329 research outputs found

    Staff perceptions of a Productive Community Services implementation: A qualitative interview study

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    Background: The Productive Series is a collection of change programmes designed by the English National Health Service (NHS) Institute for Innovation and Improvement to help frontline healthcare staff improve quality and reduce wasted time, so that this time can be reinvested into time spent with patients. The programmes have been implemented in at least 14 countries around the world. This study examines an implementation of the Productive Community Services programme that took place in a Community healthcare organisation in England from July 2010 to March 2012. Objectives: To explore staff members' perceptions of a Productive Community Services implementation. Design: Cross-sectional interview. Settings: Community Healthcare Organisation in East Anglia, England. Participants: 45 participants were recruited using purposive, snowballing and opportunistic sampling methods to represent five main types of staff group in the organisation; clinical team members, administrative team members, service managers/team leaders, senior managers and software support staff. Team members were recruited on the basis that they had submitted data for at least one Productive Community Services module. Methods: Semi-structured individual and group interviews were carried out after the programme concluded and analysed using thematic analysis. Results: This report focuses on six of the themes identified. The analysis found that communication was not always effective, and there was a lack of awareness, knowledge and understanding of the programme. Many staff did not find the Productive Community Services work relevant, and although certain improvements were sustained, suboptimal practices crept back. Although negative outcomes were reported, such as the programme taking time away from patients initially, many benefits were described including improved stock control and work environments, and better use of the Electronic Patient Record system. Conclusions: One of the themes identified highlighted the positive perceptions of the programme, however a focus on five other themes indicate that important aspects of the implementation could have been improved. The innovation and implementation literature already addresses the issues identified, which suggests a gap between theory and practice for implementation teams. A lack of perceived relevance also suggests that similar programmes need to be made more easily adaptable for the varied specialisms found in Community Services. Further research on Productive Community Services implementations and knowledge transfer is required, and publication of studies focusing on the less positive aspects of implementations may accelerate this process

    The geographies of access to enterprise finance: the case of the West Midlands, UK

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    The geographies of access to enterprise finance: the case of the West Midlands, UK, Regional Studies. Whilst there is a long history of credit rationing to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, the financial crisis has seen banks retreat further from lending to viable SMEs due to a reassessment of risk and lack of available capital. In so doing, the credit crunch is thought to be creating new geographies of financial exclusion. This paper explores the financial inclusion of enterprise through community development finance institutions (CDFIs) which provide loan finance to firms at the commercial margins in the West Midlands, UK. The paper concludes that CDFIs could partially address the financial exclusion of enterprise as an additional, alternative source of finance to that of mainstream banks

    Taking health geography out of the academy:Measuring academic impact

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    In recent years the academic landscape has been shifting and significantly affected by the introduction of an ‘impact agenda’. Academics are increasingly expected to demonstrate their broader engagement with the world and evidence related outcomes. Whilst different countries are at various stages along this impact journey, the UK is the first country to link impact to funding outcomes; here impact now accounts for 20% of an academic unit of assessment’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) result. This concept of ‘research impact’ implies that our work can effect change through one or more identifiable events in a direct, preferably linear and certainly measurable manner. In this paper, focusing on impact in social science, and policy-related impact in particular, we argue that such a cause and effect model is inappropriate. Furthermore that impact is not immediate or indeed linear within social science research. Drawing on recent work on alcohol and tobacco environments in Scotland we present a case study of impact, reflect on the process and respond to the challenges of moving beyond ‘business as usual’ public participation towards the measurement of outcomes. In doing so we critique the way in which ‘impact’ is currently measured and suggest a move towards an enlightenment model with greater recognition of process

    Principles of all-inclusive public health: developing a public health leadership curriculum

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    This article describes the way in which the international Leadership in European Public Health Initiative (LEPHIE) course was developed, outlines its content, and describes how the earlier DELTAH project informed its development. The project, funded by the EC Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning programme between 2004 and 2007 is now being operationalised in a number of European countries and continues to attract growing interest amongst those still striving to develop their public health systems

    Social justice in a market order: graduate employment and social mobility in the UK

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    Framed within a Gramscian analytical perspective, this article contrasts the ‘transparent neoliberalism’ of one of its leading organic intellectuals, Friederich Hayek, with one of the key discourses of ‘euphemized neoliberalism’ in the UK: higher education’s promise of social justice through social mobility. The article discusses the disjunctions between ideology and discourse but also between discourse and the reality of class-based unequal graduate employment outcomes in the UK. I then consider some recent policy proposals to redress such inequalities and scrutinize these in the light of Hayek’s views on social justice within a market economy. In the final section, I return to Gramsci to re-evaluate the continuing relevance of the concept of organic intellectuals in the light of debates around the shifting position of intellectuals within contemporary society

    Experiences and Outcomes Among Undergraduate Health Professional Higher Education Students With Protected Characteristics: Disability, Gender, and Ethnicity

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    YesThe Dean of the School of Health Studies at the University of Bradford, requested a review of the experiences and outcomes amongst undergraduate health professional higher education students with protected characteristics (as defined by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2010). The rational for this work was the University of Bradford’s recognition that all students are entitled to a valuable and rewarding university experience regardless of age, ability, gender or ethnicity. Across the higher education sector nationally, it has been suggested that whilst many students benefit from positive outcomes and experiences, some do not. This literature review was undertaken, as a precursor to a wider project, in order to report on current published research illustrating examples of negative and positive student experiences and outcomes in health higher education. Objectives - To review available literature in order to examine the relationship between undergraduate health professional students with protected characteristics and their experiences and outcomes in health higher education. - To identify and report examples of good practice relating to the review aims Method The literature review was undertaken systematically, using a protocol-based approach between 31.01.14 and 31.07.14. Only primary or secondary research data were included in the review. Databases and search terms were pre-specified and literature published between 2010 and 2014 was retrieved. Data bases searched included CINAHL, Medline, ERIC, BHI ASSIA and the Higher Education Academy. Papers were screened at title and abstract against exclusion criteria and eligible papers were included in the review. Results Thirty seven papers were included in this review. Data were broadly organized and displayed through the Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010) protected characteristics categories. These included the presentation of three categories: disability, gender and ethnicity. No papers relating to age were included. Data describing both negative and positive student experiences and outcomes was presented in the context of medical, nursing and allied health professions. Discussion Findings were presented in a narrative format. Included literature predominantly centred on pre-registration nursing students and ethnicity. There were more examples of negative student experiences and outcomes with fewer positive examples to report. Further empirical and secondary research focusing on age, disability, gender and ethnicity is required. The review also highlights the need to examine each protected characteristic student group independently to enable closer examination of specific issues

    Strategies for Adopting Consumer-generated Media in Small-sized to Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises

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    Consumer-generated media (CGM) are created when consumers submit, review or respond to online content. The bulk of research into CGM has focussed upon its use by consumers, with less research examining the use of CGM by small businesses. This article discusses small business sector use of online technologies such as CGM, concentrating on tourism small businesses as a key industry sector affected by CGM activities. A CGM ‘strategy’ framework, developed from an existing small business strategy framework, is proposed. This serves as a practical tool for developing CGM strategies and as a theoretical foundation for conducting research into the use of CGM
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