98 research outputs found

    Influence of Body Composition on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-Aged Adults: Healthy UAL Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background and objectives: Several anthropometric and body composition parameters have been linked to arterial stiffness (AS) as a biomarker of cardiovascular disease. However, little is known about which of these closely related factors is more strongly associated with AS. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship of different anthropometric and body composition parameters with AS in middle-aged adults. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 186 middle-aged participants (85 women, 101 men; age = 42.8 ± 12.6 years) evaluated as part of the Healthy UAL study, a population study conducted at the University of Almería with the main purpose of analyzing the etiology and risk factors associated with cardio-metabolic diseases. Anthropometric measures included neck, waist, and hip circumferences, as well as the waist-to-height ratio (WHtr). Bioimpedance-derived parameters included fat-free mass index (FFMI), fat mass index (FMI), and percent of body fat (%BF). AS was measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV). The relationships of interest were examined through stepwise regression analyses in which age and sex were also introduced as potential confounders. Results: Neck circumference (in the anthropometric model; R2: 0.889; β: age = 0.855, neck = 0.204) and FFMI (in the bio-impedance model; R2: 0.891; β: age = 0.906, FFMI = 0.199) emerged as significant cross-sectional predictors of AS. When all parameters were included together (both anthropometry and bio-impedance), both neck circumference and FFMI appeared again as being significantly associated with AS (R2: 0.894; β: age = 0.882, FFMI = 0.126, neck = 0.093). Conclusion: It was concluded that FFMI and neck circumference are correlated with AS regardless of potential confounders and other anthropometric and bioimpedance-derived parameters in middle-aged adults

    State of the art of family quality of life in early care and disability: A systematic review

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    Abstract: Background: In recent years, there has been a growing international interest in family quality of life The objective of this systematic review is to understand and analyze the conceptualization of the quality of life of families with children with disabilities between 0 and 6 years of age, the instruments for their measurement and the most relevant research results. Method: A bibliographic search was conducted in the Web of Science, Scopus and Eric databases of studies published in English and Spanish from 2000 to July 2019 focused on ?family quality of life? or ?quality of family life? in the disability field. A total of 63 studies were selected from a total of 1119 and analyzed for their theoretical and applied contributions to the field of early care. Results: The functional conceptualization of family quality of life predominates in this area, and a nascent and enriching holistic conceptualization is appreciated. There are three instruments that measure family quality of life in early care, although none of them is based on unified theory of FQoL; none of them focus exclusively on the age range 0?6 nor do they cover all disabilities. Conclusions: The need to deepen the dynamic interaction of family relationships and to understand the ethical requirement that the methods used to approach family quality of life respect the holistic nature of the research is noted

    Adaptation of "Index for Inclusion" to the field of higher education: preliminary study

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    Resumen: Objeto: Presentar un estudio preliminar para la adaptación del Index for Inclusion al ámbito universitario. Esta herramienta permitiría evaluar culturas, políticas y prácticas en la Educación Superior e implementar medidas de desarrollo inclusivo para cada una de estas tres dimensiones, lo que impulsaría el paso de la innovación a la transformación educativa. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: El diseño descriptivo de las primeras fases del estudio ofrece un panorama del estado actual de la cuestión. Posteriormente, se revisan los indicadores del cuestionario original resultando en un conjunto de 48 ítems adaptados al nuevo contexto. La validación de contenido se ha obtenido a través del análisis de acuerdo entre juezas y jueces expertos. Aportaciones y resultados: Se concluye con una versión revisada del cuestionario, incluyendo aportaciones cualitativas recogidas durante el análisis del juicio experto y conclusiones teóricas actualizadas a partir de la interpretación del conjunto de datos obtenidos. Limitaciones: Son escasas las publicaciones en nuestro país abordando la educación inclusiva en contextos universitarios y se detecta aún una visión generalizada de las universidades como organizaciones poco flexibles. Esto dificultaría el desarrollo de actuaciones alternativas a la hora de enfocar la Educación Superior en España.Abstract: Purpose: Our research focuses on a preliminary study on the adaptation of the Index for Inclusion to the university context. This tool would allow evaluating cultures, policies and practices of educational institutions, as well as to implement inclusive development actions in each of these areas, going from innovation to educational transformation. Design/methodology: The descriptive design of the first phase of the study provides an overview of the scene in this area. Then, using the indicators from the original survey of the Index, it selects 48 items adapted to the Higher Education context. The analysis of agreement among expert judges proved the content validity of those items. Findings: The paper concludes with a revised version of the questionnaire, which includes the qualitative inputs gathered during the analysis of the expert judgment, and it updates the theoretical conclusions from the interpretation of the collected data. Research limitations/implications: There is not much published on this topic in Spain, and the overview of the university is still detected as inflexible organization. This attitude could hamper the development of alternatives to shape a new¡ understanding of Higher Education in Spain

    Changes in physical fitness, dietary habits and family habits for spanish children during sars‐cov‐2 lockdown

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    Background: habits related to diet and physical activity in children were modified due to the lockdown that Spain had between March and June 2019 because of the health crisis caused by the appearance of SARS-CoV-2. The aim of the study was to know the impact that the lockdown had on physical fitness values in children aged 11-12. Methods: the study consisted of 50 Spanish children aged 11-12 (M = 11.40; SD = 0.50), 33 (66%) boys and 17 (34%) girls. Data collection was performed using the Alpha-Fitness Battery, a validated instrument to assess dietary intake, habits and practices, and an ad hoc survey to collect sociodemographic data and other information relevant to the study. Results: there were significant differences (p 0.05). Conclusions: there is evidence of a significant impact of SARS-CoV-2 lockdown on physical fitness values in boys and girls aged 11-12

    University Mentoring Programmes for Gifted High School Students: Satisfaction of Workshops

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    Abstract: This paper analyses the degree of participant (mentees, mentors, and technical-research team) satisfaction with two university mentoring programmes for pre-university students with high intellectual capacities in Spain. Three versions of a Likert-type scale questionnaire were applied (mentees, mentors, and technical research team), resulting in a total sample of 43 questionnaires from mentors, 314 from mentees, and 43 from the technical-research team in 43 workshops o ered by the GuíaMe-AC-UMA Programme; and 27 questionnaires from mentors, 203 from mentees, and 27 from the technical-research team in the 27 workshops o ered by the Amentúrate Programme. The results indicate a high level of satisfaction with the development of the workshops o ered by both programmes, on the part of all participants. No significant di erences were found in terms of thematic area or gender, although there were di erences in age. The participation of the three agents involved in this training o er was very successful, and our results supported the findings of previous investigations. More work is required on the transfer and maintenance of the impact that this type of programme can have on young pre-university students with high abilities

    ¿Qué sabemos de la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes con altas capacidades?

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    There are few studies researching the Emotional Intelligence of gifted students and their results are contradictory. Some researchers consider that gifted students are vulnerable and, according to some reports, are more involved in bullying situations as victims and/or bullies (Casino-Garcia et al., 2019). The different vulnerability models show the importance of identifying not only the risk factors, but also the protective factors that allow the design of more effective preventive interventions (Ezpeleta, 2005). From this perspective, this paper presents the results of the administration of the TMSS-24 Emotional Intelligence questionnaire in a population of gifted students. It should be noted that these results are part of a broader research where we assess the quality of life and perceived social support of gifted students (between 12 and 17 years old) who participate in Amentúrate, a mentoring program carried out at the University of Cantabria. Thus, the data and reflections showed must be understood as partial and exploratory initiatives to understand gifted students in the Cantabrian region. The results revealed that pour participants have, in general, a good Emotional Intelligence. In relation to gender differences, no significant differences were found, but it stands out that the girls obtained higher scores than the boys in terms of the clarity of their feelings and the ability to repair them. Finally, the results are discussed, theoretical and practical contributions to the literature are proposed, and implications for parents and teachers are suggested.Los estudios que investigan Inteligencia Emocional en alumnos con altas capacidades son escasos y presentan resultados contradictorios. Algunas investigaciones consideran que los estudiantes con altas capacidades son grupos vulnerables y, según algunos informes, están más involucrados en situaciones de acoso como víctimas y/o acosadores (Casino-Garcia et al., 2019). Los diferentes modelos de vulnerabilidad muestran la importancia de identificar no sólo los factores de riesgo, sino también los factores de protección que permiten diseñar intervenciones preventivas más eficaces (Ezpeleta, 2005). Dentro de esta perspectiva, este trabajo presenta los resultados de la aplicación del cuestionario de Inteligencia Emocional TMSS-24 en una población de estudiantes con altas capacidades. Cabe señalar que estos resultados forman parte de una investigación más amplia que investiga la calidad de vida y el apoyo social percibido de jóvenes (de entre 12 y 17 años) con altas capacidades que participan en Amentúrate, un programa de mentorías realizado en la Universidad de Cantabria. En este sentido, los datos y reflexiones aquí publicados deben entenderse como parciales y son iniciativas exploratorias para comprender el universo de este alumnado en la región Cántabra. Los resultados mostraron que los participantes presentaban, en general, una buena Inteligencia Emocional. En relación con las diferencias de género, no se encontraron diferencias significativas, pero destaca que las chicas obtuvieron mejores puntuaciones que los chicos en cuanto a la claridad de sus sentimientos y a la capacidad de reparación sobre los mismos. Para terminar, se discuten los resultados, se proponen aportes teóricos y prácticos a la literatura y se sugieren implicaciones para padres y docentes.

    Support for adolescents with high abilities from the University of Cantabria: Experience of the Amentúrate program (III edition)

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    Amentúrate es una iniciativa desarrollada por la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Cantabria con el apoyo de la Consejería de Educación y la Asociación Cántabra de Apoyo a las Altas Capacidades (ACAACI). El eje central de su actividad gira en torno a procesos de mentoría entre profesorado e investigadores de la UC y alumnado con altas capacidades preuniversitario. La finalidad de este programa es que toda la comunidad educativa, las familias y alumnos preuniversitarios con altas capacidades puedan participar en actividades científicas que se realizan en la Universidad y que promueven su enriquecimiento cognitivo, socioafectivo y creativo, y que incentivan sus vocaciones científicas, humanísticas, tecnológicas o artísticas por medio de la experimentación. Al mismo tiempo es un programa que sensibiliza en la comprensión actual de las altas capacidades y evalúa los impactos personales que las mentorías, como actuación educativa de éxito, tiene para este alumnado. Finalizada la III edición del programa este año 2021 podemos decir que la experiencia, incluso en su modalidad virtual por situación de pandemia, ha sido satisfactoria. Concretamente, destacamos los siguientes aspectos positivos: (1) se ha ayudado a cubrir necesidades de partida a nivel individual y familiar; (2) se ha divulgado el proyecto a la comunidad con su alta participación en actividades promovidas por la UCC+i; y (3) se ha apoyado la igualdad de género en el mundo científico, promoviendo la paridad de género entre mentores y mentoras participantes, así como en el acceso de los jóvenes al programa.Amentúrate is an initiative developed by the Faculty of Education of the University of Cantabria with the support of the Regional Ministry of Education and the Cantabrian Association for the Support of High Abilities (ACAACI). The central axis of its activity revolves around mentoring processes between teachers and researchers of the University of Cantabria and students with high pre-university abilities. The purpose of this program is that the entire educational community, families and pre-university students with high abilities can participate in scientific activities carried out at the University that promote their cognitive, socio-affective and creative enrichment, and that encourage their scientific, humanistic, technological or artistic vocations through experimentation. At the same time, it is a program that raises awareness of the current understanding of high abilities and evaluates the personal impact that mentoring, as a successful educational action, has for these students. At the end of the III edition of the program this year 2021, we can say that the experience, even in its virtual modality due to the pandemic situation, has been satisfactory. Specifically, we highlight the following positive aspects: (1) it has helped to cover initial needs at the individual and family level; (2) the project has been disseminated to the community with its high participation in activities promoted by the UCC+i; and (3) it has supported gender equality in the scientific world, promoting gender parity among participating mentors, as well as in the access of young people to the program

    University mentoring program in Spain: an experience report with gifted students

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    RESUMO: Trata-se de um relato de experiência vinculada à experiência profissional e acadêmica no Amentúrate Programa de Mentorias Universitárias. Programa do departamento de Educação da Universidade da Cantábria - UC ? Santander ? Espanha, que oferece a estudantes dos anos finais do ensino fundamental ou ensino médio com altas habilidades ou superdotação ? AH/SD, uma experiência de mentoria universitária. A mentoria é entendida como uma relação didática, relativamente estável ao longo do tempo, entre um mentor experiente (professor) e um mentee (pupilo,estudante AH/SD) menos experiente. O programa está no seu quarto ano de funcionamento e já atendeu mais de 90 estudantes da região. Destacamos a importância do Relato de Experiência ? RE, como mais uma possibilidade de criação de narrativa científica, especialmente no campo das pesquisas capazes de englobar processos e produções subjetivas, como é o caso da psicologia. Nesse sentido, e considerando que essa experiência compõe uma trajetória acadêmica de uma doutoranda, foi possível identificar a repetição de um discurso científico sobre a educação de superdotados, no que se refere a quatro questões: a) dificuldade em nomear e conceituar o fenômeno; b) maior participação masculina no programa; c) pouca ou nenhuma participação de estrangeiros como latinos ou africanos no programa e (d) estratégias educativas mais desafiadoras, complexas e que promovam a autonomia dos estudantes. Essas questões nos colocam frente a barreiras sociais e ideológicas, como o sexismo, o racismo e o classicismo que interferem no bem-estar e na qualidade de vida da pessoa superdotada. A invisibilidade de mulheres com AH/SD em programas de desenvolvimento de talentos nos provoca a questionar: por onde andam essas mulheres?ABSTRACT: This is an experience report linked to professional and academic experience in the Amentúrate University Mentorship Program. Program of the Department of Education at the University of Cantabria - UC ? Santander ? Spain, which offers gifted students in the final years of elementary school or high school a mentoring experience at the university. Mentoring is understood as a didactic relationship, relatively stable over time, between an experienced mentor (teacher) and a less experienced mentee (gifted student). The program is in its fourth year of operation and has already served more than 90 students in the region. We highlight the importance of the Experience Report, as one more possibility of creating a scientific narrative, especially in the field of research capable of encompassing subjective processes and productions, as is the case of psychology. In this sense, and considering that, this experience makes up the academic trajectory of a doctoral student, it was possible to identify the repetition of a scientific discourse on gifted education, with regard to four issues: a) difficulty in naming and conceptualizing the phenomenon; b) greater male participation in the program; c) little or no participation of foreigners such as Latinos or Africans in the program and (d) more challenging, complex educational strategies that promote student autonomy. These issues place us in the face of social and ideological barriers, such as sexism, racism and classicism that interfere with the well-being and quality of life of gifted people. The invisibility of gifted women in talent development programs makes us a question: where are these women

    Mentoria universitária na Espanha: um relato de experiencia com alunos de altas habilidades ou superdotação

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    Trata-se de um relato de experiência vinculada à experiência profissional e acadêmica no Amentúrate Programa de Mentorias Universitárias. Programa do departamento de Educação da Universidade da Cantábria - UC – Santander – Espanha, que oferece a estudantes dos anos finais do ensino fundamental ou ensino médio com altas habilidades ou superdotação – AH/SD, uma experiência de mentoria  universitária. A mentoria é entendida como uma relação didática, relativamente estável ao longo do tempo, entre um mentor experiente (professor) e um mentee (pupilo,estudante AH/SD) menos experiente. O programa está no seu quarto ano de funcionamento e já atendeu mais de 90 estudantes da região. Destacamos a importância do Relato de Experiência – RE, como mais uma possibilidade de criação de narrativa científica, especialmente no campo das pesquisas capazes de englobar processos e produções subjetivas, como é o caso da psicologia. Nesse sentido, e considerando que essa experiência compõe uma trajetória acadêmica de uma doutoranda, foi possível identificar a repetição de um discurso científico sobre a educação de superdotados, no que se refere a quatro questões: a) dificuldade em nomear e conceituar o fenômeno; b) maior participação masculina no programa; c) pouca ou nenhuma participação de estrangeiros como latinos ou africanos no programa e (d) estratégias educativas mais desafiadoras, complexas e que promovam a autonomia dos estudantes. Essas questões nos colocam frente a barreiras sociais e ideológicas, como o sexismo, o racismo e o classicismo que interferem no bem estar e na qualidade de vida da pessoa superdotada. A invisibilidade de mulheres com AH/SD em programas de desenvolvimento de talentos nos provoca a questionar: por onde andam essas mulheres

    Advances in the control of phytopathogenic fungi that infect crops through their root system

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    [EN] Productivity and economic sustainability of many herbaceous and woody crops are seriously threatened by numerous phytopathogenic fungi. While symptoms associated with phytopathogenic fungal infections of aerial parts (leaves, stems and fruits) are easily observable and therefore recognizable, allowing rapid or preventive action to control this type of infection, the effects produced by soil-borne fungi that infect plants through their root system are more difficult to detect. The fact that these fungi initiate infection and damage underground implies that the first symptoms are not as easily noticeable, and therefore both crop yield and plant survival are frequently severely compromised by the time the infection is found. In this paper we will review and discuss recent insights into plant-microbiota interactions in the root system crucial to understanding the beginning of the infectious process. We will also review different methods for diminishing and controlling the infection rate by phytopathogenic fungi penetrating through the root system including both the traditional use of biocontrol agents such as antifungal compounds as well as some new strategies that could be used because of their effective application, such as nanoparticles, virus-based nanopesticides, or inoculation of plant material with selected endophytes. We will also review the possibility of modeling and influencing the composition of the microbial population in the rhizosphere environment as a strategy for nudging the plant-microbiome interactions toward enhanced beneficial outcomes for the plant, such as controlling the infectious processSIS.G.-G. was supported by a FPU fellowship (Grant number FPU15/03475) from the Ministerio de Educacio´n, Cultura y Deporte (Madrid, Spain). A.M.I. and A.D.G. were supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Junta de Castilla y Leo´n. C.C.-P. was supported by a technician contract co-financed by the Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (Junta de Castilla y León) and the European Social Fun