153 research outputs found

    Detección de indicadores de seguridad de pacientes (PSI-Patient Safety Indicators) en un estudio multi-céntrico de carga de enfermedad y resultados de la atención

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    La calidad/ seguridad de la atención médica se puede estimar analizando los registros de egresos de hospitales generales de agudos (HGA). Se obtuvieron indicadores de seguridad de los pacientes (PSI), que detectan eventos adversos en la atención médica (EAs). En un estudio multi-céntrico se adecuó un método para obtener los PSI en la Argentina basado en codificaciones diagnosticas primarias (Dx1) y secundarias (Dx2) y codificaciones de procedimientos (Px1 y Px 2). La estandarización de los diagnósticos y de los procedimientos permitió realizar la plataforma del estudio Utilización de Servicios, Costos y Resultados en Argentina (USCR-A). Se obtienen los EAs definidos por los PSI #3, #7 y #13. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados cuali y cuantitativos de una aplicación de los PSI en el contexto del trabajo y registro del estudio multi-céntrico en Utilización de Servicios, Costos y Resultados en Argentina (USCR-A).Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Characterization of the shallow subsurface structure across the Carrascoy Fault System (SE Iberian Peninsula) using P-wave tomography and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves

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    The seismicity in the SE Iberian Peninsula is distributed parallel to the coast in a well-developed strike-slip fracture system known as the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (EBSZ). This work focuses on the characterization of the shallow subsurface structure of the Algezares-Casas Nuevas Fault, within the Carrascoy Fault System of the EBSZ. The Carrascoy Fault borders the Guadalentín Depression to the south, which is a densely populated area with extensive agricultural activity. Therefore, this faults system represents a seismic hazard with significant social and economic implications. We have constructed two velocity-depth models based on P-wave tomography and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) acquired from seismic reflection data. The resulting velocity models have allowed us to interpret the first ~250m depth and have revealed: i) the thickness of the critical zone; ii) the geometry of the Algezares-Casas Nuevas Fault; iii) the depth of the Messinian/Tortonian contact and iv) the presence of blind thrusts and damage zones under the Guadalentín Depression. Our results have also helped us to estimate an apparent vertical slip rate of 0.66±0.06m/ky for the Algezares-Casas Nuevas Fault since 209.1±6.2ka. Our results provide a methodological and backflow protocol to study the shallow subsurface of active faults, complementing previous geological models based on paleoseismological trenches, and can be used to improve the seismic hazard assessment of tectonically active regions around the world

    Towards Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Software Development (Short Paper)

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    With the purpose of delivering more robust systems, this paper revisits the problem of Inverse Uncertainty Quantification that is related to the discrepancy between the measured data at runtime (while the system executes) and the formal specification (i.e., a mathematical model) of the system under consideration, and the value calibration of unknown parameters in the model. We foster an approach to quantify and mitigate system uncertainty during the development cycle by combining Bayesian reasoning and online Model-based testing

    Geodiversity assessment of Paraná state (Brazil): an innovative approach

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    Geodiversity is considered as the natural range of geological, geomorphological, and soil features, including their assemblages, relationships, properties, interpretations, and systems. A method developed for the quantitative assessment of geodiversity was applied to Parana ́ , a Brazilian state with an area of about 200,000 km2. The method is based on the overlay of a grid over different maps at scales ranging from 1/500,000 to 1/650,000, with the final Geodiversity Index the sum of five partial indexes calculated on a 25 9 25 km grid. The partial indexes represent the main components of geodi- versity, including geology (stratigraphy and lithology), geomorphology, paleontology, and soils. The fifth partial index covers mineral occurrences of geodiversity, such precious stones and metals, energy and industrial minerals, mineral waters, and springs. The Geodiversity Index takes the form of an isoline map that can be used as a tool in land-use planning, particularly in identifying priority areas for conservation, management, and use of natural resources at the state level.The Portuguese authors express their gratitude for the financial support given by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia to the Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto, which partially supports this research. The Brazilian author expresses his gratitude for the financial support given by the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico) (Process Number 200074/2011-3)

    Lateral terrestrial water flow contribution to summer precipitation at continental scale – A comparison between Europe and West Africa with WRF‐Hydro‐tag ensembles

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    It is well accepted that summer precipitation can be altered by soil moisture condition. Coupled land surface – atmospheric models have been routinely used to quantify soil moisture – precipitation feedback processes. However, most of the land surface models (LSMs) assume a vertical soil water transport and neglect lateral terrestrial water flow at the surface and in the subsurface, which potentially reduces the realism of the simulated soil moisture – precipitation feedback. In this study, the contribution of lateral terrestrial water flow to summer precipitation is assessed in two different climatic regions, Europe and West Africa, for the period June–September 2008. A version of the coupled atmospheric-hydrological model WRF-Hydro with an option to tag and trace land surface evaporation in the modelled atmosphere, named WRF-Hydro-tag, is employed. An ensemble of 30 simulations with terrestrial routing and 30 simulations without terrestrial routing is generated with random realizations of turbulent energy with the stochastic kinetic energy backscatter scheme, for both Europe and West Africa. The ensemble size allows to extract random noise from continental-scale averaged modelled precipitation. It is found that lateral terrestrial water flow increases the relative contribution of land surface evaporation to precipitation by 3.6% in Europe and 5.6% in West Africa, which enhances a positive soil moisture – precipitation feedback and generates more uncertainty in modelled precipitation, as diagnosed by a slight increase in normalized ensemble spread. This study demonstrates the small but non-negligible contribution of lateral terrestrial water flow to precipitation at continental scale

    Aggressive PDACs show hypomethylation of repetitive elements and the execution of an intrinsic IFN program linked to a ductal cell of origin

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by extensive desmoplasia, which challenges the molecular analyses of bulk tumor samples. Here we FACS-purified epithelial cells from human PDAC and normal pancreas and derived their genome-wide transcriptome and DNA methylome landscapes. Clustering based on DNA methylation revealed two distinct PDAC groups displaying different methylation patterns at regions encoding repeat elements. Methylation(low) tumors are characterized by higher expression of endogenous retroviral (ERV) transcripts and dsRNA sensors which leads to a cell intrinsic activation of an interferon signature (IFNsign). This results in a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment and poor patient outcome. Methylation(low)/IFNsign(high) and Methylation(high)/IFNsign(low) PDAC cells preserve lineage traits, respective of normal ductal or acinar pancreatic cells. Moreover, ductal-derived Kras(G12D)/Trp53(−/−) mouse PDACs show higher expression of IFNsign compared to acinar-derived counterparts. Collectively, our data point to two different origins and etiologies of human PDACs, with the aggressive Methylation(low)/IFNsign(high) subtype potentially targetable by agents blocking intrinsic IFN-signaling