316 research outputs found

    L´information climatico-météorologique aur touriste. Exploration du cas espagnol

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    La relevancia que el tiempo y el clima desempeñan en la planificación de los destinos y en la experiencia de viaje, nos advierte de la importancia que adquiere la información climático-meteorológica para el normal desarrollo de la actividad. Proporcionar información adaptada a los distintos usuarios y necesidades, con diferente resolución temporal y espacial, puede ser un elemento clave para el éxito y la sostenibilidad de los destinos turísticos. Este artículo explora, para el caso español, las características y deficiencias existentes en la información climático-meteorológica proporcionada a los turistas. Para ello se analizan los portales de los principales servicios públicos y privados de información climáticometeorológica y los portales promocionales de los destinos españoles a nivel estatal y autonómico. Los resultados indican que la información climático-meteorológica proporcionada a los turistas aunque aprueba los requisitos de disponibilidad, fiabilidad y credibilidad marcados por la OMM, no supera al completo los relativos al criterio de utilidad, por las carencias en la adaptación a las necesidades del turista consumidor.The importance of the weather and climate for the planning of tourist destinations and the overall travel experience highlights the significance of climate and meteorological information for the trouble-free development of these activities. Providing information at different temporal and spatial resolutions that satisfies different users and their varying needs can be essential to ensure the success and sustainability of tourist destinations. This article examines the characteristics and shortcomings of the climate and meteorological information provided to tourists in the Spanish case. In doing so, we analyse the portals of the main public and private climate and meteorological information services and the portals promoting Spain’s tourist destinations at both the national and regional levels. The results indicate that the climate and meteorological information provided to tourists, while fulfilling the requirements of availability, reliability and credibility established by the WMO, fail to fully satisfy utility requirements as it does not always adapt to the needs of the tourist consumer.L’importance du temps et du climat dans la planification des destinations et de l’expérience du voyage nous avise de l’importance qu’acquiert l’information climatico-météorologique pour le développement normal de cette activité. Fournir l’information adaptée aux divers usagers et nécessités, avec différentes résolutions temporelles et spatiales, peut être un élément clé pour le succès et la durabilité des destinations touristiques. Cet article explore, pour le cas espagnol, les caractéristiques ainsi que les déficiences existant dans l’information climatico-météorologique fournie aux touristes. Pour ce faire, il analyse les portails des principaux services publics et privés d’information climatico-météorologique ainsi que les portails promotionnels des destinations espagnoles aux niveaux du pays et des communautés autonomes. Les résultats indiquent que l’information climatico-météorologique fournie aux touristes, bien qu’elle réponde aux conditions de disponibilité, de fiabilité et de crédibilité marqués par l’Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM), ne dépassent pas l’ensemble de celles relatives au critère d’utilité, à cause des carences en termes d’adaptation aux besoins du touriste consommateur

    Statistical thermodynamics in reversible clustering of gold nanoparticles. A first step towards nanocluster heat engines

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    A statistical thermodynamics variational criterion is propounded to study thermal hysteresis in reversible clustering of gold (Au) nanoparticles. Experimentally, a transient equilibrium mapping analysis is employed to characterize it thermodynamically, further measurements being performed at the nanostructural and electrochemical levels (UV-Vis-NIR spectra, SLS/SAXS, zeta potential). Theoretically, it is successfully interpreted as a thermodynamic cycle, prompting that nanoclusters has potential to produce useful work from heat and paving the way to nanoclustering heat engines. By taking into account the virial expansion of hysteretic pressure, an entropy measure is deduced for a dilute system with given virial coefficients. This allows us to figure out the role of relevant interparticle potential parameters (i.e. surface potential, nanoparticle size, Debye's length, Hamaker energy) in both isothermal and isochoric variations at the onset of hysteresis. Application to spherical Au nanoparticles in watery salt solution (NaCl) is developed when an ad-hoc (DLVO) pairwise potential governs the second virial coefficient at the nanoscale. In particular, the variational criterion predicts a pressure drop between heating and cooling paths which is likely at the base of some energy redistribution (e.g. ordering/restructuring of electric double layers). We found an integrating factor that is able to numerically predict the existence of a critical value for the initial salt concentration maximizing the hysteretic area, and the effect of nanoparticle size on the cycle extent.A.A. and A.I acknowledge the Grant PID2021-123438NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, as well as financial support of Eusko Jaurlaritza, code: IT-1566-22 and from the IKUR Strategy. A. I. thanks MICINN for a Personal Técnico de Apoyo contract (PTA2017-14359-I). Correspondence of one of the authors (S.A.M.) with Dezső Boda (IASK/UP - Hungary) is kindly acknowledged. This work was supported by grant PID2019-111772RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033

    Geohazards in the Fjords of Northern Patagonia, Chile

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    A geomorphological analysis of the Comau Fjord was carried out to identify geohazards that are a product of current landform dynamics and processes. The geological setting of the area includes fractured metamorphic and volcanic rocks forming steep hillslopes in an active tectonic context due to the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone (LOFZ). Geomorphological and hazard mapping was performed using aerial photographs, GIS geoprocessing and fieldwork in January and May 2016 and February 2017. The susceptibility of landsliding was statistically assessed and validated with the inventory of landslides completed during fieldwork. The triggering of geohazards such as landslides and fluvial floods in the study area is associated with high annual precipitation (>5000 mm annually) with a concentration of rainfall that has increased in the last 50 years. Geohazard mapping demonstrated the potential for rock and earth falls, debris flows and river floods, as well as the potential impact of these geohazards on the area’s intensive aquaculture industry and a main national highway projected for the eastern flank of the fjord. In a geographical scenario of environmental and territorial change, the present and future human occupation of Comau Fjord’s coast constitutes potential hazard and risk conditions for aquaculture infrastructure and highway users

    Biosensors to diagnose Chagas disease: A review

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    International audienceChagas disease (CD), which mostly affects underprivileged people, has turned into one 9 of Latin America's main public health problems. Prevention of the disease requires early diagnosis, 10 initiation of therapy, and regular blood monitoring of the infected individual. However, the majority 11 of the infections go undiagnosed because of general mild symptoms and lack of access to medical 12 care. Therefore, more affordable and accessible detection technologies capable of providing early 13 diagnosis and parasite load measurements in settings where CD is prevalent are needed to enable 14 enhanced intervention strategies. This review discusses currently available detection technologies 15 and emerging biosensing technologies for a future application to CD. Even if biosensing 16 technologies still require further research efforts to develop portable systems, we arrive to the 17 conclusion that biosensors could improve diagnosis and the patients' treatment follow-up, in terms 18 of rapidity, small sample volume, high integration, ease of use, real-time and low cost detection 19 compared to current conventional technologies. 2

    Transcriptomics and molecular evolutionary rate analysis of the bladderwort (Utricularia), a carnivorous plant with a minimal genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The carnivorous plant <it>Utricularia gibba </it>(bladderwort) is remarkable in having a minute genome, which at ca. 80 megabases is approximately half that of <it>Arabidopsis</it>. Bladderworts show an incredible diversity of forms surrounding a defined theme: tiny, bladder-like suction traps on terrestrial, epiphytic, or aquatic plants with a diversity of unusual vegetative forms. <it>Utricularia </it>plants, which are rootless, are also anomalous in physiological features (respiration and carbon distribution), and highly enhanced molecular evolutionary rates in chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal sequences. Despite great interest in the genus, no genomic resources exist for <it>Utricularia</it>, and the substitution rate increase has received limited study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe the sequencing and analysis of the <it>Utricularia gibba </it>transcriptome. Three different organs were surveyed, the traps, the vegetative shoot bodies, and the inflorescence stems. We also examined the bladderwort transcriptome under diverse stress conditions. We detail aspects of functional classification, tissue similarity, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism, respiration, DNA repair, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Long contigs of plastid and mitochondrial genomes, as well as sequences for 100 individual nuclear genes, were compared with those of other plants to better establish information on molecular evolutionary rates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>Utricularia </it>transcriptome provides a detailed genomic window into processes occurring in a carnivorous plant. It contains a deep representation of the complex metabolic pathways that characterize a putative minimal plant genome, permitting its use as a source of genomic information to explore the structural, functional, and evolutionary diversity of the genus. Vegetative shoots and traps are the most similar organs by functional classification of their transcriptome, the traps expressing hydrolytic enzymes for prey digestion that were previously thought to be encoded by bacteria. Supporting physiological data, global gene expression analysis shows that traps significantly over-express genes involved in respiration and that phosphate uptake might occur mainly in traps, whereas nitrogen uptake could in part take place in vegetative parts. Expression of DNA repair and ROS detoxification enzymes may be indicative of a response to increased respiration. Finally, evidence from the bladderwort transcriptome, direct measurement of ROS <it>in situ</it>, and cross-species comparisons of organellar genomes and multiple nuclear genes supports the hypothesis that increased nucleotide substitution rates throughout the plant may be due to the mutagenic action of amplified ROS production.</p

    Characterization of the different behaviours exhibited by juvenile flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) under rearing conditions

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    Aim of study: To describe the common behaviour of flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) under rearing conditions. Area of study: Tepic, Mexico. Material and methods: Behaviours exhibited by mullets were videorecorded with submersible cameras installed inside of three tanks. A total of 690 min per day (07:30 - 18:30 h) were recorded per tank during a week. Afterwards, the different behaviours exhibited by juvenile M. cephalus were described, identified and characterized in an ethogram and grouped into two categories: a) locomotion, including three different observed behaviours (resting, swimming and fast swimming) and b) feeding, including three behaviours (surface feeding, bottom feeding and rubbing). Each of the behavioural variables were quantified. Main results: M. cephalus is a species with a constant locomotion associated to feeding, since fish showed continuous movement during most of day light period. On the contrary, fish exhibited reduced movement during dark periods. Mullets were observed to be a non-aggressive fish species under conditions of the present study, since the absence of dominance and aggression towards conspecifics was observed, which suggested a high predisposition for adaptation to captivity. Finally, behavioural frequencies of grey mullet juveniles were similar among the three tanks for most of the behavioural variables analysed (p>0.05) except for the variable bottom feeding (p=0.02). Research highlights: Results from this study could be of interest for the aquaculture industry to optimize rearing techniques and welfare for the production of grey mullet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The radical systems may concentratepolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, becausethese compounds are highly lipophilic andhydrophobic, and with it, it can take placethe first step involved in a removal processassisted by plants. These contaminantsonce immobilized on roots can change theirstructures to simple compounds as animportant mechanism for their detoxification. This study evaluated the fenoloxidasesactivity of the radical system of a swampspecies Cyperus elegans, from in toto andin vitro root cultures exposed tophenanthrene, a polycyclic aromatichydrocarbon highly toxic for environment,for the physiological analysis of theseradical systems as a useful tools for theremoval and transformation of organiccontaminants. Although the remotion ofphenanthrene by the radical systems of C.elegans was 32%, an increase of the activityof the radical enzymes was induced by thepresence of this contaminant and itsuggests that these radical systems wouldbe possible sources of phenoloxidases andmight participate directly on the transformation oforganic compounds, particularlywithpolycyclic aromatics.Los sistemas radicales de las plantas pueden facilitar la biodegradación de los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP’S).Éstos pueden ser bioconcentrados en las raí-ces ya que tienden a ser lipofílicos ehidrofóbicos, y con ello éste puede ser elprimer paso en un proceso de remoción conel empleo de plantas. Estos contaminantesuna vez inmovilizados en las raíces puedensufrir cambios estructurales a compuestosmenos complejos o hasta derivados más simples, como un mecanismo importante parasu detoxificación. El presente estudio consideró la evaluación de la actividad enzimáticade fenoloxidasas de una especie de pantanoCyperus elegans de los sistemas radicalesde plantas in toto y de cultivo de raíces (invitro) expuestos a fenantreno, un hidrocarburo aromático policíclico consideradocomo uno de los HAP’s más tóxicos en elambiente, con la finalidad de analizarfisiológicamente estos sistemas radicalescomo posibles herramientas útiles en la remoción y transformación de contaminantesorgánicos. No obstante que la remoción defenantreno por el sistema radical de C.elegans fue de 32%, se presentó un incremento en la actividad de enzimas radicalesinducido por la presencia de éste; las quepudieran estar relacionadas con la separación de un compuesto que pudiera ser producto de la transformación del fenantreno,lo que sugiere que estos sistemas radicalesconstituyan una fuente de fenoloxidasasque participen directamente en la transformación de compuestos orgánicos, en particular con aromáticos policíclicos

    Non-conservation of folding rates in the thioredoxin family reveals degradation of ancestral unassisted-folding

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    Evolution involves not only adaptation, but also the degradation of superfluous features. Many examples of degradation at the morphological level are known (vestigial organs, for instance). However, the impact of degradation on molecular evolution has been rarely addressed. Thioredoxins serve as general oxidoreductases in all cells. Here, we report extensive mutational analyses on the folding of modern and resurrected ancestral bacterial thioredoxins. Contrary to claims from recent literature, in vitro folding rates in the thioredoxin family are not evolutionarily conserved, but span at least a ∼100-fold range. Furthermore, modern thioredoxin folding is often substantially slower than ancestral thioredoxin folding. Unassisted folding, as probed in vitro, thus emerges as an ancestral vestigial feature that underwent degradation, plausibly upon the evolutionary emergence of efficient cellular folding assistance. More generally, our results provide evidence that degradation of ancestral features shapes, not only morphological evolution, but also the evolution of individual proteins.This research was supported by FEDER Funds, grant BIO2015-66426-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ( J.M.S.-R.), grant RGP0041/2017 from the Human Frontier Science Program ( J.M.S.-R. and E.A.G.) and National Institutes of Health 1R01AR069137 (E.A.G.), Department of Defence MURI W911NF-16-1-0372 (E.A.G.)