64 research outputs found

    Success Factors of Urban Property Management in Croatia

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    Jedinice lokalne samouprave u Republici Hrvatskoj u vlasništvu imaju velik broj različitih oblika imovine. Nekretnine su najvredniji oblik u portfelju nefinancijske imovine. To je vrsta imovine s najvećom vrijednošću kojom raspolažu i upravljaju gradovi. Navedene vrste nekretnina posredno su vlasništvo svih građana, zbog čega je bitno osigurati njihovo učinkovito upravljanje. Ovaj rad pokazuje kako su nekretnine slabo korišten izvor financiranja gradova, što se odražava i na pokazatelj povrata koji gradovi ostvaruju na temelju nekretnina u svojem vlasništvu. Također, u radu se panel-regresijom empirijski istražuju odrednice povrata na nekretnine u hrvatskim gradovima od 2005. do 2017., s posebnim naglaskom na kvalitetu gradske uprave kao važne odrednice iskorištenosti nekretnina. Zbog nedostatka kredibilnih i javno dostupnih indikatora o kvaliteti gradskih uprava, u ovom se radu kao proxy varijablom za kvalitetu gradske uprave koristi broj poduzetnika po stanovniku. Takav se pristup temelji na Tieboutovu modelu glasanja nogama.Local self-government units in the Republic of Croatia own a large number of different types of property. Real estate represents the most valuable form of income in the non-financial property portfolio. It is considered property of the highest value, which is disposed of and managed by the cities. Such real estate is the indirect ownership of all citizens, making the insurance of its effective management important. This paper shows the poor use of real estate as a city’s source of financing, reflected in the indicator of return which the cities realise on the basis of the real estate in their ownership. Using panel regression, the paper empirically explores the indicators of return on real estate in Croatian cities in the period between 2005 and 2017, with particular emphasis on the quality of city administration as an important indicator of the utilisation of real estate. Due to the lack of credible and publicly available indicators on the quality of the cities’ administration, this paper uses the number of entrepreneurs per capita as a proxy variable for the quality of the cities’ administration. This approach is based on the Tiebout model of foot voting

    Beogradski inventar za procenu ličnosti adolescenata kao most između procene ličnosti dece i odraslih

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    Personality inventories for assessment and study temperament and character of adolescents, an age critical for the finalisation of both normal and pathological mental development, have not been specifically developed. In this paper, we introduce a new personality inventory based on Cloninger's Psychobiological model of personality to assess adolescents from 14 to 18 years of age (the Belgrade Adolescent Personality Inventory - BAPI), which bridges the gap between personality assessment in children and adults. The BAPI is a 46-item Likert scale inventory derived from previous studies using the TCI and JTCI on the Serbian sample. The psychometric properties of the BAPI were tested on the sample of 535 secondary school students in Serbia, aged 15 to 16. In order to assess the fit of the model, the Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed. The differences between sexes were analysed by MANOVA, while the Latent class analysis (LCA) was applied in order to identify different adaptation profiles among adolescents. The BAPI scales had a satisfactory internal consistency (.66 - .80.) considering the small number of items (5-6) in each scale. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) generally supported the main dimensions of temperament and character, as postulated by Cloninger. The only exception was Novelty Seeking, which best fitted a two-factor solution, Explorative curiosity and Impulsivity, separating the 'good' (curious, inquisitive, creative) and 'bad' (impulsive, impatient, disorderly) facets of this trait. Such polarity of Novelty Seeking could be specific for personality development and behaviour disorders in adolescence. The LCA differentiated the personality profiles of well-adapted adolescents from those at risk for maladaptation that manifested low character traits, lack of Persistence and high Novelty seeking Impulsivity subscale. The results support the construct validity of the BAPI and thus provide the basis for its practical application in personality assessment of adolescents and contribute to the theoretical understanding of personality structure and the risk of psychopathology in adolescence.S obzirom da postoji nedostatak namenski konstruisanih inventara za procenu i proučavanje ličnosti adolescenata koji su u uzrastu ključnom za završetak kako normalnog, tako i patološkog mentalnog razvoja, u radu je predstavljen novi inventar ličnosti zasnovan na Klonindžerovom Psihobiološkom modelu ličnosti. Beogradski Inventar Ličnosti Adolescenata (BILA) koristi se za procenu adolescenata uzrasta od 14 do 18 godina i trebalo bi da premosti jaz između procene ličnosti kod dece i odraslih. Upitnik obuhvata 46 stavki Likertovog tipa i nastao je na osnovu prethodnih istraživanja u kojima su korišćeni TCI i JTCI na uzorku naših ispitanika. Psihometrijske karakteristike upitnika ispitane su na uzorku od 535 srednjoškolaca iz Srbije, starosti od 15 do 16 godina. Kako bi se utvrdila adekvatnost modela, urađena je konfirmatorna faktorska analiza. U cilju analize polnih razlika korišćena je MANOVA, dok je analiza latentnih klasa primenjena kako bi se utvrdilo da li se mogu izdvojiti specifični profil ličnosti adolescenata iz uzorka iz opšte populacije. Skale upitnika pokazale su zadovoljavajuću internu konzistenciju (.66 - .80), posebno imajući u vidu mali broj stavki (5-6) u svakoj skali. Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza je načelno potvrdila glavne dimenzije temperamenta i karaktera onako kako ih je definisao Klonindžer. Jedini izuzetak je bio u slučaju Potrage za novinama, za koju je podesnije dvofaktorsko rešenje. Potragu za novinama čine Eksplorativna radoznalost i Impulsivnost koie razlikuju 'dobre' (znatiželjan, radoznao, kreativan) i 'loše' (impulsivan, nestrpljiv, haotičan) odlike ove dimenzije. Ovaj polaritet Potrage za novinama mogao bi da bude specifičan za razvoj ličnosti i poremećaja u ponašanju tokom adolescencije. Analizom latentnih klasa utvrđene su razlike između profila ličnosti dobro adaptiranih adolescenata i onih kod kojih postoji rizik za razvoj problema u ponašanju, a koji imaju nizak skor na crtama karaktera, niži stepen Perzistencije i povišenu Impulsivnost. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju konstrukt validnost BILA upitnika i što omogućava njegovu praktičnu primenu u proceni ličnosti adolescenata, pružajući doprinos teorijskom razumevanju strukture ličnosti i rizika od psihopatologije u adolescenciji

    Energetske performanse klimatizovanih objekata na bazi kratkoročne vremenske prognoze

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    Today, most sophisticated numerical methods for predicting building energy consumption are implemented in building energy performance simulation tools. One of the possible ways to improve balance between building energy consumption and occupant thermal comfort in existing buildings is to use simulation-assisted operation of HVAC systems. Simulation-assisted operation can be formulated as a type of operation that implements knowledge of future disturbance acting on the building and that enables operating the systems in such a way to fulfill given goals, which in nature can often be contradictory. The most important future conditions on building energy consumption are weather parameters and occupant behavior and expectations of thermal environment. In order to achieve this type of operation, optimization methods must be applied, i.e. optimal daily operation strategies must be defined for HVAC systems. Methodology to create HVAC system operation strategies on a daily basis is presented in this doctoral dissertation. Methodology is based on using building energy performance simulation software EnergyPlus, data available in short-term weather forecasts, global sensitivity analysis, and for the purpose of this research, developed software. The developed software includes particle swarm optimization method, applied over the moving horizon (planning horizon) thus enabling the use of short-term weather forecasts, with necessary calculations being performed by the chosen simulation tool. Global sensitivity analysis, also performed with the same tool, is used in order to reduce number of input variables for the optimization process. The methodology is applied to real combined-type building in Niš. Objective function of the research is to reduce building energy consumption while satisfying constraints set on thermal comfort in one part of the building. Planning horizon is set to two days, while the resulting strategies are being implemented only on the first day of this horizon. The process repeats for every new planning horizon. The results of the methodology are experimentally verified in real building. The results show that applying this methodology leads to improvement in thermal comfort in most of the premises by using more energy, compared to usual building operation, so it offers a possibility to balance between building energy consumption and thermal comfort. Use of sensitivity analysis as a first step in determining daily building operation strategies, showed that the reduced number of input variables for the optimization would lead to similar thermal comfort and building energy consumption. Since the research was performed for the real building, building energy model calibration was performed in order to make model accurately reproduce the behavior of the real building

    Razlike u temperamentu i karakteru kod adolescenata sa raznim poremećajima ponašanja

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    Background/Aim. Adolescence is characterized both by a large developmental potential and by an increased risk for emergence of different forms of psychopathology. International classifications of mental disorders recognize the psychopathology of adolescence at the age of 15-18 through the categories of conduct disorders and some forms of addiction: chemical and non-chemical. The aim of this research was to analyse the personality structure among four groups of adolescents manifesting different types of conduct disorder based on Cloninger's Psychobiological theory of personality. Methods. The research sample consisted of 140 respondents at the age of 16-18, divided into five groups: 30 respondents manifesting socialized conduct disorder, 20 adolescents in conflict with the law, 30 respondents manifesting abuse of psychoactive substances, 30 respondents with the problem of the Internet addiction and 30 from general population. The Belgrade Adolescent Personality Inventory (BAPI) questionnaire was used for the purpose of assessment of personality. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), followed by univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine differences between the given groups of adolescents. Results. The results of MANOVA show differences in the personality structure among the groups, both in the dimensions of temperament, F (20,418.84) = 2.71, p lt 0.001, Wilks's lambda 0.67, and in the dimensions of character, F (12,344.24) = 3.27,p lt 0.001, Wilks's lambda is 0.75. Socialized conduct disorder is characterized by low self-directedness and average cooperativeness. Adolescents in conflict with the law have the lowest persistence, together with low self-directedness and cooperativeness. Adolescents abusing psychoactive substances have low harm avoidance and self-transcendence. Adolescents with Internet addiction are characterized by high novelty seeking (impulsivity and curiosity), low self-directedness and the lowest cooperativeness. Conclusion. The results show that the dimensions of personality can play an important role in etiopathogenesis of various disorders in adolescents.Uvod/Cilj. Adolescenciju karakteriše veliki razvojni potencijal, ali i pojačani rizik od formiranja različitih vidova psihopatologije. Psihopatologiju adolescencije uzrasta od 15 do 18 godina, međunarodne klasifikacije mentalnih poremećaja prepoznaju kroz kategorije poremećaja ponašanja i neke vidove bolesti zavisnosti: hemijskih i nehemijskih. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na osnovu Klonindžerove psihobiološke teorije ličnosti analizira struktura ličnosti kod četiri grupe adolescenata koji manifestuju različite oblike poremećaja ponašanja. Metode. Uzorak istraživanja sastojao se od 140 ispitanika uzrasta od 16 do 18 godina, podeljenih u pet grupa: 30 ispitanika koji su manifestovali socijalizovani poremećaj ponašanja, 20 adolescenata sa poremećajem ponašanja u sukobu sa zakonom, 30 ispitanika sa problemom zloupotrebe psihoaktivnih supstanci, 30 ispitanika sa problemom zavisnosti od interneta i 30 ispitanika kontrolne grupe. Za procenu strukture ličnosti korišćen je upitnik Belgrade Adolescent Personality Inventory (BAPI). Razlike između grupa adolescenata ispitane su multivarijatnom (MANOVA) i univarijatnom (ANOVA) analizom varijanse. Rezultati. Rezultati multivarijatne analize varijanse pokazuju da postoje razlike u strukturi ličnosti između svih grupa, kako na dimenzijama temperamenta, F(20,418.84) = 2.71,p lt 0.001, Vilksova lambda 0,67, tako i na dimenzijama karaktera, F (12,344.24) = 3,27, p lt 0,001, Vilksova lambda 0,75. Socijalizovani poremećaj ponašanja karakteriše niska samousmerenost, Ali prosečna kooperativnost. Adolescenti u sukobu sa zakonom imaju najnižu perzistenciju, kao i nisku samousmerenost i kooperativnost. Adolescenti koji zloupotrebljavaju psihoaktivne supstance imaju nisko izbegavanje štete i autotranscedenciju. Za adolescente sa internet zavisnošću karakteristična je visoka potraga za novinama (impulsivnost i radoznalost), niska samousmerenost i najniža kooperativnost. Zaključak. Rezultati ukazuju da dimenzije ličnosti mogu igrati značajnu ulogu u etiopatogenezi različitih poremećaja adolescenata

    Psihobiološki model ličnosti - kritička analiza

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    The Psychobiological model of temperament and character proposed by Robert Cloninger has been changed during last two decades according empirical findings and theoretical refinements. The model has had a great influence on the DSM classification of personality disorders. Despite that fact, there are still some unclear conceptual solutions and contradictory empirical data. This paper presents critical analyses of the basic theoretical assumptions and operationalization of the model. The authors discuss the results of structure analyses of the model and the psychometric evaluation of TCI-Rinventory at levels of the two-part system of temperament and character; the seven basic dimension of personality; the inventory sub-scales; and the analysis of individual items.Psihobiološki model temperamenta i karaktera Roberta Klonindžera, posle skoro četvrt veka postojanja, pretrpeo je različite kritike i izvesne modifikacije, ali i dalje opstaje kao uticajan model, posebno kada je reč o koncipiranju modela za objašnjenje i procenu poremećaja ličnosti. Otome svedoče i aktuelni pokušaji da se poslednja verzija DSM klasifikacije poremećaja ličnosti zasnuje na ovom modelu. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj kritičke analize zasnovanosti osnovnih teorijskih postulata na osnovu dosadašnjih empirijskih rezultata istraživanja u svetu i našoj sredini. Rad je koncipiran tako da diskutuje rezultate analize strukture modela i psihometrijske karakteristike njegove upitničke operacionalizacije TCI-Rna nivou osnovne podele modela na temperament i karakter, osnovnih dimenzija ličnosti i skala na upitniku koje se na njima zasnivaju, zatim posebnih aspekata ličnosti, odnosno supskala i, konačno, samih ajtema koji reprezentuju njihove bihejvioralne korelate


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    Modern society and economic development are completely dependent on various forms of energy while the ever-increasing demand for energy, in combination with significant environmental topics, has resulted in state-of-the-art ideas and solutions for fulfilling these often-contradictory goals, i.e. increasing efficiency or environmental protection and economic goal. The efficiency of the existing operating units for electricity production based on the usage of low-quality coal does not go hand in hand with the requirements of this new concept.One of the most efficient ways to reduce specific energy consumption is using Combined Heat and Power plants. In comparison to classical, separate heat and power plants, the advantage for CHP plants comes from their high efficiency. The result of higher efficiency is lower primary energy consumption and lower environmental pollution due to low values of CO2 emissions.Several revitalization configurations can be applied in order to fit the existing thermal power plants into combined cycles. The idea is to install, at the existing location, one gas turbine to increase the overall efficiency. This paper analyzes the potential of a combined gas-steam facility in the situation where the gas facility is used for heating feed water, which enters the heat recovery steam generator.A comparison of energy efficiency for various operating regimes, with and without heat production, is performed for this option.

    Konstrukcija i psihometrijska provera upitnika temperamenta i karakera za adolescente ATCI-80

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    Introduction: In this paper a new version of a questionnaire for adolescent personality is presented based on Psychobiological model of temperament and character by Robert Cloninger. The model includes four temperament dimensions (Novelty Seeking - NS, Harm Avoidance - HA, Reward Dependence - RD, Persistence - P) and three character dimensions (Self- Directedness - SD, Cooperativeness - C, Self- Transcendence - ST). Beside a TCI for adults older than 18 and JTCI (Junior Temperament and Character Inventory) used for assessment of children between 9 and 13 years of age, ATCI was constructed for assessment of adolescents between 14 and 18 years old. ATCI-80 is based on JTCI form and on the results obtained through ATCI version of 108 items. Aim: The aim of this research is to examine psychometric characteristics of the last ATCI- 80 questionnaire for adolescents in Serbia. Method: The sample consists of 120 examinees, males and females, age 14 - 15, students of the VIII grade of elementary school from Belgrade. Metric characteristics of theoretically presumed scales have been analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the second order factors are extracted by the application of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Results: The obtained results are mainly in accordance with the theory for scales NS, HA, P, C and ST, while RD and SD scales did not satisfy minimal psychometrics requirements. Scales reliability assessed by alpha coefficient of internal consistency, points out moderate reliability of the obtained scales and it ranges from .69 to .79. The scales show good convergent and discriminative validity analyzed on the bases of correlations between the retained items and scales as well as on the basis of the correlation between the first grade factors. Conclusion: The findings are leading to the conclusion that the questionnaire has practical value for younger adolescents' personality assessment, but that its metric characteristics should be further improved in terms of adequate item choice and formulation for improving operacionalisation of constructs. Those results also have theoretical implications related to personality structure development during the early adolescence period.Uvod: Predstavljena je nova verzija upitnika za procenu ličnosti adolescenata zasnovana na Psihobiološkom modelu temperamenta i karaktera Roberta Klonindžera. Model obuhvata četiri dimenzije temperamenta (Potraga za novinama-NS, Izbegavanje štete HA, Zavisnost od nagrade-RD i Perzistencija-P) i tri dimenzije karaktera (Samousmerenost-SD, Kooperativnost-C, Self-transcendencija-ST). Pored TCI (Temperament and Character Inventory) upitnika namenjenog odraslima iznad 18 godina i JTCI (Junior Temperament and Character Inventory) upitnika za procenu dece uzrasta od 9 do 13 godina, konstruisan je ATCI (Adolescence Temperament and Character Inventory) za procenu adolescenata uzrasta od 14 do 18. ATCI-80 se oslanja na formu JTCI i rezultata dobijenih verzijom ATCI od 108 ajtema. Cilj rada: cilj ovog istraživanja je procena psihometrijskih karakteristika poslednje verzije upitnika ATCI-80 za procenu adolescenata u Srbiji. Metod rada: uzorak obuhvata 120 ispitanika oba pola, uzrasta 14-15 godina učenika VIII razreda osnovne škole iz Beograda. Analizirane su metrijske karakteristike teorijski pretpostavljenih skala na osnovu eksplorativne faktorske analize (EFA), a faktori drugog reda ekstrahovani su primenom analize glavnih komponenti (PCA). Rezultati: dobijeni rezultati su uglavnom konzistentni sa teorijom za skale NS, HA, P, C i ST, dok metrijske karakteristike skala RD i SD nisu zadovoljavajuće. Pouzdanost skala, procenjena alfa koeficijentom interne konzistentnosti, ukazuje na umerenu pouzdanost skala i kreće se 69-79, a skale pokazauju prihvatljivu validnost. Zaključak: nalazi upućuju na zaključak da upitnik ima praktičnu vrednost prilikom procene ličnosti mlađih adolescenata, ali da njegove metrijske karakteristike treba dalje unapređivati. Posebno u odnosu na adekvatniji sadržaj i formulacije ajtema u cilju uspešnije operacionalizacije konstrukata. Takođe ovi rezultati mogu imati i izvesne teorijske implikacije vezane za razvoj strukture ličnosti u ranom adolescentnom periodu

    Construction and psychometric checking of adolescent temperament and character inventory ATCI-80

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    Uvod: Predstavljena je nova verzija upitnika za procenu ličnosti adolescenata zasnovana na Psihobiološkom modelu temperamenta i karaktera Roberta Klonindžera. Model obuhvata četiri dimenzije temperamenta (Potraga za novinama-NS, Izbegavanje štete HA, Zavisnost od nagrade-RD i Perzistencija-P) i tri dimenzije karaktera (Samousmerenost-SD, Kooperativnost-C, Self-transcendencija-ST). Pored TCI (Temperament and Character Inventory) upitnika namenjenog odraslima iznad 18 godina i JTCI (Junior Temperament and Character Inventory) upitnika za procenu dece uzrasta od 9 do 13 godina, konstruisan je ATCI (Adolescence Temperament and Character Inventory) za procenu adolescenata uzrasta od 14 do 18. ATCI-80 se oslanja na formu JTCI i rezultata dobijenih verzijom ATCI od 108 ajtema. Cilj rada: cilj ovog istraživanja je procena psihometrijskih karakteristika poslednje verzije upitnika ATCI-80 za procenu adolescenata u Srbiji. Metod rada: uzorak obuhvata 120 ispitanika oba pola, uzrasta 14-15 godina učenika VIII razreda osnovne škole iz Beograda. Analizirane su metrijske karakteristike teorijski pretpostavljenih skala na osnovu eksplorativne faktorske analize (EFA), a faktori drugog reda ekstrahovani su primenom analize glavnih komponenti (PCA). Rezultati: dobijeni rezultati su uglavnom konzistentni sa teorijom za skale NS, HA, P, C i ST, dok metrijske karakteristike skala RD i SD nisu zadovoljavajuće. Pouzdanost skala, procenjena alfa koeficijentom interne konzistentnosti, ukazuje na umerenu pouzdanost skala i kreće se 69-79, a skale pokazauju prihvatljivu validnost. Zaključak: nalazi upućuju na zaključak da upitnik ima praktičnu vrednost prilikom procene ličnosti mlađih adolescenata, ali da njegove metrijske karakteristike treba dalje unapređivati. Posebno u odnosu na adekvatniji sadržaj i formulacije ajtema u cilju uspešnije operacionalizacije konstrukata. Takođe ovi rezultati mogu imati i izvesne teorijske implikacije vezane za razvoj strukture ličnosti u ranom adolescentnom periodu.Introduction: In this paper a new version of a questionnaire for adolescent personality is presented based on Psychobiological model of temperament and character by Robert Cloninger. The model includes four temperament dimensions (Novelty Seeking - NS, Harm Avoidance - HA, Reward Dependence - RD, Persistence - P) and three character dimensions (Self- Directedness - SD, Cooperativeness - C, Self- Transcendence - ST). Beside a TCI for adults older than 18 and JTCI (Junior Temperament and Character Inventory) used for assessment of children between 9 and 13 years of age, ATCI was constructed for assessment of adolescents between 14 and 18 years old. ATCI-80 is based on JTCI form and on the results obtained through ATCI version of 108 items. Aim: The aim of this research is to examine psychometric characteristics of the last ATCI- 80 questionnaire for adolescents in Serbia. Method: The sample consists of 120 examinees, males and females, age 14 - 15, students of the VIII grade of elementary school from Belgrade. Metric characteristics of theoretically presumed scales have been analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and the second order factors are extracted by the application of Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Results: The obtained results are mainly in accordance with the theory for scales NS, HA, P, C and ST, while RD and SD scales did not satisfy minimal psychometrics requirements. Scales reliability assessed by alpha coefficient of internal consistency, points out moderate reliability of the obtained scales and it ranges from .69 to .79. The scales show good convergent and discriminative validity analyzed on the bases of correlations between the retained items and scales as well as on the basis of the correlation between the first grade factors. Conclusion: The findings are leading to the conclusion that the questionnaire has practical value for younger adolescents' personality assessment, but that its metric characteristics should be further improved in terms of adequate item choice and formulation for improving operacionalisation of constructs. Those results also have theoretical implications related to personality structure development during the early adolescence period


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    Energy efficiency measures in existing buildings include improvements in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems but from the perspective of system renovation and components upgrade. These measures target the building energy consumption and resulting greenhouse gases emissions, with thermal comfort of occupants being seen only by one or two parameters. Improvements in existing system operation can lead to minimal greenhouse gases emission, but with thermal comfort maintained at the desired level. This paper evaluates the possibility to minimize greenhouse gases emission while maintaining occupant thermal comfort within prescribed class, by optimizing the existing air conditioning system operation with 5 weekdays planning horizon. Particle swarm optimization method is used. The paper shifts the focus from minimal emissions to minimal emissions for desired thermal comfort range, without system renovation or upgrade. The results show that maintaining thermal comfort results in higher greenhouse gases emission compared to usual system operation where emissions are lower but thermal comfort is outside desired range almost all the time