204 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang dilakukan selama dua siklus yaitu 4 kali pertemuan Siklus I dan 4 kali pertemuan Siklus II. Obyek penelitian ini  adalah siswa Kelas VIID SMP Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 39 orang yang terdiri dari 20 orang laki-laki dan 19 orang perempuan dalam pokok bahasan Bilangan Bulat, pada Semester Ganjil Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. Setelah diadakan tindakan, data yang terkumpul diolah dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pada Siklus I skor rata-rata yang dicapai setelah penerapan pendekatan problem posing dengan 51,92 dengan standar deviasi 22,023 dan ketuntasan belajar mencapai 33%. Pada Siklus II skor rata-rata siswa meningkat menjadi 68,72 dengan standar deviasi 17,908 dan ketuntasan mencapai 64%. Keaktifan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar mengalami peningkatan, ini terlihat dengan meningkatnya jumlah siswa yang mengajukan pertanyaan, siswa yang menjawab pertanyaan guru, siswa yang rumusan soal dan jawaban benar, siswa yang mengumpulkan PR.  Dari hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pendekatan problem posing dengan di SMP Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar dapat berjalan lancar sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Penerapan pendekatan problem posing dengan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Exploring Mental Health Literacy Among Children In Conflict With The Law

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    Mental health literacy is one factor that can affect children's quality of life. This study aims to determine and compare the level of literacy and description of mental health in children who conflict with the law (CCL) in the province of Gorontalo, Indonesia. This study uses a mixed parallel method. The researcher collects qualitative and quantitative data using observation, in-depth interviews, document review, and a modified RI1 Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire. Informants are 21 children who conflict with the law (CCL)  in Gorontalo Province. The results on the level of mental health literacy showed that out of a total of 6 CCL perpetrators, three children were in the moderate category (50%), three children were in the less category (50%), and none had high literacy (0%). Meanwhile, of 15 CCL victims, 6 children were in the less category (40%), 8 were in the moderate category, and 1 child (7%) had high literacy. On average, the CCL perpetrator's mental state is better than the CCL victim's. CCL victims have the lowest score on cognitive ability, at 38%, and the highest on emotional ability, at 44%. CCL perpetrators have the lowest emotional ability at 34% and the highest cognitive ability at 41%. The legal process triggers stress, anxiety, poor sleeping and eating functions, communication disorders, and a drastic decrease in self-confidence. Providing a mental health literacy program can be a preventive measure to maintain mental health so they are ready to return to society


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    The aim of this research is that the role and law enforcement efforts of the Na-tional Police in dealing with alcohol in the Kabila Sector Legal Area need to be optimized in developing society. Security and public order is a dynamic condition of society as one of the prerequisites for the implementation of the national devel-opment process which is characterized by ensuring order and upholding the law and the establishment of peace which contains the ability to foster and develop the potential and strength of society in warding off, preventing and overcoming all forms of violations of the law and other forms of disturbance that can disturb the community. So based on this, the author hopes that there will be firmness from the police in taking action against crimes caused by the influence of alcohol. The type of research used in this research is an empirical method (empirical law research) and uses a normative approach method. The data analysis carried out in this research is descriptive analysis as the data is compiled using a qualitative approach. Based on the research results, it shows that the role of Bahabinkam-timnas in tackling alcohol in the Kabila Sector Legal Area has not been fully im-plemented based on Perkap No. 1 of 2021 Amendment to Perkap no. 3 of 2015. The role as intended is to encourage the community to form forums that can min-imize the situation

    Reduced-reference Video Quality Metric Using Spatio-temporal Activity Information

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    Monitoring and maintaining acceptable Quality of Experience is of great importance to video service providers.  Perceived visual quality of transmitted video via wireless networks can be degraded by transmission errors. This paper presents a reduced-reference video quality metric of very low complexity and overhead that makes use of frame based spatial (SI) and temporal (TI) activity levels to monitor the effect of channel errors on video transmitted over error prone networks. The performance of the metric is evaluated relative to that of a number of full and reduced reference metrics. The proposed metric outperforms some of the most popular full reference metrics whilst requiring very little overhead

    Review on Empirical Studies of Local Impact Effects of Hard Missile on Concrete Structures

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    Concrete is basic construction material used for any kind of structure. However, in most vital and local structures such as nuclear plants, Power plants, Weapon Industries, weapons storage places, water retaining structures like dams, and also local industries, & etc., concrete structures have to be designed as defensive structures to provide protection against any accidents or knowingly generated incidents such as dynamic loading, dynamic local impact damage and global damage generated by kinetic missiles (steel rods, steel pipes, turbine blades, etc.). The impacting missile (projectile) can be classified as ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ in nature, depending upon the implication of its deformation with respect to the deformation of target. ‘Hard’ missile impact can generate both local impact damage and also overall dynamic global damage of concrete structure. This paper only provides the review of previous empirical studies related to our study and can be used for making design recommendation and design procedures for determining the dynamic response of the target to prevent local and impact damage


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    The village of Baku Bakulu, located in Palolo Subdistrict, Sigi Regency, is one of the target villages for the implementation of government programs in the implementation of the candlenut management program. The achievement of these targets is interesting to be examined through the role of the community in the management of candlenut plants. Candlenut plant management program has been implemented since 2017 by the government as one of the solutions to the implementation of the candlenut plant management program. The role of the community in the management of candlenut plants in the village of Baku Bakulu, Sigi Regency is interesting to be investigated because community involvement in managing candlenut plants must continue to be monitored so that in the future implementation will improve every year. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method aimed at examining the condition of natural objects, related to situations, attitudes, views that occur in society. The results of research regarding problems with the unit under study. The role of the community of Baku Bakulu Village in the management of candlenut trees in planning, land preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and processing of candlenut plants is categorized as high, while in nursery activities the community's role is categorized as being because the community does not get candlenut seeds from the procurement of seedlings from the village government, but they obtain or procure seedlings individually or take seeds from other fellow candlenut farmers.Keywords: Community Role, Candlenut Plant Managemen

    Effect of Learning Organization and Orientation of Entrepreneurs Through Market Orientation and the Impact on Small and Medium Business Performance in Minapolitan Region of South Sulawesi

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of organizational learning and entrepreneurship orientation on SME business performance in Minneapolitan area South Sulawesi. This research is a survey research using quantitative approach with sample of 150 SMEs in 5 regencies and cities in Minneapolitan area in South Sulawesi. Data collection using questionnaires as a means of collecting data and conducting direct interviews and library searching. The results of data analysis found that organizational learning and entrepreneurial orientation did not directly affect the performance of SMEs in the Minnepolitan area but indirectly influenced by market orientation variables. The results of the analysis indicate that SMEs business performance in Minneapolitan area in South Sulawesi can be developed through organizational learning and entrepreneurial orientation but must use market orientation as a focal point in the empowerment of SMEs. Key words : Organizational learning, entrepreneurship orientation, performance, minneapolitan area, SME, South Sulawes

    Study on the Analytical Behaviour of Concrete Structure Against Local Impact of Hard Missile

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    Concrete is basic construction material used for almost all kind of structure. However, in the majority essential structures such as nuclear plants, Power plants, Weapon Industries, weapons storage places, water retaining structures like dams, highways barriers, bridges, & etc., concrete structures have to be designed as self-protective structure which can afford any disaster or consciously engendered unpleasant incidents such as incident occurs in nuclear plants, incident in any essential industry, terrorist attack, Natural disasters like tsunami and etc missile attack, and local impact damage generated by kinetic missiles dynamic loading (steel rods, steel pipes, turbine blades, etc.). This paper inquisitively is paying attention on verdict of the recent development in formulating analytical behavior of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against local impact effect generated by hard missile with and without the influence of dimensional analysis based on dominant non-dimensional parameters, various nose shape factors at normal and certain inclined oblique angles. The paper comprises the analytical models and methods for predicting penetration, and perforation of concrete and reinforced concrete. The fallout conquer from this study can be used for making design counsel and design procedures for seminal the dynamic retort of the concrete targets to foil local impact damage

    Dual Axes Solar Tracker

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    Photovoltaic (PV) is one of the most important sources of renewable energy in the world. Its current efficiency could be increased up to 60% by using dual axes solar tracker, which maximise PV exposure to sun. The most important component in dual axes solar tracker is sensing location of the sun. Four light dependent resistors (LDR) are used as the sensors, connected to potentiometers to increase their accuracy. Arduino UNO is used as the controller to control two stepper motors. Two experiments have been carried out, where the tolerance of the LDR has been found to be 0.05V and the calibration of the four LDRs to have the error of 0.03V. Both experiments proved the capability of LDR for dual axes solar tracker and potentiometer to increase their accuracy

    Identification of Delay Factor in Oman Construction Industry

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    Construction industry is second most significant and largest industry in gulf countries that continuously and rapidly growing. However the decline in economies of gulf countries due to fluctuated oil has ambiguous effect on the construction industry. Like other countries around the world, construction industries in gulf region also facing many problems and amongst the most common problem is delay/time overrun. This paper aims to identify various factors in construction management which causing delay in construction projects at Muscat, Khabourah, Bidbid, Musanah and Sohar cities in OMAN. Fourty eight (48) delay factors identified from literature around the world and organized in structured questionnaire survey form. Delay factors were categorized into five major groups in construction process which are Planning, Design, Construction, Finishing, and Miscellaneous. The forms were distributed amongst the construction experts focusing clients, consultants and contractors involved in the construction projects. A total of 105 collected data were analyzed by using Average Index method for each factor. Furthermore, delay causing factors analyzed by individual response of client, consultant and contractor prospective. The analysis identified that ‘changes in scope of project’, ‘lack of communication between parties’, ‘shortage of skilled labour’, ‘mistakes during construction’, and ‘insufficient data collection and survey before designing’; are the most significant causes in each category respectively. The result of this study is useful to create or/and improve guideline considering delay, to avoid problems in looming construction