3,060 research outputs found

    Job resources as a mediator between management trust climate and employees’ well-being: A cross-sectional multilevel approach

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    Adopting the notion that environmental factors affect employees, we investigated the importance of management trust climate as a precursor to job resources (i.e., personal development), positive work outcomes (engagement and job performance) and better well-being (i.e., avoidance of burnout and sleeping problems). Because the Malaysian society is considered to have a higher level of trust than other Asian countries, we used a snowball sampling method and recruited 377 employees from 44 private organisations (62% response rate) in Malaysia as participants in the current study. Multilevel analyses revealed that management trust climate led to higher levels of personal development and job performance; however, it showed no relation to sleeping problems. In addition, personal development mediated management trust climate and job performance, whereas engagement mediated personal development and job performance. Higher burnout led to increased sleeping problems. This study showed organisational level to be an antecedent of job resources and its job resource-engagement model. Since trust conveys a soft psychological contract between two parties, organisations should be aware of the ways trust can be cultivated within the organisation, such as by allowing employees to grow and develop their skills. This may be an effective strategy for ensuring that employees are able to grow within their organisations and execute their duties effectively, without reprisals from higher management.Publishe

    Komparasi Hasil Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Dan Bentuk Soal Essay Pada Siwa Kelas V11 SMPN 2 Kebakkramat Tahun 2015/2016

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    This research aims to determine the differences of mathematics learning outcomes in terms of the form of multiple choice questions and essay form. This research is a comparative study. The population in this study were all students of class VII SMP N 2 Kebakkramat Year 2015/2016 a number of 224 students (7th grade), which consists of VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VII E, VII F and VII G. Sample in this study were 32 students of class VII F and 32 students of class VII G. data collection method used in this research is to test and documentation. Data analysis technique used is the t test previously conducted tests of normality and homogeneity test. From the results of data analysis with α = 5% concluded "there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes in terms of the form of multiple choice questions and essay form with t = 4.975. Results of studying mathematics with a form of multiple choice questions higher

    Spectrum of Uropathogens and its Antibiotic Susceptibility in Pregnant Women with Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. Running headline: Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy

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    Background: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most common bacterial infections in pregnancy and associated with maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.Objectives: To determine the current uropathogens and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern and to compare the pregnancy outcome among clinical UTI and non clinical UTI cohorts.Patients and methods: This was a prospective matched cohort study carried out between 1st January, 2012 and 30th June, 2012 at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. The study population was made up of 200 pregnant women with clinical signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections and 200 pregnant women without clinical signs and symptoms ofurinary tract infection as control matched with maternal age group, parity and gestational age.Results: Of 3442 obstetric patients seen 200 had clinically diagnosed UTI in pregnancy giving a rate of 5.8%. Age bracket 21- 30years and multipara had highest frequency of significant bacteriuria. Low social status and third trimester of pregnancy were identified risk factors for UTI in pregnancy. Frequency of maternal anaemia (p=0.02) and hypertension (p=0.03) were significantly higher among subjects than control. The common bacterial uropathogen isolated were Escherichia coli (46.7%), Staphylococcus aureus (17.9%), Proteus spp.(13.3%) and Klebsiella spp. (11.1%). The antibiotics with highest coverage included Co-amoxyclave (81%), Gentamicin (68.8%) and Cefuroxime (54.4%).Conclusion: Maternal anaemia and hypertension were significantly higher among subjects than control. Gram negative isolates were predominantand E. coli was the most common isolated bacteria. Co-amoxyclave had highest coverage against the bacteria. Therefore, co-amoxyclave is  recommended for empirical use for urinary tract infection in pregnancy in this locality.Keywords: Uropathogens, urinary tract infection, pregnancy, antibiotic sensitivity

    Nominal Curvature Design of Circular HSC Columns Confined with Post-tensioned Steel Straps

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    This article proposes new parameters for the practical design of circular high-strength concrete (HSC) columns confined with an innovative Steel Strapping Tensioning Technique (SSTT) using a nominal curvature approach. Previous experimental research has proven the effectiveness of the SSTT at providing active confinement and enhancing the ductility of HSC columns, but to date no practical procedures are available so that the technique can be widely adopted in design practice. The proposed design approach is based on results from segmental analyses of slender SSTT-confined circular columns subjected to eccentric loads. The results obtained from the analyses are used to determine the variables governing the design of such columns. The use of the proposed design parameters predicts conservatively the capacity of small-scale slender HSC circular columns confined using the SSTT, and can be thus used in the practical design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures

    Users-Centric Adaptive Learning System Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Massively Crowded E-Learning Platforms

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    Abstract Technological advancements within the educational sector and online learning promoted portable data-based adaptive techniques to influence the developments within transformative learning and enhancing the learning experience. However, many common adaptive educational systems tend to focus on adopting learning content that revolves around pre-black box learner modelling and teaching models that depend on the ideas of a few experts. Such views might be characterized by various sources of uncertainty about the learner response evaluation with adaptive educational system, linked to learner reception of instruction. High linguistic uncertainty levels in e-learning settings result in different user interpretations and responses to the same techniques, words, or terms according to their plans, cognition, pre-knowledge, and motivation levels. Hence, adaptive teaching models must be targeted to individual learners’ needs. Thus, developing a teaching model based on the knowledge of how learners interact with the learning environment in readable and interpretable white box models is critical in the guidance of the adaptation approach for learners’ needs as well as understanding the way learning is achieved. This paper presents a novel interval type-2 fuzzy logic-based system which is capable of identifying learners’ preferred learning strategies and knowledge delivery needs that revolves around characteristics of learners and the existing knowledge level in generating an adaptive learning environment. We have conducted a large scale evaluation of the proposed system via real-word experiments on 1458 students within a massively crowded e-learning platform. Such evaluations have shown the proposed interval type-2 fuzzy logic system’s capability of handling the encountered uncertainties which enabled to achieve superior performance with regard to better completion and success rates as well as enhanced learning compared to the non-adaptive systems, adaptive system versions led by the teacher, and type-1-based fuzzy based counterparts.</jats:p

    Filament winding technique, experiment and simulation analysis on tubular structure

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    Filament winding process has emerged as one of the potential composite fabrication processes with lower costs. Filament wound products involve classic axisymmetric parts (pipes, rings, driveshafts, high-pressure vessels and storage tanks), non-axisymmetric parts (prismatic nonround sections and pipe fittings). Based on the 3-axis filament winding machine has been designed with the inexpensive control system, it is completely necessary to make a relative comparison between experiment and simulation on tubular structure. In this technical paper, the aim of this paper is to perform a dry winding experiment using the 3-axis filament winding machine and simulate winding process on the tubular structure using CADWIND software with 30°,45°,60° winding angle. The main result indicates that the 3-axis filament winding machine can produce tubular structure with high winding pattern performance with different winding angle. This developed 3-axis winding machine still has weakness compared to CAWIND software simulation results with high axes winding machine about winding pattern, turnaround impact, process error, thickness, friction impact etc. In conclusion, the 3-axis filament winding machine improvements and recommendations come up with its comparison results, which can intuitively understand its limitations and characteristics

    Multiple acute aortic dissection in a young adult.

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    The diagnosis of aortic dissection in a young adult in the absence of atherosclerosis or prior history of trauma is extremely rare. The presence of more than one arterial dissection site in such a patient is even more unheard of. We highlight a case of spontaneous multiple acute arterial dissections occurring in a 32-year-old male. Stanford B aortic dissection and a separate dissection extending from the bifurcation of the right common iliac artery to the right common femoral artery was noted on computed tomographic angiography (CTA). A small aneurysm of the right subclavian artery was also noted. A two-stage hybrid procedure involving a combination of open and endovascular surgery was employed. The rarity and lethality of this condition warrants a high index of suspicion for early diagnosis and prompt intervention

    Peningkatan Keaktifan Dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Segiempat Melalui Model Pembelajaran Probing Prompting (PTK Siswa Kelas VII A Smp Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta)

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    This research aims to desribe the improvement of liveliness and learning outcomes in mathematics with rectangular material in SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta grade VII A using Probing Prompting model. This research uses qualitative approach with Classroom Action Research. The students of grade VII A of SMP Muhammadiayah 5 Surakarta are as the subject of receiver action that consist of 22 students. Then, method of collecting the data are observation, notes, documentation and test. The technigues of analyzing the data are data analysis, data presentation and data verification (conclusing). The result of the research shows that there is liveliness and learning outcomes in mathematics with rectangular material material. It can be seen from the indicators, such as: (1) the students that get score ≄ KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) before the action is 27,27% and after the action is 90,91%, (2) the students that are action answering the questions about the material rectangular before the action is 18,18% and after the action is 86,36% and (3) the students can deliver idea and opinion about the mathematics problem before the action is 13,36% and after the action is 81,81%. So, it can be concluded that applying of Probing Prompting can improve mathematics learning result of the students of rectangular material

    Hubungan Pendidikan Orang Tua dan Keadaan Ekonomi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parent education on learning achievement in class VIII SMP N 1 Klaten 2015/2016 school year, to determine the relationship of the economic situation on the learning achievement in class VIII SMP N 1 Klaten academic year 2015/2016 and for determine the relationship of parent education and economic conditions on the learning achievement in class VIII SMP N 1 Klaten academic year 2015/2016. This type of research is the study are correlational. The study was conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Klaten. The population in this study were all students of class VIII with a number of 210 students. The sample in this study is 62 students. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed regression coefficient of 0.563 parental education, the coefficient is positive, it means there is a positive relationship between parental education and learning achievement. The regression coefficient economic circumstances amounting to 0,348, the coefficient is positive, it means there is a positive relationship between economic circumstances and learning achievement. Taken together education of parents (X1) and economic conditions (X2) have a significant relationship to the student achievement it is shown by the percentage of donations given parental education and economic conditions was 11.7%. Based on the results of effective contribution and relative contribution of variable data shows that the economic situation is more effective than the education of parents is the relative contribution of 57.2% and the effective contribution of 6.66%. Keywords: Parent Education. Economic circumstances. Learning achievemen
