37 research outputs found

    El crecimiento urbano y la Ordenación del Territorio en Álava

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    Se realiza el análisis de los documentos de planeamiento: el Plan Territorial Parcial de Álava Central y el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Ambas figuras, a través de sus propuestas, influyen en el espacio que ordena la otra, sin embargo plantean modelos territorial es diferentes que traslucen una visión del territorio distinta.Lan honetan plangintzarako dokumentuen azterketa egiten da: Arabako Erdialdeko Lurraldeko Zati Plana eta Gasteizko Hiri Antolaketarako Plan Orokorra. Batak zein besteak, beren proposamenen bidez, eragina du besteak antolatzen duen espazioan, baina lurraldearen ikuspegi desberdina agertarazten duten bi lurralde eredu desberdin planteatzen dituzte.On réalise une analyse des documents de planification: le Plan Territorial Partiel d'Alava Central et le Plan Général d'Aménagement Urbain de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Les deux figures, à travers leurs propositions, ont une influence sur l'espace qui aménage l'autre, elles envisagent pourtant des modèles territoriaux différents qui laissent paraître une vision du territoire différente.The autor analyses the following planning documents: the Partial Territorial Plan for Central Alava and the General City Planning Plan for Vitoria-Gasteiz. Each of these documents, by means of its proposals, exerts an influence on the space regulated by the other. However, they propose different territorial models that denotea different vision of the territory

    El río Zadorra a su paso por la ciudad de Vitoria-Gasteiz: el anillo verde y el problema de las crecidas fluviales

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    A Preliminary Global Automatic Burned-Area Algorithm at Medium Resolution in Google Earth Engine

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    A preliminary version of a global automatic burned-area (BA) algorithm at medium spatial resolution was developed in Google Earth Engine (GEE), based on Landsat or Sentinel-2 reflectance images. The algorithm involves two main steps: initial burned candidates are identified by analyzing spectral changes around MODIS hotspots, and those candidates are then used to estimate the burn probability for each scene. The burning dates are identified by analyzing the temporal evolution of burn probabilities. The algorithm was processed, and its quality assessed globally using reference data from 2019 derived from Sentinel-2 data at 10 m, which involved 369 pairs of consecutive images in total located in 50 20 × 20 km2 areas selected by stratified random sampling. Commissions were around 10% with both satellites, although omissions ranged between 27 (Sentinel-2) and 35% (Landsat), depending on the selected resolution and dataset, with highest omissions being in croplands and forests; for their part, BA from Sentinel-2 data at 20 m were the most accurate and fastest to process. In addition, three 5 × 5 degree regions were randomly selected from the biomes where most fires occur, and BA were detected from Sentinel-2 images at 20 m. Comparison with global products at coarse resolution FireCCI51 and MCD64A1 would seem to show to a reliable extent that the algorithm is procuring spatially and temporally coherent results, improving detection of smaller fires as a consequence of higher-spatial-resolution data. The proposed automatic algorithm has shown the potential to map BA globally using medium-spatial-resolution data (Sentinel-2 and Landsat) from 2000 onwards, when MODIS satellites were launched.This research was funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through a doctoral fellowship (contract no. PIF17/96)

    Revisión crítica de indicadores hidrogeomorfológicos fluviales y análisis de aplicabilidad sobre el terreno

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    Los sistemas fluviales son complejos y dinámicos. Se mueven, lateral y/o verticalmente; cambian en el tiempo; se adaptan a las modificaciones, bien sean antrópicas o bien sean naturales; tienen funciones ecosistémicas diversas y múltiples; generan impactos beneficiosos en las llanuras de inundación; originan grandes cambios con sus crecidas; son fuente de vida para comunidades vegetales y animales; reparten los sedimentos por su cuenca. En definitiva, cada sistema fluvial es único.La necesidad de analizar los ríos y cursos fluviales ha de abordarse de algún modo, buscando la máxima claridad en los métodos de evaluación y estableciendo, en la medida de lo posible, protocolos o índices que permitan replicar dichas metodologías en diferentes ríos, de cara a validar los análisis.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el de determinar qué métodos de evaluación hidrogeomorfológica son los más completos y válidos para analizar los cursos fluviales, entendiendo un curso fluvial no solo como un río con un caudal permanente, sino la acepción más amplia en el que se pueden incluir barrancos, ramblas, regatas y otros cursos hídricos.En la tesis se presenta una revisión bibliográfica extensa y completa de los métodos de evaluación más interesantes y relevantes en los ríos a nivel internacional, para seleccionar los que se han aplicado y revisado en el campo, que son los siguientes:¿ IHG, índice hidrogeomorfológico (Ollero et al., 2011) e IHG-E, versión para ríos efímeros (Ballarín y Mora, 2018), aplicado en España y parte de Sudamérica principalmente.¿ RHS, River Habitat Survey (Raven et al., 1997), uno de los protocolos más utilizados a nivel internacional, centrado en cuestiones de hábitats y con un trabajo de campo muy detallado.¿ RHAT, River Hydromorphology Assessment Technique (Toland et al., 2014), como apoyo del RHS, pero más completo en evaluaciones a escala de tramo.¿ MQI, Morphological Quality Index (Rinaldi et al., 2012), desarrollado en Italia como uno de los protocolos que analizan las variables geomorfológicas de los ríos de forma más exhaustiva.¿ Protocolo de caracterización hidromorfológica de las masas de agua de la categoría ríos (MITECO, 2019), el protocolo oficial español más actual, desarrollado por el actual Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico.¿ IAR, Índice de alteración de ramblas (Suárez y Vidal-Abarca, 2008), como un método específico y adaptado a ramblas y barrancos efímeros.¿ Metodología de Lehotský y Grešková (2007), desarrollada para Eslovaquia en el marco de la Directiva 2000/60/CE.El trabajo realizado analiza la aplicabilidad real de varias metodologías de evaluación de la calidad hidrogeomorfológica de los cursos fluviales, realizando un análisis completo y aplicado en el campo en más de 300 kilómetros de red fluvial del cuadrante nororiental de la Península Ibérica, sobre la hipótesis de partida que pretende confirmar o no la existencia de métodos de análisis adecuados y aplicables sobre el terreno que sean capaces de evaluar los cursos fluviales desde el punto de vista hidrogeomorfológico en su conjunto.<br /

    A Preliminary Global Automatic Burned-Area Algorithm at Medium Resolution in Google Earth Engine

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    A preliminary version of a global automatic burned-area (BA) algorithm at medium spatial resolution was developed in Google Earth Engine (GEE), based on Landsat or Sentinel-2 reflectance images. The algorithm involves two main steps: initial burned candidates are identified by analyzing spectral changes around MODIS hotspots, and those candidates are then used to estimate the burn probability for each scene. The burning dates are identified by analyzing the temporal evolution of burn probabilities. The algorithm was processed, and its quality assessed globally using reference data from 2019 derived from Sentinel-2 data at 10 m, which involved 369 pairs of consecutive images in total located in 50 20 × 20 km2 areas selected by stratified random sampling. Commissions were around 10% with both satellites, although omissions ranged between 27 (Sentinel-2) and 35% (Landsat), depending on the selected resolution and dataset, with highest omissions being in croplands and forests; for their part, BA from Sentinel-2 data at 20 m were the most accurate and fastest to process. In addition, three 5 × 5 degree regions were randomly selected from the biomes where most fires occur, and BA were detected from Sentinel-2 images at 20 m. Comparison with global products at coarse resolution FireCCI51 and MCD64A1 would seem to show to a reliable extent that the algorithm is procuring spatially and temporally coherent results, improving detection of smaller fires as a consequence of higher-spatial-resolution data. The proposed automatic algorithm has shown the potential to map BA globally using medium-spatial-resolution data (Sentinel-2 and Landsat) from 2000 onwards, when MODIS satellites were launched.This research was funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) through a doctoral fellowship (contract no. PIF17/96)

    Updated Knowledge on Floods and Risk Management in the Middle Ebro River: the “Anthropocene” Context and River Resilience

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    The floods of 2015 and 2018 in the Middle Ebro River have led to a rethinking and updating of the forecasting and management systems. The improvements in the flow measurement systems applied in this type of extreme phenomena have led to questioning the values that were recorded in the past, officially changing the maximum flow rates of some historical floods. This has called for the need to update the knowledge/information of those recorded in the middle Ebro River, for example changing the return periods and making previous scientific studies obsolete. Updated data are applied, trying to re-characterize the floods of Ebro River since 1950, date in which the beginning of the "Anthropocene" is evident in the river management of the mainstream and its basin. At the same time, in the proposed risk management plans compliant with 2007/60/EC Directive, the structural measures are being replaced by more respectful and better adapted prevention systems for the river. The two processes interact and are essential for educating the population on risk, adopting preventive measures that are sustainable and consistent with the authentic ( corrected) characteristics of the river and its floods. Thus, scientific knowledge has been consolidated as a tool to display corrected data, or, the river's updated reality, and also to make the affected inhabitants aware of the need to follow new management protocols, focused on river resilience and social strategies.This study is integrated within project CGL2017-83866-C3-1-R, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain

    El territorio fluvial y sus dificultades de aplicación

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    The fluvial space shaped by the river with its own dynamics and where its processes take form, has been occupied for long time. So in most ofthe rivers an environmental worsening and the increase of the risk arises from the conflict between the natural dynamics and the human use of the system. The solution comes from the implementation of a Fluvial Territory, a space where theriver&rsquo;s dynamics could act, and change with it, so it can preserve or recover the hydromorphological dynamics, obtain a continuous riparian corridor that guarantees the ecological, bioclimatic and landscape function of the river system, fulfil the demands of the &ldquo;ecological (Directive 2000/60/CE) good status&rdquo;, reduce in a natural way the floods, resolve land use planning problems of flooding areas, and ameliorate and consolidate the fluvial landscape. The presentation will show some experiences of proposals in Cinca, Ebre, Gallego, Arga and Aragon rivers. That implementation has shown enormous difficulties: property problems, many land uses and interest of difficult compatibility, inherited situations, or the hardness of integrating this measure with the flow management and other environmental measures, which has led to the impossibility of the application of the Fluvial Territory in most of the cases. The Fluvial Territory concept is scientifically consolidated as a model of action and it is technically feasible. However, spanish political and administration are very reluctant and stillit is not valued as a way of resolving environmental and risk problems due to the difficulties of its application and management.El espacio fluvial que corresponde al r&iacute;o y que ha modelado con supropia din&aacute;mica ha sido aprovechado y ocupado por el hombre. As&iacute; en la mayorparte de los cursos fluviales existe una problem&aacute;tica que, marcada por eldeterioro ambiental y el incremento de los riesgos, deriva de la incompatibilidadentre la din&aacute;mica natural y la antropizaci&oacute;n del sistema. La soluci&oacute;n viene dadapor aplicar un territorio fluvial, un espacio que permita conservar o recuperar ladin&aacute;mica hidrogeomorfol&oacute;gica, obtener un corredor ribere&ntilde;o continuo quegarantice la funci&oacute;n ecol&oacute;gica, bioclim&aacute;tica y paisaj&iacute;stica del sistema fluvial,cumplir con el buen estado ecol&oacute;gico (Directiva 2000/60/CE), laminar de formanatural las avenidas, resolver problemas de ordenaci&oacute;n de &aacute;reas inundables,mejorar y consolidar el paisaje fluvial. Se presentan distintas propuestas deaplicaci&oacute;n del Territorio Fluvial en la cuenca del Ebro. Su aplicaci&oacute;n no ha sidoposible salvo en casos muy concretos, debido a importantes dificultades:conflictos de propiedad, multiplicidad de usos e intereses de complicadacompatibilizaci&oacute;n, situaciones heredadas, o la dificultad para integrar estamedida con la gesti&oacute;n de caudales y otras medidas ambientales. El TerritorioFluvial est&aacute; cient&iacute;ficamente consolidado como modelo de actuaci&oacute;nt&eacute;cnicamente viable. Sin embargo, en Espa&ntilde;a cuenta con reticencias en &aacute;mbitospol&iacute;ticos y administrativos y todav&iacute;a no se valora como medida de resoluci&oacute;n deproblemas ambientales y de riesgos por sus dificultades de aplicaci&oacute;n y gesti&oacute;n

    Las inundaciones en la vertiente cantábrica del País Vasco en los últimos veinte años : principales eventos, consecuencias territoriales y sistemas de prevención

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    En la vertiente cantábrica del País Vasco se registra un alto grado de riesgo por crecidas fluviales e inundaciones, debido tanto a una elevada peligrosidad natural como a una extremada vulnerabilidad. Se analizan los factores de este riesgo, los principales eventos de las dos últimas décadas, con especial atención a los de agosto de 1983, y los sistemas de prevención desarrollados por la administración vasca. Se valora también el escaso papel de los geógrafos en el análisis de estos procesos y en la ordenación de las zonas inundables.High hazard of fluvial floods is registered in atlantic slope of the Basque Country. It's result as a elevated natural dangerously as a extreme vulnerability. Factors of this hazard, the principal events of the two last decade, with spedal atention to the august of 1983, and the prevention systems developed for the basque administration are analised. Also, the small paper of geographers in the analysis of these processes and the management of the floody areas is evaluated

    Cambios geomorfológicos y evolución de una barra de arena en la desembocadura del río Lea, Lekeitio-Mendexa (Bizkaia)

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    Se presenta el seguimiento anual de los cambios morfológicos de una barra de arena en la playa de Karraspio (Mendexa, Bizkaia) formada como consecuencia de la rotura del dique construido en el siglo XIX para proteger el puerto de Lekeitio de los continuos aportes sedimentarios transportados por el río Lea. El intenso oleaje y los temporales rompieron el malecón de Lazunarri, permitiendo al río retomar su antigua desembocadura. Mediante el empleo en 2011 de un láser escáner terrestre (TLS) se han analizado desde entonces los cambios morfológicos experimentados por la barra de arena durante los últimos años. El seguimiento se realizó durante cuatro campañas entre octubre de 2012 y octubre de 2014; durante la primavera y verano de 2015 los trabajos de restauración de este malecón implicaron el retorno a las condiciones previas a la rotura.The monitoring of the morphological changes of a sand bar in the beach Karraspio (Lekeitio, Biscay) is presented. The annual coastal dynamics and the sand deposition were affected by several coastal storms given in 2011 that broke the Lazunarri dike in several parts. The dike were constructed in the 19th century to protect the sea port from the Lea River's sediment deposition and modified the estuary forcing the river to flow into the eastern side of the San Nicolas island. A Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) was used to register the morphological response of a sand bar to the changes in the river mouth and coastal dynamics. The monitoring was conducted in four fieldwork campaigns in October 2012, June 2013, October 2013 and October 2014. The preliminary results showed the migration sand-bar axis to the east and the erosion of the area close to the dike

    Cambios geomorfológicos y evolución de una barra de arena en la desembocadura del río Lea, Lekeitio-Mendexa (Bizkaia)

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    Se presenta el seguimiento anual de los cambios morfológicos de una barra de arena en la playa de Karraspio (Mendexa, Bizkaia) formada como consecuencia de la rotura del dique construido en el siglo XIX para proteger el puerto de Lekeitio de los continuos aportes sedimentarios transportados por el río Lea. El intenso oleaje y los temporales rompieron el malecón de Lazunarri, permitiendo al río retomar su antigua desembocadura. Mediante el empleo en 2011 de un láser escáner terrestre (TLS) se han analizado desde entonces los cambios morfológicos experimentados por la barra de arena durante los últimos años. El seguimiento se realizó durante cuatro campañas entre octubre de 2012 y octubre de 2014; durante la primavera y verano de 2015 los trabajos de restauración de este malecón implicaron el retorno a las condiciones previas a la rotura.The monitoring of the morphological changes of a sand bar in the beach Karraspio (Lekeitio, Biscay) is presented. The annual coastal dynamics and the sand deposition were affected by several coastal storms given in 2011 that broke the Lazunarri dike in several parts. The dike were constructed in the 19th century to protect the sea port from the Lea River's sediment deposition and modified the estuary forcing the river to flow into the eastern side of the San Nicolas island. A Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) was used to register the morphological response of a sand bar to the changes in the river mouth and coastal dynamics. The monitoring was conducted in four fieldwork campaigns in October 2012, June 2013, October 2013 and October 2014. The preliminary results showed the migration sand-bar axis to the east and the erosion of the area close to the dike