709 research outputs found


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    Ⅰ. 序論 Ⅱ. コーポレート・ガパナンス改革の展開 1.企業スキャンダルの続発 2. 「キャドベリ一報告書」 3. 「グリーンベリ一報告書」 4. 「ハンベル報告書」「統合規範」およびその後の展開 5. 「マイナース報告書」 6. 会社法の改正 Ⅲ. 取締役の報酬問題と労働組合 Ⅳ.会社法改正と労働組合 Ⅴ.機関投資家の行動と労働組合 Ⅵ. 企業の社会的責任と労働組合 Ⅶ. 結論

    Prescribing in a paediatric emergency: A PERUKI survey of prescribing and resuscitation aids

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    Aim: The aim was to investigate the use of paper-based and electronic prescribing and resuscitation aids in paediatric emergency care from a departmental and individual physician perspective. Methods: A two-stage web-based self-report questionnaire was performed. In stage (i), a lead investigator at PERUKI sites completed a department-level survey; in stage (ii), individual physicians recorded their personal practice. Results: The site survey was completed by 46/54 (85%) of PERUKI sites. 198 physicians completed the individual physicians' survey. Individual physicians selected the use of formulary apps for checking of medication dosages nearly as often as hardcopy formularies. The APLS WETFLAG calculation and hardcopy aids were widely accepted in both surveys. A third of sites accepted and half of the individual physicians selected resuscitation apps on the personal mobile device as paediatric resuscitation aids. Conclusion: Our survey shows a high penetrance of the British National Formulary app, a success of NHS digital policy and strategy. Despite potential advantages, many physicians in our survey do not use resuscitation apps. Reluctance to engage with apps is likely to be multifactorial and includes human factors. These obstacles need to be overcome to create a digital healthcare culture

    The predicament of primary physical education: a consequence of 'insufficient' ITT and 'ineffective' CPD?

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    Background: Research on primary physical education (PE) in England and other countries has shown that it is an aspect of the curriculum that has suffered from sparse initial teacher training (ITT). As a consequence of ‘insufficient’ time spent on PE in ITT (PE-ITT), primary teachers often have low levels of confidence and competence with respect to teaching the subject. Evidence also points to inadequacies in traditional forms of professional development in PE (PE-CPD), leading to calls for more effective ways of developing teachers' competence to deliver high quality PE. Purpose: To explore primary school teachers' experiences of PE during ITT and the PE context in their schools prior to them engaging in a national PE-CPD programme, and their perceptions of the immediate and longer-term effects of this programme. Setting and participants: Primary school teachers in five local education authorities in England. Research design and data collection: A combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches were adopted, including: pre-course audits, course evaluations, focus groups and semi-structured interviews. The pre-course audits captured information about the teachers' experiences of PE-ITT and the PE context in their schools prior to them engaging in the CPD. The course evaluations focused on initial impressions of the PE-CPD, and the focus groups and interviews captured the teachers' perceptions of its longer-term effects. Findings: For up to half of the teachers, their PE-ITT was ‘insufficient’ in terms of the time dedicated to it and the breadth of coverage of the subject. The PE-CPD programme, which was designed in the light of ‘insufficient’ PE-ITT, demonstrated features of ‘effective’ CPD in that it was considered relevant to classroom practice and partially addressed some of their many needs (especially in relation to content ideas and inclusive practice). However, its effectiveness was undoubtedly limited due to: its short time span and minimal engagement with teachers; a heavy reliance on resources; and the absence of follow-up support. In addition, it did not adequately address known areas of development for primary PE (such as medium to long-term planning and assessment) and was challenged in meeting the diverse needs of primary teachers of 5–11 year olds. Furthermore, inadequate PE time and reduced opportunities to teach PE in some schools limited implementation of learning from the PE-CPD. Conclusions: The findings of this study confirmed that PE-ITT continues to be ‘insufficient’ for many primary teachers and that the PE-CPD in question, whilst partially ‘effective’, was not, and could never have been, the panacea for the inherent issues within and predicament of primary PE. In effect, this PE-CPD programme with its limited duration and engagement with teachers, a heavy reliance on resources, and no planned follow-up support was not sufficiently different to forms of CPD described in the literature as ‘ineffective’; consequently, it could not hope to compensate for long-term systemic weaknesses such as inadequate primary PE-ITT. These weaknesses need to be addressed through a dual approach of ‘sufficient’ PE-ITT followed by ‘effective’ PE-CPD which engages teachers and their colleagues in long-term collaborative endeavours that support transformative practice

    Alcohol dependence in public policy: towards its (re)inclusion

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    Public policy on alcohol in the UK relies on health promotion campaigns that encourage individuals who misuse alcohol to make healthier choices about their drinking. Individuals with alcohol-dependence syndrome have an impaired capacity to choose health. As a result, individuals with the worst alcohol misuse problems lie largely outside the reach of choice-based policy. However, such policy has been widely criticized and efforts to reform it are underway. This paper argues that the British Medical Association’s recent attempt to improve policy on alcohol in the UK by introducing strategies which have been shown to control drinking within populations still gives insufficient attention to alcohol dependence. This is because it fails accurately and consistently to characterize alcohol dependence and gives insufficient attention to the social challenges it presents

    Pathways to permanence in England and Norway: A critical analysis of documents and data

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    The English language term ‘permanence’ is increasingly used in high income countries as a ‘short-hand’ translation for a complex set of aims around providing stability and family membership for children who need child welfare services and out-of-home care. From a scrutiny of legislative provisions, court judgments, government documents and a public opinion survey on child placement options, the paper draws out similarities and differences in understandings of the place of ‘permanence’ within the child welfare discourse in Norway and England. The main differences are that in England the components of permanence are explicitly set out in legislation, statutory guidance and advisory documents whilst in Norway the terms ‘stability’ and ‘continuity’ are used in a more limited number of policy documents in the context of a wide array of services available for children and families. The paper then draws on these sources, and on administrative data on children in care, to tease out possible explanations for the similarities and differences identified. We hypothesise that both long-standing policies and recent changes can be explained by differences in public and political understandings of child welfare and the balance between universal services and those targeted on parents and children identified as vulnerable and in need of specialist services

    The geographies of food banks in the meantime

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge the support given by the British Academy for this research (grant no. SG131950). The ‘Emergency Food Provision in the UK’ research includes: over eighteen months of ethnographic research in a Trussell Trust Foodbank; a national survey of the Trussell Trust Network and Independent food banks (and other food aid providers); and in-depth interviews with food bank managers, volunteers and service-users in London, Bristol, Leicestershire, South Wales, Devon, and Cornwall

    Compiling SHIM

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    Embedded systems demand concurrency for supporting simultaneous actions in their environment and parallel hardware. Although most concurrent programming formalisms are prone to races and non-determinism, some, such as our SHIM (software/hardware integration medium) language, avoid them by design. In particular, the behavior of SHIM programs is scheduling-independent, meaning the I/O behavior of a program is independent of scheduling policies, including the relative execution rates of concurrent processes. The SHIM project demonstrates how a scheduling-independent language simplifies the design, optimization, and verification of concurrent systems. Through examples and discussion, we describe the SHIM language and code generation techniques for both shared-memory and message-passing architectures, along with some verification algorithms