28 research outputs found

    A Phenylacetamide Resveratrol Derivative Exerts Inhibitory Effects on Breast Cancer Cell Growth

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    Resveratrol (RSV) is a natural compound that displays several pharmacological properties, including anti-cancer actions. However, its clinical application is limited because of its low solubility and bioavailability. Here, the antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory activity of a series of phenylacetamide RSV derivatives has been evaluated in several cancer cell lines. These derivatives contain a monosubstituted aromatic ring that could mimic the RSV phenolic nucleus and a longer flexible chain that could confer a better stability and bioavailability than RSV. Using MTT assay, we demonstrated that most derivatives exerted antiproliferative effects in almost all of the cancer cell lines tested. Among them, derivative 2, that showed greater bioavailability than RSV, was the most active, particularly against estrogen receptor positive (ER+) MCF7 and estrogen receptor negative (ER-) MDA-MB231 breast cancer cell lines. Moreover, we demonstrated that these derivatives, particularly derivative 2, were able to inhibit NO and ROS synthesis and PGE2 secretion in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated U937 human monocytic cells (derived from a histiocytoma). In order to define the molecular mechanisms underlying the antiproliferative effects of derivative 2, we found that it determined cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase, modified the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins, and ultimately triggered apoptotic cell death in both breast cancer cell lines. Taken together, these results highlight the studied RSV derivatives, particularly derivative 2, as promising tools for the development of new and more bioavailable derivatives useful in the treatment of breast cancer

    Phenolic Compounds of Red Wine \u3ci\u3eAglianico del Vulture\u3c/i\u3e Modulate the Functional Activity of Macrophages via Inhibition of \u3ci\u3eNF-κB\u3c/i\u3e and the Citrate Pathway

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    Phenolic compounds of red wine powder (RWP) extracted from the Italian red wine Aglianico del Vulture have been investigated for the potential immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory capacity on human macrophages. These compounds reduce the secretion of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α proinflammatory cytokines and increase the release of IL-10 anti-inflammatory cytokine induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In addition, RWP restores Annexin A1 levels, thus involving activation of proresolutive pathways. Noteworthy, RWP lowers NF-κB protein levels, promoter activity, and nuclear translocation. As a consequence of NF-κB inhibition, reduced promoter activities of SLC25A1—encoding the mitochondrial citrate carrier (CIC)—and ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) metabolic genes have been observed. CIC, ACLY, and citrate are components of the citrate pathway: in LPS-activated macrophages, the mitochondrial citrate is exported by CIC into the cytosol where it is cleaved by ACLY in oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA, precursors for ROS, NO⋅, and PGE2 inflammatory mediators. We identify the citrate pathway as a RWP target in carrying out its anti-inflammatory activity since RWP reduces CIC and ACLY protein levels, ACLY enzymatic activity, the cytosolic citrate concentration, and in turn ROS, NO⋅, PGE2, and histone acetylation levels. Overall findings suggest that RWP potentially restores macrophage homeostasis by suppressing inflammatory pathways and activating proresolutive processes

    Valutazione dello stato della biodiversità in aree antropizzate: applicazione della metodologia BRUV (Baited Remote Underwater Video) per lo studio della componente nectonica dell'ecosistema

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    Uno studio di valutazione dello stato della biodiversità focalizzato sulla componente nectonica e finalizzato alla determinazione dell’abbondanza e della composizione in specie del popolamento marino costiero si può avvalere di diversi strumenti e metodologie, le quali possono essere più o meno invasive sull’ecosistema oggetto dello studio. È possibile ad esempio applicare delle metodologie di pesca sperimentale, i.e. di prelievo degli organismi dal loro ambiente al fine di riconoscere e quantificare la presenza delle specie nectoniche nell’area di studio. Esistono tuttavia metodologie meno distruttive che permettono la raccolta di dati attraverso una stima visiva dell’abbondanza e della composizione delle specie direttamente nel loro ambiente naturale. Di queste metodologie fanno parte i censimenti visivi in situ (Samoilys M.A. 1997), i quali hanno il vantaggio di permettere la raccolta dati nel rispetto della biodiversità, evitando eventi mortali e/o fortemente stressanti agli individui oggetto dello studio. Questo fa si che tali metodologie risultino particolarmente utili in ambienti vulnerabili e/o soggetti a particolari vincoli protezionistici volti alla conservazione dell’ambiente marino, come le Aree Marine Protette (AMP), le quali in questo studio rappresentano delle zone di confronto caratterizzate da un limitato impatto antropico. Per tali ragioni, nell’ambito del progetto CISAS è stato scelto di portare avanti la valutazione dello stato del popolamento ittico attraverso una particolare tecnica di censimento visivo, la quale viene effettuata attraverso il sistema BRUV (Baited Remote Underwater Video)

    2-Pentadecyl-2-oxazoline ameliorates memory impairment and depression-like behaviour in neuropathic mice: possible role of adrenergic alpha2- and H3 histamine autoreceptors

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    Neuropathic pain (NP) remains an untreatable disease due to the complex pathophysiology that involves the whole pain neuraxis including the forebrain. Sensory dysfunctions such as allodynia and hyperalgesia are only part of the symptoms associated with neuropathic pain that extend to memory and affectivity deficits. The development of multi-target molecules might be a promising therapeutic strategy against the symptoms associated with NP. 2-pentadecyl-2-oxazoline (PEA-OXA) is a plant-derived agent, which has shown effectiveness against chronic pain and associated neuropsychiatric disorders. The molecular mechanisms by which PEA-OXA exerts its effects are, however, only partially known. In the current study, we show that PEA-OXA, besides being an alpha2 adrenergic receptor antagonist, also acts as a modulator at histamine H3 receptors, and report data on its effects on sensory, affective and cognitive symptoms associated with the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain in mice. Treatment for 14 days with PEA-OXA after the onset of the symptoms associated with neuropathic pain resulted in the following effects: (i) allodynia was decreased; (ii) affective/cognitive impairment associated with SNI (depression, spatial, and working memories) was counteracted; (iii) long-term potentiation in vivo in the lateral entorhinal cortex-dentate gyrus (perforant pathway, LPP) was ameliorated, (iv) hippocampal glutamate, GABA, histamine, norepinephrine and dopamine level alterations after peripheral nerve injury were reversed, (v) expression level of the TH positive neurons in the Locus Coeruleus were normalized. Thus, a 16-day treatment with PEA-OXA alleviates the sensory, emotional, cognitive, electrophysiological and neurochemical alterations associated with SNI-induced neuropathic pain

    Reduced Rate of Hospital Admissions for ACS during Covid-19 Outbreak in Northern Italy

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    To address the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic,1 strict social containment measures have been adopted worldwide, and health care systems have been reorganized to cope with the enormous increase in the numbers of acutely ill patients.2,3 During this same period, some changes in the pattern of hospital admissions for other conditions have been noted. The aim of the present analysis is to investigate the rate of hospital admissions for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) during the early days of the Covid-19 outbreak

    Cabbage and fermented vegetables : From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID-19

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    Large differences in COVID-19 death rates exist between countries and between regions of the same country. Some very low death rate countries such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, or the Balkans have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods. Although biases exist when examining ecological studies, fermented vegetables or cabbage have been associated with low death rates in European countries. SARS-CoV-2 binds to its receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). As a result of SARS-CoV-2 binding, ACE2 downregulation enhances the angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT(1)R) axis associated with oxidative stress. This leads to insulin resistance as well as lung and endothelial damage, two severe outcomes of COVID-19. The nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) is the most potent antioxidant in humans and can block in particular the AT(1)R axis. Cabbage contains precursors of sulforaphane, the most active natural activator of Nrf2. Fermented vegetables contain many lactobacilli, which are also potent Nrf2 activators. Three examples are: kimchi in Korea, westernized foods, and the slum paradox. It is proposed that fermented cabbage is a proof-of-concept of dietary manipulations that may enhance Nrf2-associated antioxidant effects, helpful in mitigating COVID-19 severity.Peer reviewe

    Nrf2-interacting nutrients and COVID-19 : time for research to develop adaptation strategies

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    There are large between- and within-country variations in COVID-19 death rates. Some very low death rate settings such as Eastern Asia, Central Europe, the Balkans and Africa have a common feature of eating large quantities of fermented foods whose intake is associated with the activation of the Nrf2 (Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2) anti-oxidant transcription factor. There are many Nrf2-interacting nutrients (berberine, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, quercetin, resveratrol, sulforaphane) that all act similarly to reduce insulin resistance, endothelial damage, lung injury and cytokine storm. They also act on the same mechanisms (mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin, PPAR gamma:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, NF kappa B: Nuclear factor kappa B, ERK: Extracellular signal-regulated kinases and eIF2 alpha:Elongation initiation factor 2 alpha). They may as a result be important in mitigating the severity of COVID-19, acting through the endoplasmic reticulum stress or ACE-Angiotensin-II-AT(1)R axis (AT(1)R) pathway. Many Nrf2-interacting nutrients are also interacting with TRPA1 and/or TRPV1. Interestingly, geographical areas with very low COVID-19 mortality are those with the lowest prevalence of obesity (Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia). It is tempting to propose that Nrf2-interacting foods and nutrients can re-balance insulin resistance and have a significant effect on COVID-19 severity. It is therefore possible that the intake of these foods may restore an optimal natural balance for the Nrf2 pathway and may be of interest in the mitigation of COVID-19 severity

    A stereo visual odometry system for material handling scenarios.

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    The author presents a study based on Visual Odometry (VO) for navigation ofautonomous vehicles. This type of technique has the capability to estimate theego-motion of an agent (e.g., vehicle, human and robot) based on its surrounding environment by acquiring only a stream of images captured by a single or multiple cameras connected to it. The use of this method is related to the fact that images can contain a lot of information (textures, contours, lines etc.) that can be very useful for estimating the motion of the agent on which the camera is fixed. In detail, through the acquired image stream, VO can estimate the motion (translation and rotation) by incrementally examining the changes that motion induces on the images. In this thesis, the author proposes the development of an algorithm, based on the acquisition from a stereo camera (Stereolabs ZED 2i), with the aim of verifying and validating the correct functioning of this technique in a material handling environment. The work was carried out in the R&D department of Toyota Material Handling company based in Bologna