752 research outputs found

    Chapter 10 - Decentralised management strategies for heritage in rural areas

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    Producción CientíficaBeyond the different conceptualisations that can be made of heritage or heritage resources, there is a widespread idea of its value in development strategies. This value is even more important, at least in relative terms, when the analysis focuses on rural spaces. This is due to the difficulties in setting up positive dynamics for socio-economic development and in the notion of territorial heritage, as this increases its value due to scarcity and social valuation (Ortega, 1998). However, as shall be seen in this chapter, there is a distance between the theoretical meaning of heritage resources in local development strategies and the practical application. This is basically due to the existing complications in the management of the said resources in the rural setting. Thus, first of all, this work considers the problems that are habitually encountered in heritage enhancement processes in rural settings, with concrete examples from the autonomous region of Castile & Leon. On the basis of this analysis, some of the measures that have been carried out through public intervention to enhance the said heritage resources will be considered, stressing the possibilities that arise with regard to the theoretical and practical definitions of the territorial systems of heritage value, a notion that appears in the Plan PAHIS 2020, but which is also found, with slight differences, in other heritage valuation strategies in Spain. Finally, a pilot initiative is evaluated that has been set up in Castile & Leon, within the framework of the Plan PAHIS 2020, called the Plan Mudejar, to value the Mudejar heritage over a wide area of the autonomous region. This plan take steps towards a more decentralised management, in which greater weight is given to the local actors in the design and execution of the heritage valuation initiatives. On the basis of a cursory diagnosis of the value of the Mudejar in the area under study, the objectives of the Plan Mudejar are evaluated and its potential and limitations in valuing these resources in their rural sphere of reference are explained.This activities are included in the objectives and results of the Research Project CSO2013-47205-P «Culture and heritage as territorial resources: sustainable development strategies and spatial impacts», from the State Programme to Encourage Scientific Technical Research of Excellence, Sub-programme of the Generation of Knowledge from the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The coordinators are featured as Principal Investigators

    Estrategias territoriales ante la crisis: cultura del territorio y calidad institucional

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    Producción CientíficaAnalysis and interpretation of the factors responsible for the economic crisis in Spain in order to assess their impact on the space and its significance in the strategy of public policy. Fundamentally, the need to strengthen the culture of the territory and to advance the quality of institutions as requirements to correct the mistakes that have led to the traumatic effects caused by the crisis is underlined

    Realidad aumentada, WebGIS y storytelling para la docencia geográfica: una revisión bibliográfica

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    Innovación EducativaSe presenta un resumen con la bibliografía recopilada en el Proyecto de Innovación Docente, referida a realidad aumentada, WebGIS, cartografía y storytelling enfocados a la docencia en geografía y ciencias sociales afines. Todas las obras recogidas en el listado han podido ser consultadas a través de repositorios en Internet y en las bases de datos de la Universidad de Valladolid, y se han recopilado para poder ser consultadas en el ámbito de un grupo de innovación docenteDepartamento de Geografí

    Estrategias tecnológicas en el Pleistoceno inferior de África Oriental (Olduvai y Peninj, norte de Tanzania)

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    En esta tesis doctoral se estudia la industria lítica de dos secuencias arqueológicas del Pleistoceno inferior de África oriental, Olduvai y Peninj (norte de Tanzania). Las colecciones líticas de Olduvai fueron excavadas por M. Leakey en la década de 1960, y han sido revisadas en el Museo Nacional de Kenia en Nairobi. El análisis de las colecciones líticas de Peninj (oeste del lago Natron), se ha centrado fundamentalmente en el registro generado desde el año 2000 por el equipo de excavación actual, aunque también se han revisado los materiales excavados por Isaac décadas atrás y depositados en el Museo de Dar-es-Salaam. Todas las colecciones líticas han sido analizadas desde un enfoque tecnológico, que supone la reconstrucción de las cadenas operativas líticas. De esa forma, se ha tratado de averiguar qué estrategias tecnológicas guiaron el trabajo de la piedra de los homínidos que habitaron el norte de Tanzania en la primera fase del Pleistoceno inferior (entre 1,8 y 1,3 millones de años antes del presente). Además, las colecciones líticas han sido estudiadas siempre teniendo en cuenta la información contextual disponible, lo que permite evaluar no sólo los métodos de talla de la piedra, sino también ahondar en los procesos de formación de los yacimientos arqueológicos y deducir la funcionalidad de los mismos y, en definitiva, reconstruir la gestión del territorio por parte de los homínidos del Plio-Pleistoceno. En suma, esta tesis propone unos modelos de talla de la piedra entre los artesanos de Olduvai y Peninj, contextualiza esas estrategias tecnológicas en el marco más amplio de la gestión del paisaje por parte de estos homínidos, y por último reflexiona sobre el desarrollo de la primera tecnología conocida, el Olduvayense, y la posterior aparición del Achelense, todo ello en el marco de la evolución humana en África Oriental

    El Paleolítico medio en el Próximo Oriente. Una síntesis regional

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    En este trabajo se resume la evidencia arqueológica del Paleolítico medio en el Próximo Oriente, que abarca parte del Pleistoceno medio y los primeros momentos del Pleistoceno superior. Se tratan los yacimientos, las cronologías y las facies industriales más importantes del área desde una perspectiva regional, compartimentando el registro en función de tres zonas ecológicas distintas, el área mediterránea, la zona continental y la región montañosa.The archaeological evidence from the Middle Paleolithic in the Near East is summed up in this work. It is embodied in the Late Middle Pleistocene and the Early Upper Pleistocene. We present a summary of the main sites, the chronologies and the most important lithic facies from a regional perspective. We divided the archaeological record according to three different ecological regions: the mediterranean zone, the continental zone and the mountain zone

    Does Family Control Shape Corporate Capital Structure? An Empirical Analysisof Eurozone Firms

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    [EN] This study investigates the relationship between family control and corporatecapital structure considering the dynamic nature of the debt policy and the ownership structureof family firms. Our results show that the sensitivity of debt to fluctuations in cash flow isless pronounced in family firms and highlight that family control increases the speed ofadjustment toward target debt. Four dimensions of the family business model explain theseresults: deviations of voting from cash flow rights, the presence of a second blockholder in thecompany, involvement of family members in management, and the generation in charge ofthe business. The weaker negative impact of cash flow on debt is driven by family firms with nocontrol-enhancing mechanisms, companies with active family participation in management andfamily businesses that are still controlled by the first generation. By contrast, the more severeagency conflicts between owners and creditors in family firms with a second blockholder leadto more pronounced pecking order behaviour. Furthermore, the higher flexibility in corporatedecision-making of family firms managed by the family and under the influence of the firstgeneration explains why family companies are able to rebalance their capital structure faste

    Archaeological surveys in Tendaho (Lower Awash, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia)

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    Altres ajuts: BICAEHFID/832980Este trabajo presenta las prospecciones arqueológicas en la zona de Tendaho (Lower Awash, Triángulo de Afar en Etiopía), destinadas a la documentación de yacimientos plio-pleistocenos en peligro de desaparecer por la construcción de una presa. Presentamos también una modelización en SIG de la extensión de la presa y el área potencial afectada, y valoramos la importancia de los materiales documentados durante las prospecciones.This paper presents the archaeological surveys conducted in the Tendaho area (Lower Awash, Afar Triangle in Ethiopia), aimed at documenting Plio-Pleistocene sites endangered by the construction of a dam. We also introduce a GIS model of the area affected by the dam, and evaluate the relevance of materials documented during our surveys