132 research outputs found

    The Institutional Presidency from a Comparative Perspective: Argentina and Brazil since the 1980s

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    This paper focuses on the evolution of the institutional presidency - meaning the cluster of agencies that directly support the chief of the executive - in Argentina and Brazil since their redemocratization in the 1980s. It investigates what explains the changes that have come about regarding the size of the institutional presidency and the types of agency that form it. Following the specialized literature, we argue that the growth of the institutional presidency is connected to developments occurring in the larger political system - that is, to the political challenges that the various presidents of the two countries have faced. Presidents adjust the format and mandate of the different agencies under their authority so as to better manage their relations with the political environment. In particular, we argue that the type of government (coalition or single-party) has had consequences for the structure of the presidency or, in other words, that different cabinet structures pose different challenges to presidents. This factor has not played a significant role in presidency-related studies until now, which have hitherto mostly been based on the case of the United States. Our empirical references, the presidencies of Argentina and Brazil, typical cases of coalitional as well as single-party presidentialism respectively allow us to show the impact of the type of government on the number and type of presidential agencies

    Government Changeover without a Majority - Latin American Presidents' Executive Strategies

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    The recently established presidents in Argentina, Brazil, and Peru are seeking to implement governmental agendas that represent a policy shift with respect to previous administrations. However, in doing so, they face political and social constraints. Executive politics - that is, the presidential approach to the design of the highest executive agencies and appointment strategies - stands out as a tool to improve presidential leeway and coordination capacity. Since late 2015 the Latin American left has faced setbacks due to the election of President Mauricio Macri of Argentina and President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru, as well as former vice president Michel Temer's assumption of power in Brazil after the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. In Argentina and Peru these power shifts in the presidency were accompanied by minority support in Congress. In Brazil, in contrast, Temer built a large co­alition in Congress, albeit within a highly polarised political and social context that threatens its cohesiveness and survival. To face congressional oppositions, attentive publics, and organised social sectors that seek to hinder their policy goals, Latin American presidents need to use their important constitutional policymaking powers - as well as their prerogatives to appoint officials and to design the executive's upper-level structure - wisely and strategically. The three presidents have established smaller institutional presidencies than their predecessors - that is, they have reduced their core structure of close aids and supports. At the same time, they have given more power to the cabinet ministers, as well as to the cabinet coordination units, with the goal of aligning the executive with the president's policy preferences. The constitutional powers that presidents have to conduct the policymaking process, particularly in Congress, are important governing tools, but executive politics represents an equally crucial strategy. Presidents use changes to the executive's design and political appointments to influence the creation of policies and achieve their policy goals. These are important (although often neglected) presidential tools, particularly when presidents are dealing with reform ­agendas within constraining political environments

    Extração de nemátodes de quisto de amostras de solo: método de decantação e crivagem de Cobb vs. método de Fenwick

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    Potato cyst nematodes are a threat to several agricultural crops around the world with some species considered quarantine pests and subjected to strict regulatory measures in many countries. Usually, cysts nematodes co-exist in the soil with other species of plant-parasitic nematodes, so, a time and cost-efficient extraction technique becomes of primary importance. The ideal extraction method should be able to obtain cysts as well as detecting the presence of other motile plant-parasitic nematodes with a potential impact on potato farming (such as Meloidogyne sp. and Pratylenchus sp.). In recent years, studies have been carried out to test the efficiency of various methods of nematode extraction but few results have been published. Therefore, to test if a method that extracts simultaneously cysts and motile nematodes can be used instead of the reference method that extracts cysts only, the efficiency of Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique was compared to Fenwick’s technique. As a result, in the 74 samples evaluated, a greater number of cysts were extracted from 24 samples using Fenwick’s method and from 11 samples employing Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique. The statistics results showed a significance level of 0,05 using Fenwick’s can allowing to conclude that this method is much more efficient than Cobb’s decanting and sieving technique, and confirming it should not be replaced by alternative methods for cysts extractioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainability Management and Practical Implications for Employees: ANA (Vinci Airports) Case Study

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to understand the practical implications of the adopted sustainable, namely environmental practices in the workplace. This article’s research purpose is to understand if the sustainability and environmental measures implemented in the proposed airport management sector case study, have impact on employees, not only in their workplace, but also in their daily routines.   Theoretical Framework: Authors used secondary and primary research methods, conducting a literature review, by analyzing published articles and company reports regarding the relevant concerned concepts. The qualitative research enabled the development the primary quantitative design of the conducted questionnaire survey.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors performed questionnaire surveys to Lisbon airport employees, conducted a quantitative analysis and tested the efficiency of the proposed measures to construct a proposal that aims to improve sustainability practices in business management and daily routines.   Findings: The presented results propose motivation and willingness of the respondents for sustainable practices and emphasize the relevance of change management and consolidation of specific sustainable measures in a widespread of day-to-day practices. The neutral position of respondents regarding the specific action of the organization, propose the need for a plan of action for future interactions, with further involvement, participation and information, thus, enhancing the individual and collective impact in the sector, society and in the world, as sustainable corporate practices are shown to be replicated in personal and family environment.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: This paper enables the exploration of the main literature on sustainability and the understanding of practical implications for employees on their routines.   Originality/Value: The study proposes an understanding, in practice, of the impact of adopted measures on employees', namely in their actions and pleasure or satisfaction derived of working in a company with s sustainable practices

    Estudo comparativo entre jovens-adultos com e sem história de tentativas de suicídio

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    Nos jovens, o suicídio continua a ser um problema de saúde pública preocupante. A vulnerabilidade para a ideação suicida inclui a ausência de suporte social e a presença de fatores psicológicos de risco para a ideação suicida, segundo os modelos teóricos. Além disso, a história de tentativas de suicídio parece aumentar o risco de suicídio. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo comparar os fatores de risco e de proteção em jovens com e sem história de tentativas de suicídio. A amostra total foi constituída por 44 jovens adultos, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 29 anos (M=20,8; DP= 3,3). Esta amostra foi dividida em dois grupos: Grupo com história de tentativas de suicídio (n=22) e Grupo Normativo (n=22). Em ambas as amostras avaliou-se a sintomatologia depressiva, ansiedade e stresse, satisfação com o suporte social, história de adversidade na infância e a ideação suicida. Os resultados mostraram que o grupo com história de tentativas de suicídio, vivenciou mais acontecimentos adversos na infância e apresentou valores mais elevados de ansiedade, depressão e stresse em comparação ao grupo normativo. Os resultados também mostraram uma menor satisfação com o suporte social nos jovens adultos com história de tentativas de suicídio. Concluiu-se assim que a ideação suicida, o stresse, a ansiedade e a depressão e os acontecimentos adversos na infância se constituem como fatores de risco para o comportamento suicidário. Ao nível dos fatores protetores, concluiu-se que a satisfação com o suporte social tem influência no comportamento suicidário. Realça-se, assim, a importância de integrar estes fatores em programas de prevenção e intervenção face ao suicídio para uma melhor eficácia.In young adults, suicide remains a worrying public health problem. Vulnerability to suicidal ideation includes the absence of social support and the presence of psychological risk factors for suicidal ideation, according to the theoretical models. Besides this, the history of suicide attempts seems to increase the risk for suicide. The present study aimed to compare the risk and protection factors in young adults with and without history of suicide attempts. The final sample had 44 young adults, with ages between 18 and 29 years (M=20,8; DP= 3,3). This sample was divided in two separate groups: one group with history of suicide attempts (n=22) and a normative group. In both samples depressive symptomatology, anxiety and stress, satisfaction with social support, history of childhood adverse experiences and suicide ideation were evaluated. The results showed that the group with history of suicide attempts experienced more adverse events during childhood, higher levels of anxiety, depression and stress comparing to the normative group. The results also showed less satisfaction with social support in young adults with a history of suicide attempts. Is conclusion, suicidal ideation, stress, anxiety, depression and adverse childhood experiences are risk factors for suicidal behavior. For protection factors, it was possible to conclude that the satisfaction with the social support has and influence in suicidal behavior. This shows the relevance of including these factors in suicide prevention and intervention programs for a better effectiveness


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi conduzir uma revisão integrativa a fim de identificar publicações sobre a moxabustão e acupuntura para versão de fetos em apresentação pélvica. A ferramenta de pesquisa Paciente, Intervenção, Comparação e Desfecho, disponibilizada pela base de dados da Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina dos Estados Unidos, foi utilizada para gerar uma lista de artigos. As palavras utilizadas para a busca foram os termos breech, moxibustion, acupuncture e cephalic. A busca foi realizada no mês de março de 2016. Foram encontrados 24 registros, 18 foram analisados, dentre os quais sete foram favoráveis ao uso da moxabustão, e cinco, desfavoráveis. A partir dos estudos realizados sobre o tema, há evidências de que a moxabustão seja segura e efetiva para tentar “corrigir” apresentações pélvicas, apresentando-se como uma ferramenta no complemento da assistência prestada por profissionais na área da obstetrícia.El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una revisión integradora para identificar publicaciones sobre la moxibustión y acupuntura para versión de fetos en presentación de nalgas. La herramienta de investigación Paciente, Intervención, Comparación y Desfecho, publicada por la base de datos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Estados Unidos, fue utilizada para generar un rol de artículos. Las palabras utilizadas para la búsqueda fueron: breech, moxibustion, acupuncture y cephalic. La búsqueda fue llevada a cabo en marzo del 2016. Fueron encontrados 24 registros, 18 fueron analizados, entre los cuales siete fueron favorables al uso de la moxibustión y cinco desfavorables. A partir de los estudios desarrollados sobre el tema, hay evidencias de que la moxibustión sea segura y efectiva para intentar “corregir” presentaciones de nalgas, siendo una herramienta para complementar la atención prestada por profesionales en el área de partería.The objective in this study was to develop an integrative review to identify publications on moxibustion and acupuncture to turn fetuses in breech position. The research tool Patient, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome, available through the database of the United States National Library of Medicine, was used to produce a list of articles. The words used for the search were: breech, moxibustion, acupuncture and cephalic. The search was undertaken in March 2016. Twenty-four registers were found, 18 of which were analyzed, seven of them favorable to the use of moxibustion and five unfavorable. Based on the studies developed on the theme, there is evidence that moxibustion is safe and effective to try and “correct” breech presentations, as a tool to complement the care midwifery professionals provide

    Insertion of USP nursing graduates into the job market: facilities and difficulties

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    Com o objetivo de caracterizar os egressos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 2000 a 2005, realizou-se um estudo descritivo exploratório, numa abordagem quantitativa. Dos 465 egressos do período pesquisado, 175 (37,6%) responderam ao instrumento de coleta de dados. A inserção no mercado de trabalho se deu majoritariamente em instituições hospitalares privadas, por meio de processo seletivo, no município de São Paulo, na área de assistência. A maioria permaneceu nos primeiros empregos por um a seis meses. A faixa salarial predominante no primeiro emprego variou de US950.50aUS950.50 a US1,520.00. No momento da coleta de dados, grande parte dos participantes possuía um vínculo empregatício e estava inserida em instituições hospitalares privadas, com média salarial de US1,437.50.Osresultadosdessapesquisaevidenciamquehouveraˊpidainserc\ca~odosegressosnomercadodetrabalho.ConelobjetivodecaracterizaralosegresadosdelCursodeGraduacioˊnenEnfermerıˊadelaEscueladeEnfermerıˊadelaUniversidaddeSanPablo,enelperıˊodode2.000a2.005,serealizoˊunestudiodescriptivoyexploratorio,conunabordajecuantitativo.Delos465egresadosenelperıˊodoinvestigado,175(37,61,437.50. Os resultados dessa pesquisa evidenciam que houve rápida inserção dos egressos no mercado de trabalho.Con el objetivo de caracterizar a los egresados del Curso de Graduación en Enfermería de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de San Pablo, en el período de 2.000 a 2.005, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, con un abordaje cuantitativo. De los 465 egresados en el período investigado, 175 (37,6%) respondieron al instrumento de recolección de datos. La inserción en el mercado de trabajo sucedió mayoritariamente en instituciones hospitalarias, privadas, por medio de proceso selectivo, en el municipio de San Pablo, en el área de asistencia. La mayoría permaneció en el primer empleo de uno a seis meses. El intervalo salarial predominante en el primer empleo varió de US950.50 a US1,520.00.Enelmomentodelarecoleccioˊndedatos,granpartedelosparticipantesposeıˊaunvıˊnculodelainstitucioˊnyestabaactuandoeninstitucioneshospitalarias,privadas,conunpromediosalarialdeUS1,520.00. En el momento de la recolección de datos, gran parte de los participantes poseía un vínculo de la institución y estaba actuando en instituciones hospitalarias, privadas, con un promedio salarial de US1,437.50. Los resultados de esta investigación colocan en evidencia que hubo una rápida inserción de los egresados en el mercado de trabajo.This descriptive, quantitative-based exploratory study was carried out between 2000 and 2005 and aimed at characterizing the profile of students who had completed the Nursing Course at the University of Sao Paulo. From the 465 graduates found in the period of the research, 175 (37.6%) provided responses for the data collection instrument. Their insertion in the job market occurred most of all into private hospitals by means of election processes in the city of Sao Paulo. The majority of the subjects remained in their first jobs from one to six months. The wage of the major part of the graduates ranged from US950.50toUS 950.50 to US 1,520.00. In the data collection process, most of the researched participants had a formal job in private healthcare institutions, with average salaries of US$ 1,437.50. Results showed that there was a quick insertion of the graduates into the job market

    Pesquisas brasileiras biomédicas e epidemiológicas face às metas da UNGASS

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    The focus of the present study is the Brazilian response within science, technology and innovation to the targets formulated in the UNGASS document. An analysis was made of items 70-73 of the UNGASS Draft Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS (2001), which defined science, technology and innovation targets relating to HIV/AIDS. The main topics listed in these items were put into operation in the form of keywords, in order to guide systematic searches within the standard biomedicine databases, also including the subdivisions of the Web of Science relating to natural and social sciences. The success of Brazilian research within the field of characterization and isolation of HIV-1 is undeniable. Phase II/III vaccine studies have been developed in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo. Empirical studies on the monitoring of primary resistance have been developed in specific populations, through the Brazilian HIV Resistance Monitoring Network. Within the field of monitoring secondary resistance, initiatives such as the National Genotyping Network have been highlighted. Two national systems - the Mortality Information System and the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Aids) - and some studies with wider coverage have given rise to work on trends within the epidemic. The production of high-quality generic medications and their free distribution to patients have been highlighted. Brazil has implemented a consistent and diversified response within the field of HIV/AIDS, with studies relating to the development of vaccines, new medications and monitoring of the epidemic.O foco do estudo é a resposta brasileira em Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação às metas formuladas no documento da UNGASS. Foram analisados os itens 70-73 que integram o documento Draft Declaration of Commitment for the UNGASS on HIV/AIDS, 2001, que definem metas para a Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em HIV/Aids. Os principais tópicos listados nesses itens foram operacionalizados sob a forma de "palavras-chave", de modo a orientar buscas sistemáticas nos bancos de dados padrão em biomedicina, incluindo ainda o Web of Science, nas suas subdivisões referentes às ciências naturais e sociais. O sucesso da pesquisa brasileira no âmbito da caracterização e isolamento do HIV-1 é inegável. Estudos vacinais fases II/III têm sido desenvolvidos no Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte e São Paulo. O monitoramento da resistência primária teve estudos empíricos desenvolvidos em populações específicas, por meio da "Rede Brasileira em Monitoramento da Resistência do HIV". No âmbito do monitoramento da resistência secundária, destacaram-se iniciativas como a Rede Nacional de Genotipagem. Dois sistemas nacionais, o Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade e o Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação - Aids e alguns estudos de maior abrangência têm dado origem a trabalhos sobre tendências da epidemia. A produção de medicamentos genéricos de qualidade e sua distribuição gratuita aos pacientes foram destacadas. O Brasil tem implementado uma resposta consistente e diversificada no âmbito do HIV/Aids, com estudos referentes ao desenvolvimento de vacinas, novos medicamentos e monitoramento da epidemia

    A qualificação profissional e a Comissão Municipal de Trabalho do Rio de Janeiro = Professional qualification and the Labour´s Municipal Comission of Rio de Janeiro

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    O artigo apresenta pesquisa sobre a qualificação profissional no Rio de Janeiro realizada por meio de análise de documentos, observação participante e entrevistas com os membros da Comissão Municipal de Trabalho (CMT) composta em sistema tripartite com a interface entre trabalhadores, empresários e governo. Os resultados mostram que a comissão tem dificuldades em manter uma dinâmica política participacionista típica de instituições híbridas com estruturas conselhista