prioritas 7 dan seterusnya ruas jalan tersebut dimasukan ke dalam program Pemeliharaan Rutin. Analisa rencana anggaran biaya untuk penanganan pekerjaan overlay dengan panjang ruas 10 km dan lebar 7 pada ruas jalan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara (Simpang 3 batas Kota Tenggarong – Desa Jahab) Sebesar Rp.33.464.145.000,

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Respirometer Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    ABSTRAKSI: Respirasi merupakan ciri makhluk hidup. Oleh karena itu, sistem pernafasan berperan penting demi kelangsungan hidup. Ketika proses bernafas, terjadi pertukaran gas oksigen (O2) menjadi gas karbon dioksida (CO2) oleh organ paru- paru sebagai alat vital pernafasan. Saat berlangsungnya proses respirasi secara keseluruhan sel- sel pada tubuh makhluk hidup dalam hal ini manusia ikut serta bernafas. Dengan demikian, ketika kondisi paru- paru sehat maka manusia dapat melaksanakan kegiatan rutin. Faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi paru- paru yakni usia, aktifitas, dan gaya hidup. Gangguan fungsi paru- paru pada pasien di- diagnosis oleh paramedis dengan melakukan beberapa tes yakni spritometry secara rutin, gas diffusion test, residual volume measurement, body plethysmography sehingga dapat menyimpulkan seberapa parah gangguannya. Hal tersebut yang melatarbelakangi ide di proyek akhir ini untuk merancangan alat berbasis mikrokontroler yang berfungsi untuk mengukur volume paru- paru atau disebut juga respirometer. Pengukuran volume paru- paru difokuskan pada volume tidal yang merupakan salah satu bagian volume statis paru- paru. Respirometer berbasis mikrokontroler dirancang dengan sensor optokopler sebagai antar muka tubuh untuk memperoleh data. Kemudian sensor tersebut diolah mikrokontroler dan hasilnya ditampilkan pada LCD.Kata Kunci : Respirometer, Mikrokontroler, LCD, Volume TidalABSTRACT: Respiration is a sign of living creature. Furthermore, respiratory system takes a necessary role in order to maintain lifes. When breathing process occurs, oxygen (O¬¬2) is changed into carbondioxide (CO2) by lungs as vital respiratory organ. Whole human cells indirectly are doing respiration when lungs organ is breathing. Thus, all activities can be done when lungs condition is stated healthy. Many factors that give influence to lungs condition are age, activity, and life style. Lungs disfunction of many patients is diagnosed by paramedics along with many kinds of test to make sure how fatal the patient condition is, such as : spyrometry, gas diffusion test, residual volume measurement, and body plethismography. This final project stands on that idea of designing a tool that could measure lungs volume based on microcontroller known as respirometer. Lungs volume measurement is focused on tidal volume as static volume. Respirometer based on microcontroller is designed with optocoupler sensor as interface to the body in order to get data, then that sensor is connected to microcontroller as data mining center, the result of the data is shown on LCD screen.Keyword: Respirometer, Microcontroller, LCD, Tidal Volum

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dosen dan Mahasiswa terhadap Prestasi Akademik (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar)

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    Dari hasil tersebut menunjuukan terdapat pengaruh karena berad apada jarak panjang interfal antara 0,40 sampai o,599 yang berarti cukup kuat. Melalui Penelitian inidisarankan kepada Dosen dan Mahasiswa jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Alauddin agar lebih meningkatkan proses komunikasi y7ang intens proses menunjang prestasi akademik Mahasiswa


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    ANALISIS TINGKAT KECEMASAN SISWA SSB SYEKH YUSUF KAB. GOWA SETELAH MENGALAMI CEDERA ANXIETY LEVEL ANALISIS OF SSB SYEKH YUSUF GOWA REGENCY AFTER GETTING INJURED THESIS. ABSTRAK M. ISHADI RUSLI, 2020 Analisis Tingkat kecemasan siswa SSB Syekh Yusuf kab. Gowa setelah mengalami cedera Skripsi. Jurusan PGSD Dikjas, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan. Universitas Negeri Makassar (dibimbing oleh Irfan dan Nurliani). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa tinggi tingkat kecemasan siswa SSB Syekh Yusuf setelah mengalami cedera. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SSB Syekh Yusuf yang berjumlah 25 orang. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Kriteria dalam penentuan sampel ini meliputi: (1) bersedia menjadi sampel penelitian, (2) hadir pada saat pengambilan data, dan (3) pernah mengalami cedera. Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut yang memenuhi berjumlah 15 pemain. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan siswa SSB Syekh Yusuf setelah mengalami cedera berada pada kategori “sangat rendah” sebesar 6,67% (1 orang), “rendah” sebesar 33,33% (5 orang), “cukup” sebesar 26,67% (4 orang), “tinggi” sebesar 26,67% (4 orang), dan “sangat tinggi” sebesar 6,67% (1 orang). Kata kunci: tingkat kecemasan, SSB Syekh Yusuf, setelah mengalami ceder

    Implikasi corporate social responsibility (csr) PT Telkom terhadap perubahan sosial masyarakat bidang ekonomi Pangkalpinang

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    Penelitian ini memfokuskan dampak pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Corporate Social Responsibility PT.Telkom terhadap perubahan sosial usaha kecil dibidang ekonomi masyarakat Pangkalpinang. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Penerapan Corporate Social Responsibility PT.Telkom dengan Program Kemitraan terhadap masyarakat di Pangkalpinang. Untuk menganalisis dampak pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Corporate Social Responsibility PT.Telkom dalam mengembangkan usaha kecil terhadap perubahan sosial di bidang ekonomi dalam masyarakat Pangkalpinang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Pangkalpinang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Kualitatif dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Studi Kasus. Data studi kasus dipilih tahun 2014 Program Kemitraan Corporate Social Responsibility PT.Telkom dengan wawancara 18 informan Program Kemitraan Mitra binaan dan observasi serta dokumentasi. Menganalis data dilakukan untuk memberi makna data yang berhasil dikumpulkan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam Adaptation (Adaptasi) adanya hubungan PT.Telkom dan masyarakat melalui Program Kemitraan dalam aspek ekonomi dalam usaha kecil masyarakat Pangkalpinang. Dalam Goal Attainment (Pencapaian Tujuan) adanya hubungan PT.Telkom dan usaha kecil melalui Mitra Binaan. Dalam Intergration adanya hubungan Pemerintah, PT.Telkom dan usaha kecil masyarakat Pangkalpinang melalui Surat Perjanjian Tentang Bantuan Program Kemitraan. Dalam Latency (Lantensi dan Pemeliharaan Pola) adanya hubungan PT.Telkom dan Mitra Binaan melalui Evaluasi. Program Kemitraan berdampak aspek positif dan aspek negatif bagi perusahaan Telkom dan usaha kecil masyarakat serta bermanfaat bagi Pemerintah, PT.Telkom dan usaha kecil masyarakat Pangkalpinang

    Insecticide Use Impacts on Pest Resistance: An Evidence from Diamondback Moth

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    Diamondback moth (DBM) has been important pest of crucifers since years ago worldwide. The first DBM resistance was reported on dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), from then it has developed resistance to other insecticides. Its ability to build resistance to almost every insecticide introduced is a great concern to the agriculture world, owing mainly to its short life cycle, continuous host availability and its genetic elasticity. Numerous resistance mechanisms displayed by DBM to counterattack effect of insecticides, either behaviorally, physiology or by biochemical. This paper is focused on diamondback moth (DBM) resistance to insecticides, its biochemical mechanism and the potential to become cross resistance to other insecticides. We highlighted the biochemical reactions in DBM resistance and emphasized on enzymes responsible to the resistance. The information on the mechanism could provide valuable information to other researchers in designing a rapid and sensitive biochemical assay in detecting DBM resistance to many insecticides that has yet to be discovered. The potential of DBM to develop cross resistance to other insecticides is also stressed since the issue is always co-related with biochemical resistance mechanisms

    Strategi Digital Branding pada Startup Social Crowdfunding (Studi Kasus pada Kitabisa.com)

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    The era where information can be accessed quickly and flexibly presents its own challenges for startup branding in the crowdfunding sector. Kitabisa.com as the most popular crowdfunding platform in Indonesia certainly becomes an example in terms of digital branding strategies for other startups working in the same sector. This study aims to find out how digital branding strategies are in social crowdfunding startups in the industrial era 4.0. This study uses a qualitative approach in gaining a broad and deep understanding of digital branding strategies in social crowdfunding startups. The chosen research strategy is a case study. Based on the literature review that has been done, this research is the first in Indonesia that focuses on raising the theme of digital branding on social crowdfunding startups. The results show that Kitabisa.com has built its brand based on market insights, which contributes to its current success with a strong internal communication strategy along with consistent external communication. For brands to remain relevant and active, branding must be seen as an ongoing process that requires continuous adjustments through media monitoring and reacting to negative issues that can weaken the company's position


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    The partner of this community service activity is Orange Picking Tourism which is located at Selorejo Village, Dau District, Malang Regency, East Java. Tourist owners want to innovate related to their business by changing the concept of Orange Picking tourism to Eduwisata. Apart from that, there are efforts to change analog promotional methods to digital. So the partner problems, in this case Orange Picking Tourism, are: 1) Changing the concept of orange picking tourism to Eduwisata; 2) Analog promotional methods seem outdated and less effective. The short-term goal of community service activities is to increase tourist visits to the Orange Picking tourist attraction. Apart from that, it also develops links and matches between Dr. Soetomo University and the Jeruk Dau Picking Tourism. The implementation method used in community activity programs includes 1) training, there are two stages of training, namely, training on Edutourism material; 2) training in digital promotion methods using social media. The results of this community service activity are: 1) The formation of an Edutourism task force; 2) Promotion development using social media.The partner of this community service activity is Orange Picking Tourism which is located at Selorejo Village, Dau District, Malang Regency, East Java. Tourist owners want to innovate related to their business by changing the concept of Orange Picking tourism to Eduwisata. Apart from that, there are efforts to change analog promotional methods to digital. So the partner problems, in this case Orange Picking Tourism, are: 1) Changing the concept of orange picking tourism to Eduwisata; 2) Analog promotional methods seem outdated and less effective. The short-term goal of community service activities is to increase tourist visits to the Orange Picking tourist attraction. Apart from that, it also develops links and matches between Dr. Soetomo University and the Jeruk Dau Picking Tourism. The implementation method used in community activity programs includes 1) training, there are two stages of training, namely, training on Edutourism material; 2) training in digital promotion methods using social media. The results of this community service activity are: 1) The formation of an Edutourism task force; 2) Promotion development using social media


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    The partner of this community service activity is SDN Simokerto VI/139 which is located at Jl. Jalan Sidotopo Wetan No 112, Simokerto, Surabaya, East Java. The principal of SDN Simokerto VI/139 is trying to carry out teacher professional development through journal submission training, where in practice teachers still have difficulty submitting journals. So the partner problems, in this case SDN Simokerto VI, Surabaya, namely: 1) Teachers at SDN Simokerto VI/139 have never received training on submitting journals, and still have difficulty understanding the concept of submitting journals, so they require training; 2) Teachers at SDN Simokerto VI/139 still have difficulty submitting journals, so they need assistance in adjusting article templates, using Mendeley, and submitting articles to journals. The short-term goal of community service activities is to increase the knowledge and abilities of teachers by providing training on basic concept materials related to journals and how to submit journals. Apart from that, it also developed a link and match between Dr.Soetomo University and SDN Simokerto VI/139. The implementation method used in the community activity program includes 1) training, there are two stages of training namely, training on the basic concept of journals and training on materials for submitting journals; 2) Assistance in submitting articles to journals. The results of this community service activity are: 1) There is a significant difference before and after training, before and after the basic concepts of journals are explained, this can be seen from the results of submitting journals for teachers in the form of PTK articles indicating that teachers are able to submit articles to journal; 2) During the mentoring process for submitting articles to journals, partners and service teams work together so that the targets set can be carried out properly.The partner of this community service activity is SDN Simokerto VI/139 which is located at Jl. Jalan Sidotopo Wetan No 112, Simokerto, Surabaya, East Java. The principal of SDN Simokerto VI/139 is trying to carry out teacher professional development through journal submission training, where in practice teachers still have difficulty submitting journals. So the partner problems, in this case SDN Simokerto VI, Surabaya, namely: 1) Teachers at SDN Simokerto VI/139 have never received training on submitting journals, and still have difficulty understanding the concept of submitting journals, so they require training; 2) Teachers at SDN Simokerto VI/139 still have difficulty submitting journals, so they need assistance in adjusting article templates, using Mendeley, and submitting articles to journals. The short-term goal of community service activities is to increase the knowledge and abilities of teachers by providing training on basic concept materials related to journals and how to submit journals. Apart from that, it also developed a link and match between Dr.Soetomo University and SDN Simokerto VI/139. The implementation method used in the community activity program includes 1) training, there are two stages of training namely, training on the basic concept of journals and training on materials for submitting journals; 2) Assistance in submitting articles to journals. The results of this community service activity are: 1) There is a significant difference before and after training, before and after the basic concepts of journals are explained, this can be seen from the results of submitting journals for teachers in the form of PTK articles indicating that teachers are able to submit articles to journal; 2) During the mentoring process for submitting articles to journals, partners and service teams work together so that the targets set can be carried out properly


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    The partner for this community service activity is SMK Unitomo which is located at Jl. Semolowaru No 84, Surabaya, East Java. The principal of SMK Unitomo is trying to provide short story writing training in blogs for female students at the school. So the partner problems, in this case SMK Unitomo, are: 1) Students' understanding of short stories; 2) Students do not have insight and knowledge regarding writing short stories in blogs, so they need training regarding how to write short stories in blogs. The short-term goal of community service activities is to increase students' knowledge and abilities by providing training on short story writing material on blogs. Apart from that, it also develops links and matches between Dr. Soetomo University and SMK Unitomo. The implementation method used in the community activity program includes 1) training, there are two stages of training, namely, training on short story writing material in blogs; 2) training in writing short stories in blogs. The results of this community service activity are: 1) There are significant differences before and after the training, before and after the concept of writing short stories was explained, this can be seen from the ability of female students to understand how to write short stories in blogs; 2) During the training process for writing short stories in blogs, partners and the service team work together so that the specified targets can be achieved well.The partner in this activity is SMK Unitomo which is located at Jl. Semolowaru No 84, Surabaya, East Java. The head of SMK Unitomo is trying to provide short story writing training in blogs for female students at the school. So the partner problems, in this case SMK Unitomo, are: 1) Students' understanding of short stories; 2) Students do not have insight and knowledge regarding writing short stories in blogs, so they need training regarding how to write short stories in blogs. The short-term goal in this activities is to increase students' knowledge and abilities by providing training on short story writing material on blogs. The implementation method includes 1) training on short story writing material in blogs; 2) training in writing short stories in blogs. The results of this community service activity are: 1) There are significant differences before and after the training,; 2) During the training process for writing short stories in blogs, partners and the service team work together
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