24 research outputs found

    Breaking the commute barrier: How women in Jabodetabek overcome daily challenges on commuting for work

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    Ensuring safe and convenient transportation is vital for promoting gender equality. Unfortunately, women in Jabodetabek, Indonesia, frequently express insecurity in public transport due to harassment and violence, particularly in crowded buses and trains. This is a critical issue since secure and reliable transportation enables women to engage fully in education, employment, and daily activities.  To better understand women's experiences with public transportation in Jabodetabek, a study was conducted using a case study method. Six women commuters who used public transportation to travel within and between Jabodetabek were recruited based on their willingness to share their experiences and the diversity of their routes. The study used qualitative research methods to collect data, including in-depth interviews and observations of informants' commutes. The study discovered that women in Jabodetabek consider safety concerns and social norms crucial when deciding their transportation mode and route. Women's route choices are influenced by the presence of other women, well-lit areas, and visible security personnel, which contribute to their perceived safety and comfort. Gender plays a significant role in shaping these decisions. The implications of these findings are significant for transportation policy and planning in Jabodetabek. The research underscores the need to develop gender-responsive transportation policies and programs that address women commuters' unique challenges and needs. For example, transportation planners can take steps to increase security personnel presence and improve lighting in areas frequented by women. Moreover, providing women-only transportation options can enhance the safety and comfort of women during their travel. The present research is distinguished by its investigation of women's route choices and the multifaceted factors that shape their decision-making process. In addition, this research represents a gap in the existing literature that has yet to be extensively examined, thereby rendering this study a distinctive and valuable contribution to the field

    Pemahaman Masyarakat Pesisir Lampung akan Bahaya Harmful Algae Bloom pada Sumber Pangan Laut

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    Harmful Algae Bloom (HABs) menyebabkan berbagai dampak pada kehidupan laut terutama kejadian kematian fauna serta secara tidak langsung berpengaruh pada kesehatan manusia yang mengkonsumsi sumber pangan laut. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena masyarakat pesisir menggantungkan kehidupannya pada hasil laut serta mengkonsumsi sumber pangan laut.  Secara umum, masyarakat pesisir Lampung telah mengetahui adanya HABs namun belum semua memahami mengapa dan bagaimana peristiwa tersebut terjadi secara mendalam serta dampak bagi kesehatan manusia. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman masyarakat akan bahaya HABs yang berdampak pada sumber pangannya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data survei yang didukung dengan hasil wawancara mendalam dan focus group discussion. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari separuh responden pernah mengetahui informasi dan bahaya mengenai HABs (57 persen). Penyebaran informasi mengenai kejadian dan penanganan HABs di Lampung belum begitu bagus. Saat terjadi HABs, hanya 54 persen masyarakat yang mengetahui terjadinya kematian ikan karena peristiwa tersebut. padahal kematian ikan tersebut terjadi kurang lebih selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Media yang diharapkan menyebarluaskan informasi kejadian HABs belum begitu berperan, masyarakat yang mengetahui berita kematian ikan sebagian besar karena melihat langsung. Sedikit sekali masyarakat yang mengetahui berita kematian ikan akibat HABs melalui media cetak maupun elektronik. Harmful Algae Bloom (HABs) causes various impacts on sea life, especially the incidence of fauna death and indirectly affects the health of humans who consume seafood sources. This research is essential to do because coastal communities depend their lives on marine products and consume seafood sources. In general, Lampung coastal communities are aware of the existence of HABs, but not all understand why and how these events occur in-depth and the impact on human health. The research objective is to determine the level of public understanding of the dangers of HABs that have an impact on food sources. The data used in this study are survey data supported by focus group discussions. The results of the study showed that more than half of respondents had known information and hazards regarding HABs (57 per cent). Dissemination of information about the incidence and handling of HABs in Lampung is not very good. When there were HABs, only 54 per cent of the people were aware of fish deaths due to these events.  The media which is expected to disseminate information on the HABs incident has not yet played a significant role, most of the people who know about the news of fish deaths have seen it firsthand. Very few people know about the news of fish deaths due to HABs through print and electronic media


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    This research aims to explain the impact of social media on the migration decision-making process of Indonesian highly skilled migrants who used a social media account. In detail, this research will consider the role of social media in the migration decision-making process of highly skilled migrants who emigrated from Indonesia and how they use social media in the context of the migration decision-making process. Methods: The data collected included qualitative data from in-depth interviews. Expectation: 1).Social media help highly skilled migrants on migration decision making process. 2).Highly skilled migrants use social media for searching information about destination area. Result: Highly skilled migrant in the Middle East Countries use their social media to gain information before they choose their destination country. They use social media to making contact with their friends and colleague in the destination country


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    Gaya kognitif siswa merupakan salah satu yang harus diperhatikan guru. Gaya kognitif merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika. Fokus penelitian tentang analisis gaya kognitif siswa dalam menyelesaiakan masalah matematika penting untuk diteliti, karena akan mendapatkan karakteristik yang mungkin saja unik diantara para subjek yang diteliti.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu untuk mendapatkan karakteristrik dari masing-masing gaya kognitif field independent dan field dependent dalam memecahkan masalah matematika sesuai teori pemecahan masalah Polya. Subjek dipilih dengan cara diberi tes gaya kognitif terlebih dahulu, sehingga terpilih dua subjek, masing-masing bergaya kognitif field independent dan field dependent . Subjek terpilih diberi masalah matematika dan wawancara secara mendalam untuk mengkonfimasi jawaban. Selanjutnya dengan triangulasi waktu data yang sudah kredibel dianalisis secara mendalam. Subjek gaya kognitif field independent memecahkan masalah matematika sesuai teori pemecahan masalah polya dalam empat tahapan yakni bersifat analitis karena dalam menemukan informasi subjek membaca permasalahan dengan teliti dan perlahan-lahan, mengaitkan informasi yang penting dalam permasalahan  yang diterima setelah membaca permasalahan yang diberikan dan cenderung mudah dalam menangkap informasi, teliti, dan lebih mandiri, cenderung menggunakan analisis dan penyusunan. Subjek penelitian dengan gaya kogntif field dependent dalam memecahkan masalah matematika sesuai teori pemecahan masalah polya dalam empat tahapan yakni membaca permasalan yang diberikan secara berulang-ulang, langsung terfokus pada solusi permasalahan dan tidak terlalu memperhatikan proses mencari jawaban namun langsung dengan cepat menuju jawaban yang diminta pada permasalahan yang diberikan, memilih cara yang benar dalam pengerjaannya dan menuliskan persamaan dan merencanakan apa yang harus dikerjakan selanjutnya dengan menduga-duga atau sedikit tidak yakin akan pengerjaanya, tergesa-gesa, terfokus pada jawaban, berfikir secara global dan terfokus pada jawaban dan solusi permasalahan tanpa teliti dalam melihat langkah-langkah


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    This study focused on examining the management of learning information systems and its impact on organizational development. The research employed both interview and literature study methods to gather relevant material, data, and information from various sources such as books, journals, and articles pertaining to the subject matter. The findings of the study indicate that computer-based systems, particularly the School Information Management (SIM) system, enable educational institutions to efficiently and effectively carry out learning activities aligned with their organizational objectives. Computer-based management information systems offer numerous advantages, including speedy processing, high accuracy, and other beneficial features that contribute to organizational growth. In conclusion, this research establishes that management information systems play a crucial role in supporting the advancement of learning processes. By leveraging the benefits of these systems, educational institutions can foster development and progress in their learning environments

    Proses Migrasi dan Peran Teknologi Komunikasi di antara Pekerja Migran di Batam - Indonesia

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    This research explains the roles of communication technology on the migration process of labor migrants in Batam, Indonesia. Differences between places are strong reasons for people to migrate. The advances in communication technology have freed up opportunities for people to migrate. Technology has made it more accessible for migrants to raise links to their next destination through the internet. Interactions within communication technology make migration easier by decreasing the expenses and risks of moving. The explanations in this study are to understand the communication technology for the migrating process and calculate the social networks of migrants. This research applied mixed methods to explore the migration process with data collected included quantitative data from a survey with 500 respondents and supported by qualitative data from in-depth interviews. The results: 1) Communication technology helps migrants in the migration process, especially for searching for information about the destination area. 2) The migrant who uses communication technology has a strong social network and less risk of migration. The role of communication technology in the migration's processes is as a tool to maintain social ties of migrants, migrant uses their social media to make contact and gain information about their destination. This study related to SDGs' target number 10.7 which facilitates orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies, communications technology facilitate safe and well-managed migration.Penelitian ini menjelaskan peran teknologi komunikasi pada proses migrasi pekerja migran di Batam, Indonesia. Perbedaan antara daerah adalah alasan kuat bagi orang untuk bermigrasi. Kemajuan dalam teknologi komunikasi telah memberikan peluang bagi orang untuk bermigrasi. Teknologi telah membuatnya lebih mudah diakses bagi migran untuk meningkatkan hubungan ke daerah tujuan melalui internet. Interaksi dalam teknologi komunikasi membuat migrasi lebih mudah dengan mengurangi biaya dan risiko migrasi. Penjelasan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami teknologi komunikasi dalam proses migrasi dan memperincikan jejaring sosial para migran. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode mixed methods untuk mengeksplorasi proses migrasi dengan data yang dikumpulkan termasuk data kuantitatif dari survei dengan 500 responden dan didukung oleh data kualitatif dari wawancara mendalam. Hasilnya: 1) Teknologi komunikasi membantu migran dalam proses migrasi, terutama untuk mencari informasi tentang daerah tujuan. 2) Migran yang menggunakan teknologi komunikasi memiliki jaringan sosial yang kuat dan mengurangi risiko migrasi. Peran teknologi komunikasi dalam proses migrasi adalah sebagai alat untuk menjaga ikatan sosial para migran, migran menggunakan media sosial mereka untuk melakukan kontak dan mendapatkan informasi tentang tujuan mereka. penelitian ini berhubungan dengan Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) target nomor 10.7 yang memfasilitasi migrasi yang tertib, aman, teratur dan bertanggung jawab serta mobilitas orang, termasuk melalui implementasi kebijakan migrasi yang terencana dan terkelola dengan baik


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    The research took three villages in Kulon Progo Regency which have different physiography, Kalirejo Village as hilly areas, Tayuban and Pleret Village as plains. The research employs survey methods, which take samples from a population and apply questionnaires as a primary mean of collecting the data. The research showed (1) there is significant difference of settlement environment quality between plain and hills territory. The plain territories have a better quality than hills territories in settlement environment quality. (2) The dominant factor corresponding to settlement environment quality is slope factor. The meaning of this, a settlement environment with plain slope (plain territory) has a better settlement environment quality than settlement environment with steep slope (hills territory). (3) Slope, groundwater level, and the level of family income have a significant correlation with the settlement environment quality.Penelitian dilakukan di tiga desa Kabupaten Kulon Progo yang memiliki fisiografi berbeda yaitu Desa Kalirejo sebagai daerah perbukitan, Desa Tayuban dan Desa Pleret sebagai dataran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei, yaitu mengambil sampel dari suatu populasi dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat perbedaan kualitas lingkungan permukiman yang signifikan antara wilayah dataran dan perbukitan. Wilayah dataran memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik daripada wilayah perbukitan dalam kualitas lingkungan permukiman. (2) Faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kualitas lingkungan permukiman adalah faktor kemiringan. Artinya, lingkungan permukiman dengan kemiringan dataran (dataran rendah) memiliki kualitas lingkungan permukiman yang lebih baik daripada lingkungan permukiman dengan lereng yang curam (kawasan perbukitan). (3) Kemiringan lereng, muka air tanah, dan tingkat pendapatan keluarga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kualitas lingkungan permukiman

    Analisis yuridis terhadap pandangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan tentang kedudukan alat bukti elektronik dalam pembuktian perkara melalui e-Litigasi

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    Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan memakai teknik penelitian lapangan (field research) data diperoleh langsung dari Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan melalui teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi yang kemudian dianalisa mengunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pola pikir induktif yaitu mengganalisis data yang diambil lewat wawancara serta dokumentasi dan terdapat kaitanya dengan unsur-unsur kesamaan untuk di dapatkanya kesimpulan secara khusus. Pendekatan deskriptif analisis digunakan untuk menggambarkan pandangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan terhadap kedudukan alat bukti elektronik dalam pembuktian perkara melalui e-Litigasi.Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pandangan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Pasuruan dalam hal kedudukan alat bukti elektronik adalah bahwa dalam praktik penggunaan alat bukti elektronik dalam tahap pembuktian perkara perdata merupakan suatu alat bukti yang sah di persidangan jika memenuhi syarat formil dan materil. Kemudian mengenai kekuatan pembuktian alat bukti elektronik dalam pembuktian pekara di Pengadilan Agama, terpecah menjadi dua pendapat. Pandangan pertama sebagai bukti permulaan dimana alat bukti ini harus didukung oleh alat bukti lain dan tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Pandangan kedua, alat bukti elektronik memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang bebas, Hakim diberi kebebasan untuk menilai alat bukti tersebut. Namun, penilaian terhadap alat bukti yang memiliki kekuatan pembuktian bebas ditekankan pada keterkaitan isi atau substansinya dengan pokok perkara.Dari hasil penelitian ini, saran yang penulis ajukan yaitu Hakim memang mempunyai kewenangan dalam memeriksa alat bukti yang dihadirkan oleh para pihak di persidangan. Akan tetapi dalam hal menilai alat bukti elektronik dalam tahap pembuktian perkara, diharapkan hakim benar-benar mempertimbangkan alat bukti elektronik yang ada sehingga dapat menghasilkan putusan yang bermanfaat dan adil. Di samping itu untuk menekan perkara yang terus meningkat Pengadilan juga ikut serta melakukan sosialiasi dan pembelajaran kepada masyarakat

    Village SDGs and Social Mapping: Efforts to Recognize the Potential of Village Towards Achieving the SDGs

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    The article focuses on efforts to describe social mapping in recognizing the potential of Kiluan Negeri Village in supporting the achievement of village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This qualitative study uses several data collection techniques, including interviews, focus group discussions, and unstructured observation. The results of the study show that in the environmental aspect, there is no integrated environmental management mechanism in Kiluan Negeri Village; in the social aspect, Kiluan Negeri Village has a good enough social capital to start optimizing the potential of the village they have; and in the economic aspect, the Kiluan Negeri Village holds great potential in the field of the tourism economy. For this reason, it is necessary to establish partnerships (government, private sector, academia, media) and explore collaboration with other villages

    Pemanfaatan Whatsapp pada Pembelajaran di Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Negeri Karawaci Baru 1 di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to describe: (1) The use of WhatsApp as a learning media in the network during the Covid-19 pandemic in class VI B SD Negeri Karawaci Baru 1 Tangerang City (2) Obstacles that occur in the use of WhatsApp as a learning medium in the network during the Covid-19 pandemic in class VI B SD Negri Karawaci Baru 1 City Tangerang (3) Solutions to overcome obstacles in the use of WhatsApp as a learning medium in the network during the Covid-19 pandemic in class VI B SD Negeri Karawaci Baru 1 Tangerang City. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Karawaci Baru 1 Tangerang City in March – June 2021. This type of research is qualitative descriptive with a phenomenological type of research that describes the use of WhatsApp as a learning medium in the network during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data from this study were obtained through interviews with the homeroom teacher who became the main source of this research, then interviews with 1 homeroom teacher for class VI B, observations in the form of passive participation observations and documentation as supporting data from the interviews. The results of the study show that teachers have used WhatsApp as a learning medium in supporting online learning activities by utilizing various available features such as photo, video, document and video call features. Then in the implementation of the use of WhatsApp as a learning medium there are several obstacles, namely signal interference, full cellphone memory, lack of memory Interaction, it is difficult to know the seriousness of students' learning, lack of student learning motivation, online learning support facilities, and difficulty understanding the material provided, as well as in this study describe the solutions carried out to overcome obstacles that occur from using WhatsApp as a learning medium in the network during the pandemic Covid-19. From the results of this study, it is recommended that educators be able to make learning variations, especially by using the features on whatsApp, mastering and using ICT in the online learning process