1,357 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesetaraan Nilai Kalor LPG dengan Biogas dari Biodigester Skala Rumah Tangga

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    Gas metana terbentuk karena proses fermentasi secara anaerobik oleh metan atau disebut juga bakteri anaerobik yang mengurai sampah-sampah yang mengandung bahan organik sehingga terbentuk gas metan (CH4) yang apabila dibakar dapat menghasilkan energi panas. Gas metana sama dengan gas LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas), perbedaanya adalah gas metana mempunyai satu atom C, sedangkan elpiji memiliki atom C yang lebih banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesetaraan nilai kalaor LPG dengan biogas dari biodigester skala rumah tangga. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan agustus sampai dengan November 2011 di Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai kalor bersih biogas yang dihasilkan dari biodigester skala rumah tangga sebesar 19,8 Joule/cm3, setara dengan 0,33 kg LPG dan masih jauh di bawah nilai kalor LPG, demikian pula dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menghasilkan biogas. akan tetapi cukup menguntungkan karena dapat mengurangi ketergantungan akan bahan bakar fosil yang ketersediaannya terbatas dan dapat mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan. Selain itu bahan bakar gas bio bersih tidak menghasilkan asap.Kata kunci: Nilai kalor, Biogas, LP

    Analisis Variabel-variabel Penentu Cleanliness Factor dan Performance Factor untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Kondensor Unit 1 Pltu Sektor Asam-asam

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    Pemanatauan kierja kondensor PT. PLN Persero Sektor Asam-Asam pada keadaan operasi membuthkan nilai Cleanliness Factor dan Performance Factor. Analisis variabel-variabel yang menentukan Clinelines Factor dan Performance Factor diperlukan agar kinerjanya dapat ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor, mengetahui pengaruh Perubahan beban terhadap Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor, mengetahui variabel-variabel mempengaruhi kinerja kondenser dan mencari solusi untuk meningkatkan performance kondensor. Nilai Cleanlines Factor didapatkan dari rasio perbandingan koefisien transfer panas total keadaan aktual terhadap koefisien transfer panas HEI sedangkan PF didapat dari rasio koefisien transfer panas total keadaan aktual terhadap koefisien transfer panas ASME. Data-data operasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya beban pembangkitan listrik. . Hal ini membuktikan bahwa fouling bukan penyebab rendahnya nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor. Variabel-variabel yang dianalisis yaitu suhu inlet cooling water (Tin), tekanan kondenser/back pressure (Pback) dan aliran volumetrik cooling water (Colling Water flow).Kata Kunci : Kondensor, Cleanliness Factor, Performance Facto

    Design of Interactive Web-Based Learning System for Chemistry Lesson (Case Study: Jakarta, SMA Muhammadiyah 4)

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    Progress of information and communication technology provides many facilities in human life.Today, the utilization of information technology policy and communications directed to solvethe problem of education in Indonesia. With the utilization of communication and informationtechnologies for education They allow for the construction of an interactive learning systemwhich helps in studying and understanding the theories, concepts, and procedures within aparticular field. One area worthy of study is developed to the level of chemical High School(SMA), the selection of study areas mentioned because of teacher difficulties in teaching anddelivering course material, thus affecting the lack of students\u27 responses to the material. Webbasedinteractive learning system for chemistry lesson, the addition can assist and facilitate thestudents in the learning process can also assist educators in presenting the material withoutgoing through a face to face

    Optimasi Penggunaan Energi Pada Sistem Pencahayaan Gedung Rektorat Universitas Lampung Dalam Rangka Konservasi Energi

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    AbstrakSistem pencahayaan di gedung rektorat Universitas Lampung (Unila) memiliki intensitas cahaya yang kecil akibat penambahan sekat pada ruangan gedung, karenanya perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkankondisi optimal pada sistem pencahayaan. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengukuran Intensitas Konsumsi Energi(IKE), pengukuran intensitas cahaya ruang dan konsumsi energi pencahayaan kemudian mecari rekomendasipengoptimalan penggunaan energi listrik pada sistem pencahayaan dengan metoda lumen. Nilai hasilpengukuran IKE, intensitas cahaya serta hasil pengoptimalan dibandingkan dan dianalisis. Dari hasil pengukurandan perhitungan diperoleh, nilai IKE gedung rektorat unila sebesar 3,13 kWh/m² per bulan, nilai ini merupakanhasil yang sangat efisien berdasarkan PerMen ESDM No.13 tahun 2012. Untuk nilai intensitas cahaya, terdapat93,18% ruangan yang tidak sesuai dengan dengan SNI 03-6197-2010. Keadaan ini termasuk pada kondisi tidaknyaman, kareananya perlu dilakukan optimasi dengan beberapa alternatif. Setelah dilakukan optimasi denganalternatif tersebut, alternatif yang paling efisien dan memenuhi intensitas cahaya ruangan yang sesuai denganSNI 03-6197-2010 dengan nilai IKE 3,299 kWh/m² per bulan adalah alternatif dengan menggunakan lampu LEDT8 16.5T8/48-3500 IF 10/1.Kata Kunci : intensitas konsumsi energi, sistem pencahayaan, gedung rektorat, konservasi energi, PerMen ESDM no.13 tahun 2012, SNI 03-6197-2010

    Aplikasi Larva Black Soldier Fly (Hermatia Illucens) Sebagai Pakan Alami Dan Pakan Buatan (Pelet) Untuk Ikan Rainbow Kurumoi (Melanotaenia Parva) [Application of Black Soldier Fly Larval (Hermetia Illucens) as Feed and Artificial Feed (Pellets) for Rainbow Kurumoi Fish (Melanotaenia Parva) ]

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    Fish flour is raw materials of main protein source for fish feed, however because of its existence day by day gets expensive so that the other alternative feed material needed as the alternate of fish flour that is maggot which is the larva of insects kind of fly which contains crude protein about 42%. This Study was held in Research and Aquaculture Cultivation Center of Ornamental Fish Depok, West Java in January 14th until February 14th 2013. The goal of this Study is to know the aplication of black soldier fly larval (Hermetia illucens) as the feed of rainbow kurumoi fish (Melanotaenia parva). Maggot culture was undertaken by mixing PKM and water with the comparison of 1:2 then fermented in fiber basin. Then interspersed with wire and above it there was a dry banana leaf to lay the eggs and covered by wire again, and then eggs harvesting was undertaken which was moved to the egg hatching basin which contain PKM which had been fermented. After 2 weeks maggot was ready to be harvested from the hatching basin. Maggot and maggot pellets could fulfill the need of nutrition for rainbow kurumoi fish, this case could be seen by the existence of weight increase and length increase of the fish

    An Assessment on the Non-Invasive Methods for Condition Monitoring of Induction Motors

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    The ability to forecast motor mechanical faults at incipient stages is vital to reducing maintenance costs, operation downtime and safety hazards. This paper synthesized the progress in the research and development in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction motors. The motor condition monitoring techniques are mainly classified into two categories that are invasive and non-invasive techniques. The invasive techniques are very basic, but they have some implementation difficulties and high cost. The non-invasive methods, namely MCSA, PVA and IPA, overcome the disadvantages associated to invasive methods. This book chapter reviews the various non-invasive condition monitoring methods for diagnosis of mechanical faults in induction motor and concludes that the instantaneous power analysis (IPA) and Park vector analysis (PVA) methods are best suitable for the diagnosis of small fault signatures associated to mechanical faults. Recommendations for the future research in these areas are also presented

    Empowerment of Fishermen Household Saptagon Accessibilities to Solve Their Poverty

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    Accepted on August, 15 2007, Approved on January, 10 2008 The objectives of the study are: (1) to analyze fisherman household responses through the empowerment of saptagon accessibilities, (2) to choose a policy that can be used for developing the prosperity of poor fishermen household and the management of the sustainability fishery resources. The research uses a survey method and PRA (Poverty Rapid Appraisal), primary data are collected from fishermen household respondents using Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) and Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA). Quantitative and qualitative data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the research show: (1) the condition of fishermen human resources quality are (a) orderly, the highest rank is the quality of Master (Juragan) human resources, then Traders (Pedagang) and the lowest rank is the member of ship crews (ABK), (b) the skill and occupation of the fishermen's wives are an important factor that affect to the increasing income of the poor fishermen household, (c) the quality of human resources closely related to the improvement of all aspects in fishermen household saptagon accessibilities for increasing their prosperity. (2) The strengthening saptagon accessibilities' policies are: (a) be influential towards the repair of income and prosperity of fishermen household, (b) be implemented through training for the ship crews of fishermen household about: (i) vocational skill on ship engineering for fishermen, (ii) the alternative livelihood for fishermen's wives, (iii) supporting of participatory budgeting within the implementation of PEMDA's budgeting. (3) The strengthening saptagon accessibilities' policies are conducted by way of: (a) Social accessibility through reinforcing of Mutual Bussiness Community, (b) human resources accessibility through in- land vocational skill for the housewives in the activity of land alternative livelihood, (c) the environmental friendly technology accessibility through reinforcing of fishermen's vocational skill for fishing activity, (d) financial accessibility locally through reinforcing the finance institution of coastal area society, (e) nature resources accessibility through licensing affirmation and cooperation in management of fishery resources, (f) marketing accessibility through reinforcing of Mutual Business Community (KUB) within partnership business for affirmation of local economy, and (g) political accessibility through reinforcing participatory budgeting skill which is interconnected in implementation of strengthening community development through regional government (PEMDA) budgeting

    Effect of exogenous application of nicotinic acid on morpho-physiological characteristics of Hordeum vulgare L. under water stress

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    Abiotic stresses, such as high temperature and drought conditions, greatly influence the development of plants and the quality and quantity of products. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop production is largely impacted by drought, affecting growth, yield, and ultimately the productivity of the crop in hot arid/semi-arid conditions. The current pot experiment was directed to observe the outcome of nicotinic acid (NA) treatments on barley’s physiological, biochemical, and production attributes at two capacity levels, i.e., 100% normal range and withholding water stress. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used during the experimentation with the two-factor factorial arrangement. NA was applied exogenously by two different methods, i.e., foliar and soil application (fertigation). NA solution contained various application levels, such as T1 = control, foliar applications (T2 = 0.7368 gL−1, T3 = 1.477 gL−1, T4 = 2.2159 gL−1), and soil applications (T5 = 0.4924 gL−1, T6 = 0.9848 gL−1, and T7 = 1.4773 gL−1). Results depicted that, overall, foliar treatments showed better effects than control and soil treatments. Plant growth was preeminent under T4 treatment, such as plant height (71.07 cm), relative water content (84.0%), leaf water potential (39.73-MPa), leaf area index (36.53 cm2), biological yield (15.10 kgha−1), grain yield (14.40 kgha−1), harvest index (57.70%), catalase (1.54 mmolg−1FW−1), peroxidase (1.90 g−1FWmin−1), and superoxide dismutase (52.60 µgFW−1) were superior under T4 treatment. Soil plant analysis development (54.13 µgcm−2) value was also higher under T4 treatment and lowest under T7 treatment. In conclusion, NA-treated plants were more successful in maintaining growth attributes than non-treated plants; therefore, the NA foliar treatment at the rate of 2.2159 gL−1 is suggested to find economical crop yield under drought conditions. The present study would contribute significantly to improving the drought tolerance potential of barley through exogenous NA supply in water deficit areas

    Penerapan Modifikasi Model Pembelajaran Team Share Tournamet terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Siswa Terintegrasi Ada Pappaseng Bugis Makassar

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    Abstract: Communication skills are very important to be mastered by students in facing the 21st century. It can help and facilitate students to express ideas, and exchange information both verbally and non-verbally. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of high school students' communication skills by applying the team share tournament learning model to the material of majas which has local wisdom, namely Pappaseng Bugis Makassar. This type of research is descriptive quantitative which aims to describe systematically the students' communication skills. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and selected students of class XI at one of the public high schools in Bone Regency with a total of 30 students. The instruments used in the study included tests of students' communication skills which were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the communication skills of high school students on figurative language material (folklore) had increased in each indicator after the integration of Makassar Bugis Pappaseng was applied in the learning process. The increase that occurred reached a percentage of up to 89% which was at high.Abstrak: Kemampuan komunikasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dikuasai oleh siswa dalam menghadapi abad ke-21 karena dapat membantu dan memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengutarakan gagasan, serta bertukar informasi baik secara verbal maupun nonverbal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi siswa SMA dengan penerapan model pembelajaran team share tournament pada materi majas yang dikaitkan dengan kearifan lokal ada pappaseng bugis makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan secara sistematis mengenai kemampuan komunikasi siswa. Teknik penentuan sampel digunakan purposive sampling dan dipilih siswa kelas XI pada salah satu SMA Negeri yang terdapat di Kabupaten Bone dengan jumlah 30 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian meliputi tes kemampuan komunikasi siswa yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi siswa SMA pada materi majas (cerita rakyat) mengalami peningkatan pada setiap indikatornya setelah diterapkan integrasi ada pappaseng Bugis Makassar dalam proses pembelajaran. Peningkatan yang terjadi mencapai persentase hingga 89% yang berada pada kategori tinggi

    Kandungan Magnetit dan Distribusi Sedimen pada Pantai Anoi Itam, Pulau Weh

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    Keberadaan pasir besi dalam suatu wilayah memiliki peran ekonomis penting, umumnya dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku untuk industri. Di sisi lain, kandungan mineral dan magnetit dalam sedimen dapat digunakan sebagai bahan penjejak untuk menelusuri proses transport sedimen dalam suatu lingkungan perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran pola distribusi magnetit di lingkungan Pantai Anoi Itam (PAI) yang berada di bagian timur Pulau weh, Kota Sabang. Analisis komposisi magnetit bersama dengan parameter ukuran butiran rata-rata, digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan pola sebaran pasir besi yang terbentuk pada kawasan PAI. Sampel sedimen diambil pada bulan Februari 2017 menggunakan coring pada 20 stasiun di sepanjang pantai (alongshore). Parameter ukuran butiran rata-rata diperoleh menggunakan metode ayak basah, sedangkan kandungan magnetit dihasilkan dari separasi menggunakan magnet kuat Neodynium tipe n-35. Sedimen PAI dicirikan memiliki tekstur yang agak kasar, dimana tipe pasiran dengan sedikit kerikil (Slightly Gravelly Sand) umum ditemukan. Diperoleh nilai ukuran butiran rata-rata sedimen antara 0,30 mm hingga 1,72 mm, dengan rerata (average) 0,74 mm. Magnetit memiliki nilai ukuran butiran rata-rata antara 0,31 mm hingga 1,82 mm, dan diperoleh rerata sebesar 0,76 mm. Keterdapatan magnetit ditemukan dalam persentase yang tinggi pada bagian utara PAI dan menjadi lebih rendah menuju bagian selatan, sehingga disimpulkan bahwa pola sebaran magnetit berasal dari bagian utara PAI
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