173 research outputs found

    Physical and electrochemical studies on nanocomposite -30 % PMMA-g-natural rubber (MG30) / Nurul Ilham Adam

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    This thesis focuses on the effect of nanofillers on the physical and electrochemical properties of polymer electrolytes. 30% PMMA-g-natural rubber (MG30) is doped with lithium triflate (LiTf) salt and composited with silicon dioxide (SiO₂) or aluminum oxide (A1₂O₃ ) nanofiller. The conductivity of the samples is measured by impedance spectroscopy (IS) and shows a substantial increase in conductivity with the addition of lithium salt up to 35 wt. % after which, at higher salt loading (>35 wt.%) the conductivity seem to decrease. The optimum composition of MG30-LiTf salt complexes sample with highest conductivity is then separately composited with different concentrations of SiO₂ or A1₂O₃ filler


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    The purpose of this study was to test the application of peer assisted learning mastery to futsal playing skills in extracurricular activities at 19 Bandung Senior high school. (experimental study on extracurricular activities at 19 Bandung Senior high school). The method used is a quasi-experimental method using a pretest posttest group design. The population in this study were students who took futsal extracurricular activities at 19 Bandung Senior high school. The sample used was 20 students who were active in futsal extracurricular activities at 19 Bandung Senior high school. The research instrument used was the student activity observation sheet, playing skills using the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). In the diagram it can be seen that the average value obtained during the pre-test (initial test) is 0.61 and the post-test (final test) is 0.71, the increase in the average value indicates that after being given treatment using Peer assisted learning has increased the skills of playing futsal in futsal extracurricular activities at 19 Bandung Senior high school


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    Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan program pembelajaran dengan tujuan mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru atau pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan dan dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa program studi kependidikan. Standar kompetensi PPL dirumuskan guru sebagai anggota masyarakat yakni kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi sosial. PPL di SMK Negeri 2 Klaten. Sekolah ini berlokasi di Desa Senden, Kecamatan Ngawen, Klaten. Selama melaksanakan PPL, kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu: 1) Observasi, 2) Praktik mengejar terbimbing, 3) Praktik mengajar mandiri. Semua kegiatan dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 2 Klaten dan mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru pembimbing maupun peserta didik. Mata pelajaran yang diajarkan yaitu Instalasi Motor Listrik (IML) yang terbagi kedalam dua materi yaitu Programmable Logic Contro (PLC). Materi tersebut diajarkan untuk kelas XII (dua belas). Praktik mengajar di kelas XII TITL A dengan materi Programmable Logic Contro (PLC) selebihnya mahasiswa praktikan melakukan praktik team teaching dengan teman sejawat. PPL(PPL) yang dilaksanakan di SMK N 2 Klaten memberikan manfaat serta pengalaman bagi penulis, baik yang menyangkut proses kegiatan belajar mengajar maupun kegiatan di luar kelas yang sifatnya terpadu antara praktik, teori serta pengembangan lebih lanjut dan merupakan penerapan teori yang telah didapatkan di bangku perkuliahan sebagai sarana untuk mendapatkan pengalaman faktual mengenai proses pembelajaran dan pendidikan lainnya, sehingga dapat menyiapkan pendidik professional


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    ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe what areas need to be considered in auditing and audit quality during the pandemic using the literacy study method or what is called library research. The data used include previous research, current data from relevant sources, books, and various reports related to the topic under study. The exposition method is the data analysis method used in this study. There are 8 things that need to be considered during this pandemic, namely (1) Identification and assessment of the risk of material misstatement, (2) auditor's response to risk assessment, (3) audit evidence, (4) audit of accounting estimates, (5) subsequent events, ( 6) going concern, (7) modification of the audit report opinion, and (8) emphasis on matters in the audit report where audit is a top priority in the list of auditors when they work at the end of the financial year. The results of the study stated that COVID-19 tends to have a negative impact on audit quality as seen from various surveys that auditors have difficulty in gathering audit evidence.Keywords:  Audit Report, Audit Quality, COVID-19.  ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menggambarkan area – area apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan dalam audit dan dampaknya terhadap kualitas audit pada masa pandemi dengan metode studi literasi atau disebut penelitian pustaka. Data yang digunakan di antaranya adalah penelitian terdahulu, data terkini dari sumber yang relevan, buku, dan berbagai laporan yang berkaitan topik yang diteliti. Metode eksposisi menjadi metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Terdapat 8 hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat pandemi ini yaitu (1) mengidentifikasi dan menilai risiko salah saji material, (2) respons auditor terhadap penilaian risiko, (3) bukti audit, (4) audit atas estimasi akuntansi, (5) peristiwa kemudian, (6) going concern, (7) modifikasi opini laporan audit, dan (8) penekanan hal dalam laporan audit dimana bukti audit merupakan prioritas utama dalam daftar kekhawatiran auditor saat mereka bekerja pada akhir tahun keuangan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa COVID-19 cenderung berdampak negatif terhadap kualitas audit dilihat dari berbagai survei bahwa auditor mengalami kesulitan dalam mengumpulkan bukti audit.Kata Kunci: Laporan Audit, Kualitas Audit, COVID-19

    Pengembangan Media Poster Muatan PPKN Materi Pancasila Kelas IV

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    Learning media has a very important role in learning, learning media is also one part of the use of technology. Teachers and students are required to have skills in the use of science and technology. This study aims to produce a product and determine the feasibility, attractiveness, and how to make poster media that has been developed. The type of research used is R&D (Research and Development) research using the ADDIE research model (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery, and Evaluation). This study uses qualitative and quantitative data with data collection techniques using documentation and questionnaires. The subjects of this study were 6 to 12 fourth grade students at SDN 27 Ampenan and the object of this research was the poster media of Pancasila and Citizenship Education content material Pancasila theme 4 sub-themes 1,2, and 3. The results of the research from material expert validators showed that the material on the poster media got very decent criteria with a score of 83%, from media expert validators showed that the media on the posters got very decent criteria with a score of 88%, the assessment of 6 students in the small group trial of poster media got interesting criteria with a score of 96%, and 12 students in the large group trial of poster media received attractive criteria with a score of 97%. The poster media for Pancasila and Citizenship Education theme 4 sub-themes 1,2, and 3 received an average of very decent criteria so that the poster media that had been developed could be used in schools without any material or visual revisions

    Hubungan Pola Komunikasi Orang Tua Terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Anak di TK Alam Surya Mentari Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    The quality of relation and communication that are given by parents to children will determine the quality of childern’s social development. A fully of intimate relationship and two ways communication between children and parents are the key of determining children’s social development. A communication which must be done is integrative communication, where a father, a mother, and children mixed up with comfortable conversation and avoid model of comunication which is dominative or be willing dominant in conversation. Communication pattern which is built will influence psychological development and children’s thought, and it influences children’s psychological condition directly and indirectly. A family has a function optimally if there is an open communication pattern, there is an attitude for accepting, supproting, feeling safety and comfortable and having spritual life in harmony. The objective of the study is to know the relation of parents’s communication pattern to children’s social development in TK Alam Surya Mentari academic year 2015/2016. The type of the study was descriptive correlational research. This research was done in TK Alam Surya Mentari academic year 2015/2016 adressed on Jl. Siwalan No. 45 Jajar Laweyan Surakarta. The population of the study were 129 children of TK Alam Surya Mentari with percentage of error 1% in Kracjie table, then the sample which could be used was 92 students. The technique of sampling used random sampling. The technique of analyzing data is a correlation Product Momen. The result of the study was that there was a relation between interactional of parents’ communication pattern to children’s social development in TK Alam Surya Mentari academic year 2015/2016. It could be evidenced by the result of r pearson correlation 0,781. Thus all significance 1% although 5% rxy > rtabel = 0,781 > 0,267 > 0,207 meant that Ho is refused and Ha was be accepted which means that there is a relation between interactional of parents’ communication pattern and children’s social development in TK Alam Surya Mentari Surakarta 2015/2016 academic year

    Manajemen Program Double Track Mandiri Dalam Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Peserta Didik

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the management of the independent double track program in fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of students at SMA Tamansiswa Mojokerto. This type of research is a case study using a qualitative approach. Collecting research data using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research are that the double track program at Tamansiswa Mojokerto High School is a superior school program that provides skills training for students as well as a form of school branding. The forms of entrepreneurship education in the double track program include culinary, make-up, fashion, and computers. The double track program management process includes planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating stages. The double track program has had an impact on the entrepreneurial spirit of students as shown by the attitudes of students and entrepreneurial activities that have been carried out by students.Keywords: management, double track, entrepreneurial spiritAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan terkait dengan manajemen program double track mandiri dalam menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan peserta didik di SMA Tamansiswa Mojokerto. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu program double track di SMA Tamansiswa Mojokerto merupakan program unggulan sekolah yang memberikan pembekalan keterampilan terhadap peserta didik serta sebagai bentuk branding sekolah. Bentuk pendidikan kewirausahaan yang ada dalam program double track yaitu diantaranya tata boga, tata rias, tata busana, dan komputer. Proses manajemen program double track meliputi tahap perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan, dan evaluasi. Program double track telah memberikan dampak terhadap jiwa kewirausahaan peserta didik yang ditunjukkan oleh sikap peserta didik serta kegiatan kewirausahaan yang telah dilakukan oleh peserta didik.Kata kunci: manajemen, double track, jiwa kewirausahaa

    Implementasi Peraturan Bupati Gunungkidul Nomor 36 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pencegahan Perkawinan Pada Usia Anak dalam Perspektif Maslahah Mursalah

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    Regent Regulations (Perbup) of Gunungkidul Number 36 Year 2015 Concerning Prevention of Marriage at the Age of Child is a special regulation regarding the efforts, programs, actions, activities used by the government agencies of Gunungkidul Regency in order to prevent and reduce the number of marriages at the age of child. Wonosari Religious Court statistics show a decrease in the number of submissions for marriage dispensations from 2015 to 2017 after the enactment of this regulation. In 2015 there were 109 cases of marriage dispensation, in 2016 there were 85 cases of marriage dispensation, in 2017 there were 65 cases of marriage dispensation. In its implementation, this regulation has benefits because it forms the basis of human life (maslahah dharuriyyah). This regulation has also answered the problems that humans need to eliminate the difficulties they face (maslahah hajiyyah). In addition, this regulation has preserved the wisdom and goodness of manners and social and cultural beauty (maslahah tahsiniyyah). Seen from its implementation, Perbup Gunungkidul Number 36 of 2015 concerning Prevention of Marriage at the Age of Child is in accordance with the principles of problem solving

    Pembuatan Desain Kemasan Produk Inovasi di Kelurahan Benjala, Kecamatan Bonto Bahari Kabupaten Bulukumba

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    Packaging is a container that is used to protect products, marketing tools, building brand identity, and attract buyers so as to increase sales. This packaging design was created to maintain product quality and in order to increase the attractiveness of the products developed by Hasanuddin University KKNT 109 students in Benjala ward. The creation process of this product packaging design begins with design making on January 14, 2023, until the packaging manufacturing process on January 20, 2023, and it continues with a product design and packaging presentation to the Benjala ward community on January 26, 2022. The modelling of this product packaging design is expected to be an inspiration and also to stimulate the community to continue their innovation in empowering local products and increasing the economic activities of the people in the Benjala ward

    Pentingnya MSDM untuk Memajukan Koperasi di Argapuri

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    Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) merupakan salah satu dari penerapan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang dalam pelaksanaannya memberikan kontribusi positif kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan PKM ini mengambil judul “Pentingnya MSDM Untuk Memajukan Koperasi di Argapuriâ€. Metode yang digunakan pada pelaksanaan PKM ini adalah workshop atau pelatihan tentang pentingnya pengelolaan MSDM untuk memajukan usaha koperasi. Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ( PKM ) berjalan dengan sangat lancar dan seluruh peserta yang hadir dipastikan mendapatkan pemahaman materi dengan cukup baik. Pada akhir sesi pelatihan peserta diberikan juga praktek sederhana guna menunjang kemampuan implementasi pengelolaan MSDM untuk memajukan usaha koperasi.  Sebagai penyempurnaan dan memastikan kemampuan peserta dalam menerapkan materi secara maksimal, akan dilakukan tahapan evaluasi secara berkala dari tim dosen dan praktisi pengajar PKM
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