102 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Antiasthmatic Properties of Ethanol Extract of Callophyllis japonica in Mice

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    Purpose: To determine whether an ethanol extract from Callophyllis japonica (C. japonica) could attenuate indices of airway inflammation in a murine model of ovalbumin (OVA)-induced asthma.Methods: The free radical scavenging activity of the C. japonica ethanol extracts (CJE) were investigated using an electron spin resonance (ESR) system. To make develop animal model of asthma, mice were sensitized and challenged with OVA.Results: CJE exhibited considerable scavenging activity of 71.08 ± 0.73, 79.11 ± 6.04%, 75.95 ± 7.01%, and 48.56 ± 5.96% of DPPH, alkyl, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. The successive intraperitoneal administration of CJE reduced the number of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, development of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), an increase in pulmonary Th2 cytokines, and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE).Conclusion: Administration of CJE markedly alleviates all indices of airway inflammation. This study provides evidence that CJE plays a critical role in the amelioration of the pathogenetic process of allergic asthma in mice.Keywords: Asthma, Phenolic contents, Free radical scavenging, Airway hyper-responsiveness, Cytokines, Immunoglobulin

    Analytical model for the calculation of lateral velocity distributions in potential cross-sections

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    [EN] The hydraulic modeling of water depth and flow velocities in open channel flows that were fitted by power-law cross-section stand out for their versatility, allowing their use in numerous practical applications, both in natural and artificial channels. The determination of the hydraulic variables of depth and average velocity has been widely studied in potential cross-sections; however, the variation seen in these variables along the cross-section was not found in the literature. Knowledge of this variation allows the development of studies (e.g. to know the approximate damage in different areas of the cross-section, to analyse sediment transport, or other applications in river hydraulics). This paper presents a methodology which allows calculation of the hydraulic variables in any area of a power-law cross-section. The methodology is applied to symmetrical cross-sections, comparing its generated results with the obtained values by different computational hydraulic codes, which are thoroughly accepted by scientific community, such as CES, HEC-RAS and IBER. The obtained predictions of hydraulic parameters (using the explicit formulation described in this research) present very low errors when compared with results of other models, with great computational cost. These errors reach a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.13 and 0.05 in the determination of velocities' lateral distribution and the ratio between velocity and average velocity. These values indicate a very successful validation for the analysed symmetrical sections.[ES] La modelización hidráulica de calados y velocidades de flujo, en cauces con secciones que admiten una representación de tipo potencial, se destaca por su versatilidad, permitiendo su utilización en numerosas aplicaciones prácticas tanto en canales naturales como artificiales. El cálculo de las variables hidráulicas (calado y velocidad media) ha sido ampliamente estudiado para este tipo de secciones. Sin embargo, en la literatura técnica no se han encontrado estudios que muestren la variación de estas magnitudes a lo largo de la sección transversal. El conocimiento de esta variación permite desarrollar estudios (ejemplo: conocer de manera aproximada los daños en diferentes zonas de la sección, analizar el transporte de sedimentos, estudiar los procesos de erosión u otras aplicaciones en hidráulica fluvial). Presentamos una metodología que permite el cálculo de las variables hidráulicas en cualquier zona de una sección tipo potencial. La metodología es aplicada a secciones simétricas, comparando los resultados generados con los obtenidos por diferentes códigos hidráulicos computacionales ampliamente aceptados por la comunidad científica (p-e- CES, HECRAS e IBER). Las predicciones de los parámetros hidráulicos obtenidas (usando la formulación explícita descrita en este artículo) presentan errores muy bajos, en comparación con otros modelos con mayor costo computacional. Estos errores alcanzan un valor promedio para la raíz del error cuadrático medio (RMSE) en el cálculo de la distribución lateral de velocidades de 0.13 y de 0.05, en el cálculo de la relación de velocidades respecto a la velocidad media. Estos valores indican una validación muy satisfactoria para las secciones simétricas analizadas.Sánchez-Romero, F.; Pérez-Sánchez, M.; López Jiménez, PA. (2018). Modelo analítico para el cálculo de distribuciones de velocidad laterales en secciones tipo potencial-ley. RIBAGUA - Revista Iberoamericana del Agua. 5(1):29-47. doi:10.1080/23863781.2018.1442189S29475

    DNA Methods to Identify Missing Persons

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    Human identification by DNA analysis in missing person cases typically involves comparison of two categories of sample: a reference sample, which could be obtained from intimate items of the person in question or from family members, and the questioned sample from the unknown person-usually derived from the bones, teeth, or soft tissues of human remains. Exceptions include the analysis of archived tissues, such as those held by hospital pathology departments, and the analysis of samples relating to missing, but living persons. DNA is extracted from the questioned and reference samples and well-characterized regions of the genetic code are amplified from each source using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which generates sufficient copies of the target region for visualization and comparison of the genetic sequences obtained from each sample. If the DNA sequences of the questioned and reference samples differ, this is normally sufficient for the questioned DNA to be excluded as having come from the same source. If the sequences are identical, statistical analysis is necessary to determine the probability that the match is a consequence of the questioned sequence coming from the same individual who provided the reference sample or from a randomly occurring individual in the general population. Match probabilities that are currently achievable are frequently greater than 1 in 1 billion, allowing identity to be assigned with considerable confidence in many cases

    Insights into SCP/TAPS Proteins of Liver Flukes Based on Large-Scale Bioinformatic Analyses of Sequence Datasets

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    Background: SCP/TAPS proteins of parasitic helminths have been proposed to play key roles in fundamental biological processes linked to the invasion of and establishment in their mammalian host animals, such as the transition from free-living to parasitic stages and the modulation of host immune responses. Despite the evidence that SCP/TAPS proteins of parasitic nematodes are involved in host-parasite interactions, there is a paucity of information on this protein family for parasitic trematodes of socio-economic importance.\ud \ud Methodology/Principal Findings: We conducted the first large-scale study of SCP/TAPS proteins of a range of parasitic trematodes of both human and veterinary importance (including the liver flukes Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica as well as the blood flukes Schistosoma mansoni, S. japonicum and S. haematobium). We mined all current transcriptomic and/or genomic sequence datasets from public databases, predicted secondary structures of full-length protein sequences, undertook systematic phylogenetic analyses and investigated the differential transcription of SCP/TAPS genes in O. viverrini and F. hepatica, with an emphasis on those that are up-regulated in the developmental stages infecting the mammalian host.\ud \ud Conclusions: This work, which sheds new light on SCP/TAPS proteins, guides future structural and functional explorations of key SCP/TAPS molecules associated with diseases caused by flatworms. Future fundamental investigations of these molecules in parasites and the integration of structural and functional data could lead to new approaches for the control of parasitic diseases

    SNi from SN2: a front-face mechanism ‘synthase’ engineered from a retaining hydrolase

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    SNi or SNi-like mechanisms, in which leaving group departure and nucleophile approach occur on the same ‘front’ face, have been observed previously experimentally and computationally in both the chemical and enzymatic (glycosyltransferase) substitution reactions of α-glycosyl electrophiles. Given the availability of often energetically comparable competing pathways for substitution (SNi vs SN1 vs SN2) the precise modulation of this archetypal reaction type should be feasible. Here, we show that the drastic engineering of a protein that catalyzes substitution, a retaining β-glycosidase (from Sulfolobus solfataricus SSβG), apparently changes the mode of reaction from “SN2” to “SNi”. Destruction of the nucleophilic Glu387 of SSβG-WT through Glu387Tyr mutation (E387Y) created a catalyst (SSβG-E387Y) with lowered but clear transglycosylation substitution activity with activated substrates, altered substrate and reaction preferences and hence useful synthetic (‘synthase’) utility by virtue of its low hydrolytic activity with unactivated substrates. Strikingly, the catalyst still displayed retaining β stereoselectivity, despite lacking a suitable nucleophile; pH-activity profile, mechanism-based inactivators and mutational analyses suggest that SSβG-E387Y operates without either the use of nucleophile or general acid/base residues, consistent with a SNi or SNi-like mechanism. An x-ray structure of SSβG-E387Y and subsequent metadynamics simulation suggest recruitment of substrates aided by a π-sugar interaction with the introduced Tyr387 and reveal a QM/MM free energy landscape for the substitution reaction catalyzed by this unnatural enzyme similar to those of known natural, SNi-like glycosyltransferase (GT) enzymes. Proton flight from the putative hydroxyl nucleophile to the developing p-nitrophenoxide leaving group of the substituted molecule in the reactant complex creates a hydrogen bond that appears to crucially facilitate the mechanism, mimicking the natural mechanism of SNi-GTs. An oxocarbenium ion-pair minimum along the reaction pathway suggests a step-wise SNi-like DN*ANss rather than a concerted SNi DNAN mechanism. This first observation of a front face mechanism in a β-retaining glycosyl transfer enzyme highlights, not only that unusual SNi reaction pathways may be accessed through direct engineering of catalysts with suitable environments, but also suggests that ‘β-SNi’ reactions are also feasible for glycosyl transfer enzymes and the more widespread existence of SNi or SNi-like mechanism in nature

    Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO–Virgo run O3b

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    We search for gravitational-wave signals associated with gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the Fermi and Swift satellites during the second half of the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo (2019 November 1 15:00 UTC–2020 March 27 17:00 UTC). We conduct two independent searches: a generic gravitational-wave transients search to analyze 86 GRBs and an analysis to target binary mergers with at least one neutron star as short GRB progenitors for 17 events. We find no significant evidence for gravitational-wave signals associated with any of these GRBs. A weighted binomial test of the combined results finds no evidence for subthreshold gravitational-wave signals associated with this GRB ensemble either. We use several source types and signal morphologies during the searches, resulting in lower bounds on the estimated distance to each GRB. Finally, we constrain the population of low-luminosity short GRBs using results from the first to the third observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. The resulting population is in accordance with the local binary neutron star merger rate