45 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari, menemukan serta mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai kultur tokoh utama wanita sebagai cerminan kultur wanita Jawa dalam novel Tjobaning Katresnan. Subjek kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah novel berbahasa Jawa berjudul Tjobaning Katresnan karya Nial S.B, yang diterbitkan oleh penerbit Pantja Satya pada tahun 1966. Objek kajian dalam penelitian ini yakni nilai-nilai kultur tokoh utama wanita sebagai cerminan kultur wanita Jawa dalam novel Tjobaning Katresnan. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sosiologi sastra. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan teknik pembacaan dan pencatatan. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri, dengan alat bantu yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kartu data. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yakni berupa kata-kata bukan angka yang dihubungkan dengan konteks dan konstruk analisis. Validitas data yang dipergunakan adalah validitas semantik, yakni memaknai data berdasarkan konteksnya. Reliabilitas data yang dipergunakan adalah reliabilitas intrarater oleh peneliti sendiri dengan cara membaca secara cermat dan berulang-ulang, serta reliabilitas interrater, yakni dengan cara mendiskusikan hasil data dengan teman dan meminta pendapat ahli, dalam hal ini dengan dosen pembimbing. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukan adanya tiga jenis nilai kultur tokoh utama wanita, yakni nilai religius, nilai kepribadian dan nilai sosial. Nilai religius dalam penelitian ini berupa sikap pasrah pada takdir Tuhan dan berdoa kepada Tuhan. Nilai kepribadian dalam penelitian ini adalah menarik, waspada, rajin, tidak suka mengeluh, pandai menata rumah, pandai berhias, prihatin, tidak terburu-buru, cantik, pandai atau pintar, menyadari kesalahan, berpikir positif, tidak suka membuang waktu, menahan tangis, takut mengingkari janji dan cinta kasih pada lain jenis. Nilai sosial dalam penelitian adalah kasih sayang sesama saudara, disukai banyak orang, berbakti pada orang tua, meminta izin orang tua, rendah hati, sopan dalam berbicara, pemaaf, mengalah, berharap kepastian hubungan, setia, melaksanakan perintah, menghormati tamu, percaya pada kekasih, terbuka pada orang yang dihormati, menepati janji, sungkan, dan tidak memilih atau menilai pasangan dari fisiknya

    Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Pelayanan Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Beberapa Kota Besar di Jawa

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    Adolescent is the candidate of fertile age couple that will create a family. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of their reproduction at the present will influence the family forms in the future. Adolescent as the candidate of fertile life. The phase of adolescent is signed by the maturity of reproduction instruments. The appear of sexual supporting and curiosity to this age phase needs guidance so can be controlled an does not make a problem that can harm the life of their reproduction next time. The purpose of this study was to observe the level of knowledge, attitude and emotion of adolescent and the health sevices need of adolescent reproduction at some big towns in Indonesia such as, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The sample of this study was 786 students of SMU, SLTP and children who did not get school in the age of 14 until 18 years old. The data was gathered with the questionaire and discussion of directed group. The data analysis was done by compare test with score description on the average and standard cross sectional, percentage and synthetic. The result obtained that showed the adolescent's knowledge about the aspect of reproduction mature sign and infected diseases still about 52-56% whoanswered the questioner correctly and maturity of adolescent's emotion was relative low. The adolescent who was actively be boy and gilrfriends at this study amount 41.1% and begin to be boy and girlfriend amount about 13-14 years old. The way of giving health information of reproduction that is expected by the adolescent namely discussion, hot line service (phone), conseling through the letter and medium such as booklet, leafleat, brochure and poster. The pepople that are expected giving information service to the adolescent is their friend of the same age, teacher, profesional institution, parents and doctor/midwife. The expected material is moral values, law, religion, adolescent development, adolescent intercourse, the health sexual behavior and drugs

    Implementasi Kontrol Sudut Buka Valve Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic pada Proses Pencampuran Water Coolant

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    Proses pencampuran pra pemakaian water coolant memiliki standar yang berbeda pada setiap fungsi dan kegunaan. Pencampuran secara konvensional dilakukan secara manual oleh tangan manusia dan diukur menggunakan alat ukur analog untuk mengetahui kadar konsentrasi kompisisi coolant. Penelitian ini membuat implementasi tentang pembuatan sistem pencampuran water coolant otomatis dengan komposisi air dan bijih coolant secara otomatis dengan menggunakan piranti mikrokontroller. Konsentrasi water coolant yang dimaksud adalah sebesar 5% kadar bijih coolant tercampur. Dalam menentukan sudut buka valve/ kran sebagai jembatan aliran bijih coolant menuju proses pencampuran digunakan metode Fuzzy Logic yang diaktualisasikan pada motor servo DC dengan input data diambil dari hasil pembacaan sensor salinitas. Dari percobaan yang telah dilakukan menyatakan bahwa metode fuzzy dapat digunakan untuk mengontol derajat buka valve dengan baik. Namun secara keseluruhan hasil yang didapatkan dari percobaan masih belum mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dari percobaan yang telah dilakukan, error terkecil yang berhasil dicapai masih bernilai 20%. Walau sudah memenuhi standar minimal, namun masih perlu adanya peningkatan kinerja sistem. Maka dari itu perlu adanya pengembangan dan evaluasi terhadap sistem lebih lanjut agar sistem dapat berjalan lebih bai

    Profil Penderita Diabetes Melitus yang Berobat ke Pengobat Tradisional di DKI Jakarta, di YOGYAKARTA, dan Surabaya

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    A study on diabetes melitus was conducted in DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, and Surabaya in 1998/1999. The respondents were the patients who went to the Traditional Healers (Dukun Rarnuan and Sinshe), at least twice. Data collection was conducted through interview using questionnaire and also in depth interview to the respondents and Traditional Healers. The symptoms of diabetes melitus based on WHO standard such as: excessive thirst, polyuria, pruritus, and otherwise unexplained weight loss. The results showed that most of the respondent's age were 50 years old, male, graduated from highschool. And 48.7% of respondent's income were ranging between Rp 176,000.00 up to Rp 500,000.00. Generally, respondents visited the Traditional Healers by their own car or motorcycle. Most of them did not believe that diabetes melitus was caused either by black magic or curse of God. However 79,8% of the respondents hoped to be recovered from their illness immediately. The greater part of the respondents visited the Traditional Healers as suggested by their friend's. While 73%> of respondent's illness were diagnosed by health personnel. The major symptoms of diabetes melitus were parasthesia, urinate more frequently at night, thirsty, losing weight, and feeling weak. However about 58.1% respondents visited the Traditional Healers and the health personnel for three years and 47.8% visited them just for one year or less. The reasons for visiting Traditional Healers were due to cheaper, sevices closer to their homes, more confidence in traditional healers, side effects of modern treatment, and low effectiveness of modern treatment

    Aspek-aspek Ekologi dan Sosial dalam Penanggulangan "Emerging Infectious Diseases"

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    Ecological and social fators play very important roles in the control of emerging infectious diseases, beside case management, surveillance and laboratory examinations. The ecological factors include physical environmental factors such as altitude, latitude, climate, season, temperature, humidity, water, air, food and land; as well as biological environmental factors such as flora, fauna, agent, vector, host and biological agents used for vector control. The social factors include: education, economic status, behaviour, attitude, habit, religion, culture, population migration and density. Intervention to ecological and social factors could be done as preventive measures. We should learn from the failures as well as successes in the control of infectious diseases which gave considerations on ecological and social factors. For new diseases, studies should also be conducted to know what kinds of ecological and social factors have important roles in the control of these diseases

    Deteksi dan Kuantifikasi Cemaran Babi pada Sampel Olahan Daging Menggunakan Real-time PCR

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     AbstrakMetode pengujian cemaran babi menjadi faktor penting dalam sertifikasi produk halal. Metode yang cepat dan robust diperlukan untuk deteksi dan kuantifikasi cemaran babi. Metode Real-time PCR atau dikenal dengan istilah quantitative PCR (qPCR) merupakan metode alternatif untuk deteksi dan kuantifikasi cemaran babi berdasarkan residu keberadaan DNAnya pada sampel olahan pangan. Metode ekstraksi DNA dan kit amplifikasi yang tahan terhadap inhibitor menjadi kunci keberhasilan penggunaan qPCR untuk pendeteksian dan kuantifikasi cemaran babi. Pendeteksian cemaran DNA dengan probe qPCR digunakan karena mempunyai kelebihan tahan terhadap inhibitor, cepat, spesifik, dan multipel target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi dan menguantifikasi cemaran DNA babi menggunakan metode ekstraksi DNA secara cepat dan qPCR. Tahapan penelitian ini adalah ekstraksi DNA, amplifikasi, deteksi, dan kuantifikasi DNA babi. Sampel berasal dari produk olahan pangan, seperti bakso, sosis, daging burger, siomay, kuah daging, dan daging isi roti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat cemaran babi pada sampel bakso, daging burger, dan kuah bakso. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bakso memiliki persentase kontaminasi sejumlah 25%, sedangkan kuah daging sejumlah 12,5%. Hasil penelitian ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk laboratorium penguji makanan sebagai metode deteksi cemaran babi dalam produk pangan secara cepat dan akurat.AbstractPork contamination testing method is an important factor in halal product certification. A fast and robust method is needed for the detection and quantification of pig contamination. Real-time PCR method or commonly known as quantitative PCR (qPCR) is an alternative method for the detection and quantification of pork contamination based on the pig’s DNA residual presence in processed food samples. DNA extraction method and inhibitor-resistant amplification kit are the keys of successful qPCR implementation for the detection and quantification of pig contamination. Detection of DNA contamination with qPCR probe is used because it has some advantages, such as resistant to inhibitors, fast, specific, and multiple targets. This research aimed to detect and quantify pig’s DNA contamination using rapid DNA extraction method and qPCR. The stages of this research were pig’s DNA extraction, amplification, detection, and quantification. The samples taken from processed food products, such as meatballs, sausage, burgers’ meat, dumplings, meat broth, and meat filled in the bread. The results showed that there was pork contamination in the samples of meatballs, burgers’ meat, and meat broth. The results showed that the meatballs had a contamination percentage of 25%, while the meat broth had a contamination percentage of 12.5%. The results of this study can be a recommendation for food testing laboratories as a method of detecting the pork contamination in food products quickly and accurately

    The Utilization of Electronic Journal: Analysis of The Source of References for Thesis Writing by Students of Early Childhood Teacher Education Department

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    Library technical implementation unit, especially in the sector of journal developers, has subscribed to numerous journals which have international reputation such as Sage, Oxford Journal, Emerald, Cambridge Journal, Springer Link, IEEE, Sage Research Method, ProQuest, and JSTOR. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of understanding of students in the utilization of electronic journals, to find out what reference sources are used, and to analyze how big the utilization of electronic journals was as references for thesis writing by students in the Department of ECTE. This research utilized a quantitative research method. Respondents in this study were students in the ECTE Department who were currently working on their thesis. Data collection for this study was carried out by using observation techniques and using questionnaires related to understanding and utilization of electronic journals by ECTE students. The number of respondents taken was 47 students who were working on their thesis. And the data analysis was presented by descriptive percentages. The results showed that the level of understanding of students in the utilization of electronic journals was 40.38% at the good level, 50% at the moderate level and 9.62% at the poor level. Sources of reference used by students in research are electronic journals (41.97%), books (36.63%), legislation (7.8%) and internet sources (13.63%). While the utilization of electronic journals as sources of reference used by students showed 44.23% or almost half of the references used are in the form of journals

    In Silico Analysis of Actin Gene as a Candidate for DNA Non-Halal Detection Base on Real-Time PCR

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    Actin genes are genes that are common in organisms, and their expression is constitutive. These genes are used for gene normalization and internal control of DNA extraction, but the actin gene is not widely used for halal certification tests. Bioinformatic studies help to analyze the experiment through in silico more deeply before the experiment is carried out in laboratory, making it more efficient and time effective. uMelt is an analysis to predict the melting curve of target amplification in real-time PCR. Real-time PCR has been widely used for screening and detection of pork content in a product. This research aimed to explore actin gene as a candidate for testing pork using qPCR. The study was carried out in two main stages, namely alignment of the DNA sequence and analysis of the melting curve using the uMelt approach. The results showed a set of actin genes containing conserved regions that can be used as degenerate primers with different family-type coverages. Melting curve prediction with uMelt shows differences in tm peaks so as the types of samples can be easily identified. The use of bioinformatic applications such as uMelt helps in the simulation of predicting the melting curve to increase the precision of the analysis


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    Adolescent is the candidate of fertile age couple that will create a family. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of their reproduction at the present will influence the family forms in the future. Adolescent as the candidate of fertile life. The phase of adolescent is signed by the maturity of reproduction instruments. The appear of sexual supporting and curiosity to this age phase needs guidance so can be controlled an does not make a problem that can harm the life of their reproduction next time. The purpose of this study was to observe the level of knowledge, attitude and emotion of adolescent and the health sevices need of adolescent reproduction at some big towns in Indonesia such as, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The sample of this study was 786 students of SMU, SLTP and children who did not get school in the age of 14 until 18 years old. The data was gathered with the questionaire and discussion of directed group. The data analysis was done by compare test with score description on the average and standard cross sectional, percentage and synthetic. The result obtained that showed the adolescent's knowledge about the aspect of reproduction mature sign and infected diseases still about 52-56% whoanswered the questioner correctly and maturity of adolescent's emotion was relative low. The adolescent who was actively be boy and gilrfriends at this study amount 41.1% and begin to be boy and girlfriend amount about 13-14 years old. The way of giving health information of reproduction that is expected by the adolescent namely discussion, hot line service (phone), conseling through the letter and medium such as booklet, leafleat, brochure and poster. The pepople that are expected giving information service to the adolescent is their friend of the same age, teacher, profesional institution, parents and doctor/midwife. The expected material is moral values, law, religion, adolescent development, adolescent intercourse, the health sexual behavior and drugs.   Keywords: reproduction, adolescen