31 research outputs found

    Annika von Hausswolff: faking reality

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    O artigo propõe a revelação da obra de Annika von Hausswolff, concretamente ideias e conceitos ligados à encenação e à imagem fotográfica que resultaram de um diálogo com a própria artista. Aqui serão apuradas questões inerentes à prática artística: processos, inquietações e certezas; naquela intimidade foi cúmplice e performativa uma vez que dialogada entre duas artistas. E a obra de arte representou, por isso, um ponto de encontro, um motivo de celebração e o traçar de uma história em conjunto.The article proposes the revelation of Annika von Hausswolff’s work, concretely ideas and concepts related to staging and the photographic image that rose from a dialogue with the artist herself. The article herein overhauls issues inherent to the artistic practice: processes, anxieties and certainties; in which intimacy was complicit and performative since it was dialogued between two artists. The work of art represented, therefore, a meeting point, a reason for celebration and to draw a story together.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Children’s social and emotional behavior: Role of maternal emotion regulation, psychopathological symptomatology, and family functioning

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    Resumo: A investigação demonstra que as estratégias de regulação emocional maternas (autocrítica e autocompaixão), saúde mental e funcionamento familiar têm impacto no funcionamento da criança e do adolescente. Devido à escassez de estudos, temos como objetivos analisar: (1) as associações entre estratégias de regulação emocional materna, sintomatologia psicopatológica, funcionamento familiar, e a perceção materna do comportamento social e emocional dos filhos ; (2) as diferenças na perceção materna do comportamento social e emocional dos filhos consoante as características da mãe, dos filhos e da família; (3) o papel preditivo da regulação emocional materna na perceção materna do comportamento social e emocional dos filhos. Uma amostra de 431 mães (25-59 anos), com filhos de 4-17 anos (55,5% do sexo masculino), respondeu ao Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades, Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation (SCORE-15), Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos, Escala das Formas do Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização e Escala de Autocompaixão. Os resultados mostraram associações positivas entre o autocriticismo, a sintomatologia psicopatológica materna, pior funcionamento familiar e problemas sociais e emocionais dos filhos, e entre autocompaixão materna e comportamento prossocial dos filhos. Mães que relataram baixos rendimentos, educação escolar básica, história de doença psiquiátrica e cujos filhos tiveram alterações no comportamento precoce perceberam mais dificuldades sociais e emocionais nos seus filhos. O autocriticismo materno foi o principal preditor das dificuldades sociais e emocionais das crianças e adolescentes. Em conclusão, as estratégias de regulação emocional materna e a sintomatologia psicopatológica estão associadas ao funcionamento familiar e ao comportamento social e emocional dos filhos. / Research has demonstrated that maternal emotion regulation strategies (self-criticism and self-compassion), mental health, and family functioning impacts child functioning. Due to the paucity of studies, we aimed to analyze: (1) the associations between maternal emotion regulation strategies, psychopathological symptomatology, family functioning, and mother’s perceived child social and emotional behavior (SEB); (2) the differences in mother’s perceived child SEB, according to maternal, child and family characteristics; (3) the predictive role of maternal emotion regulation in mother’s perceived child SEB. A sample of 431 mothers (25-59 years), with children aged 4-17 years (55.5% male), answered the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation, the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Forms of Self-Criticizing/Attacking and Self-Reassuring Scale, and the Self-Compassion Scale. The results showed positive associations between self-criticism, maternal psychopathological symptomatology, worse family functioning and child social and emotional problems, as well between maternal self-compassion and child prosocial behaviors. Mothers who reported low income, elementary school education, a history of psychiatric illness and whose children had early behavior changes perceived more social and emotional difficulties in their children. Maternal self-criticism was the main predictor of child social and emotional difficulties. In conclusion, maternal emotion regulation strategies and psychopathological symptomatology are associated with family functioning and child SEB

    Funcionamento Familiar, Comportamento de Crianças e Adolescentes e Variáveis Psicológicas Maternas: autocompaixão, autocriticismo e sintomatologia psicopatológica

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    Objetivos: 1) Analisar as associações entre as variáveis em estudo (funcionamento familiar e variáveis psicológicas maternas – autocompaixão, autocriticismo e sintomatologia psicopatológica – e o comportamento dos filhos (crianças e adolescentes). 2) Estudar as diferenças no funcionamento familiar, nas variáveis psicológicas maternas e no comportamento dos filhos em função das variáveis: idade, sexo e comportamento precoce do filho, faixa etária da mãe, nível de escolaridade dos pais, tipo de família, relação mãe-pai, história psiquiátrica da mãe e perceção dos rendimentos familiares. Método: A amostra foi constituída por 431 mães com idades compreendidas entre os 25 e os 59 anos de idade (M = 39,37; DP = 5,47), com filhos entre os 4 e os 17 anos de idade (M = 8,77; DP = 3,87), sendo a maioria (55,5%) do sexo masculino. As mães foram convidadas a participar neste estudo e foram avaliadas através do Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ), Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation (SCORE-15), Escala de Autocompaixão (SELFCS), Escala das Formas do Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização (FSCRS) e Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos (BSI). Resultados: As correlações são maioritariamente significativas entre todos os instrumentos do estudo, observando-se associações mais elevadas entre a psicopatologia da mãe e o autocriticismo. Também se encontram associações do funcionamento familiar com a autocompaixão (negativas) e com o comportamento dos filhos (positivas). A história psiquiátrica da mãe está associada a mais autocriticismo e à perceção de mais dificuldades no comportamento dos filhos. Os filhos do sexo masculino e que tiveram alterações no comportamento precoce apresentam mais dificuldades comportamentais atualmente. Por fim, as mães entre os 50-59 anos identificam mais dificuldades familiares e as famílias reconstituídas percecionam mais dificuldades no comportamento dos seus filhos e têm pior funcionamento familiar. Discussão: Confirma-se a existência de uma associação entre o funcionamento familiar, variáveis psicológicas maternas (nomeadamente autocompaixão, autocriticismo e sintomatologia psicopatológica) e o comportamento dos filhos. Os resultados obtidos realçam a importância da intervenção junto dos pais, através da implementação de programas focados na parentalidade com o objetivo de maximar competências pessoais e familiares e promover o bem-estar. / Purpose: 1) Analyze the associations between the variables under study (family functioning and maternal psychological variables: self-compassion, self-criticism and psychopathological symptomatology) and the behavior of children and adolescents. 2) Study the differences in family functioning, maternal psychological variables and child behavior according to variables: age, sex and early behavior of the child, parent’s qualifications, mother-father relationship, mother's psychiatric history and perception of family income. Method: The sample consisted of 431 mothers aged between 25 and 59 years old (M = 39.37; SD = 5,47), with children between 4 and 17 years old (M = 8.77; SD = 3,87), being mostly 55, 5% male. Mothers were invited to participate in this study and were assessed through the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Systemic Clinical Outcome Routine Evaluation (SCORE-15), Self-Compassion Scale (SELFCS), Forms Of Self Criticising and Self Reassuring Scale (FSCRS) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Results: Correlations are mostly significant among all study instruments, with higher associations between mother's psychopathology and self-criticism. There are also associations of family functioning with self-compassion (negative) and the behavior of children (positive). The mother's psychiatric history is associated with more self-criticism and more perceived behavioral difficulties. Male children who have had early behavioral changes present more behavioral difficulties today. Mothers aged 50-59 identify more family difficulties and reconstituted families perceive more difficulties in their children's behavior and have worse family functioning. Discussion: It is confirmed that there is an association between family functioning, maternal psychological variables (self-compassion, self-criticism and psychopathological symptomatology) and the behavior of children. The results show the importance of intervention with parents, through the implementation of parenting programs aimed at maximizing personal and family skills and promoting well-being

    Non-centrality parameter in STATIS interstructure

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    Statistical theory of STATIS interstructure relies heavily on F statistic. In this paper we show how to complete the inference working with the non centrality parameters of these statistics. Many times these statistics have very high values and there is an almost overflow of significant results. This lead us to use the non-centrality parameters as measures of relevance for effects and interactions. In the STATIS methodology, a study is a statistical triplet (Xi, Dni, Dpi), i=1,…,k, constituted by a data array and two weight matrices one for variables and the other for objects. Where Xi, n x pi, i=1,…,k denotes the data table associated to the kth point in time, n refers to the total number of individuals and pi is the number of variables in the kth data table. This methodology has two methods, the STATIS method and the STATIS Dual method and involves different steps (e.g. L’Hermier des Plantes H. (1976)). In the first step, termed interstructure, we compare globally the series of studies. In the second step, termed intrastructure, we define a common structure of individuals in all data tables. Finally, we identify which individuals contribute the most (or least) to the observed differences among the studies. In this work we will consider the inference for the interstructure which we start by defining an object for each data table as the matrix of the scalar products between individuals. The modelling of the series allows us to condensed all the information in the composed pair for the vector of structure and the sum of the squares of the residues. With this pair we can construct F tests to do inference for series of studies. These F statistics often have very high values and there is an almost overflow of significant results. The aim of this work is to complete the inference working with the non centrality parameters of these statistics

    Impactos do plano de recuperação fiscal de Curitiba-PR

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    Nos períodos de crises econômicas, com redução da arrecadação e elevação das despesas, muitos municípios tendem a passar por dificuldades para honrar seus compromissos financeiros, além desse fato, a má gestão pode levar ao endividamento local. Neste contexto, mecanismos de recuperação financeira devem ser adotadas para reequilibrar as finanças municipais. Esta pesquisa estudou os impactos do Plano de Recuperação Fiscal de Curitiba no orçamento municipal. A análise foi realizada a partir dos balanços orçamentários disponibilizados no Portal de Transparência do município entre 2013 e 2019. Verificou-se que alguns instrumentos da nova Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal Municipal e a atuação na folha salarial foram importantes para controlar as despesas, por outro lado, medidas que alteraram impostos municipais, como o ISS e ITBI, e a cobrança de aplicativos de transporte foram positivas mas podem ter sido beneficiadas também pela, ainda lenta, recuperação econômica a nível nacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overproduction, crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of Abn2, an endo-1,5-alpha-arabinanase from Bacillus subtilis.

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    Acta Crystallographica F64 (2008) 636-638Two Bacillus subtilis extracellular endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinanases, AbnA and Abn2, belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 43 have been identified. The recently characterized Abn2 protein hydrolyzes arabinan and has low identity to other reported 1,5-alpha-L-arabinanases. Abn2 and its selenomethionine (SeMet) derivative have been purified and crystallized. Crystals appeared in two different space groups: P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 51.9, b = 57.6, c = 86.2 A, alpha = 82.3, beta = 87.9, gamma = 63.6 degrees , and P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 57.9, b = 163.3, c = 202.0 A. X-ray data have been collected for the native and the SeMet derivative to 1.9 and 2.7 A resolution, respectively. An initial model of Abn2 is being built in the SeMet-phased map.This work was partially supported by grant No. POCI/AGR/60236/2004 from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and FEDER to IdS-N and fellowship SFRH/BD/18238/2004 from FCT to JMI

    Iliac artery false aneurysm twelve years after allograft nephrectomy

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    We report a case of a non-infected right external iliac artery false aneurysm. The patient was a 44 year-old woman on chronic peritoneal dialysis had had an allograft nephrectomy 12 years before and who presented with acute abdominal pain. Ultrasound and CT-scan showed a saccular aneurysm arising from the right external iliac artery. A large false aneurysm was identified during surgery, from donor arterial vessel remaining in situ after graft nephrectomy. Resection of the false aneurysm, with ligation of the right external iliac artery and interposition of a femorofemoral graft was successfully performed, with an uneventful post-operative recovery. False aneurysms after renal allograft nephrectomy are very rare. To our knowledge, this is the longest reported period of time between na nephrectomy and clinical evidence of a false aneurysm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validity of a minimally invasive autopsy for cause of death determination in stillborn babies and neonates in Mozambique: an observational study

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    Background Over 5 million stillbirths and neonatal deaths occur annually. Limited and imprecise information on the cause of these deaths hampers progress in achieving global health targets. Complete diagnostic autopsies (CDAs) the gold standard for cause of death determination are difficult to perform in most high-burden settings. Therefore, validation of simpler and more feasible methods is needed. Methods and findings In this observational study, the validity of a minimally invasive autopsy (MIA) method in determining the cause of death was assessed in 18 stillbirths and 41 neonatal deaths by comparing the results of the MIA with those of the CDA. Concordance between the categories of diseases obtained by the 2 methods was assessed by the Kappa statistic, and the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values of the MIA diagnoses were calculated. A cause of death was identified in 16/18 (89%) and 15/18 (83%) stillborn babies in the CDA and the MIA, respectively. Fetal growth restriction accounted for 39%, infectious diseases for 22%, intrapartum hypoxia for 17%, and intrauterine hypoxia for 11% of stillborn babies. Overall, the MIA showed in this group a substantial concordance with the CDA (Kappa = 0.78, 95% CI [0.56-0.99]). A cause of death was identified in all (100%) and 35/41 (85%) neonatal deaths in the CDA and the MIA, respectively. In this group, the majority of deaths were due to infectious diseases (66%). The overall concordance of the MIA with the CDA in neonates was moderate (Kappa = 0.40, 95% CI [0.18-0.63]). A high percentage of accuracy was observed for the MIA in all the diagnostic categories in both stillbirths and neonates (>75%). The main limitation of this study is that some degree of subjective interpretation is inherent to cause-of-death attribution in both the MIA and the CDA; this is especially so in stillbirths and in relation to fetal growth restriction. Conclusions The MIA could be a useful tool for cause-of-death determination in stillbirths and neonatal deaths. These findings may help to accelerate progress towards meeting global health targets by obtaining more accurate information on the causes of death in these age groups, which is essential in guiding the design of new interventions and increasing the effectiveness of those already implemented

    Contribution of the clinical information to the accuracy of the minimally invasive and the complete diagnostic autopsy

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    Although autopsy diagnosis includes routinely, a thorough evaluation of all available pathological results and also of any available clinical data, the contribution of this clinical information to the diagnostic yield of the autopsy has not been analyzed. We aimed to determine to which degree the use of clinical data improves the diagnostic accuracy of the complete diagnostic autopsy (CDA) and the minimally invasive autopsy (MIA), a simplified pathological postmortem procedure designed for low-income sites. 264 coupled MIA and CDA procedures (112 adults, 57 maternal deaths, 54 children and 41 neonates) were performed at the Maputo hospital, Mozambique. We compared the diagnoses obtained by the MIA blind to clinical data (MIAb), the MIA adding the clinical information (MIAc), and the CDA blind to clinical information (CDAb), with the results of the gold standard, the CDA with clinical data, by comparing the ICD-10 codes and the main diagnostic classes obtained with each evaluation strategy (MIAb, MIAc, CDAb, CDAc). The clinical data increased diagnostic coincidence to the MIAb with the gold standard in 30/264 (11%) cases and modified the CDAb diagnosis in 20/264 (8%) cases. The increase in concordance between MIAb and MIAc with the gold standard was significant in neonatal deaths (kappa increasing from 0.404 to 0.618, P=.0271), adult deaths (kappa increasing from 0.732 to 0.813, P=.0221) and maternal deaths (kappa increasing from 0.485 to 0.836, P<.0001). In conclusion, the use of clinical information increases the precision of MIA and CDA and may strengthen the performance of the MIA in resource-limited settings

    Postmortem Interval and Diagnostic Performance of the Autopsy Methods

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    Postmortem studies, including the complete diagnostic autopsy (CDA) and the minimally invasive autopsy (MIA), an innovative approach to post-mortem sampling and cause of death investigation, are commonly performed within 24 hours after death because the quality of the tissues deteriorates over time. This short timeframe may hamper the feasibility of the procedure. In this study, we compared the diagnostic performance of the two postmortem procedures when carried out earlier and later than 24 hours after death, as well as the impact of increasing postmortem intervals (PMIs) on the results of the microbiological tests in a series of 282 coupled MIA/CDA procedures performed at the Maputo Central Hospital in Mozambique between 2013 and 2015. 214 procedures were conducted within 24 hours of death (early autopsies), and 68 after 24 hours of death (late autopsies). No significant differences were observed in the number of non-conclusive diagnoses (2/214 [1%] vs. 1/68 [1%] p = 0.5645 for the CDA; 27/214 [13%] vs. 5/68 [7%] p = 0.2332 for the MIA). However, increasing PMIs were associated with a raise in the number of bacteria identified (rate: 1.014 per hour [95%CI: 1.002-1.026]; p = 0.0228). This increase was mainly due to rising numbers of bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family and Pseudomonas genus strains. Thus, performing MIA or CDA more than 24 hours after death can still render reliable diagnostic results, not only for non-infectious conditions but also for many infectious diseases, although, the contribution of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. as etiological agents of infections leading to death may be overestimated