178 research outputs found

    Serving the Urban Poor through Public-Private-Community Partnerships in Water Supply

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    There are good reasons to believe that provision of water for the poor and poor communities can be a potent tool for poverty alleviation. As such, the special water supply programs intended for poor communities that were set up by the two private water concessionaires, after MWSS' privatization, in partnership with the communities, LGUs, NGOs, other private parties and the MWSS itself are laudable and should be considered for replication in other areas wherever possible.urban poor, private sector participation, public-private-community partnership, water services, water supply, water provision, water pricing

    Water in Metro Cebu: The Case for Policy and Institutional Reforms

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    Over the past decade, Metro Cebu has been rapidly moving toward growth and industrialization contributing as much as 70 percent to Visayas’ industrial output. However, associated with this progress are the concerns of various sectors about the quality of water services. Only 23 percent of the total households and a very small portion of industrial and commercial sectors are serviced by the Metro Cebu Water District. Hence, the large majority of households, industrial and commercial firms have to rely on private wells and private water vendors. This paper examines the policy and institutional factors that may be preventing the efficient, equitable and sustainable Metro Cebu’s water resource management. It also provides policy areas through which policy and institutional reforms can be implemented.water sector, water allocation, governance

    Urban Water Pricing: The Metro Manila and Metro Cebu Cases

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    Water is a critical commodity for human survival and a scarce resource that must be appropriately priced to ensure that it is not wastefully and unsuitably consumed. This Notes offers an optimal pricing scheme, together with suggestions on the improvement of the overall water resource management that could provide the proper environment by which such pricing scheme can succeed.urban management, water sector, water demand

    The Brazilian Network for HIV-1 Genotyping External Quality Control Assurance Programme

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    The Brazilian network for genotyping is composed of 21 laboratories that perform and analyze genotyping tests for all HIV-infected patients within the public system, performing approximately 25,000 tests per year. We assessed the interlaboratory and intralaboratory reproducibility of genotyping systems by creating and implementing a local external quality control evaluation. Plasma samples from HIV-1-infected individuals (with low and intermediate viral loads) or RNA viral constructs with specific mutations were used. This evaluation included analyses of sensitivity and specificity of the tests based on qualitative and quantitative criteria, which scored laboratory performance on a 100-point system. Five evaluations were performed from 2003 to 2008, with 64% of laboratories scoring over 80 points in 2003, 81% doing so in 2005, 56% in 2006, 91% in 2007, and 90% in 2008 (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.003). Increased performance was aided by retraining laboratories that had specific deficiencies. The results emphasize the importance of investing in laboratory training and interpretation of DNA sequencing results, especially in developing countries where public (or scarce) resources are used to manage the AIDS epidemic

    The Murciano-Almerian non nitrophilous therophytic grasslands

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    Se presenta la primera aproximación global al conocimiento e interpretación de los pastizales terofíticos no nitrófilos murciano-almerienses, realizada desde la óptica de la fitosociología integrada. El análisis se llevó a cabo con 190 inventarios fitosociológicos, utilizando métodos de ordenación clásicos y multivariantes (análisis de correspondencias), así como una profunda revisión bibliográfica. Se han reconocido 25 comunidades o asociaciones vegetales pertenecientes a las clases Helianthemetea guttati (18), Saginetea maritimae (3), Thero-Salicornietea (3) e Isoeto-Nanojuncetea (1). Se proponen como nuevas las cinco asociaciones que se recogen en el resumen en inglés.The present paper is the first approach to the global synthesis of the murciano-almerian, non nitrophilous therophytic grassland, belonging to the classes Helianthemetea guttati, Saginetea maritimae, Thero-Salicornietea and lsoeto-Nanojuncetea. These communities have been studied according to the methodology of the Integrated Phytosociology. Tables have been ordered by means of the manual method and also multivariate analysis (Correspondence Analysis). 25 plant communities have been recognized, the following are proposed as new associations: Stipo capensis-Diplota.xidetum lagascanae, Plantagini ovatae-Diplotaxidetum ilorcitanae, Leysero leyseroidis-Rumicetum gallici, Campanulo fastigiatae-Chaenorhinetum rupestris and Polypogoni maritimi-Teucrietum campanulati

    Real-world comparison of the effects of etanercept and adalimumab on well-being in non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a propensity score matched cohort study

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    Background: Etanercept (ETN) and adalimumab (ADA) are considered equally efective biologicals in the treat‑ ment of arthritis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) but no studies have compared their impact on patient-reported well-being. The objective of this study was to determine whether ETN and ADA have a diferential efect on patientreported well-being in non-systemic JIA using real-world data. Methods: Biological-naive patients without a history of uveitis were selected from the international Pharmachild registry. Patients starting ETN were matched to patients starting ADA based on propensity score and outcomes were collected at time of therapy initiation and 3–12 months afterwards. Primary outcome at follow-up was the improve‑ ment in Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) visual analogue scale (VAS) well-being score from baseline. Secondary outcomes at follow-up were decrease in active joint count, adverse events and uveitis events. Outcomes were analyzed using linear and logistic mixed efects models. Results: Out of 158 eligible patients, 45 ETN starters and 45 ADA starters could be propensity score matched result‑ ing in similar VAS well-being scores at baseline. At follow-up, the median improvement in VAS well-being was 2 (inter‑ quartile range (IQR): 0.0 – 4.0) and scores were signifcantly better (P=0.01) for ETN starters (median 0.0, IQR: 0.0 – 1.0) compared to ADA starters (median 1.0, IQR: 0.0 – 3.5). The estimated mean diference in VAS well-being improvement from baseline for ETN versus ADA was 0.89 (95% CI: -0.01 – 1.78; P=0.06). The estimated mean diference in active joint count decrease was -0.36 (95% CI: -1.02 – 0.30; P=0.28) and odds ratio for adverse events was 0.48 (95% CI: 0.16 –1.44; P=0.19). One uveitis event was observed in the ETN group. Conclusions: Both ETN and ADA improve well-being in non-systemic JIA. Our data might indicate a trend towards a slightly stronger efect for ETN, but larger studies are needed to confrm this given the lack of statistical signifcance

    Mesoporous sulfonic acid silicas for pyrolysis bio-oil upgrading via acetic acid esterification

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    Propylsulfonic acid derivatised SBA-15 catalysts have been prepared by post modification of SBA-15 with mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS) for the upgrading of a model pyrolysis bio-oil via acetic acid esterification with benzyl alcohol in toluene. Acetic acid conversion and the rate of benzyl acetate production was proportional to the PrSO3H surface coverage, reaching a maximum for a saturation adlayer. Turnover frequencies for esterification increase with sulfonic acid surface density, suggesting a cooperative effect of adjacent PrSO3H groups. Maximal acetic acid conversion was attained under acid-rich conditions with aromatic alcohols, outperforming Amberlyst or USY zeolites, with additional excellent water tolerance

    Growing pains in children

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    We review the clinical manifestations of "growing pains", the most common form of episodic childhood musculoskeletal pain. Physicians should be careful to adhere to clear clinical criteria as described in this review before diagnosing a child with growing pain. We expand on current theories on possible causes of growing pains and describe the management of these pains and the generally good outcome in nearly all children