70 research outputs found

    Beyond the museum. New scenarios for the exhibition

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    [EN] Exhibition's stage has become a changing exercise over time, linked to a way of thinking historically the work. There are new museographic responses born of the participation of artists, architects and designers, and the role of the curator who, at times, transforms his role as theoretician in artist. Following this evolutionary dynamic, the exhibition has thus forged an almost independent identity of the museum itself. The meaning of the work in the place develops a new grammar that turns the exhibition into a work of art and also opens a debate around its current role[ES] El escenario de la exposición se ha convertido en un ejercicio cambiante a lo largo del tiempo, vinculado a una manera de pensar históricamente la obra. Existen nuevas respuestas museográficas nacidas de la participación de artistas, arquitectos y diseñadores, y al papel del comisario que, en ocasiones, transforma su cometido de teórico en artista. Siguiendo esta dinámica evolutiva, la exposición ha ido forjando así una identidad casi independiente del propio museo. El significado de la obra en el lugar desarrolla una nueva gramática que convierte a la exposición en una obra de arte y también abre un debate en torno a su papel actual.Ibáñez Giménez, M. (2018). Más allá del museo. Nuevos escenarios para la exposición. EME Experimental Illustration, Art & Design. (6):68-77. doi:10.4995/eme.2018.9871SWORD68776ALTSHULER, BRUCE, Salon to Bienal: Exhibitions that Made Art History, volume I, 1863-1959, Londres, Phaidon Press, 2008.AA.VV., Colección XIII. Hacia un nuevo museo de arte contemporáneo, [cat. expo.] Madrid, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M), 2016.AA.VV., Documenta V [cat. expo.], Kassel, 1972.AZARA, PEDRO; GURI, CARLES, Arquitectos a escena. Escenografías y montajes de exposición en los 90, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2000.BASSAS, XAVIER (ed.) Genealogías curatoriales. 26 comisarios/as en diálogo, Madrid, Casimiro, 2016.FERNÁNDEZ LÓPEZ, OLGA, Mil bestias que rugen. Dispositivos de exposición para una modernidad crítica [cat. expo.], Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC), 2017.HEINZ HOLZ, HANS, De la obra de arte a la mercancía, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1979.IBAÑEZ GIMÉNEZ, MAITE, IVAM- Centre del Carme (1989-2002). La exposición como obra de arte. València, Institut Alfons El Magnànim, Diputació de València, 2011.MANEM, MARTÍ, Salir de la exposición (si es que alguna vez habíamos entrado),Bilbao, Consonni, 2012.MARINCOLA, PAULA, What Makes a Great Exhibition? Philadelphia, ed. Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiative, 2006.MARTINON, JEAN-PAUL, The Curatorial. A Philosophy of Curating, Londres, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.PICAZO, GLÒRIA (ed), Impasse, 4: Exposiciones de arte contemporáneo: Importancia y repercusión en el arte español, Lleida, Centre d'Art La Panera, Ajuntament de Lleida, 2004.RICO, JUAN CARLOS, La investigación teórica: Museos, del templo al laboratorio, Madrid, Sílex, 2011.SÁNCHEZ, José, A. (ed), La escena moderna. Manifiestos y textos sobre teatro de la época de las vanguardias, Madrid, Akal, 1999.STANISZEWSKI, MARY ANNE, The Power of Display. A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art, Massachussets, The MITT Press, 1998.TEJEDA, ISABEL, El montaje como traducción. Fidelidades, traiciones y hallazgos en el arte contemporáneo desde los años setenta, Madrid, Trama, 2006

    Más allá del museo. Nuevos escenarios para la exposición

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    El escenario de la exposición se ha convertido en un ejercicio cambiante a lo largo del tiempo, vinculado a una manera de pensar históricamente la obra. Existen nuevas respuestas museográficas nacidas de la participación de artistas, arquitectos y diseñadores, y al papel del comisario que, en ocasiones, transforma su cometido de teórico en artista. Siguiendo esta dinámica evolutiva, la exposición ha ido forjando así una identidad casi independiente del propio museo. El significado de la obra en el lugar desarrolla una nueva gramática que convierte a la exposición en una obra de arte y también abre un debate en torno a su papel actual


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    El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica sobre el balonmano con los siguientes objetivos: (1) caracterizar las publicaciones, (2) analizar la productividad, (3) identificar las áreas temáticas y las revistas y (4) presentar las diferentes redes de coocurrencia. El análisis consistió en el cálculo de indicadores bibliométricos básicos y se realizó un análisis de coocurrencia para establecer las relaciones entre autores, entre citas de artículos científicos y entre palabras clave de los autores. Se analizaron 1637 artículos originales y 90 revisiones en 399 revistas. Un total de 4752 autores firmaron trabajos relacionados con el término balonmano. Los temas principales fueron "handball" y "ACL" y, en los últimos años, hemos encontrado una tendencia de aumento en la presencia de trabajos del ámbito del entrenamiento. This study carries out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on handball with the following goals: (1) to characterize the publications; (2) to analyze productivity; (3) to identify topic areas and journals; and (4) to present the various co-occurrence networks. The analysis consisted of calculating basic bibliometric indicators, and co-occurrence analysis was carried out to establish the relationships between authors, between citations of scientific papers and between keywords chosen by authors. A total of 1,637 original papers and 90 reviews in 399 journals were analyzed; 4,752 authors signed papers related to handball. The main topics were ‘handball’ and ‘ACL,’ and a tendency towards increasing presence of papers from the training field was found in recent years.O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica do handebol com estes objetivos: (1) caracterizar as publicações (2) analisar a produtividade, (3) identificar as áreas temáticas e as revistas de pesquisa e (4) apresentar as diferentes redes de co-ocorrência. A análise consistiu no cálculo de indicadores bibliométricos básicos e foi realizada uma análise de co-ocorrência para estabelecer as relações entre autores, entre citações de artigos científicos e entre palavras-chave de autores. Foram analisados 1637 artigos originais e 90 revisões em 399 revistas. Um total de 4752 autores assinaram artigos relacionados ao termo handebol. Os principais tópicos foram "handball" e "ACL", e encontramos uma tendência nos últimos anos em aumentar a presença de artigos da área de treinamento

    The main drivers of methane emissions differ in the growing and flooded fallow seasons in Mediterranean rice fields

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    Purpose To assess 1) the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions –GHG- and global warming potential (methane – CH4- and nitrous oxide) from rice fields in the growing and fallow seasons, and 2) the environmental and agronomic drivers of CH4 emissions, and their relative capacity to explain CH4 variation. Methods A two-year multisite field experiment covering the agronomic and environmental variability of a rice growing area in NE Iberian Peninsula was conducted with monthly samplings of GHG and monitoring of both environmental and agronomic factors. Information-theoretic framework analysis was used to assess the relative contribution of the environmental and agronomic variables on methane emissions. Results Two thirds of the CH4 is emitted in the fallow season. Edaphic factors exert more influence during the growing season whereas agronomic factors have a higher impact in the fallow. The implications of these findings on the design of improved mitigation options rice are discussed. Conclusions Soils with higher soil sulphate concentration, bulk density and clay content emit less CH4 in growing season. In the fallow season, the rates of both straw input and nitrogen fertilization stimulate CH4 emissions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport in Twitter: A Quantitative and Qualitative Content Analysis

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    [EN] The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has transformed many aspects of people's daily life, including sports. Social networks have been flooded on these issues. The present study aims to analyze the tweets produced relating to sports and COVID-19. From the end of January to the beginning of May 2020, over 4,000,000 tweets on this subject were downloaded through the Twitter search API. Once the duplicates, replicas, and retweets were removed, 119,253 original tweets were analyzed. A quantitative-qualitative content analysis was used to study the selected tweets. Posts dynamics regarding sport and exercise evolved according to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, shifting from considering sport as a healthy bastion to an activity exposed to disease like any other. Most media professional sporting events received great attention on Twitter, while grassroots and women's sport were relegated to a residual role. The analysis of the 30 topics identified focused on the social, sporting, economic and health impact of the pandemic on the sport. Sporting cancellations, leisure time and socialization disruptions, club bankruptcies, sports training and athletes' uncertain career development were the main concerns. Although general health measures appeared in the tweets analyzed, those addressed to sports practice were relatively scarce. Finally, this study shows the importance of Twitter as a means of conveying social attitudes towards sports and COVID-19 and its potential to generate alternative responses in future stages of the pandemic.González, L.; Devis-Devis, J.; Pellicer-Chenoll, M.; Pans, M.; Pardo-Ibáñez, A.; García-Massó, X.; Peset Mancebo, MF.... (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport in Twitter: A Quantitative and Qualitative Content Analysis. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 18(9):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094554S12018

    Metal-organic aerogels based on titanium(IV) for visible-light conducted CO2 photoreduction to alcohols

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    Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) imply an appealing source of photocatalysts as they combine porosity with tailorable electronic properties and surface chemistry. Herein, we report a series of unprecedented metal-organic aerogels (MOAs) comprised by Ti(IV) oxo-clusters and aromatic dicarboxylic linkers as an alternative to microporous MIL-125 and MIL-125-NH2 MOFs. Discrete titanium oxo-clusters polymerized upon the addition of the dicarboxylic linkers to give rise to a metal-organic gel. Their supercritical drying led to aerogels comprised by nanoscopic particles (ca. 5-10 nm) cross-linked into a meso/macroporous microstructure with surface area ranging from 453 to 617 m2·g-1, which are comparatively lower than the surface area of the microporous counterparts (1336 and 1145 m2·g-1, respectively). However, the meso/macroporous microstructure of MOAs can provide a more fluent diffusion of reagents and products than the intrinsic porosity of MOFs, whose narrower channels are expected to imply a more sluggish mass transport. In fact, the assessment of the continuous visible-light-driven photocatalytic CO2 reduction into methanol shows that MOAs (221-786 [M] mol·g-1·h-1) far exceed not only the performance of their microporous counterparts (49-65 [M]mol·g-1·h-1) but also surpass the production rates provided by up-to-date reported photocatalysts.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No.101037428), the Basque Government (KK-2016/ 00095-LISOL IT1291-19 and IT1722-22) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TED2021-129810B-C21 and TED2021- 129810B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Next Generation EU/PRTR, PID2019-108028GB-C21 and PID2019- 104050RA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Technical and human support provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/ EJ, and ESF) is also acknowledged


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    This document reports the activites and studies carried out by Ibercivis in 2017 running the Spanish Citizen Science Observatory. It describes the catalogue of practices, the analysis of impacts, the evolution of citizen science publications in scientific journals, a comparison of citizen science organizations, an overview of citizen science funding programmes, and a report of citizen science dissemination activites such as the #CitSciChatES twitter sessions or more than 60 articles published in general media. Final version with correct formatting will be published early 2018. Spanish version only. Further info upon request. Contact person: Fermin Serrano [email protected]