47 research outputs found

    La Prehistoria en el cine

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    Revealing how people lived in prehistory has always been one of the constant unknowns of man. For this reason, since the origins of the Seventh Art and throughout its long history, the filming of films has been frequent that take the viewer back to past times and remote times. The treatment of this type of subject is usually not very successful and quite far from what the investigations on Paleolithic periods are bringing to light. The constant anachronisms make the vision always "imaginative", the most repeated error being that of making men and dinosaurs coincide in the same period. Hunter-gatherer groups are represented without the origins of agriculture and livestock receiving any treatment, and the Metal Age is abandoned to "mythological" recreations, except in the very little use by horror films. of the most gloomy aspects of Celticism. The intention of this article is to carry out a chronological study, without going into details, of the films that have prehistoric man as the main character. The characteristics of most of this type of film are summarized in brutality as a basic norm of behavior and in that the characters carry out their activities in a very hostile environment.Desvelar como se vivía en la Prehistoria, ha sido siempre una de las constantes incógnitas del hombre. Por esta cuestión, desde los orígenes del Séptimo Arte y durante toda su dilatada historia, ha sido frecuente el rodaje de películas que trasladan al espectador hacia épocas pasadas y tiempos remotos. El tratamiento de este tipo de temática normalmente es poco acertado y bastante alejado de lo que las investigaciones sobre períodos paleolíticos van sacando a la luz. Los constantes anacronismos hacen que la visión sea siempre «imaginativa», siendo el error más repetido el de hacer coincidir a hombres y dinosaurios en el mismo periodo. A los grupos de cazadores-recolectores se les representan sin que los orígenes de la agricultura y la ganadería reciban ningún tratamiento, y la Edad de los Metales se abandona a las recreaciones «mitológicas», salvo en la escasísima utilización por parte del cine de terror de los aspectos más tétricos del celtismo. La intención de este artículo es realizar un estudio cronológico, sin entrar en detalles, de las películas que tienen al hombre prehistórico como protagonista. Las características de la mayoría de este tipo de films se resumen en la brutalidad como norma de comportamiento básica y en que los personajes desarrollan sus actividades en un medio muy hostil

    Relative fascicle excursion effects on dynamic strength generation during gait in children with cerebral palsy

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    Evaluation of muscle structure gives us a better understanding of how muscles contribute to force generation which is significantly altered in children with cerebral palsy (CP). While most muscle structure parameters have shown to be significantly correlated to different expressions of strength development in children with CP and typically developing (TD) children, conflicting results are found for muscle fascicle length. Muscle fascicle length determines muscle excursion and velocity, and contrary to what might be expected, correlations of fascicle length to rate of force development have not been found for children with CP. The lack of correlation between muscle fascicle length and rate of force development in children with CP could be due, on the one hand, to the non-optimal joint position adopted for force generation on the isometric strength tests as compared to the position of TD children. On the other hand, the lack of correlation could be due to the erroneous assumption that muscle fascicle length is representative of sarcomere length. Thus, the relationship between muscle architecture parameters reflecting sarcomere length, such as relative fascicle excursions and dynamic power generation, should be assessed. Understanding of the underlying mechanisms of weakness in children with CP is key for individualized prescription and assessment of muscle-targeted interventions. Findings could imply the detection of children operating on the descending limb of the sarcomere length–tension curve, which in turn might be at greater risk of developing crouch gait. Furthermore, relative muscle fascicle excursions could be used as a predictive variable of outcomes related to crouch gait prevention treatments such as strength training

    First Data from the Prehistoric Site Complex of Cueva del Arco (Murcia, Spain)

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    The southern Iberian Peninsula is a key area for understanding the timing and patterns of the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition. Recently, the excavation and study of new sites have provided new insights on this topic. The aim of this paper is to introduce Cueva del Arco, a site complex featuring distinct caves and rock shelters. Cueva del Arco is located at a short distance from the Almadenes gorge (Cieza, Spain) and preserves both Middle and Upper Palaeolithic deposits and assemblages, as well as rock art. Despite being known since the 1990s for its Palaeolithic rock art, systematic fieldwork was never undertaken at the site until recently. We here report the first results of a research programme that includes the systematic excavation of several cavities belonging to the Cueva del Arco complex, focusing on the location and context of the site, its stratigraphy and chronology, and site formation. Research at the site is still ongoing, but preliminary results suggest that the data from Cueva del Arco will provide new clues to the current debate on the transition from Neanderthals to anatomically modern humans in southern Europe

    The solutrean points: from typology to use-wear analysis

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    Este trabajo pretende ofrecer una imagen global de los estudios que se han realizado sobre un soporte tan particular y definitorio cronológica y territorialmente del Paleolítico superior como son las puntas solutrenses. Iniciaremos nuestro trabajo explicando los distintos tipos de puntas solutrenses que se han definido hasta el momento para posteriormente mostrar la información obtenida desde los estudios funcionales de las puntas arqueológicos y la surgida desde las réplicas experimentales. Ambas perspectivas complementarias serán el medio con el que hablar del grado de efectividad de las distintas puntas, los modos de enmangue, las fracturas que se producen como consecuencia de factores tanto funcionales y tecnológicos, así como aquellos generados como resultado de alteraciones mecánicas diversas. En todo caso, pretendemos aportar en qué punto estamos en esta temática más allá de la simple descripción morfológicaThis paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the research on a particular category of tools that covers an important role as geographical and chronological marker: the Upper Paleolithic Solutrean points. Through a techno-functional approach we discuss the different typologies of Solutrean points in terms of degree of effectiveness, hafting modes, types of fractures produced by technological and functional factors, as well the use-wears traces caused by mechanical alterations. Our observations are based both on archaeological and experimental data. The objective of this article is to revise the state of art on this topic, presenting new technological and functional data that allow us to overcome a purely morphological approac

    Actividad EEG durante dos tipos de estimulación sensitiva. A propósito de un caso.

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    [Objetivo] Entender mejor los fenómenos neurofisiológicos que acontecen a nivel cortical en el sujeto sano ante la exploración rutinaria de la sensibilidad.Peer reviewe

    Modelos numéricos para estudios de incendio en túneles con ventilación longitudinal

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    En casos de accidentes severos en túneles se requiere una adecuada estrategia para evitar pérdidas humanas. En túneles con ventilación longitudinal el recurso fundamental es la actuación sobre los ventiladores de chorro para dirigir o concentrar la nube de humo. Las situaciones más comprometidas se presentan en túneles con doble sentido de circulación. En este artículo se presentan varios modelos numéricos de distinta complejidad y coste que permiten el análisis e interpretación de accidentes con fuego. Finamente se muestran ejemplos de aplicación a casos reales, en particular los realizados para los túneles de El Negrón II y Los Yébenes

    La ocupación epimagdaleniense del abrigo de la Finca de Doña Martina (Mula, Murcia)

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    En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del estudio de la industria lítica epimagdaleniense recuperada en el nivel superior del yacimiento Finca de Doña Martina (Mula, Murcia) y realizamos una comparación con los principales conjuntos de la fachada mediterránea ibérica. Los materiales recuperados, con un claro dominio del utillaje microlaminar de dorso y de los raspadores, permiten adscribir este conjunto al Epimagdaleniense antiguo. Se trata de uno de los pocos yacimientos adscritos a este momento en el sureste peninsular, por lo que su estudio nos aporta nuevos e interesantes datos.This paper presents the results of the study of the lithic industry recovered in the upper level of the Finca de Doña Martina rock shelter (Mula, Murcia, Spain). The typology of the assemblage, with a clear predominance of backed bladelets and backed micropoints, as well as end-scrapers, allows to date it to the Early Epimagdalenian. A comparative study places this assemblage in its geographic context–the Mediterranean façade of the Iberian Peninsula. This is one of the few sites ascribed to this period in Southeastern Iberia, thus providing new and interesting data for the study of the period.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perforación manual versus perforación mecánica en la Prehistoria. Aportaciones desde la Traceología

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    Functional studies are providing a more thorough knowledge ofmental collections. In this paper, we focus on a specific activity, the perforation by rotation. We wanted to prove both the efficacy of the manual rotation compared with that of the bow-drills and pump-drills, with a continued rotation, and the resultant use-wear patterns. We have used these systems with experimental perforators of stone and metal to expand the catalogue of functional traces, already proposed by other authors. Furthermore, the functional analysis allows the detection of the system used in the drilling tasks. This refers to simple tools in manual or complex drilling, such as bow-drill and pump-drill in mechanical systems, which are made from organic elements and are not preserved in the archaeological record.Los estudios funcionales están aportando un conocimiento más exhaustivo de la tecnología prehistórica gracias a detallados análisis de materiales arqueológicos, bien contrastados con conjuntos experimentales. En este trabajo nos centramos en una actividad específica como es la perforación por rotación. Hemos querido comprobar tanto la eficacia de la rotación manual frente a la de los taladros de arco y bailarina, de giro continuado, como las huellas derivadas de cada una. Hemos usado estos sistemas con perforadores experimentales de piedra y metal ampliando el catálogo de huellas funcionales, ya iniciado por otros autores. El análisis funcional posibilita detectar, además, el sistema empleado en las labores de perforación que alude a herramientas simples en perforación manual o complejas como taladro de arco y bailarina en sistemas mecánicos, realizados a partir de elementos orgánicos y que no permanecen en el registro arqueológico


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    Durante las campañas de 1992 y 1994 se encontraron en el yacimiento solutrense de La Cueva de Ambrosio (Vélez-Blanco, Almería, España) un conjunto de representaciones artísticas parietales pintadas y grabadas del Paleolítico superior. Entre los grabados del panel I, se ha descifrado una excelente silueta de caballo, una representación de ave, unos protomos de bóvido y de caballo, así como otros trazos todavía no interpretados. En la parte inferior del panel existen pinturas, poco visibles a causa de una colada calcítica y de momento no es posible interpretar ninguna representación figurativa. En el panel II se han identificado un total de 25 figuras tanto grabadas como pintadas. La excepcionalidad del hallazgo reside en el hecho de poder interrelacionar perfectamente estas muestras de arte con los niveles arqueológicos claramente definidos desde el punto de vista cultural y cronoestratigráfico (ca. 20000 BP) Solutrense medio y Solutrense superior del mismo yacimiento.In the solutrean site of La Cueva de Ambrosio (Vélez-Blanco, Almería, Spain) several engraved and painted figures dated on the Upper Palaeolithic, have been found during the field works of 1992 and 1994. In The panel I we have identified an excellent representation of a horse, a bird, one bovidae and another protome of a horse. Below this surface there are many red ochre wall paintings covered by a calcitic speleotheme and for the time being we are unable to give any interpretation for it. In the second panel we have discovered more tone splendid red painted horse, two more enngraved horses and a little head of one other black painted horse. There are many engraved lines and pictural rests that must be studied in the future. The exceptionality of this discovery is that we can interrelate perfectly these rock art paintings with the archaeological levels clearly defined chronologically and culturally (ca. 20000 BP), Middle Solutrean and Upper Solutrean from the same site.</p

    Obsidian in the Upper Palaeolithic of Iberia

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    Sourced from the Tyrrhenian Islands and exchanged over long distances, obsidian was used widely across prehistoric Western Europe. An obsidian core and bladelets from a newly discovered rockshelter site in south-eastern Spain, however, raised the possibility of an unrecognised mainland source of obsidian. EDXRF analysis of the Early Magdalenian finds from La Boja links them to a source 125km to the south-west. The artefacts were discarded during two brief activity phases at the site, indicating that obsidian procurement was integral to the technological choices of the site's users. The specificities of the technocomplex may explain the unique nature of this occurrence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio