2,541 research outputs found

    Impact of public preventive programmes on oral quality of life of 11 to 12-yr-old school students

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    Objetivos: El objetivo es analizar el impacto de programas preventivos sobre la calidad de vida oral en escolares de 11- 12 años. Diseño del estudio: En el curso académico 1996/97 se inició un estudio quasiexperimental en la provincia de Granada con cuatro grupos de escolares de 6-7 años de edad: Sellador + Flúor (selladores en primeros molares permanentes aplicados en el centro de salud, durante 3 años de programa activo, y barniz de flúor aplicado cuatrimestralmente durante 3 años, n=65), Sellador (sólo selladores, n=80), Flúor (sólo barniz de flúor, n=107) y grupo Control (n=59). Todos los escolares fueron explorados cada 6 meses en los colegios durante los 3 años de programa activo, entregándoseles un informe de salud oral tras cada exploración. Tras un periodo de discontinuidad de 2.5 años, en el curso escolar 2002/03 (a los 5.5 años), los escolares fueron explorados, y se les pasó un cuestionario de calidad de vida oral, cuya puntuación va de -6 (mínima) a +6 (máxima). Resultados: Los valores de calidad de vida oral (± desviación estándar) fueron: 3.31±0.30 (Sellador + Flúor), 3.11±0.27 (Sellador), 3.18±0.23 (Flúor) y 2.95±0.32 (Control), sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellos. Conclusiones: Los programas de Sellador de fisuras y Barniz de flúor no muestran influencia significativa sobre la calidad de vida oral a 5.5 años de seguimiento (3 años de programa activo y 2.5 años de discontinuidad)

    OPserver: interactive online-computations of opacities and radiative accelerations

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    Codes to compute mean opacities and radiative accelerations for arbitrary chemical mixtures using the Opacity Project recently revised data have been restructured in a client--server architecture and transcribed as a subroutine library. This implementation increases efficiency in stellar modelling where element stratification due to diffusion processes is depth dependent, and thus requires repeated fast opacity reestimates. Three user modes are provided to fit different computing environments, namely a web browser, a local workstation and a distributed grid.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    A comprehensive asteroseismic modelling of the high-amplitude delta Scuti star RV Arietis

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    We present a comprehensive asteroseismic study of the double-mode high-amplitude delta Scuti star HD 187642 (RV Arietis). The modelling includes some of the most recent techniques: 1) effects of rotation on both equilibrium models and adiabatic oscillation spectrum, 2) non-adiabatic study of radial and non-radial modes, 3) relationship between the fundamental radial mode and the first overtone in the framework of Petersen diagrams. The analysis reveals that two of the observed frequencies are very probably identified as the fundamental and first overtone radial modes. Analysis of the colour index variations, together with theoretical non-adiabatic calculations, points to models in the range of [7065,7245] K in effective temperature and of [1190, 1270] Myr in stellar age. These values were found to be compatible with those obtained using the three other asteroseismic techniques.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Actualidad del Síndrome de Munchausen: su médico, su cuerpo y su dolor.

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    A propósito de seis casos, con probable diagnóstico de Síndrome de Munchausen, se hace una revisión bibliográfica de los tres últimos años, al mismo tiempo que mediante tests proyectivos se intenta buscar características comunes en este síndrome, así como se hace un intento de aproximación psicodinámica a dicho síndrome

    Actualidad del Síndrome de Munchausen: su médico, su cuerpo y su dolor.

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    A propósito de seis casos, con probable diagnóstico de Síndrome de Munchausen, se hace una revisión bibliográfica de los tres últimos años, al mismo tiempo que mediante tests proyectivos se intenta buscar características comunes en este síndrome, así como se hace un intento de aproximación psicodinámica a dicho síndrome

    Doctor profesor Ángel Fernando Sánchez Vicente. Paradigma docente en la enseñanza de histologia

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    RESUMEN El Dr. Ángel Sánchez Vicente es un paradigma de docente en la enseñanza en el Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Preclínicas «Victoria de Girón», en particular de la Histología. Excelente profesor en el uso del pizarrón y precursor de las tecnologías de avanzadas vinculadas a la docencia. Inició su larga carrera en la docencia Médica, como Profesor Auxiliar en la Cátedra de Histología-Embriología, en el año 1966, en el ICBP «Victoria de Girón». En 1976 fue promovido a la categoría de Profesor Titular. Su larga experiencia como profesor de pre-universitario y en la especialidad de Histología, ponen en evidencia, su vocación por la enseñanza. Por todos los años que dedicó a la docencia, el Doctor Ángel Sánchez contribuyó a la formación de muchos bachilleres y médicos que lo recuerdan con cariño y orgullo por haber sido sus alumnos.  Palabras clave: excelente profesor, paradigma de la docencia, extraordinario maestro.</p

    Protein kinase D activity is a risk biomarker in prostate cancer that drives cell invasion by a Snail/ERK dependent mechanism

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    Protein kinase D (PKD) family members play controversial roles in prostate cancer (PC). Thus, PKD1 is nearly absent in advanced tumours, where PKD2 and PKD3 are upregulated. Additionally, consequences of activation of these kinases on PC progression remain largely unclear. Here, we first investigated PKD function on PC cell motility, analysing the underlying molecular mechanisms. We find a striking decrease of Snail levels after PKD inhibition followed by cell migration and invasion impairment, demonstrating an unprecedented role of PKD activity on the regulation of this key transcription factor in PC progression. Specifically, we show that PKD2 activity mediates the effects of MEK/ERK pathway on Snail expression, establishing a joint function of ERK/ PKD2/Snail cascade in PC cell invasion regulation. These results led us to address the clinical relevance of the correlation between PKD2 and ERK activities with Snail abundance in samples from PC patients at different stages, analysing its impact on tumour prognosis and patients´survival. Importantly, this is the first study defining a direct correlation between active PKD2 and Snail levels, further linked to ERK activity. We also evidence that PKD2 activity is associated with important poor prognostic factors. Thus, PC patients with the expression pattern: active PKD2high/active ERKhigh/Snailhigh exhibit increased invasiveness and metastasis, and decreased survival. Our findings provide new insights for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in PC progression, pinpointing the combination of active PKD2 and Snail levels, with the additional measurement of active ERK, as a confident biomarker to predict clinical outcome of patients with advanced PCD.C.-R., D.M.-M., and P.B. were recipients of grants from Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (grant numbers PEJ-2019-AI/BMD-14294, PEJD2018-PRE/BMD-8987, and 2017-T1/BMD-5704, respectively). T.I. received funding from Centro de Investigacion ´ Biom´edica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spai

    Bicellar systems to modify the phase behaviour of skin stratum corneum lipids

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    Bicellar systems are a fascinating category of versatile lipid assemblies that comprise bilayered disk-shaped nanoaggregates formed in water by long and short alkyl chain phospholipids. Bicelles bridge the gap between micelles and lipid vesicles by combining the attractive properties of both systems. These structures have recently been proposed in dermatological, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. Two new binary bicellar systems composed of cholesterol sulphate (SCHOL) and long-chain phospholipids (dimyristoyl- phosphatidylcholine, DMPC, or dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine, DPPC) are characterised herein by differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray scattering and microscopy. Additionally, a comparative study on skin treated with the new SCHOL systems (DMPC/SCHOL and DPPC/SCHOL) and classic DHPC systems (DMPC/DHPC and DPPC/DHPC) was performed. These studies were conducted to determinate how deeply bicelles penetrate into the skin and the extension of their effect on the phase behaviour of stratum corneum (SC) lipids using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that SCHOL modified the typical discoidal morphology and the phase behaviour of the systems, inducing coexistence of two phases, liquid-ordered and ripple phases. The effect of the systems on SC lipids depends on their composition and is related to the fluidity of the SC lipid alkyl chains. Thus, systems with DMPC induced more disorder in SC lipids than systems with DPPC, and SCHOL did not modify the lipid arrangement. Perdeuterated systems in the infrared spectroscopy technique supported a different distribution in the tissue for every system. DMPC systems were primarily at the first layers of the SC, whereas DPPC systems were more widely distributed. Systems with SCHOL had enhanced distribution and penetration of bicellar systems throughout the SC. This journal is © 2012 the Owner Societies