2,834 research outputs found

    Et s’il Ă©tait possible d’obtenir justice en ligne ?

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    Peut-ĂȘtre mieux connu sous son appellation anglaise d' «online dispute resolution» ou ODR, le rĂšglement en ligne des diffĂ©rends rĂ©fĂšre Ă  la migration, vers Internet, des modes alternatifs de rĂ©solution des conflits, dont font entre autres partie la nĂ©gociation, la conciliation, la mĂ©diation et l'arbitrage. Cet article prĂ©sente d'abord briĂšvement les quatre procĂ©dĂ©s d'ODR les plus souvent rencontrĂ©s en pratique, soit la nĂ©gociation  automatisĂ©e, la nĂ©gociation en ligne assistĂ©e par ordinateur, la mĂ©diation en ligne et l'arbitrage en ligne. Il examine ensuite les types de conflits qui trouvent actuellement une solution par l'entremise de l'Internet, conflits qui peuvent naĂźtre aussi bien sur la Toile qu'hors ligne. On y aborde, en troisiĂšme lieu, les avantages de la rĂ©solution en ligne des litiges, lesquels ont trait Ă  la modicitĂ©, la rapiditĂ©, la souplesse et la convivialitĂ©, en insistant sur l'attrait tout particulier que cette nouvelle forme de justice prĂ©sente pour les conflits rĂ©sultant de la cyberconsommation. Puis, aprĂšs un survol des arguments les plus souvent citĂ©s Ă  l'encontre du rĂšglement Ă©lectronique des diffĂ©rends, on fait Ă©tat du phĂ©nomĂšne d'institutionnalisation de la rĂ©solution en ligne, qui investit aujourd'hui les cours de justice.Online dispute resolution is, simply put, the online form of ADR or alternative dispute resolution, the latter encompassing, among other things, negotiation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration. First, the article briefly presents the four most common ODR processes :automated negotiation, computer-assisted negotiation, online mediation and online arbitration. Then, it examines the types of conflicts that are currently being resolved through the Internet, conflicts which arise online as well as offline. The article goes on describing the advantages of online dispute resolution, among which its affordability, speed, flexibility and user-friendliness, with a particular emphasis on its conveniency for the settlement of electronic consumer disputes. Finally, after an overview of the most frequent justifications against ODR, the article concludes on how online dispute resolution is being institutionnalized, since it is making its way into the courts

    Predicting movie-elicited emotions from dialogue in screenplay text: A study on “Forrest gump”

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    We present a new dataset of sentences1 extracted from the movie Forrest Gump, annotated with the emotions perceived by a group of subjects while watching the movie. We run experiments to predict these emotions using two classifiers, one based on a Support Vector Machine with linguistic and lexical features, the other based on BERT. The experiments showed that contextual embeddings are effective in predicting human-perceived emotions

    Two-band superfluidity from the BCS to the BEC limit

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    We analyze the evolution of two-band superfluidity from the weak coupling Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) to the strong coupling Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) limit. When the interband interaction is tuned from negative to positive values, a quantum phase transition occurs from a 0-phase to a π\pi-phase state, depending on the relative phase of two order parameters. Furthermore, population imbalances between the two bands can be created by tuning the intraband or interband interactions. We also find two undamped low energy collective excitations corresponding to in-phase and out-of-phase modes. Lastly, we derive the coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations, and show that they reduce to coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations for two types of bosons in the BEC limit.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    Cell wall composition and biofilm formation of azoles-susceptible and -resistant Candida glabrata strains

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    In the present study, three strains of Candida glabrata have been investigated to shed light on the mechanisms involved in azole resistance during adherence and biofilm formation. In particular, a clinical isolate, susceptible to azole-based drugs, DSY562 and two different resistant mutagenic strains deriving from DSY562, SFY114 and SFY115, have been analysed with different approaches for their cell wall composition and properties. A proteomic analysis revealed that the expression of six cell wall-related proteins and biofilm formation varied between the strains. The SFY114 and SFY115 strains resulted to be less hydrophobic than the susceptible parental counterpart DSY562, on the other hand they showed a higher amount in total cell wall polysaccharides fraction in the total cell wall. Accordingly to the results obtained from the hydrophobicity and adherence assays, in the resistant strain SFY115 the biofilm formation decreased compared to the parental strain DSY562. Finally, the total glucose amount in resistant SFY115 was about halved in comparison to other strains. Taken together all these data suggest that azole drugs may affect the cell wall composition of C. glabrata, in relation to the different pathogenic behaviours

    Cell wall composition and biofilm formation of azoles-susceptible and -resistant Candida glabrata strains

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    In the present study, three strains of Candida glabrata have been investigated to shed light on the mechanisms involved in azole resistance during adherence and biofilm formation. In particular, a clinical isolate, susceptible to azole-based drugs, DSY562 and two different resistant mutagenic strains deriving from DSY562, SFY114 and SFY115, have been analysed with different approaches for their cell wall composition and properties. A proteomic analysis revealed that the expression of six cell wall-related proteins and biofilm formation varied between the strains. The SFY114 and SFY115 strains resulted to be less hydrophobic than the susceptible parental counterpart DSY562, on the other hand they showed a higher amount in total cell wall polysaccharides fraction in the total cell wall. Accordingly to the results obtained from the hydrophobicity and adherence assays, in the resistant strain SFY115 the biofilm formation decreased compared to the parental strain DSY562. Finally, the total glucose amount in resistant SFY115 was about halved in comparison to other strains. Taken together all these data suggest that azole drugs may affect the cell wall composition of C. glabrata, in relation to the different pathogenic behaviours

    Chapter Transfer of Non-Academic Skills in Academic Context: towards a Sustainable Employability

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    This essay is an element of dialogue between educational practices acquired in territorial education contexts and the University. In particular, starting from the 10-year long experience consolidated in three educational centres operating in border areas of the Province of Naples, a series of ‘key competences’ have been highlighted that are indispensable to the containment of social risk disadvantage in an inclusion (Bertolini 1977; Freire 2004; Rossi 2014; Sabatano 2015a, 2015b) and well-being project (Iavarone 2007, 2009) from an educational point of view. Such competencies have become subject of a ‘participatory didactic planning’ between expert educators working in these contexts and a university course on ‘Pedagogy of relationships’ within the Department of Motor Science and Well-Being at the University of Naples Parthenope. The participatory planning practice has set the most ambitious goal of achieving a ‘system methodology’ to be used in the curriculum-design of the university courses in order to make the academic education offer a proper link element between the educational demand of young people, the demand for professional skills in the territory and the emerging social needs in order to improve employability processes. The main results that this experience has highlighted can be deducted from the student’s satisfaction survey, as well as from the data collected and processed by the University Assessment Team, in the Department’s Joint Commission Reports, which show a clear and overall improvement of the communication processes between non-academic institutions collaborating with the University for the conduct of internships, training sessions and placement-targeted activities. The empirical evidence and the positive results obtained provide substantial comfort in considering that the experience gained can be a ‘good practice’ to be included in the didactic planning process of the courses, even in relation to the need to improve the educational and didactic offer with reference to the new quality assurance parameters (QA) for the periodic accreditation of the CdS according to the AVA-ANVUR legislation in forc

    Imaging the spontaneous formation of vortex-antivortex pairs in planar superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures

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    Low-temperature magnetic force microscopy has been used to visualize spontaneous formation of vortex-antivortex pairs in hybrid ferromagnet/superconductor systems. Vortex-antivortex pairs are induced by the periodic stray field of the ferromagnet. We find general equilibrium conditions for which spontaneous vortex-antivortex pairs are formed during zero-field cooling of the hybrid ferromagnet/superconductor bilayers. Vortices can be generated by the ferromagnet domains in the absence of an external field and they are thermodynamically stable for values of the stray field and the period of the stripe magnetic domains that exceed a certain threshold

    BCS-BEC crossover of collective excitations in two-band superfluids

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    We use the functional integral approach to study low energy collective excitations in a continuum model of neutral two-band superfluids at T=0 for all couplings with a separable pairing interaction. In the long wavelength and low frequency limit, we recover Leggett's analytical results in weak coupling (BCS) for s-wave pairing, and further obtain analytical results in strong coupling (BEC) for both two and three dimensional systems. We also analyse numerically the behavior of the out-of-phase {\it exciton} (finite frequency) mode and the in-phase {\it phonon} (Goldstone) mode from weak to strong coupling limits, including the crossover region. In principle, the evolution of Goldstone and finite frequency modes from weak to strong coupling may be accessible experimentally in the superfluid phase of neutral Fermi atomic gases, and could serve as a test of the validity of the theoretical analysis and approximations proposed here.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to PR
