16,674 research outputs found

    Nilai-Nilai Keteladanan Nabi Idris A.S (Kajian Tafsir Maudhu'i)

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    Hal yang terpenting untuk diperhatikan mengenai kisah dalam Al- Qur‟an ialah sejauh mana kisah itu mampu dihayati sehingga dapat memeberikan nilai-nilai kemaslahatan bagi masyarakat. Salah satu kisah dalam Al-Qur‟an yang menarik untuk dikaji adalah kisah Nabi Idris a.s. yaitu kisah tentang umat terdahulu yang menulis dengan pena, menggunakan pakaian yang berjahit dan orang pertama mendapatkan pakaian yang berjahit. Diantara ayat-ayat Al-Qur‟an yang membahas tentang Nabi Idris a.s adalah QS. Maryam ayat 56-57 dan QS. Al-Anbiya‟ ayat 85-86. Persoalan yang akan diteliti dalam skripsi ini mengenai Pertama, Bagaimana Kisah Nabi Idris a.s dalam Al-Qur‟an?. Kedua, Bagaimana nilai-nilai Keteladanan yang terkandung pada kisah Nabi Idris a.s dalam Al- Qur‟an?. Adapun metode penelitian yang nantinya disampaikan dalam skripsi ini adalah dengan langkah metode analisis tematik (maudhu‟i), yakni menafsirkan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan kisah Nabi Idris dari kitab-kitab tafsir, kemudian menganalisis nilai-nilai keteladanan apa saja yang terkandung dalam kisah Nabi Idris a.s tersebut. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kisah Nabi Idris A.S melalui penafsiran Tafsir ibnu katsir, Tafsir Al-Misbah, Tafsir Ath-Thabari dan Tafsir Al-Azhar, berdasarkan dari tafsiran empat tafsir ini berbeda-beda pendapat mereka mengenai siapa sebenarnya Nabi idris a.s, namun penulis hanya menuliskan pendapat yang paling banyak di riwayatkan yaitu Nabi Idris a.s merupakan umat terdahulu yang menulis dengan pena, menggunakan pakaian yang berjahit, dan orang pertama mendapatkan wahyu tertulis. Adapun nilai-nilai keteladanan yang terdapat pada kisah Nabi Idris a.s adalah seorang Nabi yang mempunyai sifat sabar, dan dia seorang yang sangat mencintai kebenaran, kesabaran, Nabi yang shaleh, jujur dan Allah SWT telah mengangkat Nabi Idris a.s ke tempat yang tinggi. Kata-kata kunci: Nilai-Nilai, Keteladanan, Kisah, Nabi Idris A.S, Tafsir Maudhu’i

    Participatory art project to develop the creative potential of students of senior high school in Surakarta / Adam Wahida

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    This study aims to: 1) Develop creativity students of senior high school through participatory art project, 2) Creating works of art according to the socio-cultural conditions of students. This research method based participatory arts practices that is done through the phase of preparation and formation. The preparation phase is done through: 1) elaboration, establishes the idea, and integrates the project material with socio-cultural context of students, 2) create a synthesis of learning / workshop with art participatory practice to realize the conception of the artwork, 3) define the concepts of creation sourced of youth culture into a variety of art media, 4) plotting embodiment the concept to the final form of participatory art work in the format of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and installation. Phase of formation is done with: 1) exploration to seek solutions that can foster an interest and potential students through the study of art. 2) improvisation/ experimentation by giving a artistic creation workshops that involves students. 3) the embodiment of ideas into works of art done together participants (students). The results of this study indicate that students are able to express their ideas and gave rise to a personal character that is typical of young people. The works of art with the medium of comics, graphic, and the stencil is a tangible manifestation of the growth of students creativity . Involved as participants in this art project, the students were able to show the spirit of communality and solidarity to be more concerned to socio-cultural conditions

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Dan Menulis Dengan Menggunakan Kartu Huruf Di Kelas I SDN 2 Wombo

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah, apakah kemampuan membaca dan menulis permulaan di kelas I SDN 2 Wombo dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan kartu huruf siswa kelas I SDN 2 Wombo ?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan membaca dan menulis di kelas I SDN 2 Wombo. Setting penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah SDN 2 Wombo Kecamatan Tanantovea, dengan jumlah 15 siswa yang terdiri dari atas 9 orang laki-laki dan 6 orang perempuan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dua siklus, setiap siklus terdiri atas perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah 1) lembar observasi guru, 2) lembar observasi siswa, dan 3) penilaian tes perorangan. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan siswa membaca dan menulis permulaan dengan menggunakan media kartu huruf yakni dengan presentase peningkatan kemampuan siswa pada penelitian sebelum tindakan terdapat 5 siswa 33,33% yang termasuk dalam kategori kurang. Pada penelitian siklus I menunjukkan presentase aktivitas guru sebesar 89,28% (kriteria baik), persentase aktivitas siswa sebesar 53,57% (kriteria cukup), serta rata-rata hasil penilaian kemampuan siswa membaca dan menulis permulaan adalah 64,70% dengan kriteria cukup. Pada siklus II persentase penilaian aktivitas guru sebesar 98,21% (kriteria sangat baik), persentase penilaian aktivitas siswa sebesar 96,42% (kriteria sangat baik), serta rata-rata hasil penilaian kemampuan siswa membaca dan menulis permulaan melalui media kartu huruf sebesar 86,67% (kriteria sangat baik). Hasil tersebut secara keseluruhan telah mencapai kriteria yang ditetapkan yakni, daya serap individual minimal 65%, daya serrap klasikal 70% dan ketuntasan klasikal 80%, maka dianggap tuntas belajar. Dengan demikian, melalui media kartu huruf dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa membaca dan menulis pada siswa kelas I SDN 2 Wombo

    A trustworthy framework for resource-aware embedded programming

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    Funding: EU Horizon 2020 project, TeamPlay (https://www.teamplay-h2020.eu), grant number 779882; UK EPSRC Discovery, grant number EP/P020631/1.Systems with non-functional requirements, such as Energy, Time and Security (ETS), are of increasing importance due to the proliferation of embedded devices with limited resources such as drones, wireless sensors, and tablet computers. Currently, however, there are little to no programmer supported methodologies or frameworks to allow them to reason about ETS properties in their source code. Drive is one such existing framework supporting the developer by lifting non-functional properties to the source-level through the Contract Specification Language (CSL), allowing non-functional properties to be first-class citizens, and supporting programmer-written code-level contracts to guarantee the non-functional specifications of the program are met. In this paper, we extend the Drive system by providing rigorous implementations of the underlying proof-engine, modeling the specification of the annotations and assertions from CSL for a representative subset of C, called Imp. We define both an improved abstract interpretation that automatically derives proofs of assertions, and define inference algorithms for the derivation of both abstract interpretations and the context over which the interpretation is indexed. We use the dependently-typed programming language, Idris, to give a formal definition, and implementation, of our abstract interpretation. Finally, we show our well-formed abstract interpretation over some representative exemplars demonstrating provable assertions of ETS.Postprin

    The Prophet Adam

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    Proving renaming for Haskell via dependent types : a case-study in refactoring soundness

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    We present a formally verified refactoring framework for a subset of Haskell 98. Our framework is implemented in the dependently-typed language, Idris, which allows us to encode soundness proofs as an integral part of the implementation. We give the formal definition of our static semantics for our Haskell 98 subset, which we encode as part of the AST, ensuring that only well-formed programs may be represented and transformed. This forms a foundation upon which refactorings can be formally specified. We then define soundness of refactoring implementations as conformity to their specification. We demonstrate our approach via renaming, a canonical and well-understood refactoring, giving its implementation alongside its formal specification and soundness proof.Postprin

    Nitrogen Removal in Textile Wastewater Using Combined Anaerobic-Aerobic System

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    The objective of this study is to determine the percentage of nitrogen removal in textile wastewater effluent using combined anaerobic-aerobic system. The raw wastewater was of COD concentration between 385 to 1500 ppm at normal operating conditions. The anaerobic reactor has a capacity of 18 liters; meanwhile the aerobic reactor has a capacity of 9 liters to cater for a flow rate of 18 liters/day. Concentration of biomass was achieved through entrapment in the macrostructure of Cosmo (HDPE) balls used in the anaerobic reactor. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) for the anaerobic reactors was controlled at 24, 18, 12 and 8 hours. The Cosmo balls used in the system had proven to be an effective carrier material, which functioned as a separation device, thus limiting biomass being washed out. The maximum removal of ammoniacal nitrogen, BOD, COD and VSS for the Selangor Cotton Sdn Bhd textile wastewater were 84.62%, 63.64%, 60% and 98.9% respectively. Levels in the final effluent for ammoniacal nitrogen, BOD, and COD were recorded at 1.11 mg/l, 13.17 mg/l and 108.75 mg/l respectively. Kinetic parameters for nitrification using the anaerobic-aerobic reactor were found to be YN= 0.2305 mgVSS/mgNH4, Kd = 0.1987 day -1, Am = 1.196 day -1, KN= 4.302 mg/l. Meanwhile the kinetic parameters for denitrification using the anaerobic-aerobic reactor were: YD= 0.0025 mgVSS/mgNO3, Kd= 0.0026 day -1, Am = 0.00543 day -1, KD = 18.514mg/l

    Nabi Idris dalam Kajian Sejarah Ilmu Falak

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    Ilmu falak mengalami perkembangan yaitu mulai dari fase pra Islam (Babilonia, Mesir Kuno, Mesopotamia, Cina, India, Prancis, dan Yunani) kemudian merambah ke dalam fase Islam. Ilmu falak sudah dikenal sejak bangsa Babilonia (Irak kuno) dengan mengamati rasi-rasi bintang. Nabi Idris adalah nabi yang pertama kali mengkaji ilmu hitung berdasarkan kitab al-bidāyah. Studi ini merupakan literatur analisis yang berdasar kepada kajian kitab-kitab karya ulama klasik. Beberapa literatur seperti kitab al-khulāṣah al-wafiyyah karya KH. Zubair Umar al-Jailany dan mukhtaṣar mahāżab karya Syekh Muhammad Yasin al-Fadani menyatakan bahwa waḍi’ ilmu falak adalah Nabi Idris as. Kitab sabāik al-żahāb fī ma’rifat al-qabāil al-‘arab karya al-Suwaidi menyebutkan bahwa Nabi Unusy adalah penemu ilmu falak, sedangkan Nabi Idris adalah penemu ilmu astrologi.


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    This article will discuss and analyze the implementation of the Samarinda Mayor Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning Additional Income Allowances for Civil Servants at the Regional Personnel, Education and Training Agency of Samarinda City. By using a qualitative approach, data collection through observation, documentation, and interviews, as well as a descriptive analysis model with coding techniques, the results of the research shows that the implementation of the additional income allowance policy still experiences several obstacles that reduce the optimization of policy implementation, such as communication errors that still occur between implementers and employees, limited resources that affect the quality of performance, the process of disposition and division of tasks that are still not optimal, and SOPs that have not been optimally implemented are related to too large a workload, so that the role and function of monitoring cannot be carried out.Keywords: implementation, allowances, additional incom