Based on the researcher’s preliminary research, it was found that some of
the eighth grade students at State Junior High School 5 Kampar Kiri Hilir have
been taught about recount paragraph but still get difficulties and make error in
writing recount paragraph. The researcher formulated the problems into two
research questions, 1) what types of errors do the eighth grade students made in
writing recount paragraphs? 2) What factors that cause the eighth grade students’
errors in writing recount paragraphs? Therefore, the objectives of this research
were to find out types of errors made by the eighth grade students in writing
recount paragraph, and to find out the factors that influence students’ error in
writing recount paragraph. This study was a descriptive research. The subject of
this research was the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 5 Kampar
Kiri Hilir while the object of this research was students’ error in writing recount
paragraph. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to take the sample,
there were 30 students as sample from 62 students. To collect the data, the
researcher used test and questionnaire. The test was conducted to find out types of
errors that students made in writing recount paragraph. The questionnaire was
used to find out the factors that influence students’ errors in writing recount
paragraph. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that types of errors
that students made in writing recount paragraph. The total amounts of errors made
by students were 346 errors. The percentage of students’ error omission in was
31.23%, in addition was 9.17%, in misordering was 10.98 %, and in misformation
was 48.27%. There were two factors that influence students’ error in writing
recount paragraphs, internal factor and external factor. The internal factor was
students did not pay attention when teacher was explaining recount paragraphs
material. While the external factor was students were not interested in English
because no one can help them study about it at home.
Key words: Error, Writing, Recount Paragraph