55 research outputs found

    Os critérios que definem o agendamento do Jornal das 8

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    Longe vai o tempo em que o consumo informativo só era possível através dos tradicionais meios de comunicação (imprensa escrita, rádio e televisão). Com o aparecimento da internet, e consequente migração do jornalismo para o meio digital, e a introdução dos canais de televisão por subscrição, os conteúdos noticiosos dispararam a um ritmo nunca antes visto. O público é hoje bombardeado por uma quantidade imensa de informação, proveniente tanto dos canais de televisão generalistas, como dos temáticos, dos jornais, das rádios e plataformas digitais de cada órgão de informação. Conhecer os critérios de noticiabilidade pelos quais os responsáveis editoriais se guiam no momento de selecionar os acontecimentos a noticiar e/ou aqueles que, pelo contrário, ficam sem direito de existir em termos jornalísticos é, por isso, fundamental. Esta importância acresce no que concerne aos programas noticiosos de uma estação de televisão generalista, na medida em que ainda continuam a agregar uma parte considerável da população. Os média em geral, e a televisão em particular, são os principais impulsionares da opinião pública. Os assuntos por estes destacados são, quase sempre, os que adquirem maior importância junto dos cidadãos, o que evidencia uma relação direta entre a agenda noticiosa dos média e a agenda do público. Com esta dissertação pretende-se, assim, apurar quais são os critérios de noticiabilidade que definem o agendamento do noticiário com maior número de audiências da Televisão Independente (TVI), o Jornal das 8. A escolha da estação de televisão para objeto de estudo da nossa investigação resulta da realização do nosso estágio na redação informativa do canal no Porto, por um período de três meses. Os dados empíricos resultantes da observação etnográfica permitiram-nos conhecer a organização e dinâmica da redação e parte das discussões editoriais relativamente aos acontecimentos a cobrir e a alinhar para o Jornal das 8. Através da análise de conteúdo realizada ao bloco informativo, descobrimos as temáticas e os assuntos dominantes deste, a sua tendência, os agentes noticiosos em destaque e o número de exclusivos emitidos pelo canal. Por sua vez, as entrevistas aos profissionais “da casa” permitiram-nos confirmar alguns dos dados recolhidos na observação e conhecer os valores-notícia mais relevantes para a estação televisiva. Os três métodos de observação, atuados de forma conjunta, permitiram-nos, assim, identificar a estratégia editorial da TVI na era da abundância informativa e perceber quais são os critérios de noticiabilidade que definem o agendamento do noticiário com maior número de audiências do canal generalista, o Jornal das 8.Gone are the days when informative consumption was only possible through traditional means of communication (press, radio and television). With the rise of the internet, and the consequent migration from journalism to the digital medium, and the introduction of pay-TV channels, news content has increased at a pace never seen before. The public has now access to an immense amount of information, coming from television, both generalist channels and the thematic ones, the newspapers, the radios and digital platforms of each of these media. Knowing the criteria of newsworthiness by which editorial leaders are guided in selecting the events to be reported and/or those that, on the contrary, do not have the right to exist in journalistic terms is therefore fundamental. This importance increases in the news programmes of the generalist television channel because they continue to hold a considerable part of population. The media in general, and television in particular, are the main builder of the public opinion. The issues they highlight are, almost always, those that acquire a greater importance among citizens, which shows a direct relationship between the news media agenda and the public agenda. This dissertation intends to find out which are the criteria of newsworthiness that define the scheduling of the news programme with the largest audience on the portuguese channel, called TVI (independent television), with the news programme called Jornal das 8. The choice of the television station to do our investigation results from the accomplishment of our internship in the informative writing section of this channel in Oporto, for a period of three months. The empirical data resulting of the ethnographic observation allowed us to know the organization and the dynamics of the writing and part of the editorial discussions regarding the events to be covered and to be aligned to the news programme called Jornal das 8. Through the analysis of the content of the information block, we found out the themes and the dominant issues, its trends, the prominent news agents as well as the number of exclusive news issued by the channel. Futhermore, the interviews with the professionals “of the house” allowed us to confirm some of the data collected in the two analyzes and to know the news-values more relevant to that television station. The three methods of observation, together, allowed us to identify the editorial strategy of TVI in an era of information abundancy and to understand which are the newsworthiness criteria that define the scheduling of the news programme with the largest number of audience of the generalista channel, Jornal das 8

    Processos de revitalização da frente de água na cidade portuária

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.A investigação Lisboa ribeirinha - Processos de revitalização da frente de água na cidade portuária surge como uma dissertação de natureza científica, centrando-se na temática das frentes de água de cidades portuárias e na necessidade de revitalização destes territórios de distintas realidades. Constata-se que a problemática da relação cidade-porto prevalece ainda muito atual e presente no contexto da cidade Lisboa, focando-se o presente trabalho sobre a reflexão entre a simbiose da cidade e o porto, como contribuição para um processo de revitalização destes espaços ribeirinhos, através do reconhecimento da sua natureza portuária e no restabelecimento da ligação com a água. Ao tema, aplica-se uma metodologia de compreensão do caso de estudo definido pela frente ribeirinha entre Santos e Santa Apolónia, acompanhada de uma investigação abrangente em torno das diversas temáticas relacionadas com o território e o seu vínculo com o Tejo. Investiga-se assim um conjunto de conceitos associados aos processos de intervenção em frentes de água, nomeadamente o fator identitário do território, as dinâmicas urbanas e portuárias presentes e adotadas, bem como o papel dos diversos atores e intervenientes, ilustrados através de projetos de referência nacionais e internacionais. Desta forma pretende-se identificar abordagens práticas eficazes a considerar no processo de revitalização da frente de rio de Lisboa, restabelecendo esta simbiose entre a cidade e o rio Tejo.ABSTRACT: The investigation Lisbon Waterfront - Revitalization process of the waterfront areas in the portuary city establishes itself as an investigation of scientific nature, focused on the themes surrounding waterfront cities and the need to bring new life to these territories with distinct realities. It appears that the problem of the link city-port prevails still very present to this day in the context of the city of Lisbon. This work focuses on understanding the symbiosis of the city and its port as a way to contribute to the ongoing process of revitalization of these waterfront spaces through the recognition of its portuary nature and the restoration of their connection with water. To this theme, it’s applied a methodology based on understanding the main study case defined from Santos to Santa Apolonia accompanied by a broader investigation on the diverse themes related to the territory and its connection with the Tagus River. At the same time, some concepts associated with waterfront interventions are investigated, such as the identity of the territory, its present urban and portuary dynamics, and also the role of the diverse agents, illustrated through national and international study cases. The main purpose is to identify practical approaches that should be considered in the process of revitalization of the Lisbon waterfront areas, re-establishing the symbiosis between the city and the Tagus river.N/

    Pain diagnosis, pain coping, and function in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain

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    Purpose: Research supports a role for coping responses in adjustment to chronic pain. However, it is likely that some coping responses play a larger role in adjustment to pain for some individuals than others. The identification of the factors that moderate the association between coping responses and pain-related outcomes has important clinical implications. This study sought to determine if musculoskeletal pain diagnosis moderates the associations between eight pain-coping responses and both pain and function. Patients and Methods: A non-probabilistic sample of 323 persons with different chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions completed measures of pain intensity, physical function, psychological function, and pain-coping responses. Results: With only one exception, the frequency of use of pain-coping responses was not associated with pain diagnosis. Statistically significant moderation effects of pain diagnosis on the association between coping and pain outcomes were found for two coping responses: 1) support seeking when predicting pain intensity, and 2) resting when predicting both physical and psychological function. Conclusion: The findings indicate that coping responses tend to play a similar role in patients' pain and function across different musculoskeletal pain conditions, with some important exceptions. If the findings are found to replicate in other samples, they would have important implications for determining when psychosocial pain treatments might (and when they might not) need to be adapted for specific diagnostic groups.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Public ground as coastal defence: imagining the Mediterranean beachfront by the Atlantic

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    The article explores the role of public ground composition design as a defence element for coastal agglomerations vulnerable to mean sea level rise in extreme weather events scenarios. It addresses one of the pilot case studies of the [ENTRA]MAR Urban form intertwined with the sea research project, Quarteira, a coastal city located in the Algarve region of southern Portugal, which is vulnerable to flooding and erosion phenomena. The article provides an opportunity to systematise the reading and interpretation phases and also the research by design phase based on scenario development that was conducted during the fourth-year design studio at the Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa and therefore, to share its preliminary results on “imagining the Mediterranean beachfront by the Atlantic”. Attributing Mediterranean values and characteristics to Quarteira involves, as Braudel wrote in “Les Mémoires de la Méditerranée”, observing the coastal landscapes over and over again, until the physical and urban characteristics are eloquently revealed and named. Finally, it is underlined the need to design the space between land and sea based on the inherited memory of the coastal landscape and the operative role the public ground design <may have as coastal defence.The article explores the role of public ground composition design as a defence element for coastal agglomerations vulnerable to sea level rise in extreme weather events scenarios. It addresses one of the pilot case studies of the [ENTRA]MAR Urban form intertwined with the sea research project, Quarteira, a coastal city located in the Algarve region of southern Portugal, which is vulnerable to flooding and erosion phenomena. The article provides an opportunity to systematise the reading and interpretation phases and also the research by-design phase based on scenario development that was conducted during the fourth-year design studio at the Lisbon School of Architecture of the Universidade de Lisboa and therefore, to share its preliminary results on "imagining the Mediterranean beachfront by the Atlantic". Attributing Mediterranean values and characteristics to Quarteira involves, as Braudel wrote in Les Mémoires de la Méditerranée, observing the coastal landscapes over and over again, until the physical and urban characteristics are eloquently revealed and named. Finally, it is underlined the need to design the space between land and sea based on the inherited memory of the coastal landscape and the operative role the public ground design may have as coastal defence.This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the Strategic Project with the references UIDB/04008/2020 and UIDP/04008/2020.Peer Reviewe

    A utilização do sensor de dióxido de carbono em contextos de prática pedagógica supervisionada: propostas didáticas para a disciplina de ciências naturais e para a participação em saúde ambiental

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    Neste capítulo apresenta-se um conjunto de propostas didáticas que foram construídas no âmbito da prática pedagógica supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). Considerou-se que a utilização de sensores de dióxido de carbono pode constituir uma estratégia facilitadora da compreensão, por parte dos/as alunos/ as do ensino básico, do papel daquele gás em diferentes fenómenos (como as combustões, a respiração celular e a fotossíntese), assim como da relação destes fenómenos com a qualidade do ar interior e exterior e as alterações climáticas. As propostas de trabalho foram elaboradas e desenvolvidas para aulas de Ciências Naturais de 5º e 6º ano. Em cada proposta são apresentados os objetivos, os conteúdos, as atividades, os recursos e avaliação. Através da triangulação de dados, obtidos pela observação e análise das produções dos/as alunos/as, avaliou-se a eficácia das propostas, tendo sido constatado o reconhecimento, pelos/ as alunos/as: i) das combustões como fontes de dióxido de carbono para o ar, contribuindo para a diminuição da sua qualidade; ii) da contribuição do ar expirado para a baixa qualidade do ar das salas de aula, quando não ventiladas. Constatou-se ainda que a utilização do sensor de dióxido de carbono decorreu sem dificuldades técnicas e contribuiu para aprendizagens matemáticas, nomeadamente da leitura de diferentes representações de dados e de significação das grandezas e valores monitorizados. A utilização do sensor de dióxido de carbono, para exploração de ambientes bem conhecidos das crianças, situou e contextualizou as aprendizagens, diminuindo o nível de abstração das mesmas e aumentando o interesse e participação dos/as alunos/as em Saúde Ambiental e na aprendizagem da Ciência e da Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are prayer-based Interventions effective pain management options? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    This review examined the efects of private and communal participatory prayer on pain. Nine databases were searched. Six randomized controlled trials were included. For private prayer, medium to large efects emerged for 67% to 69% of betweengroup comparisons; participants in the prayer condition reported lower pain intensity (0.59<d<26.17; 4 studies) and higher pain tolerance (0.70<d<1.05; 1 study). Preto post-intervention comparisons yielded medium to large efects (0.76<d<1.67; 2 studies); pain intensity decreased. Although frm conclusions cannot be made because meta-analysis was based on only two studies, the analysis suggested prayer might reduce pain intensity (SMD=−2.63, 95% CI [−3.11, −2.14], I=0%). (PROSPERO: CRD42020221733)Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of Ormosia excelsa seeds based on germination traits, at different temperatures, in order to facilitate the selection of superior varieties of seeds for producing seedlings. Twenty six progenies collected in the municipality of Autazes (state of Amazonas, Brazil) were evaluated. The experiment was completely randomized, with four replications and 25 seeds per plot, totaling 100 seeds per progeny. The germination rate, mean germination time and the synchronization and speed germination indexes were determined at the temperatures of 30 and 35 °C. Seedling development was also evaluated under nursery conditions. The progenies of O. excelsa showed significant genetic variability for all traits. Both temperatures proved to be effective in producing germination close to 87%. Germination began between 1 and 4 days after sowing. However, for greater efficiency in the selection of superior progenies, each environment should be considered individually. The high heritability values obtained (> 65%) and the high genetic correlation favorable for selection, among all traits, resulted in significant gains according to the selection process used. Our results indicated that determining superior progenies for height and number of leaves was possible based on a single evaluation. The fact that 100% of seedlings planted in the field survived promotes a promising outlook to set up commercial nurseries for the species.The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of Ormosia excelsa seeds based on germination traits, at different temperatures, in order to facilitate the selection of superior varieties of seeds for producing seedlings. Twenty six progenies collected in the municipality of Autazes (state of Amazonas, Brazil) were evaluated. The experiment was completely randomized, with 4 replications and 25 seeds per plot, totaling 100 seeds per progeny. The germination rate, mean germination time and the synchronization and speed germination indexes were determined at the temperatures of 30 and 35 °C. Seedling development was also evaluated under nursery conditions. The progenies of O. excelsa showed significant genetic variability for all traits. Both temperatures proved to be effective in producing germination close to 87%. Germination began between 1 and 4 days after sowing. However, for greater efficiency in the selection of superior progenies, each environment should be considered individually. The high heritability values obtained (> 65%) and the high genetic correlation favorable for selection, among all traits, resulted in significant gains according to the selection process used. Our results indicated that determining superior progenies for height and number of leaves was possible based on a single evaluation. The fact that 100% of seedlings planted in the field survived promotes a promising outlook to set up commercial nurseries for the species

    Dificuldades e estratégias na integração ao cuidado da pessoa em situação crítica: uma scoping review

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    Introduction: The nurses’ integration in specialized care provision to critically ill patients is an increasing concern in the context of hiring and mobilizing nursing professionals. An adequate integration is crucial for the nurses’ success and adaptation to the new service, as well as to ensure the quality and safety of the provided care. Objective: To map the existing knowledge on the difficulties experienced by nurses, as well as on the strategies that facilitate their integration in specialized care provision to the critically ill. Method: A scoping review was conducted, following the method proposed in the Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers’ Manual 2015. The following were used as inclusion criteria: Population - nurses; Concept - the experienced difficulties and the strategies employed to facilitate the nurses’ integration; Context - the provision of care to the critically ill. A total of 13 articles, published until May 2020, were included. Results: The following difficulties were reported: communication issues with the team, as well as with the patients and/or their relatives; overall stress; dealing with complex health conditions, as well as with intricate procedures and/or techniques; work overload; high staff turnover rate between services; dealing with a patient’s death and/or with organ donation planning. The following were pointed out as facilitating strategies: simulated practice; performing teamwork; assignment of a nursing supervisor/tutor; receiving feedback; developing resilience mechanisms. Conclusion: As regards care provision, the nurses’ integration process requires planning and the inclusion of facilitating strategies is crucial. Simulated practice leads to the acquisition of fundamental skills, as does the assignment of a nursing supervisor/tutor and receiving feedback on the conducted tasks. In addition to overcoming the difficulties experienced, these strategies also allow developing resilience and coping mechanisms, which help prevent burnout and the adverse effects caused by the high staff turnover rate between services.Introdução: A integração do enfermeiro no cuidado à pessoa em situação crítica constitui uma preocupação cada vez maior devido à mobilização e contratação de profissionais de enfermagem. Uma integração adequada é crucial para o sucesso e adaptação do enfermeiro ao novo serviço, garantindo a qualidade e segurança do cuidado. Objetivo: Mapear o conhecimento relativamente às dificuldades sentidas pelo enfermeiro e estratégias que podem facilitar a sua integração no cuidado à pessoa em situação crítica. Método: Foi realizada uma Scoping Review, com base no Joanna Briggs Institute. Critérios de inclusão: População - enfermeiro; Conceito - dificuldades sentidas e as estratégias facilitadoras na integração; Contexto - cuidado à pessoa em situação crítica. Foram incluídos 13 artigos, publicados até maio de 2020. Resultados: Dificuldades sentidas pelos enfermeiros: comunicação com a equipa, pessoa em situação crítica e/ou familiares; stress; complexidade da situação de saúde, técnicas e/ou procedimentos realizados; sobrecarga de trabalho; rotatividade de enfermeiros entre serviços; lidar com a morte e/ou a doação de órgãos. Estratégias facilitadoras: simulação de situações reais; trabalho em equipa; enfermeiro de referência/tutor; transmissão de feedback; estratégias de resiliência. Conclusão: O processo de integração requer planeamento, sendo crucial o desenvolvimento de estratégias que o facilitem. O treino através da simulação de práticas leva à aquisição de competências fundamentais para o cuidado, tal como a atribuição de um enfermeiro tutor e feedback sobre o trabalho desenvolvido. Isto permite colmatar as dificuldades sentidas através da construção da resiliência e estratégias de coping, prevenindo o burnout e a rotatividade dos profissionais entre serviços.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal

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    Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal was rapidly implemented by the National Institute of Health in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, in collaboration with more than 50 laboratories distributed nationwide. Methods By applying recent phylodynamic models that allow integration of individual-based travel history, we reconstructed and characterized the spatio-temporal dynamics of SARSCoV-2 introductions and early dissemination in Portugal. Results We detected at least 277 independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions, mostly from European countries (namely the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland), which were consistent with the countries with the highest connectivity with Portugal. Although most introductions were estimated to have occurred during early March 2020, it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 was silently circulating in Portugal throughout February, before the first cases were confirmed. Conclusions Here we conclude that the earlier implementation of measures could have minimized the number of introductions and subsequent virus expansion in Portugal. This study lays the foundation for genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal, and highlights the need for systematic and geographically-representative genomic surveillance.We gratefully acknowledge to Sara Hill and Nuno Faria (University of Oxford) and Joshua Quick and Nick Loman (University of Birmingham) for kindly providing us with the initial sets of Artic Network primers for NGS; Rafael Mamede (MRamirez team, IMM, Lisbon) for developing and sharing a bioinformatics script for sequence curation (https://github.com/rfm-targa/BioinfUtils); Philippe Lemey (KU Leuven) for providing guidance on the implementation of the phylodynamic models; Joshua L. Cherry (National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health) for providing guidance with the subsampling strategies; and all authors, originating and submitting laboratories who have contributed genome data on GISAID (https://www.gisaid.org/) on which part of this research is based. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government. This study is co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (234_596874175) on behalf of the Research 4 COVID-19 call. Some infrastructural resources used in this study come from the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Operational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio