163 research outputs found
Based on the researcherâs preliminary research, it was found that some of
the eighth grade students at State Junior High School 5 Kampar Kiri Hilir have
been taught about recount paragraph but still get difficulties and make error in
writing recount paragraph. The researcher formulated the problems into two
research questions, 1) what types of errors do the eighth grade students made in
writing recount paragraphs? 2) What factors that cause the eighth grade studentsâ
errors in writing recount paragraphs? Therefore, the objectives of this research
were to find out types of errors made by the eighth grade students in writing
recount paragraph, and to find out the factors that influence studentsâ error in
writing recount paragraph. This study was a descriptive research. The subject of
this research was the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 5 Kampar
Kiri Hilir while the object of this research was studentsâ error in writing recount
paragraph. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to take the sample,
there were 30 students as sample from 62 students. To collect the data, the
researcher used test and questionnaire. The test was conducted to find out types of
errors that students made in writing recount paragraph. The questionnaire was
used to find out the factors that influence studentsâ errors in writing recount
paragraph. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that types of errors
that students made in writing recount paragraph. The total amounts of errors made
by students were 346 errors. The percentage of studentsâ error omission in was
31.23%, in addition was 9.17%, in misordering was 10.98 %, and in misformation
was 48.27%. There were two factors that influence studentsâ error in writing
recount paragraphs, internal factor and external factor. The internal factor was
students did not pay attention when teacher was explaining recount paragraphs
material. While the external factor was students were not interested in English
because no one can help them study about it at home.
Key words: Error, Writing, Recount Paragraph
Remaja adalah salah satu kelompok yang cemas akan kekurangan zat besi. Hal ini dapat menjadi perhatian bagi kelompok status social ekonomi. Anemia dapat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan anak- anak ,pertumbuhan kognitif terganggu, rendahnya presentasi belajar, kemampuan dan fisik dan presentasi olahraga yang berkurang ketika remaja masih SMA,mereka masihy mudah terinfeksi anemia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan remaja tentang anemia dengan sikap pencegahan anemia. Metode penelitian adalah desain cross sectional dengan tehnik pengumpulan sampel adalah random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 83 responden. Hasil adalah responden yang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik (85%), cukup (5%), kurang (10%) dan yang berprilaku positif (70%), negate (30%).Hasil analisis data uji Mann-Whiney menunjukan Ï (0,05< α 0,000)artinya ada pengaruh antara perempuan dengan anemia dan tingkat pencegahan anemia
ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP LOAN LOSS PROVISIONS (Studi pada Bank Konvensional yang Terdaftar di Direktori Perbankan Indonesia Periode 2011-2015)
This study aims to examine the effects of Size, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Loan, and Earning Before Tax and Provision to Loan Loss Provisions on conventional banks listed on Indonesian Banking Directory in 2011-2015.
The population is 56 conventional banks in Indonesia.The sampling technique was conducted by using purposive sampling method. The total number of samples in this study is 31 conventional banks. The data was processed using multiple linear regression analysis through classic assumption test before.
The results show that NPL and EBTP have positive and significant effect to LLP, while SIZE, CAR,and LDR has positive but insignificant effect to LLP. The score of adjusted R Square is 45,3% which means this number could explain the effect of the variables to LLP
The goal of the research is to know the effect of the consumer behavior and perceived risk on, the consumersâ buying decision. This research employs a quantitative approach, descriptive and verified design. As much as 100 consumers are selected as respondents using a purposive method. The instrument of data collection is questionnaire. The data analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling. The research results show that the consumer behavior and perceived risk affects the consumer buying decision significantly. The biggest effect of the consumer behavior dimension on the buying decision variable is a personal factor and the biggest effect of the consumer behavior variable is on payment method dimension. The perceived risk contributes to the consumer buying decision significantly. It also proves that that the emerging of the online shops contributes shifting of the consumer behavior from a conventional business transaction into a digital one among the consumers
The goal of the research is to know the effect of the consumer behavior and perceived risk on, the consumersâ buying decision. This research employs a quantitative approach, descriptive and verified design. As much as 100 consumers are selected as respondents using a purposive method. The instrument of data collection is questionnaire. The data analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling. The research results show that the consumer behavior and perceived risk affects the consumer buying decision significantly. The biggest effect of the consumer behavior dimension on the buying decision variable is a personal factor and the biggest effect of the consumer behavior variable is on payment method dimension. The perceived risk contributes to the consumer buying decision significantly. It also proves that that the emerging of the online shops contributes shifting of the consumer behavior from a conventional business transaction into a digital one among the consumers
Zakat Bisnis Ikan Asin Pada Toke Gadang Menurut Tokoh Nahdhatul Ulama dan Tokoh Muhammadiyah di Kota Madya Sibolga.
Skripsi ini berjudul Zakat bisnis ikan asin pada toke gadang menurut tokoh Nahdhatul Ulama dan tokoh Muhammadiyah di kota Madya Sibolga, masyarakat kota Madya Sibolga Sumatera Utara adalah masyarakat yang mayoritas berprofesi sebagai penjual ikan asin dan toke atau pengusaha ikan asin yang mendapatkan hasil mencapai puluhan kilogram dan uang yang dihasilkan pun mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Pendapat Nahdhatul Ulama mengatakan bahwa zakat bisnis ikan asin hukumnya wajib dikeluarkan sekali setahun dengan ketentuan mencapai hasil penjualan bersih sebesar Rp 44.200.000 pertahun sama dengan 85 gram emas. Adapun besaran yang harus dikeluarkan sebanyak 2.5 % atau 1/ 40 . Pendapat dari Muhammadiyah mengatakan bahwa zakat bisnis ikan asin hukumnya wajib dikeluarkan sekali setahun. Zakat tersebut digolongkan kedalam zakat profesi. Dikeluarkan zakatnya setiap mencapai nishab sebanyak 86 gram emas. Adapun besaran yang harus dikeluarkan sebanyak 2,5 % dari nishab yang telah ditentukan. Hal ini juga disebutkan dalam tarjih Muhammadiyah tentang zakat profesi. Akan tetapi masyarakat kota Madya Sibolga dalam hal ini kurang memahami sehingga kebanyakan toke bisnis ikan asin tidak ada yang mengeluarkan kewajiban zakat dari hasil usaha tersebut. Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas yang menjadi tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana prakter yang terjadi dikota Madya Sibolga tentang pemahaman kewajiban zakat bisnis ikan asin. Untuk memperoleh jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut maka digunakan teknik field research (penelitian lapangan) sebagai data primer yaitu melakukan obsevasi dan wawancara dengan toke bisnis ikan asin dan tokoh Nahdhatul Ulama dan tokoh Muhammadiyah dan teknik library research (penelitian kepustakaan) sebagai data sekunder. Kedua data tersebut dianalisi dengan metode diskriftif analisis. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut dapat menyimpulkan bahwa toke bisnis ikan asi di kota Madya Sibolga tidak mengeluarkan zakat dari hasil usaha bisnis ikan asin, karena tidak tahu dan kurang paham cara pelaksanaannya disebabkan kurangnya sosialisasi dari ulama maupun ustad atau tokoh agama yang berpengaruh
The term âproductivityâ usually refers to labor productivity, defined as the amount of output produced, industry, or work hours. Labor productivity is also an important role in determining the success or failure of a small industrial. To achieve a high labor productivity then the small industrial need to concerned to the factors that supporting labor productivity, because with high productivity will be able to guarantee the survival of the small industrial.
This research aims to analyze the effect of variable education, wages, skills, age, work hours, family dependants, and work experience of small industrial labor productivity batik Semarangan in Semarang city. In this research using primary data directly through interviews on 70 respondents small industrial labor batik Semarangan in Semarang city, with a list of questions has been prepared. The tool of analysis used to analyze in the research was Multiple Linear Regression.
The results of this research indicate that the variable wage, skills, work hours and work experience a positive and significant impact on the productivity of industrial labor small batik Semarangan in Semarang city. While the education, age, and family dependants variables do not affect significantly the productivity of industrial labor small batik Semarangan in Semarang city
Implementasi Kaidah al-ážarĆ«rÄt TubÄ«áž„u al-Maáž„zĆ«rÄt pada Tindakan Persalinan Operasi Caesar
The major objective of this research was to investigate and understand the âImplementation of the Islamic law of al-ážarĆ«rÄt TubÄ«áž„u al-Maáž„zĆ«rÄt in a Caesarean deliveryâ. The methodological approach taken in this study was a qualitative method by using a grounded research. In terms of the research approach, normative (Fiqh) approach was employed by the researcher. The results of this research indicated that based on medical and Islamic perspective, the practice of caesarean section on a delivery could be done only in an emergnecy situation. In this case, the medical staff should understand the condition of their patients whether or not they could be treated with a caesarean section. Similarly, in terms of the Islamic perspective, the level of an emergeny condition has to be decided by doctors or the medical staff. The caesarean section could only be taken if the surgery is necessary for delivery patients.
Ghibah menurut Imam AN Nawawi dan Yusuf AL Qardhawi (Kasus media sosial facebook pada masyarakat Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat)
Bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan Imam An Nawawi dan Yusuf Al Qardhawi di Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat tentang Ghibah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode penelitian lapangan yang melihat lamgsung bagaimana praktek masyarakat, menggunakan metode komperatif yang akan membandingan pandangan kedua tokoh. Untuk mengetahui jawaban dari penelitian ini, maka penulis mencari sumber secara primer, yakni dengan mencari pendapat dari kedua tokoh di masing-masing buku yang bersangkutan. Dan melakukan wawancara kepada masyarakat di Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat. Sesuai penelitian yang sudah penulis teliti bahwa pada umumnya masyarakat di Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat telah mengetahui jika Ghibah merupakan perbuatan tercela, karena menggunjing saudara sendiri. Namun mereka juga menyadari jika Ghibah tidak bias lepas dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Dan dengan didukung oleh kemajuan teknologi ghibah yang saat ini berkembang di masyarakat Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat itu di media sosial facebook. Sejalan dengan studi kasus yang diteliti, dalam hal ini Iman An Nawawi berpendapat jika Ghibah dapat dibolehkan, namun kebolehanya harus berdasarkan pada syariat Islam. Sedangkan Yusuf Al Qardhawi mengatakan jika Ghibah merupakan perbuatan tercela, karena sangan sedikit orang bias terlepas dari cela dan cerca. Hasil penelitian penulis menunjukan bahwa bagi penulis pendapat Yusuf Al Qardhawi lebih dapat diterima, hal ini dikarenakan melihat perkembangan media sosial pada masa sekarang sangat rentan terhadap kezhaliman. Dengan menjadikan media sosial facebook sebagai sarana menggunjing orang merupakan perbuatan yang tidak patut dan harus di hindari. Oleh karena itu, penulis memilih pendapat Yusuf Al Qardhawi agar sekiranya dapat dijadikan bahan masukan untuk banyak orang
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