18 research outputs found

    Las licencias no automáticas de importación en el marco del Mercosur: un comentario al primer laudo arbitral

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    Las licencias no automáticas de importación involucran un proceso que conlleva tiempo y costos monetarios a cargo de cualquier empresa privada que desee importar un producto. Por lo tanto, generan una discriminación entre los productos nacionales y los productos extranjeros. Ello implica que las licencias no automáticas son ilegítimas dentro del marco del MERCOSUR, y de cualquier otro proceso de integración que prohíba dicha distinción entre productos

    A Healthy Amount of Privacy: Quantifying Privacy Concerns in Medicine

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    With recent developments in e-health, concerns have been raised regarding the privacy of patients who are monitored with such treatments. I propose a simple method to incorporate these concerns into a standard health impact evaluation, based on quality-adjusted life years and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. This method provides a way to objectively value privacy concerns and balance them with health benefits. Hence, it can guide doctors and policymakers into incorporating privacy considerations and making better choices regarding e-health programs. This method can also be tested on existing economic evaluations to compare outcomes and gauge the extent to which privacy issues in medical treatments should be taken seriously

    A Healthy Amount of Privacy: Quantifying Privacy Concerns in Medicine

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    With recent developments in e-health, concerns have been raised regarding the privacy of patients who are monitored with such treatments. I propose a simple method to incorporate these concerns into a standard health impact evaluation, based on quality-adjusted life years and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. This method provides a way to objectively value privacy concerns and balance them with health benefits. Hence, it can guide doctors and policymakers into incorporating privacy considerations and making better choices regarding e-health programs. This method can also be tested on existing economic evaluations to compare outcomes and gauge the extent to which privacy issues in medical treatments should be taken seriously

    La defraudación de los derechos del inventor

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    The article addresses an interpretative doubt about the criminal norm that, separate from the Criminal Code, penalizes the violation of the rights of patent holders in Argentina. To do so, it refers to the source of the law in Spanish legislation, and to the rights established in the Argentine Constitution.El artículo clarifica una duda interpretativa sobre la norma penal que, en una ley especial, castiga la violación de los derechos de los titulares de patentes en Argentina. Para hacerlo, recurre a su fuente en la legislación española y a los derechos establecidos en la Constitución argentina

    Algorithmic Discrimination Is an Information Problem

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    While algorithmic decision-making has proven to be a challenge for traditional antidiscrimination law, there is an opportunity to regulate algorithms through the information that they are fed. But blocking information about protected categories will rarely protect these groups effectively because other information will act as proxies. To avoid disparate treatment, the protected category attributes cannot be considered; but to avoid disparate impact, they must be considered. This leads to a paradox in regulating information to prevent algorithmic discrimination. This Article addresses this problem. It suggests that, instead of ineffectively blocking or passively allowing attributes in training data, we should modify them. We should use existing pre-processing techniques to alter the data that is fed to algorithms to prevent disparate impact outcomes. This presents a number of doctrinal and policy benefits and can be implemented also where other legal approaches cannot

    Maquiavelismo: concepto y significado. Una lectura desde la virtù

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    Machiavellism or “machiavellian” are concepts used often as synonyms of immorality or of subordination of means to an end (a kind of embryonic utilitarianism). A more profound reading of The Prince, together with the analysis of the other works by Mac hiavavelli, reveals that the Florentine political writer was far from that thought. Works like those ones by Pocock and Lefort’s provide for an interesting rereading, from which it can be deduced that “Machiavellism” or “machiavellian” are not moral doctrines, but a way (amoral) of understanding power–more specifically, real relations of power. Here, the notion of virtù plays an essential role, since it involves the way in which Mac hiavavelli understands power and politics, being also the reason of the ambiguous interpretations towards the Florentine writer. Every ruler must be virtuous in a classic and in a machiavellian way. The ruler who is virtuous only in a machiavellian sense will be immoral, and the one who is virtuous only in a classical sense is or will be irresponsible.“El maquiavelismo” o “lo maquiavélico” se suele usar como sinónimo de inmoralidad, o de la subordinación de los medios a los fines (una suerte de utilitarismo embrionario). Una lectura más profunda de El Príncipe, conjuntamente con el análisis de las otras obras de Maquiavavelo, nos muestra que el florentino distaba de tener esto en mente. Obras como la de Pocock y la de Lefort hacen una relectura interesante de la cual se deduce que “el maquiavelismo” o “lo maquiavélico” no es una doctrina moral sino una forma (amoral) de entender el poder –más específicamente: las relaciones reales de poder–. El concepto de virtù juega en esto un rol esencial, pues encierra el modo de concebir el poder y la política en Maquiavavelo, y es a su vez el generador de las ambigüedades en la interpretación del florentino. Todo gobernante debe ser virtuoso en sentido clásico, y también en sentido maquiavélico. El que sólo lo sea en sentido maquiavélico, será un inmoral, y el que sólo lo sea en sentido clásico, será un irresponsable

    La economía de la doble imposición tributaria

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    The paper engages double taxation from an economic and a constitutionalperspective. It first explains double taxation and its consequences with abrief analysis about its efficiency. Then, it addresses the subject of theTragedy of the Commons and the Tragedy of the Anticommons, applyingit to double taxation. It later evaluates if there is a constitutional rule orprinciple that prohibits local double taxation and deals with tax co-participationsystems as a mean to avoid it. Finally, it analyzes the relationshipbetween the alleged prohibition of double taxation and tax law principles,and applies the said economic considerations to this phenomenon.DOI: 10.5294/dika.2011.20.2.6El trabajo aborda la doble imposición tributaria interna desde las perspectivaseconómica y constitucional. En primer lugar, explica en qué consistela doble imposición y qué consecuencias trae, haciendo un breve análisisacerca de su eficiencia. Luego, trata el tema de la tragedia de los comunesy anticomunes, aplicándolo al caso bajo análisis. Más adelante analiza siexiste algún principio o regla constitucional que prohíba la doble imposicióna nivel interno y trata el tema de la ley de coparticipación federal deimpuestos como medio para evitarla. Finalmente, analiza la relación entrela supuesta prohibición de doble imposición y los principios del derechotributario, y aplica las consideraciones económicas descriptas al fenómenoanalizado. DOI: 10.5294/dika.2011.20.2.