89 research outputs found


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    Watching television is an active social process. It is not a category of activity with a single dimension too. Both characteristics are evident in the practices of television consumption itself. This research attempts to study various practices of television consumption in the context of everyday life. As a part of daily routines that almost inseparable from it, the activity of watching television certainly bring along many aspects which are taken for granted. This study, therefore, wants to fill the lack of understanding about these aspects which are actually conventional and context specific.Starting from the assumption that television tends to be treated as a domestic medium with its audience which is constituted as the family, this research tries to investigate some cases on the activities of family\u27s television viewing. The process of data collection is principally done by participant observation and alternately by free and casual interview. To recognize thoroughly that the researcher himself is a part of the social world he studies, the process of writing this ethnography is done reflexively as much as possible.This study indicates that the so-called domestic room, with the presence of a television set in it, had been reorganized as the center of consumption. In this domestic room television is then embedded as a coherent part of daily routines. Television is also used practically to create various social arrangements such as enhancing and disrupting interpersonal communication, expressing feelings and affections, or controlling and disciplining the other. Yet, related to the problem of taste, if preference for certain program types emerges, the process of television consumption is not necessarily passed off smoothly. In this point, the practices of television consumption are at once the practices of managing power, especially conflicts around taste distinction. Key words: television - consumption - practice - tast

    Penentuan Prioritas Utama Faktor Kecelakan Kerja dan Alternatif Pencegahannya Menggunakan Metode AHP

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    Occupational health and safety is a set of activities to prevent injuries and health problems for workers and to provide a safe and healthy workplace. PT PLN (Persero) ULP SIbolga Kota is a sub-unit under UP3 SIbolga that helps manage customer service and distribution electricity network service. Electrical distribution work is one of the jobs that have a high risk. Some of the injuries that often occur during the distribution of electricity are electric shock, burns, and falls from a height. The purpose of this study was to determine the main priority factors causing work accidents and alternative prevention using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Data collection from expert respondents was carried out by distributing questionnaires. After analyzing the data, the consistency value (CR) of all risk criteria was determined to be less than 0.1, and this indicates that the decisions made by the experts are consistent. The main priority of the work accident factor at the criterion level is Discipline, with a weight of 0.372, the main priority of the work accident factor at the sub-criteria level is bad weather conditions, with a weight of 0.818, and the main priority of preventing work accidents in the alternative level is equipment maintenance with a weight of 0.298

    Penerapan Fungsi Data Mining Klasifikasi untuk Prediksi Masa Studi Mahasiswa Tepat Waktu pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Perguruan Tinggi

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    Waktu kelulusan merupakan permasalahan umum bagi pihak program studi dan mahasiswa, karena kedua pihak tersebut sama-sama tidak dapat memprediksi masa studi tepat waktu mahasiswa. Teknik data mining klasifikasi dapat memecahkan masalah ini, yakni dengan menggunakan algoritma C4.5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentasi sebesar 73% terhadap data yang yang telah diuji. Dengan demikian, pengolahan data ini dapat digunakan oleh program studi untuk memprediksi masa studi tepat waktu mahasiswa

    Senjata tradisional masyarakat daerah Jambi

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    Proyek Penelitian, Pengkajian, dan Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Budaya menggali nilai-nilai budaya dari setiap suku bangsa/daerah. Penggalian ini mencakup aspek-aspek kebudayaan daerah dengan tujuan memperkuat penghayatan dan pengamalan Pancasila guna tercapainya ketahanan nasional di bidang sosial budaya. Untuk melestarikan nilai-nilai budaya dilakukan penerbitan hasil-hasil penelitian yang kemudian disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat umum. Pencetakan naskah yang betjudul Senjata Tradisional Masyarakat Daerah Jambi, adalah usaha untuk mencapai tujuan yang dimaksud

    Mitigasi Risiko Downtime Mesin Crane dengan Reliability Centered Maintenance

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    PT. Apindowaja Ampuh Persada adalah salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam bidang industri manufacturing pembuatan spare part mesin dan mesin produksi kelapa sawit. Tentunya dalam hal ini membutuhkan peralatan bantuan untuk memudahkan sistem kerja pemindahan bahan baku dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya dengan Mesin Crane (Hoist Crane). Dalam penelitian perlu ditentukan kegiatan perawatan hoist crane yang terjadwal guna meningkatkan keandalan kerja alat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance untuk menentukan jadwal perawatan mesin dan alat, lalu sistem penyediaan sparepart kritikalnya menggunakan Business Process Modelling. Hasil yang diperoleh beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan setiap hari yaitu melakukan pengecekan atau kegiatan pemindahan sesuai dengan Standard Operating Procedure, dan melakukan pengecekan terhadap breaker. Terdapat 4 kesalahan yang mengalami kerusakan yang menimbulkan efek sehingga mesin crane tidak dapat digunakan yaitu terdapat pada nomor 9,14,17,19


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    perkembangan teknologi perangkat lunak mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat, baik pada sektor industri perangkat lunak, game ataupun perangkat lunak yang berbasis aplikasi bisnis dan layanan masyarakat, baik perangkat lunak berbasis komputer desktop/laptop, web ataupun mobile. Perkembangan perangkat lunak tersebut tidak terlepas dari infrastruktur (engine) perangkat lunak dimana engine prangkat lunak tersebut dikembangkan melalui algoritma, cara berpikir logis dan cara penyelesaian secara matematis dan sistematis yang dituangkan lewat pemrograman komputer sehingga perangkat lunak canggih dapat dikembangkan dari engine perangkat lunak tersebut. Bahkan saat buku ini ditulis, sudah ada programming class yang diselenggarakan secara online untuk siswa-siswa sekolah dasar dan telah ada mata pelajaran programming sebagai mata pelajaran pilihan pada sekolah-sekolah terkemuka di kota-kota besar di tingkat SLTA

    Implementasi Metode Lean Service dan 5S untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Waktu Pelayanan di Dinas Pencegah dan Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Medan

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    Fire is a threat to human safety. With the rapid development and progress of development, the risk of fire is increasing. The population is getting denser, the construction of office buildings, residential areas, and industries that are increasingly developing so that these areas have a level of vulnerability to the risk of fire. Therefore, the existence of the Fire Prevention and Fire Service is needed. The problem that often occurs is the length of time the Fire Prevention and Fire Department gets to the scene of the fire. This causes huge losses to the community both in funds and lives. This study’s purpose is to improve the efficiency of service time at the Fire Prevention and Department of the Fire so that losses due to fire can be minimized. The method used is Lean Service and for the design using the 5S method. The results of this paper that the value added activity amount 37%, while the non-value added activity amount 63%. These results indicate the need for a reduction in activity so that processing time is more efficient. The result of this analysis using Fishbone Diagram and FMEA, it was found that the most cause of the highest failure mode was activity in the storage area for equipment and personal protective equipment that was difficult to reach and irregular so that the best layout was designed using the 5S Method


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    ABSTRAK:                   Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode asosiatif.  Sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling atau pemilihan sampel berdasarkan kriteria tertentu yaitu petani kakao di Kabupaten Bulukumba yang telah mengikuti sekolah lapang dan pelatihan pemberdayaan kelompok.  Jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 orang yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik Slovin.  Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskripktif yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis jalur.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan : Pendidikan non formal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keterampilan petani kakao; Sarana prasarana berpengaruh positif dan signifikan  terhadap keterampilan petani kakao; Keterampilan petani berpengaruh positif dan signifikan  terhadap produksi kakao;Pendidikan non formal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao; Sarana prasarana berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao; Pendidikan non formal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao melalui keterampilan petani; Sarana prasarana berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao di Kabupaten Bulukumba melalui keterampilan petani. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Non Formal. Sarana Prasarana, Keterampilan Petani dan Produksi Kakao  ABSTRACT            The purpose or the study was to analyze: (1) the effect of non-formal education on the skills of cocoa farmers; (2) the influence of facilities and infrastructure on the skills of cocoa farmers; (3) the effect of infrastructure of non-formal education on cocoa productivity; (4) the influence of facilities and infrastructure on cocoa productivity; (5) the influence of farmer’s skills on cocoa productivity; (6) non-formal education on cocoa productivity through farmer’s skills; (7) the influence of facilities and infrastructure on cocoa productivity through the skills of farmers in Bulukumba Regency.             The research method used in the assiociative method.  The sample was chosen by using probability sampling, with a total sampling method, as many as 90 samples consisting of all farmer who had attended non-formal education.  Data analysis using descriptive analysis followed by path analysis. The results of the study concluded (1) Non-formal education had a positive and significant effect on the skills of cocoa farmers; (2) Facilities and infrastructure had a positive and significant effect on the skills of cocoa farmers; (3) Farmer skills have positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity; (4) Non-formal education has a positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity; (5) Facilities and infrastructure have positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity; (6) Non-formal education has positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity through farmer’s skills; (7) Facilities and infrastructure have a positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity in Bulukumba Regency through the skills of farmers. Keywords: Non-Formal Education, Infrastructure, Farmer’s Skills and Cocoa Production


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    ABSTRAK:                   Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode asosiatif.  Sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling atau pemilihan sampel berdasarkan kriteria tertentu yaitu petani kakao di Kabupaten Bulukumba yang telah mengikuti sekolah lapang dan pelatihan pemberdayaan kelompok.  Jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 orang yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik Slovin.  Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskripktif yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis jalur.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan : Pendidikan non formal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keterampilan petani kakao; Sarana prasarana berpengaruh positif dan signifikan  terhadap keterampilan petani kakao; Keterampilan petani berpengaruh positif dan signifikan  terhadap produksi kakao;Pendidikan non formal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao; Sarana prasarana berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao; Pendidikan non formal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao melalui keterampilan petani; Sarana prasarana berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi kakao di Kabupaten Bulukumba melalui keterampilan petani. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Non Formal. Sarana Prasarana, Keterampilan Petani dan Produksi Kakao  ABSTRACT            The purpose or the study was to analyze: (1) the effect of non-formal education on the skills of cocoa farmers; (2) the influence of facilities and infrastructure on the skills of cocoa farmers; (3) the effect of infrastructure of non-formal education on cocoa productivity; (4) the influence of facilities and infrastructure on cocoa productivity; (5) the influence of farmer’s skills on cocoa productivity; (6) non-formal education on cocoa productivity through farmer’s skills; (7) the influence of facilities and infrastructure on cocoa productivity through the skills of farmers in Bulukumba Regency.             The research method used in the assiociative method.  The sample was chosen by using probability sampling, with a total sampling method, as many as 90 samples consisting of all farmer who had attended non-formal education.  Data analysis using descriptive analysis followed by path analysis. The results of the study concluded (1) Non-formal education had a positive and significant effect on the skills of cocoa farmers; (2) Facilities and infrastructure had a positive and significant effect on the skills of cocoa farmers; (3) Farmer skills have positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity; (4) Non-formal education has a positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity; (5) Facilities and infrastructure have positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity; (6) Non-formal education has positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity through farmer’s skills; (7) Facilities and infrastructure have a positive and significant effect on cocoa productivity in Bulukumba Regency through the skills of farmers. Keywords: Non-Formal Education, Infrastructure, Farmer’s Skills and Cocoa Production


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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang menguat setiap tahun berpengaruh terhadap strategi yang dipertimbangkan oleh pemilik bisnis F&B, salah satunya kafe the Hidden Hertiv di Medan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari alternatif strategi bisnis dan menentukan prioritas urutan strategi yang perlu dilakukan kafe the Hidden Hertiv. Penelitian ini meliputi beberapa tahap dengan menggunakan metode QSPM dan SWOT Strategy yang disusun berdasarkan Value Chain. Tahapan dimulai dengan mengolah data dan mengumpulkan strategi melalui SWOT Analysis, dilanjutkan dengan penentuan nilai strategi dengan IFAS & EFAS yang disusun ke IE Matrix. Tahapan terakhir adalah menentukan strategi utama dan urutan strategi alternatif dengan metode QSPM dan Value Chain based SWOT Strategy. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan enam belas alternatif strategi yang mempengaruhi delapan nilai dari Value Chain the Hidden Hertiv. Adapun strategi prioritas yaitu membangun image dari brand The Hidden Hertiv secara masif, melalui media offline & online