37 research outputs found

    Fourteen Recommendations to Create a More Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Individuals in Academic Biology

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    Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and otherwise non-straight and/or non-cisgender (LGBTQ+) have often not felt welcome or represented in the biology community. Additionally, biology can present unique challenges for LGBTQ+ students because of the relationship between certain biology topics and their LGBTQ+ identities. Currently, there is no centralized set of guidelines to make biology learning environments more inclusive for LGBTQ+ individuals. Rooted in prior literature and the collective expertise of the authors who identify as members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community, we present a set of actionable recommendations to help biologists, biology educators, and biology education researchers be more inclusive of individuals with LGBTQ+ identities. These recommendations are intended to increase awareness of LGBTQ+ identities and spark conversations about transforming biology learning spaces and the broader academic biology community to become more inclusive of LGBTQ+ individuals

    Property and Contract Rights in Autocracies and Democracies

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    We present and test empirically a new theory of property and contract rights. Any incentive an autocrat has to respect such rights comes from his interest in future tax collections and national income and increases with his planning horizon. We find a compelling empirical relationship between property and contract rights and an autocrat's time in power. In lasting -- but not in new -- democracies, the same rule of law and individual rights that ensure continued free elections entail extensive property and contract rights. We show that the age of a democratic system is strongly correlated with property and contract rights

    Modulatory effects of NMDA on phosphoinositide responses evoked by the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist 1S,3R-ACPD in neonatal rat cerebral cortex

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    1. The effect of NMDA-receptor stimulation on phosphoinositide signalling in response to the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist 1-aminocyclopentane-1S,3R-dicarboxylic acid (1S,3R-ACPD) has been examined in neonatal rat cerebral cortex slices. 2. Total [3H]-inositol phosphate ([3H]-InsPx) accumulation, in the presence of 5 mM LiCl, in [3H]-inositol pre-labelled slices was concentration-dependently increased by 1S,3R-ACPD (EC50 16.6 microM) and, at a maximally effective concentration, 1S,3R-ACPD (300 microM) increased [3H]-InsPx accumulation by 12.8 fold over basal values. 3. [3H]-InsPx accumulation stimulated by 1S,1R-ACPD was enhanced by low concentrations of NMDA (3-30 microM), but not by higher concentrations (> 30 microM). [3H]-InsPx accumulations stimulated by 1S,3R-ACPD in the absence or presence of 10 microM NMDA were linear with time, at least over the 15 min period examined; however, in the presence of 100 microM NMDA the initial enhancement of 1S,3R-ACPD-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis progressively decreased with time. 4. In the presence of a maximal enhancing concentration of NMDA (10 microM), the response to 1S,3R-ACPD (300 microM) was increased 1.9 fold and the EC50 for agonist-stimulated [3H]-InsPx accumulation decreased about 4 fold. The enhanced response to the metabotropic agonist was concentration-dependently inhibited by competitive and uncompetitive antagonists of NMDA-receptor activation. 5. 1S,3R-ACPD also stimulated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) mass accumulation with an initial peak response (5-6 fold over basal) at 15 s decaying to a smaller (2 fold), but persistent elevated accumulation (1-10 min).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    The Unabated Atmospheric Carbon Losses in a Drowning Wetland Forest of North Carolina: A Point of No Return?

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    Coastal wetlands provide the unique biogeochemical functions of storing a large fraction of the terrestrial carbon (C) pool and being among the most productive ecosystems in the world. However, coastal wetlands face numerous natural and anthropogenic disturbances that threaten their ecological integrity and C storage potential. To monitor the C balance of a coastal forested wetland, we established an eddy covariance flux tower in a natural undrained bottomland hardwood forest in eastern North Carolina, USA. We examined the long-term trends (2009–2019) in gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (RE), and the net ecosystem C exchange (NEE) seasonally and inter-annually. We analyzed the response of C fluxes and balance to climatic and hydrologic forcings and examined the possible effects of rising sea levels on the inland groundwater dynamics. Our results show that in 2009, a higher annual GPP (1922 g C m−2 yr−1) was observed than annual RE (1554 g C m−2 yr−1), resulting in a net C sink (NEE = −368 g C m−2 yr−1). However, the annual C balance switched to a net C source in 2010 and onwards, varying from 87 g C m−2 yr−1 to 759 g C m−2 yr−1. The multiple effects of air temperature (Tair), net radiation (Rn), groundwater table (GWT) depth, and precipitation (p) explained 66%, 71%, and 29% of the variation in GPP, RE, and NEE, respectively (p R2 = 0.11), but not between GWT and p (R2 = 0.02). Cumulative fluxes from 2009 to 2019 showed continuing C losses owing to a higher rate of increase of RE than GPP. This study contributes to carbon balance accounting to improve ecosystem models, relating C dynamics to temporal trends in under-represented coastal forested wetlands

    Pregnancy-induced changes in ultradian rhythms persist in circadian arrhythmic Siberian hamsters

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    The impact of pregnancy and lactation on ultradian rhythms (URs) and circadian rhythms (CRs) of locomotor activity was assessed in circadian rhythmic and arrhythmic Siberian hamsters maintained in a long-day photoperiod (16 h light/day). Progressive decrements in CR robustness and amplitude over the course of gestation were accompanied by enhanced URs. Dark-phase UR period and amplitude increased during early gestation and complexity and robustness increased during late gestation. The persistence of pregnancy-associated enhancements of URs in circadian arrhythmic (ARR) hamsters suggests that reproductive modulation of the UR waveform is not dependent on coherent circadian organization. The increased incidence of dark-phase URs appeared more rapidly in ARR dams than entrained (ENTR) dams. Throughout gestation, the percentage of dams with dark-phase URs was significantly greater in the ARR group. Gestational increases in UR complexity and robustness emerged earlier and were greater in ARR than ENTR dams. The attenuation of CRs during lactation is correlated with increased expression of URs. Relaxation of circadian control of the dam's behavior may increase fitness by permitting more efficient interactions with circadian arrhythmic pups