71 research outputs found

    Revisión de requisitos para la exportación de alimentos compuestos con ingredientes de origen animal

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    La entrada en vigor de Real Decreto 993/2014 supuso un cambio en la metodología de las exportaciones de animales y productos de origen animal. Tanto empresas como como el control oficial tuvieron que adaptarse. Si bien, este proceso no fue fácil debido al aumento de la carga de trabajo que ambos tuvieron que asumir tras la modificación del proceso para solicitar los certificados de exportación con la eliminación del papel de los inspectores de las comunidades autónomas los cuales, en el pasado, hacían una previa inspección de la carga a exportar y firmaban un certificado sanitario también conocido comúnmente como "sábana". En este trabajo bibliográfico se recoge la situación española actual para la exportación de alimentos compuestos con un enfoque en Europastry S.A., empresa de masas congeladas y panadería industrial. Se hace un desglose del RD 993/2014 junto con el sistema de autocontrol específico para la exportación (SAE) y la plataforma informática de CEXGAN, siguiendo con un análisis de la situación concreta de Europastry S.A., donde se detalla el protocolo seguido por esta así como, las principales dificultades que se han tenido que salvar. Como conclusión de la nueva situación, es necesario ser conocedor de la legislación de exportación tanto española como como del país de destino de la mercancía, creándose en la empresa una nueva área de conocimiento en este ámbito.The entry into force of the law 993/2014 was a change in the methodology of exports of animals and animal products. Companies and the official control had to adapt. However, the process was not easy due to the increased workload that both had to assume after modify the process to apply for export health certificates with the elimination of the role of inspectors of the autonomous communities which, in the past, did a preliminary inspection of the cargo to be exported and signed a health certificate. In this bibliographic essay, the current Spanish situation for the export of compound food is collected with a focus on Europastry S.A., frozen dough and industrial bakery company. A breakdown of RD 993/2014 is made with the specific self-control for export system and the website CEXGAN, to follow with an analysis of the specific situation of 7 Europastry S.A., explaining the protocol that is used and the main difficulties that have had to be overcomed. At the conclusion of the new situation, it is necessary to be aware of the export rules of Spain and country of destination of the goods, being created in a new area of knowledge in this area in the company

    Structural and functional characterization of phosphomimetic mutants of cytochrome c at threonine 28 and serine 47

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    Protein function is frequently modulated by post-translational modifications of specific residues. Cytochrome c, in particular, is phosphorylated in vivo at threonine 28 and serine 47. However, the effect of such modifications on the physiological functions of cytochrome c – namely, the transfer of electrons in the respiratory electron transport chain and the triggering of programmed cell death – is still unknown. Here we replace each of these two residues by aspartate, in order to mimic phosphorylation, and report the structural and functional changes in the resulting cytochrome c variants. We find that the T28D mutant causes a 30-mV decrease on the midpoint redox potential and lowers the affinity for the distal site of Arabidopsis thaliana cytochrome c1 in complex III. Both the T28D and S47D variants display a higher efficiency as electron donors for the cytochrome c oxidase activity of complex IV. In both protein mutants, the peroxidase activity is significantly higher, which is related to the ability of cytochrome c to leave the mitochondria and reach the cytoplasm. We also find that both mutations at serine 47 (S47D and S47A) impair the ability of cytoplasmic cytochrome c to activate the caspases cascade, which is essential for triggering programmed cell death.Peer reviewe

    Histone chaperone activity of Arabidopsis thaliana NRP1 is blocked by cytochrome c

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    Higher-order plants and mammals use similar mechanisms to repair and tolerate oxidative DNA damage. Most studies on the DNA repair process have focused on yeast and mammals, in which histone chaperone-mediated nucleosome disassembly/reassembly is essential for DNA to be accessible to repair machinery. However, little is known about the specific role and modulation of histone chaperones in the context of DNA damage in plants. Here, the histone chaperone NRP1, which is closely related to human SET/TAF-Iβ, was found to exhibit nucleosome assembly activity in vitro and to accumulate in the chromatin of Arabidopsis thaliana after DNA breaks. In addition, this work establishes that NRP1 binds to cytochrome c, thereby preventing the former from binding to histones. Since NRP1 interacts with cytochrome c at its earmuff domain, that is, its histone-binding domain, cytochrome c thus competes with core histones and hampers the activity of NRP1 as a histone chaperone. Altogether, the results obtained indicate that the underlying molecular mechanisms in nucleosome disassembly/reassembly are highly conserved throughout evolution, as inferred from the similar inhibition of plant NRP1 and human SET/TAF-Iβ by cytochrome c during DNA damage response.Junta de Andalucía BIO198Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2015-71017 / BMC y BFU2013-4706

    Enabling Metabolomics Based Biomarker Discovery Studies Using Molecular Phenotyping of Exosome-Like Vesicles

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    Identification of sensitive and specific biomarkers with clinical and translational utility will require smart experimental strategies that would augment expanding the breadth and depth of molecular measurements within the constraints of currently available technologies. Exosomes represent an information rich matrix to discern novel disease mechanisms that are thought to contribute to pathologies such as dementia and cancer. Although proteomics and transcriptomic studies have been reported using Exosomes-Like Vesicles (ELVs) from different sources, exosomal metabolome characterization and its modulation in health and disease remains to be elucidated. Here we describe methodologies for UPLC-ESI-MS based small molecule profiling of ELVs from human plasma and cell culture media. In this study, we present evidence that indeed ELVs carry a rich metabolome that could not only augment the discovery of low abundance biomarkers but may also help explain the molecular basis of disease progression. This approach could be easily translated to other studies seeking to develop predictive biomarkers that can subsequently be used with simplified targeted approaches.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (RD12/0036/0035), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivy (PI14/02043), the AECC (Grupos Estables de Investigacion 2011 - AECC- GCB 110333 REVE), the Fundació La Marató TV3 (2/C/2013), the CIRIT Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 1330) and the European Commission, 7th Framework Programe, IRSES (PROTBIOFLUID –269285) – Belgium. The authors would like to acknowledge the Proteomics and Metabolomics Shared Resource partially supported by Cancer Center Support Grant NIH/NCI grant P30-CA051008

    Enabling Metabolomics Based Biomarker Discovery Studies Using Molecular Phenotyping Of Exosome-like Vesicles

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    Identification of sensitive and specific biomarkers with clinical and translational utility will require smart experimental strategies that would augment expanding the breadth and depth of molecular measurements within the constraints of currently available technologies. Exosomes represent an information rich matrix to discern novel disease mechanisms that are thought to contribute to pathologies such as dementia and cancer. Although proteomics and transcriptomic studies have been reported using Exosomes-Like Vesicles (ELVs) from different sources, exosomal metabolome characterization and its modulation in health and disease remains to be elucidated. Here we describe methodologies for UPLC-ESI-MS based small molecule profiling of ELVs from human plasma and cell culture media. In this study, we present evidence that indeed ELVs carry a rich metabolome that could not only augment the discovery of low abundance biomarkers but may also help explain the molecular basis of disease progression. This approach could be easily translated to other studies seeking to develop predictive biomarkers that can subsequently be used with simplified targeted approaches

    Respiratory complexes III and IV can each bind two molecules of cytochrome c at low ionic strength

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    The transient interactions of respiratory cytochrome c with complexes III and IV is herein investigated by using heterologous proteins, namely human cytochrome c, the soluble domain of plant cytochrome c1 and bovine cytochrome c oxidase. The binding molecular mechanisms of the resulting cross-complexes have been analyzed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. Our data reveal that the two cytochrome c-involving adducts possess a 2:1 stoichiometry – that is, two cytochrome c molecules per adduct – at low ionic strength. We conclude that such extra binding sites at the surfaces of complexes III and IV can facilitate the turnover and sliding of cytochrome c molecules and, therefore, the electron transfer within respiratory supercomplexes.España, MINECO Grant Nos. BFU2010-19451/BMC and BFU2012-31670/BMCJunta de Andalucía Grant PAI, BIO198España Ministerio de Educación, y European Social Fund-ERDF AP2009-409

    Beyond a platform protein for the degradosome assembly: the apoptosis-inducing factor as an efficient nuclease involved in chromatinolysis

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    The Apoptosis-Inducing Factor (AIF) is a moonlighting flavoenzyme involved in the assembly of mitochondrial respiratory complexes in healthy cells, but also able to trigger DNA cleavage and parthanatos. Upon apoptotic-stimuli, AIF redistributes from the mitochondria to the nucleus, where upon association with other proteins such as endonuclease CypA and histone H2AX, it is proposed to organize a DNA–degradosome complex. In this work, we provide evidence for the molecular assembly of this complex as well as for the cooperative effects among its protein components to degrade genomic DNA into large fragments. We have also uncovered that AIF has nuclease activity that is stimulated in the presence of either Mg2+ or Ca2+. Such activity allows AIF by itself and in cooperation with CypA to efficiently degrade genomic DNA. Finally, we have identified TopIB and DEK motifs in AIF as responsible for its nuclease activity. These new findings point, for the first time, to AIF as a nuclease able to digest nuclear dsDNA in dying cells, improving our understanding of its role in promoting apoptosis and opening paths for the development of new therapeutic strategies

    The roles of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy, lactation and infancy: review of current knowledge and consensus recommendations

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    This paper reviews current knowledge on the role of the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6), in maternal and term infant nutrition as well as infant development. Consensus recommendations and practice guidelines for health-care providers supported by the World Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Early Nutrition Academy, and the Child Health Foundation are provided. The fetus and neonate should receive LC-PUFA in amounts sufficient to support optimal visual and cognitive development. Moreover, the consumption of oils rich in n-3 LC-PUFA during pregnancy reduces the risk for early premature birth. Pregnant and lactating women should aim to achieve an average daily intake of at least 200mg DHA. For healthy term infants, we recommend and fully endorse breastfeeding, which supplies preformed LC-PUFA, as the preferred method of feeding. When breastfeeding is not possible, we recommend use of an infant formula providing DHA at levels between 0.2 and 0.5 weight percent of total fat, and with the minimum amount of AA equivalent to the contents of DHA. Dietary LC-PUFA supply should continue after the first six months of life, but currently there is not sufficient information for quantitative recommendation

    Antimalarial activity of cupredoxins: the interaction of Plasmodium Merozoite Surface Protein 119 (MSP119) and Rusticyanin

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    Background: The interaction of MSP119 with the cupredoxin azurin inhibits the growth of Plasmodium falciparum in red blood cells. Results: Rusticyanin forms a well-defined complex with MSP119 upon binding at the same surface area than inhibitory antibodies. Conclusion: Rusticyanin becomes an excellent therapeutic agent for malaria. Significance: Knowing the rusticyanin- MSP119 interface will allow the design of novel anti-malarial drugsJunta de Andalucía P08-CVI-3876, BIO198Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2011- 26611Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia 15354/PI/10Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BFU2010-19451Medical Research Council U117574558, U11753206

    Structural basis of mitochondrial dysfunction in response to cytochrome c phosphorylation at tyrosine 48

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    Regulation of mitochondrial activity allows cells to adapt to changing conditions and to control oxidative stress, and its dysfunction can lead to hypoxia-dependent pathologies such as ischemia and cancer. Although cytochrome c phosphorylation—in particular, at tyrosine 48—is a key modulator of mitochondrial signaling, its action and molecular basis remain unknown. Here we mimic phosphorylation of cytochrome c by replacing tyrosine 48 with p-carboxy-methyl-L-phenylalanine (pCMF). The NMR structure of the resulting mutant reveals significant conformational shifts and enhanced dynamics around pCMF that could explain changes observed in its functionality: The phosphomimetic mutation impairs cytochrome c diffusion between respiratory complexes, enhances hemeprotein peroxidase and reactive oxygen species scavenging activities, and hinders caspase-dependent apoptosis. Our findings provide a framework to further investigate the modulation of mitochondrial activity by phosphorylated cytochrome c and to develop novel therapeutic approaches based on its prosurvival effects.Financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grants BFU2015-71017-P/BMC and BFU2015-19451/BMC, cofounded by FEDER EU), European Union (Bio-MR-00130 and CALIPSO-312284), Ramon Areces Foundation, and Andalusian Government (BIO198). B.M.-B. was awarded a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP2009-4092) and a short-term traveling fellowship from the European Bio-NMR Project. A.G.-C. was awarded a PhD fellowship from the CSIC (JaePre-2011-01248).Peer reviewe