138 research outputs found

    Un modelo pedagógico para la autotransformación integral del estudiante universitario

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    The present article tries to contribute a possible vision of the formative problem in the universities and from there, propose some guidelines that permit a vision and a new way of show the formative process with a greater axiological significance. Is a grief that in the call "was of knowledge" little it be known about how can we be better, but by means of what can be contributed the humanity, not according to what achieve for itself. Some results diagnostic are shown that show some of the limitations that they are declared in the university educational activity and a conception is argued that it considers the self-formation as a quality that emerges like synthesis of the authenticity and the significance.El presente artículo intenta aportar una visión posible del problema formativo en las universidades y a partir de allí proponer algunas pautas que permitan una visión e instrumentación del proceso formativo con una mayor trascendencia axiológica. Es una pena que en la llamada "era del conocimiento" se conozca tan poco acerca de cómo podemos ser mejores, pero mediante lo que se aporte a la humanidad, no de acuerdo a lo que logre para sí mismo. Se muestran algunos resultados diagnósticos que evidencian algunas de las limitaciones que se manifiestan en la actividad educativa universitaria y se argumenta una concepción que considera la autotransformación como una cualidad que emerge como síntesis de la autenticidad y la trascendencia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai bahan ajar berbentuk modul dengan materi Busana Era Renaissance. Penelitian dilakukan kepada panelis ahli dengan bidang terkait dan dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Pre-Experimental dengan model One-Shot Case Study. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Menggunakan variabel tunggal, yaitu penilaian bahan ajar modul Era Renaissance. Penilaian berdasarkan aspek bahan ajar dan aspek karakteristik modul. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada aspek bahan ajar mendapat nilai 304 kategori Baik (B) dengan skala 3,49 pada Rating Scale dan persentase sebesar 87,35%. Sedangkan pada aspek karakteristik modul mendapat nilai 128 berada pada kategori Baik (B) dengan skala 3,5 pada Rating Scale dan persentase sebesar 88,89%. Total keseluruhan nilai yang didapat baik dari aspek bahan ajar maupun aspek karakteristik modul adalah 432 berada pada kategori Baik (B) dengan skala 3,51 pada Rating Scale dan persentase sebesar 87,8%. ***** Assessment of the History of the Development of Fashion Teaching Materials Module. Djantik Fatwa Illiana. (2023). Thesis, Jakarta: Fashion Design Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University. This study aims to assess teaching materials in the form of modules with the subject of Renaissance Clothing. The research was conducted on panelists of experts in related fields and carried out in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The method used in this study is the Pre-Experimental method with the One-Shot Case Study model. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. Using a single variable, namely the assessment of the Renaissance Era module teaching materials. Assessment based on aspects of teaching materials and aspects of module characteristics. The results of the study stated that the teaching material aspect scored 304 in the Good category (B) with a scale of 3.49 on the Rating Scale and a percentage of 87.35%. Whereas in the aspect of the characteristics of the module, a score of 128 is in the Good category (B) with a scale of 3.5 on the Rating Scale and a percentage of 88.89%. The total score obtained from both the teaching material aspect and the module characteristics aspect is 432 in the Good category (B) with a scale of 3.51 on the Rating Scale and a percentage of 87.8%

    Estrategia de integración de los procesos sustantivos para la carrera de Licenciatura en Administración Militar en El Salvador

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    Los procesos sustantivos (docencia, investigación y proyección social), son pilares fundamentales de las instituciones de educación superior. Las exigencias actuales en El Salvador requieren de su integración para elevar la calidad educativa en la formación que se ofrece y cumplir con el eje articulador universidad – sociedad, retomando su papel protagónico en la transformación social desde la generación de profesionales con pensamiento crítico y alto sentido humano. El objetivo de la investigación fue elaborar una estrategia de integración de los procesos sustantivos, que contribuya a la formación de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Administración Militar

    Αναπαραστάσεις του δημοψηφίσματος του 2015 στον ελληνόφωνο και αγγλόφωνο Τύπο

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    Η εργασία αυτή έχει ως στόχο τη μελέτη του τρόπου αναπαράστασης του ελληνικού δημοψηφίσματος του 2015 μέσω της εξέτασης κειμένων δημοσιογραφικού λόγου, πρωτότυπου και μεταφρασμένου. Για την υλοποίηση αυτού του στόχου ακολουθείται η μεθοδολογία της κριτικής ανάλυσης λόγου, και ειδικότερα της συστημικής λειτουργικής γραμματικής, σε σώματα κειμένων. Στο πρώτο μέρος αναλύεται η συγκρότηση συγκρίσιμου σώματος κειμένων στην ελληνική και στην αγγλική γλώσσα από δημοσιογραφικά κείμενα ελληνικών και βρετανικών εφημερίδων. Μέσω της διεξοδικής εξέτασης επιλεγμένων στοιχείων από το σώμα κειμένων, αναδεικνύεται η ιδεολογία που ρητά ή υπόρρητα αναπαράγεται από τα εξεταζόμενα κείμενα ως προς τα σημαντικότερα γεγονότα και τους δρώντες που λαμβάνουν μέρος σε αυτά. Το δεύτερο μέρος στρέφεται στο πεδίο της μετάφρασης. Συγκεκριμένα, εξετάζεται ο τρόπος αναπαράστασης των γεγονότων του δημοψηφίσματος σε μεταφρασμένα δημοσιογραφικά κείμενα. Μέσω της αντιπαραβολής των αποτελεσμάτων των δύο ερευνητικών μερών εξετάζεται κατά πόσο οι ιδεολογικές θέσεις που προβάλλουν τα μεταφράσματα συνάδουν με αυτές των πρωτότυπων κειμένων. Αναδεικνύεται με αυτόν τον τρόπο ο ρόλος του ιδεολογικού πλαισίου εντός του οποίου παράγονται τα μεταφράσματα ως προς τη διαμόρφωση των επιμέρους μεταφραστικών επιλογών και της ευρύτερης ιδεολογικής τοποθέτησης που αποτυπώνεται στο καθένα.The present thesis aims at examining the way that the 2015 Greek bailout referendum is represented in original and translated texts of journalistic discourse. The selected texts are analysed according to the principles and methods of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, and in particular by following a systemic functional linguistics perspective. The first part of the thesis includes the creation of a comparable corpus of Greek and English news texts drawn from Greek and British newspapers. The detailed examination of selected corpus data reveals the explicit and implicit ideology of the texts as regards the most important events and actors that take place in them. The research part is related to the field of translation. More specifically, this part investigates the way that the events of the Greek referendum are represented in translated journalistic texts. By comparing the results between the two parts, we examined the extent to which the ideological positions of translated texts are in line with those of the originals. This analysis highlights the effect of the ideological context in which the translations are produced, on the different translation choices and the general ideology that each translation reflects

    ¿Disonancia o consonancia de mi historia académica con respecto a La ciudad letrada?

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    This article depicts a journey through Ángel de Rama ́s main ideas in his book “THE LETTERED CITY” [“LA CIUDAD LETRADA,” original title in Spanish] as contrasted with our academic culture. The statements thereby approached relate to the enforcement of order from the [Spanish] conquistadors, the seizing of land, and the imposition of their thoughts. It also analyzes the role of educational institutions in our society, making allusion to the contributions of relevant authors in history which, furthermore, support Rama ́s statements. In like manner, it also analyzes the configuration of the curriculum and the evident training crisis in university graduates, specifically of those graduating from the Major in Education. Therefore, this work expects to make a critical review to the traditional reproduction of knowledge. It reflects the chain of reproduction of the western culture which has been based on the Greco-Roman culture, and the way in which the western logos was established in the minds of the Latin American academics. Through hegemony, the imposition of such system, its beliefs and ideology are linked in order to obtain a planned function of society. The text highlights that the use of writing is what marks the beginning of civilization.El presente artículo expone un recorrido de las principales ideas de Ángel Rama en el libro: La ciudad letrada, contrastadas con nuestra cultura académica. Los planteamientos tratados están relacionados con la instauración del orden por parte de los conquistadores, la usurpación del espacio y la imposición del pensamiento. También se analiza el papel de las instituciones educativas en la sociedad, haciendo alusión a aportes de importantes autores de la historia, que además fundamentan los planteamientos de Rama; asimismo se estudia la configuración del currículum y la crisis de formación manifiesta en graduados de una carrera universitaria, en particular la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación.Este trabajo pretende hacer una crítica a la tradicional reproducción de conocimientos; con la lectura se refleja la cadena de reproducción de la cultura occidental que tiene como base la cultura grecorromana, la forma como se establece el logos occidental, en el pensamiento de los académicos latinoamericanos; mediante la hegemonía se esposa la imposición del sistema, de creencias y de una ideología, para un planificado funcionamiento de la sociedad. En el texto se destaca que aquello que marca el inicio de la civilización es la escritura

    Preliminary study on waste management for implementation of green highway / Asmalia Che Ahmad ... [et al.]

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    Green highway is the transportation corridors which based on relatively new concept of roadway design. It incorporates both transportation functionality and ecological requirements. Green highway also provide more sustainable construction technique that maximize the lifespan of highway. Waste management is one of the importance criteria in the elements of green highway. This is because, management of construction waste is becoming a pressing problem worldwide. There is a need to reduce the amount of waste production, reduce the cost for managing the waste as well as saving the environment. This paper aims to identify the criteria of waste management in development of green highway. This is exploratory study focus only on green highway. Preliminary study was done using quantitative method. 30 sets of questionnaires have been distributed to highway construction experts. The data was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS). The results from the analysis shows wood is the highest production of waste and reused back the material is the best way to minimize the waste

    El Niño, surface circulation and coral larval dispersal across the world's greatest marine barrier

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    More than 5,000 km separates the frequently disturbed coral reefs of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) from western sources of population replenishment. It has been hypothesized that El Niño events facilitate eastward dispersal across this East Pacific Barrier (EPB). Here we present a biophysical coral larval dispersal model driven by 14.5 years of high-resolution surface ocean current data including the extreme 1997–1998 El Niño. We find no eastward cross-EPB connections over this period, which implies that ETP coral populations decimated by the 1998 bleaching event can only have recovered from eastern Pacific sources, in congruence with genetic data. Instead, rare connections between eastern and central Pacific reefs are simulated in a westward direction. Significant complexity and variability in the surface flows transporting larvae mean that generalized upper-ocean circulation patterns are poor descriptors of inter-regional connectivity, complicating the assessment of how climate change will impact coral gene flow Pacific wide

    Internal communication and human development in the regional restaurant sector in Yucatán, Mexico

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    A gastronomia yucateca é um dos bens culturais distintivos do México. Por isso, realizou-se um estudo quantitativo com três restaurantes de comida regional de Mérida, Yucatán, nos quais seus colaboradores foram entrevistados para determinar se a comunicação está relacionada com a conformação de uma cultura organizacional que gera representações sociais vinculadas às tradições regionais e ao crescimento dos colaboradores em términos de bem-estar para o desenvolvimento humano. Elegeu-se este turno já que em Yucatán o setor de restaurantes regional tem um lugar preponderante na economia local.Yucatan´s gastronomy is one of the distinctive cultural assets of Mexico. Because of this, a quantitative study was conducted with three regional food restaurants in Mérida, Yucatán, in which their collaborators were interviewed to determine if the communication is related to the conformation of an organizational culture that generates social representations linked to the regional traditions and the growth of employees in terms of welfare for human development. This turn was chosen since in Yucatan the regional restaurant sector has a preponderant place in the local economy.La gastronomía yucateca es uno de los bienes culturales distintivos de México. Por ello, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo con tres restaurantes de comida regional de Mérida, Yucatán, en los cuales se entrevistó a sus colaboradores para determinar si la comunicación está relacionada con la conformación de una cultura organizacional que genere representaciones sociales vinculadas a las tradiciones regionales y al crecimiento de los colaboradores en términos de bienestar para el desarrollo humano. Se eligió este giro ya que en Yucatán el sector restaurantero regional tiene un lugar preponderante en la economía local