48 research outputs found

    Effects of antimony on redox activities and antioxidant defence systems in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants

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    Se determinaron las alteraciones inducidas por la toxicidad del antimonio (Sb) en las raíces y hojas de las plantas de girasol. Las plantas se cultivaron hidropónicamente con diferentes concentraciones de Sb, un metal pesado que reduce la producción y el crecimiento de biomasa. Hubo una acumulación preferencial de Sb en los tejidos de las raíces, siendo las concentraciones en las hojas mucho más bajas. La acumulación de otros elementos minerales también fue alterada, especialmente la de Fe y Zn. El contenido de clorofila disminuyó, al igual que la eficiencia fotosintética, pero el contenido de carotenoides permaneció inalterado. El contenido total de fenólicos, flavonoides y glucósidos henilpropanoides aumentó, evidencia de su participación en la respuesta de defensa. Se observaron aumentos en la cantidad de anión superóxido en ambas raíces y hojas, y en los niveles de peroxidación de lípidos, especialmente con la mayor concentración de Sb de 1.0 mM. El estrés oxidativo inducido conduce a un fuerte aumento en las actividades antioxidantes de SOD, POX y APX, mientras que la actividad de GR solo aumentó en las hojas y en la concentración de Sb de 1,0 mM. En contraste, la actividad DHAR aumentó considerablemente en ambos órganos. La actividad de GSNOR aumentó solo en las raíces, y el total de RSNO aumentó. La cantidad total de AsA + DHA aumentó en las raíces y se mantuvo inalterada en las hojas, mientras que la de GSH + GSSG disminuyó considerablemente en todos los casos. En conjunto, estos resultados son evidencia del desarrollo de un fuerte estrés oxidativo inducido por Sb, con un claro desequilibrio en el contenido de los compuestos que constituyen el ciclo AsA / GSH. Sb 0,5 mM mejora la expresión de GST, especialmente en hojas. Esto, junto con el aumento que se observó en la cantidad de GSH, puede jugar un papel importante en la desintoxicación. Este estrés oxidativo afecta tanto a los procesos fenólicos como a los procesos metabólicos ROS / RNS, lo que parece implicar su participación en la defensa de la planta y la respuesta al estrés.The alterations induced by the toxicity of antimony (Sb) in the roots and leaves of sunflower plants were determined. The plants were grown hydroponically with different concentrations of Sb, a heavy metal which reduces biomass production and growth. There was preferential accumulation of Sb in the tissues of the roots, with the concentrations in the leaves being much lower. The accumulation of other mineral elements was also altered, especially that of Fe and Zn. Chlorophyll content declined, as also did the photosynthetic efficiency, but the carotenoid content remained unaltered. The total content of phenolics, flavonoids, and henylpropanoid glycosides rose, evidence of their participation in the defence response. Increases were observed in the amount of superoxide anion in both roots and leaves, and in lipid peroxidation levels, especially with the highest Sb concentration of 1.0 mM. The induced oxidative stress leads to a strong increase in the SOD, POX and APX antioxidant activities, while the GR activity was only increased in the leaves and at the 1.0 mM Sb concentration. In contrast, the DHAR activity increased considerably in both organs. The GSNOR activity increased only in roots, and the total RSNOs increased. The total amount of AsA + DHA increased in roots and remained unaltered in leaves, whereas that of GSH + GSSG decreased considerably in all cases. As a whole, these results are evidence for the development of a strong oxidative stress induced by Sb, with there being a clear imbalance in the content of the compounds that constitute the AsA/GSH cycle. 0.5 mM Sb enhances GST expression, especially in leaves. This, together with the increase that was observed in the amount of GSH, may play an important part in detoxification. This oxidative stress affects both the phenolic and the ROS/RNS metabolic processes, which seems to implicate their involvement in the plant's defence and response to the stress.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayudas Grupos de Investigación FBCMP GR15138 e IB16078peerReviewe

    Auxin and epigenetic regulation of SKP2B, an F-box that represses lateral root formation

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    In plants, lateral roots originate from pericycle founder cells that are specified at regular intervals along the main root. Here, we show that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) SKP2B (for S-Phase Kinase-Associated Protein2B), an F-box protein, negatively regulates cell cycle and lateral root formation as it represses meristematic and founder cell divisions. According to its function, SKP2B is expressed in founder cells, lateral root primordia and the root apical meristem. We identified a novel motif in the SKP2B promoter that is required for its specific root expression and auxin-dependent induction in the pericycle cells. Next to a transcriptional control by auxin, SKP2B expression is regulated by histone H3.1/H3.3 deposition in a CAF-dependent manner. The SKP2B promoter and the 59 end of the transcribed region are enriched in H3.3, which is associated with active chromatin states, over H3.1. Furthermore, the SKP2B promoter is also regulated by H3 acetylation in an auxin-and IAA14-dependent manner, reinforcing the idea that epigenetics represents an important regulatory mechanism during lateral root formation

    Non-invasive hydrodynamic imaging in plant roots at cellular resolution

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    A key impediment to studying water-related mechanisms in plants is the inability to non-invasively image water fluxes in cells at high temporal and spatial resolution. Here, we report that Raman microspectroscopy, complemented by hydrodynamic modelling, can achieve this goal - monitoring hydrodynamics within living root tissues at cell- and sub-second-scale resolutions. Raman imaging of water-transporting xylem vessels in Arabidopsis thaliana mutant roots reveals faster xylem water transport in endodermal diffusion barrier mutants. Furthermore, transverse line scans across the root suggest water transported via the root xylem does not re-enter outer root tissues nor the surrounding soil when en-route to shoot tissues if endodermal diffusion barriers are intact, thereby separating ‘two water worlds’

    The polyadenylation factor FIP1 is important for plant development and root responses to abiotic stresses

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    17 Pág.Root development and its response to environmental changes is crucial for whole plant adaptation. These responses include changes in transcript levels. Here, we show that the alternative polyadenylation (APA) of mRNA is important for root development and responses. Mutations in FIP1, a component of polyadenylation machinery, affects plant development, cell division and elongation, and response to different abiotic stresses. Salt treatment increases the amount of poly(A) site usage within the coding region and 5' untranslated regions (5'-UTRs), and the lack of FIP1 activity reduces the poly(A) site usage within these non-canonical sites. Gene ontology analyses of transcripts displaying APA in response to salt show an enrichment in ABA signaling, and in the response to stresses such as salt or cadmium (Cd), among others. Root growth assays show that fip1-2 is more tolerant to salt but is hypersensitive to ABA or Cd. Our data indicate that FIP1-mediated alternative polyadenylation is important for plant development and stress responses.This research was supported by grants from the Spanish Government (BIO2017-82209-R and BIO2014-52091-R to J.C.P.) and by the "Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D” from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain (grant SEV-2016-0672 (2017-2021)) to the CBGP. B.T. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (BES-2012-054056) from MINECO (Spain). C.M. was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (Root Barriers 655406) from the European Commission. S.M.B is supported by an Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Faculty Scholar Fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Redox activities and ROS, NO and phenylpropanoids production by axenically cultured intact olive seedling roots after interaction with a mycorrhizal or a pathogenic fungus

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    Las raíces de las plántulas de olivo, en cultivo axénico, fueron colocadas alternativamente en contacto con Rhizophagus irregulares (micorrícicos) o con hongos Verticillim dahliae (patógenos). También se incluyeron tratamientos MeJA. Las raíces intactas (generación de anión superóxido, superóxido dismutasa y actividades de peroxidasa) se midieron en las actividades in vivo del apoplasto. Todos nuestros resultados mostraron que las actividades redox apoplásticas de raíces de las plántulas intactas en contacto con el hongo micorriza compatible fueron claramente atenuados en comparación con el hongo patógeno o tratado con MeJA, incluso en las primeras etapas usadas en el tratamiento. Los fenoles totales, flavonoides y glucósidos fenilpropanoides, también fueron cuantificados. Las raíces en contacto con el hongo micorriza no mejoraron la biosíntesis de compuestos fenólicos con respecto a los controles, mientras que los de contacto con el patógeno mejoraron de forma significativa la biosíntesis de todas las fracciones fenólicas medidas. Las especies reactivas del oxígeno y la acumulación de óxido nítrico en las raíces fueron examinadas por microscopía de fluorescencia. Todos ellas presentaron una acumulación mucho mayor en las raíces en contacto con el patógeno que con el hongo micorriza. En total, estos resultados indican que las raíces de las plántulas intactas de olivo, claramente diferenciadas entre micorrizas y hongos patógenos, atenuan las reacciones de defensa contra la primera para facilitar su creación, mientras que induce una reacción de defensa fuerte y sostenida contra el segundo. Ambas especies reactivas de oxígeno y nitrógeno parecían estar involucrados en estas respuestas desde los primeros momentos de contacto. Sin embargo, se necesitan más investigaciones para aclarar la diafonía propuesta entre ellos y sus respectivas funciones en estas respuestas ya que las imágenes de fluorescencia de las raíces revelaron que las especies reactivas del oxígeno se acumulan principalmente en el apoplasto (congruente con las actividades redox medidas en este compartimento), mientras el óxido nítrico se almacena principalmente en el citosol.Roots of intact olive seedlings, axenically cultured, were alternatively placed in contact with Rhizophagus irregularis (mycorrhizal) or Verticillim dahliae (pathogenic) fungi. MeJA treatments were also included. In vivo redox activities in the apoplast of the intact roots (anion superoxide generation, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities) were measured. All our results showed that apoplastic redox activities of intact seedling roots in contact with the compatible mycorrhizal fungus were clearly attenuated in comparison with the pathogenic fungus or treated with MeJA, even at the early stages of treatment used. Total phenolics, flavonoids and phenylpropanoid glycosides were also quantified. Roots in contact with the mycorrhizal fungus did not enhance the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds with respect to controls, while those in contact with the pathogenic one significantly enhanced the biosynthesis of all phenolic fractions measured. Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxid accumulation in roots were examined by fluorescence microscopy. All of them presented much higher accumulation in roots in contact with the pathogenic than with the mycorrhizal fungus. Altogether these results indicate that intact olive seedling roots clearly differentiated between mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi, attenuating defense reactions against the first to facilitate its establishment, while inducing a strong and sustained defense reaction against the second. Both reactive oxygen and nitrogen species seemed to be involved in these responses from the first moments of contact. However, further investigations are required to clarify the proposed crosstalk between them and their respective roles in these responses since fluorescence images of roots revealed that reactive oxygen species were mainly accumulated in the apoplast (congruently with the measured redox activities in this compartment) while nitric oxid was mainly stored in the cytosol.-- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto CGL2009-12406 -- Junta de Extremadura. Proyecto PRI09A023peerReviewe

    Oxidative Effects in Early Stages of Embryo Development Due to Alcohol Consumption

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    Alcohol, a widely consumed drug, exerts significant toxic effects on the human organism. This review focuses on its impact during fetal development, when it leads to a spectrum of disorders collectively termed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Children afflicted by FASD exhibit distinct clinical manifestations, including facial dysmorphism, delayed growth, and neurological and behavioral disorders. These behavioral issues encompass diminished intellectual capacity, memory impairment, and heightened impulsiveness. While the precise mechanisms underlying alcohol-induced fetal damage remain incompletely understood, research indicates a pivotal role for reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are released during alcohol metabolism, inciting inflammation at the cerebral level. Ethanol metabolism amplifies the generation of oxidant molecules, inducing through alterations in enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems responsible for cellular homeostasis. Alcohol consumption disrupts endogenous enzyme activity and fosters lipid peroxidation in consumers, potentially affecting the developing fetus. Addressing this concern, administration of metformin during the prenatal period, corresponding to the third trimester of human pregnancy, emerges as a potential therapeutic intervention for mitigating FASD. This proposed approach holds promise for ameliorating the adverse effects of alcohol exposure on fetal development and warrants further investigation

    Effects of antimony on redox activities and antioxidant defence systems in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants.

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    The alterations induced by the toxicity of antimony (Sb) in the roots and leaves of sunflower plants were determined. The plants were grown hydroponically with different concentrations of Sb, a heavy metal which reduces biomass production and growth. There was preferential accumulation of Sb in the tissues of the roots, with the concentrations in the leaves being much lower. The accumulation of other mineral elements was also altered, especially that of Fe and Zn. Chlorophyll content declined, as also did the photosynthetic efficiency, but the carotenoid content remained unaltered. The total content of phenolics, flavonoids, and phenylpropanoid glycosides rose, evidence of their participation in the defence response. Increases were observed in the amount of superoxide anion in both roots and leaves, and in lipid peroxidation levels, especially with the highest Sb concentration of 1.0 mM. The induced oxidative stress leads to a strong increase in the SOD, POX and APX antioxidant activities, while the GR activity was only increased in the leaves and at the 1.0 mM Sb concentration. In contrast, the DHAR activity increased considerably in both organs. The GSNOR activity increased only in roots, and the total RSNOs increased. The total amount of AsA + DHA increased in roots and remained unaltered in leaves, whereas that of GSH + GSSG decreased considerably in all cases. As a whole, these results are evidence for the development of a strong oxidative stress induced by Sb, with there being a clear imbalance in the content of the compounds that constitute the AsA/GSH cycle. 0.5 mM Sb enhances GST expression, especially in leaves. This, together with the increase that was observed in the amount of GSH, may play an important part in detoxification. This oxidative stress affects both the phenolic and the ROS/RNS metabolic processes, which seems to implicate their involvement in the plant's defence and response to the stress

    Effect of Sb treatments on total chorophyll a and b, carotenoids, and <i>F</i><sub><i>V</i></sub><i>/F</i><sub><i>M</i></sub> (Photosyntetic efficiency).

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    <p>Data from 5 independent experiments, each one carried out in triplicate (different letters indicate significant differences at p<0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test).</p