177 research outputs found

    Visualizing dimensionality reduction of systems biology data

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    One of the challenges in analyzing high-dimensional expression data is the detection of important biological signals. A common approach is to apply a dimension reduction method, such as principal component analysis. Typically, after application of such a method the data is projected and visualized in the new coordinate system, using scatter plots or profile plots. These methods provide good results if the data have certain properties which become visible in the new coordinate system and which were hard to detect in the original coordinate system. Often however, the application of only one method does not suffice to capture all important signals. Therefore several methods addressing different aspects of the data need to be applied. We have developed a framework for linear and non-linear dimension reduction methods within our visual analytics pipeline SpRay. This includes measures that assist the interpretation of the factorization result. Different visualizations of these measures can be combined with functional annotations that support the interpretation of the results. We show an application to high-resolution time series microarray data in the antibiotic-producing organism Streptomyces coelicolor as well as to microarray data measuring expression of cells with normal karyotype and cells with trisomies of human chromosomes 13 and 21

    Interactive redescription mining

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    Exploratory data analysis consists of multiple iterated steps: a data mining method is run on the data, the results are interpreted, new insights are formed, and the resulting knowl- edge is utilized when executing the method in a next round, and so on until satisfactory results are obtained. We focus on redescription mining, a powerful data analysis method that aims at finding alternative descriptions of the same entities, for example, ways to characterize geographical regions in terms of both the fauna that inhabits them and their bioclimatic conditions, so-called bioclimatic niches. We present Siren, a tool for interactive redescription min- ing. It is designed to facilitate the exploratory analysis of data by providing a seamless environment for mining, visu- alizing and editing redescriptions in an interactive fashion, supporting the analysis process in all its stages. We demon- strate its use for exploratory data mining. Simultaneously, Siren exemplifies the power of the various visualizations and means of interaction integrated into it; Techniques that reach beyond the task of redescription mining considered here, to other analysis methods

    Structuring visual exploratory analysis of skill demand

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    The analysis of increasingly large and diverse data for meaningful interpretation and question answering is handicapped by human cognitive limitations. Consequently, semi-automatic abstraction of complex data within structured information spaces becomes increasingly important, if its knowledge content is to support intuitive, exploratory discovery. Exploration of skill demand is an area where regularly updated, multi-dimensional data may be exploited to assess capability within the workforce to manage the demands of the modern, technology- and data-driven economy. The knowledge derived may be employed by skilled practitioners in defining career pathways, to identify where, when and how to update their skillsets in line with advancing technology and changing work demands. This same knowledge may also be used to identify the combination of skills essential in recruiting for new roles. To address the challenges inherent in exploring the complex, heterogeneous, dynamic data that feeds into such applications, we investigate the use of an ontology to guide structuring of the information space, to allow individuals and institutions to interactively explore and interpret the dynamic skill demand landscape for their specific needs. As a test case we consider the relatively new and highly dynamic field of Data Science, where insightful, exploratory data analysis and knowledge discovery are critical. We employ context-driven and task-centred scenarios to explore our research questions and guide iterative design, development and formative evaluation of our ontology-driven, visual exploratory discovery and analysis approach, to measure where it adds value to users’ analytical activity. Our findings reinforce the potential in our approach, and point us to future paths to build on

    Can compact optimisation algorithms be structurally biased?

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    In the field of stochastic optimisation, the so-called structural bias constitutes an undesired behaviour of an algorithm that is unable to explore the search space to a uniform extent. In this paper, we investigate whether algorithms from a subclass of estimation of distribution algorithms, the compact algorithms, exhibit structural bias. Our approach, justified in our earlier publications, is based on conducting experiments on a test function whose values are uniformly distributed in its domain. For the experiment, 81 combinations of compact algorithms and strategies of dealing with infeasible solutions have been selected as test cases. We have applied two approaches for determining the presence and severity of structural bias, namely an (existing) visual and an (updated) statistical (Anderson-Darling) test. Our results suggest that compact algorithms are more immune to structural bias than their counterparts maintaining explicit populations. Both tests indicate that strong structural bias is found only in the cBFO algorithm, regardless of the choice of strategy of dealing with infeasible solutions, and cPSO with mirror strategy. For other test cases, statistical and visual tests disagree on some cases classified as having mild or strong structural bias: the former one tends to make harsher decisions, thus needing further investigation

    Test Data Sets for Evaluating Data Visualization Techniques

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    In this paper we take a step toward addressing a pressing general problem in the development of data visualization systems — how to measure their effectiveness. The step we take is to define a model for specifying the generation of test data that can be em-ployed for standardized and quantitative testing of a system’s per-formance. These test data sets, in conjunction with appropriate testing procedures, can provide a basis for certifying the effective-ness of a visualization system and for conducting comparative studies to steer system development

    A unified approach to Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems based on sl(2)

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    Producción CientíficaBased on a recently developed procedure to construct Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems, a novel unified approach to nonequivalent deformations of Lie–Hamilton systems on the real plane with a Vessiot–Guldberg Lie algebra isomorphic to sl(2) is proposed. This, in particular, allows us to define a notion of Poisson–Hopf systems in dependence of a parameterized family of Poisson algebra representations. Such an approach is explicitly illustrated by applying it to the three non-diffeomorphic classes of sl(2) Lie–Hamilton systems. Our results cover deformations of the Ermakov system, Milne–Pinney, Kummer–Schwarz and several Riccati equations as well as of the harmonic oscillator (all of them with t-dependent coefficients). Furthermore t-independent constants of motion are given as well. Our methods can be employed to generate other Lie–Hamilton systems and their deformations for other Vessiot–Guldberg Lie algebras and their deformations

    Data visualization in yield component analysis: an expert study

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    Even though data visualization is a common analytical tool in numerous disciplines, it has rarely been used in agricultural sciences, particularly in agronomy. In this paper, we discuss a study on employing data visualization to analyze a multiplicative model. This model is often used by agronomists, for example in the so-called yield component analysis. The multiplicative model in agronomy is normally analyzed by statistical or related methods. In practice, unfortunately, usefulness of these methods is limited since they help to answer only a few questions, not allowing for a complex view of the phenomena studied. We believe that data visualization could be used for such complex analysis and presentation of the multiplicative model. To that end, we conducted an expert survey. It showed that visualization methods could indeed be useful for analysis and presentation of the multiplicative model