40 research outputs found

    Bebas Mual Muntah Akibat Kemoterapi dengan Terapi Komplementer pada Pasien Kanker Payudara

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    This study aims to identify various complementary therapies that can overcome nausea and vomiting in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The method used is a literature search from different online databases. The results showed several complementary therapies to treat nausea and vomiting in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, such as acupressure, yoga, acupuncture, foot massage therapy, breathing exercises and guided imagery combined with progressive muscle relaxation. In conclusion, several complementary therapies are significantly effective in overcoming nausea and vomiting in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Keywords: Breast Cancer, Nausea Vomiting, Complementary Therap

    Self-Efficacy as a Predictor of Self-Management Behavior Practice Among People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)

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    Diabetes mellitus is a major health challenge associated with morbidity and mortality. Self-management behaviors are a critical part of diabetes disease management. Empowered or activated patients are more likely to practice better implementation of self-management behaviors. However, self-management behavior practice has not always been applied effectively among these populations. Further investigations are necessary to evaluate the status and factors that influence the practice of selfmanagement behaviors among patients with diabetes. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between self-efficacy and self-management behaviors of people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. A cross-sectional research design was used in this study; 112 eligible people with type 2 Diabetes were recruited. Several questionnaires were used in this study including demographic and patient characteristics, Diabetes Management Self Efficacy Scale (DMSES), Summary Diabetes Self Care Activity (SDSCA), and Diabetes Knowledge (DKN) Scale. Data analysis was performed through univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyzes. Most of the respondents studied were women, aged 34-74 years and the highest educational background was secondary education, 33.9% of respondents have a good level of knowledge, and 59.8% have good self-efficacy. The results show the significant relationship between self-efficacy and self-management behaviors (p-value < 0.001). The results of multivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between self-efficacy and self-management behavior after being controlled by the knowledge and the duration of diabetes. Therefore, nurses need to improve the self-efficacy of people with type 2 Diabetes by providing education about the management of Diabetes, as well as supporting and motivating them.   Keywords: self-efficacy, self-management behaviors, people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitu

    Manajemen Pertukaran Gas pada Pasien Post CARDS (COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) yang Terpasang Ventilasi Mekanik

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    This study aims to describe the effectiveness of prone intervention in cases of post-CARDS/COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome who are mechanically ventilated. This type of research is research with a case study approach. The results showed that after the intervention was given in the prone position in patients with post CARDS/Covid-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome who had mechanical ventilation installed, there was an increase in oxygen saturation values and also to prevent secondary injuries that could worsen the condition of the lungs and other organs. In conclusion, prone position performed as early as possible will be better and provide a significant improvement effect on the respiratory system.   Keywords: ARDS, CARDS, COVID-19, Gas Exchange Disorders, Pron


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan konseling realitas yang efektif untuk mengembangkan kemampuan penyesuaian sosial peserta didik. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif-kualitatif dengan metode Research and Development. Penelitian dilakukan di SMPN 5 Cimahi. Subjek penelitian yakni peserta didik kelas 7 yang ditentukan secara non random dengan teknik purposive sampling. Temuan penelitian yaitu pertama, profil penyesuaian sosial peserta didik menunjukkan hampir semua peserta didik memiliki penyesuaian sosial pada kategori sedang, namun sebagian kecil peserta didik berada pada kategori rendah terutama pada indikator bertanya kepada guru ketika menemukan kesulitan, keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler serta peduli pada nama baik sekolah. Kedua, rumusan hipotetik konseling realitas untuk meningkatkan penyesuaian sosial peserta didik yang terdiri dari rasional, tujuan, asumsi dasar, kompetensi konselor, sasaran konseling, rancangan operasional, prosedur pelaksanaan, garis besar isi konseling realitas, evaluasi dan indikator keberhasilan. Ketiga, hasil uji efektifitas menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan konseling realitas secara empirik teruji efektif untuk mengembangkan penyesuaian sosial. Rekomendasi bagi guru bimbingan dan konseling yaitu guru BK dapat mengimplementasikan konseling realitas untuk mengembangkan penyesuaian sosial peserta didik di sekolah. Penelitian berikutnya dapat menguji konseling realitas pada jenjang pendidikan yang berbeda. Penelitian berikutnya dapat menguji konseling realitas untuk mengembangkan aspek dan dimensi perkembangan peserta didik selain penyesuaian sosial.;--- This research aimed to find out the effectiveness reality counseling on developing social adjustment of students. The research uses quantitative – qualitative approach by Research and Development method. The research was carried out in SMPN 5 Cimahi. The Subject of research are students class 7 which choosen randomly. The result of the research shows: first , profile of students social adjustment shows almost all student have medium category of social adjustment, however a few of students are on low category, especially on indicator, asking to the teacher when finding difficulty, participant in extracuriculer and in the care of school reputation. Second, formulation on reality counseling hipotesis to improve the social adjustment of student, that consist of rationality, the aim, basic assumption, counseling goal, operational design, implementation procedure, guide line of reality counseling contents, evaluation and indicator of success, third, the effectivity of experiment result shows that the implementation of reality counseling is empirically effective for developing social adjustment of students. A recommendation for counselor is able to implement reality counseling to develop social adjustment for student in school. The next research is hope to be to able to examine reality counseling on different education level.the researcher can examine reality counseling to develop aspect and dimension of growth of student instead of social adjustment


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    Insomnia merupakan gangguan tidur yang  dapat dialami oleh klien kanker payudara. Faktor pemicu insomnia pada kanker adalah masalah psikologis.  Masalah psikologis yang sering muncul pada klien kanker adalah kecemasan dan depresi Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui angka kejadian insomnia dan mengetahui hubungan kecemasan,  depresi dengan  insomnia pada klien kanker payudara.  Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel sejumlah 85 klien kanker payudara stadium I-III. Responden mengisi  kuesioner mengenai keluhan insomnia menggunakan Insomnia Severity Indeks (ISI) sedangkan untuk  cemas, dan depresi menggunakan kuesioner Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan insomnia dialami oleh 16,47 % responden, insomnia berhubungan secara bermakna dengan depresi (p = 0,037), dan kecemasan  (p = 0,001). Perawat perlu melakukan pengkajian tentang keluhan insomnia pada klien kanker payudara secara terfokus sehingga dapat memberikan intervensi secara tepat


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    Gangguan tidur dipandang sebagai masalah potensial yang terjadi pada pasien pasca stroke. Dalam mengatasi gangguan tidur dibutuhkan intervensi psikologis dan perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi Benson dikombinasikan dengan Sleep Hygiene Education (SHE) terhadap kualitas tidur pasien pasca stroke. Metode yang digunakan quasi experiment pre-post test design with control group. Dari 58 responden, 30 responden kelompok intervensi menerapkan relaksasi Benson dikombinasikan dengan SHE dan 28 responden menerapkan relaksasi Benson sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan kualitas tidur pada kedua kelompok (p=0,0001) setelah perlakuan dan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara dua kelompok tersebut (p=0,0001). Relaksasi Benson dikombinasikan dengan SHE direkomendasikan sebagai salah satu terapi non farmakologi untuk mengoptimalkan kualitas tidur pada pasien pasca stroke

    Penurunan Keluhan Dribbling Pasien Pasca Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Melalui Kegel's Excercise

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    This study aims to see the effect of Kegel's exercise on Dribbling Complaint of Post Transurethral Resection of the Prostate(TURP) patient. The sample was the patients who are hospitalized in X hospital and Y hospital fulfill the inclusion criteria.There were 10 responden each for intervention and control groups. The study results show that dribbling complaint of patientin intervention group stop at day 13, while in control group stop at day 24. Thus, there is a significant difference of the averageof dribbling complaint duration between intervention and control groups (p= 0.007; α= 0.05). In addition, for the respondentsin intervention group who did the exercise regularly, the dribbling complaint stop at day 13 and those who did not do exerciseregularly the complaint stop at day 20. This is shown again that there is a significant difference of the average of dribblingcomplaint duration between those who do the exercise regularly and who do not do it regularly (p= 0.004; α= 0.05). Inconclusion, the Kegel's's exercise is proven can reduce the dribbling complaint of post TURP patient. It is recommended thateach hospital can apply Kegel's excercise for patients with symptoms of post-TURP dribbling

    Water Consumption on the Morning to Constipation of Patient with Immobilization

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    Introduction: Patient with musculoskeletal disorder has been moving limitation and caused decreasing of gut peristaltic. The aimed of this study to find out the influence of drinking plain water 500 ml on the morning to constipation Incident of Immobilize Patient with musculoskeletal system disorder. Methods: The methode of this study were quasi-eksperiment with post test only non equivalent control group design. The number of sample was 24 respondents as intervention group, and 24 respondent as control group. The instrument that be used were Bowel Score that have been observed everyday for three days. Result: The result shows significant influences of drinking plain water on the morning to constipation incident of immobilize patient musculoskeletal system dysorder (p value=0.002; α=0.05. Discussion: consuming water can avoid constipation on immobilize patient with musculoskeletal disorder. For the next research hopefully measures and analize psychosocial faktor of the patient defecation such as comfortable and privacy

    Peningkatan Kekuatan Otot Pernapasan Dan Fungsi Paru Melalui Senam Asma Pada Pasien Asma

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    Patients with asthma have bronchospasm and bronchoconstriction that can cause a decrease in respiratory function. Theresearch aims to identify the effect of exercise asthma to increased respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary function inasthma patients with asthma. The study design is a pretest-Post test Control Group design. Samples numbered 50 patients,taken with purposive sampling, and consists of intervention and control groups. The results of the study, there is a relationshipbetween exercise asthma to increased respiratory muscle strength (p= 0.0005; α= 0.05) and pulmonary function (p= 0.0005;α= 0.05) in patients with asthma, after controlling weight and height. Recommendations for exercise asthma into nursingintervention program on asthma management to improve respiratory muscle strength and lung function of asthma patients