812 research outputs found

    Code Mixing in Hot 20 Countdown of Prambors Radio Program

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    This study deals with code mixing used by broadcasters in Prambors Radio,namely Hot 20 Countdown and SelamatPagi program. The objectives of the studywere (1) to find out the types of code mixing in Hot 20 Countdown andSelamatPagi, (2) to find out in what context code mixing used in Hot 20Countdown and SelamatPagi. The data of this study were the conversationbetween the broadcasters. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. Thefindings shows that there were 68 sentences of code mixing which were classifiedinto three types of code mixing, in Hot 20 Countdown there were 46 sentences, itconsists of 30 utterances (65,22%) insertion of code mixing, 15 utterances(32,61%) alternation of code mixing and 1 utterance (2,17) lexicalization of codemixing, while in SelamatPagi program there were 26 utterances, it consist 17utterances (77,27) of insertion code mixing, 4 utterances (4,55%) of alternationcode mixing, and 1 utterance (4,55%) of lexicalization code mixing

    The Importance Of End-User Analysis In New Information System Adapters: Lessons Learned From Practice

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    The implementation of Information System (IS) in new-IS adapters can remain unused even when they developed properly. The previous research shows that the unsuccessful IS utilization problem primarily related to behavioral issues rather than technical issues. The behavioral issues should be addressed in the stakeholder analysis, an activity in the inception phase of requirement engineering. End-users of an IS are one of the focuses in stakeholder analysis. We studied the correlation of the end-user analysis in new-IS adapters with the successfulness of IS utilization. We conducted a qualitative studied on 20 IS development projects. The findings show strong correlation of the end-user behavior and the IS adoption. We suggest the end-user analysis is necessary for the IS development project in new-IS adapters. We concluded that it is recommended to formally get the end-user commitment before starting the IS development process. Keyword : Information System, end-user analysis, new-IS adapters, end-user commitmen

    The Evaluation of Mathematics Online Learning in Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sipahutar in Academic Year 2021/2022

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    Learning mathematics in Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease) learning is very ineffective and cannot meet face to face directly between teachers and students, and other students Therefore, in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, students are asked to study from home using online methods, namely through social media. This study aims to determine the ease and constraints as well as learning outcomes and the effectiveness of student learning in online learning mathematics for eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sipahutar. Type of research is descriptive qualitative which takes place in SMP Negeri 1 Sipahutar. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The techniques used in data collection are interview methods, observation methods, test methods, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique used is data reduction and data presentation. Based on the learning outcomes and the effectiveness of student learning seen from student learning outcomes tests showed that the percentage of classical learning completeness was 37.5%. Based on these results, mastery learning reaches the criteria of being unfavorable thus it can be concluded that online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic using the WhatsApps application in mathematics learning is not effective


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    Malpractice case is a criminal offense that is very common in Indonesia. Malpractice is essentially an action of the professional personnel which is contrary to the standard operating procedure (SOP), the code of ethics, and the laws that apply, whether intentional or due to negligence that resulted in harm or death to others. The aspects of legal protection towards the patients as the victims of malpractice by a doctor under the laws of Indonesia are namely: (1) in a preventive manner: using the regulations that govern the malpractice actions, namely in the Book of the Law of Civil Law (Civil Code), Act on Health, Law Consumer protection Law Medical Practice and the Penal Code, and (2) in a repressive manner: the existence of action that resulted in a loss, the person who performed the action shall be imposed sanctions in the form of civil sanctions, namely by giving compensation, either administrative sanction and criminal sanction. Keywords: Legal Protection, Patient, Malpractice Victims. INTISARI Kasus malpraktik merupakan tindak pidana yang sangat sering terjadi di Indonesia. Malpraktik pada dasarnya adalah tindakan tenaga profesional yang bertentangan dengan standard operating procedure (SOP), kode etik, dan undang-undang yang berlaku, baik disengaja maupun akibat kelalaian yang mengakibatkan kerugian atau kematian pada orang lain.       Aspek perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien korban malpraktik oleh dokter berdasarkan hukum Indonesia, yaitu: (1) secara preventif: dengan adanya peraturan-peraturan yang mengatur mengenai tindakan malpraktik, yaitu dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUH Perdata), Undang-Undang Kesehatan, Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen, Undang-Undang Praktik Kedokteran, dan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP), (2) dan secara represif: dengan adanya tindakan yang mengakibatkan kerugian, maka seseorang yang melakukan tindakan tersebut dijatuhkan sanksi berupa sanksi perdata, yaitu dengan mengganti kerugian, baik sanksi administratif dan sanksi pidana.  Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Pasien, Korban Malpraktik.

    Thermal conductivity of copper smelting mattes and slags

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    Current cooling system in copper flash smelting furnace has been developed to have a capability of predicting condition of refractory inside an operating furnace. This system requires thermal conductivity of copper matte and fayalite slag, which have never been analyzed in any research. Since flash smelting furnaces process raw material from solid to liquid, the aim of thesis is to measure thermal conductivity of copper mattes and fayalite slag at low to high temperature. The analysis must be able to explain causes of the measured values, their behavior at elevated temperatures, and their connections to characteristics of the samples. Characterization of samples, e.g. using SEM-EDS and XRD, was done prior to thermal conductivity measurement. The method of thermal conductivity measurement, laser flash analysis, was predetermined from the start of thesis. Five matte samples and three slag samples were prepared. Among the five matte samples, two were doped with arsenic to observe its effect to thermal conductivity of copper matte. The measurement temperature points were 300 °C, 600 °C, and 900 °C, which resemble raw material’s temperature inside flash smelting furnace. To observe thermal conductivity of molten slag, one slag sample was measured as well at 1000 to 1200 °C. Thermal conductivity analysis is executed by NETZSCH company, using NETZSCH 467 HT HyperFlash®. The thermal conductivity measurement results for copper matte were 1.2 to 1.5 W m-1 K-1 at 300 °C and around 2.1 W m-1 K-1 at 900 °C. Meanwhile, arsenic containing matte samples had lowered thermal conductivity, between 0.5 and 1.3 W m-1 K-1 at 300 to 900 °C. The observation of experimental data concluded that thermal conductivity of copper mattes increases linearly with temperature. Its dependence on temperature was weak since the margin was barely 1 W m-1 K-1. Low values of thermal conductivity were within expectation as copper sulfide has low thermal conductivity based on prior research. Positive relation between thermal conductivity and temperature, however, was outside expectation because it indicated non-conductor material. Thermal conductivity of observed slags are between 1.6 and 1.9 W m-1 K-1. These values were close to prior research in silicate slag. The three slag samples had more than 30 wt-% SiO2 content and they behaved as glassy slag. Glassy structure of slag samples probably because the basic oxides were only Al2O3 and a minor amount of FeO, meanwhile the iron content in all slag samples were not enough for complete fayalite formation. Experimental data of the three slag samples were not conclusive as well because one slag sample had thermal conductivity which was lower than expected. In addition, experimental data of molten slag did not match the references. Its thermal conductivity increased with temperature, although it was supposed to decrease

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tim Assited Individualization (TAI) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dan aktivitas pembelajaran dengan penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization pada pokok bahasan Sudut dan Garis-Garis Sejajar di kelas VII SMP N 1 Muara Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020. Dengan hipotesa penelitian penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan sudut dan garis-garis sejajar di kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Muara Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan Pada  tes hasil belajar siklus I diperoleh 12 orang siswa(40%) telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar dengan nilai rata-rata 59,16. Pada tes hasil belajar siklus II diperoleh  26 orang siswa(86,66%) telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar dengan nialai rata-rata 85,5. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI di kelas VII SMP 1 Muara Kecamatan Muara, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020 dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa , khususnya pada pokok bahasan sudut dan garis-garis sejajar.Katakunci : TAI, hasil belajar matematikaAbstract:This study aims to find out how much the increase in student learning outcomes and learning activities with the application of Team Assisted Individualization Type Cooperative Learning on the subject of Angles and Parallel Lines in class VII SMP N 1 Muara in the 2019/2020 academic year. With the research hypothesis the application of the TAI type cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes on the subject of angles and parallel lines in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Muara for the 2019/2020 academic year. The results of data analysis showed that in the first cycle of the learning outcomes test, 12 students (40%) had achieved learning mastery with an average score of 59.16. In the second cycle of learning outcomes tests obtained 26 students (86.66%) have achieved complete learning with an average value of 85.5. Thus, it was concluded that the use of the TAI type cooperative learning model in class VII SMP 1 Muara, Muara District, North Tapanuli Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year could improve student learning outcomes, especially on the subject of angles and parallel lines.Keywords: TAI, math learning outcome

    Tinjauan Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Abortus Provocatus pada Korban Pemerkosaan

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    Tindak pidana aborsi adalah suatu kejahatan yang menghilangkan nyawa seseorang alam bentuk janin. Ketentuan tersebut juga diatur dalam Pasal 299, 346, 347, 348 serta 349 KUHP. Dalam kasus perkosaan biasanya kehamilan yang terjadi itu tidak diinginkan oleh korban perkosaan. Hal ini sangat menjadi ironis karena kehadiran seorang bayi dianggap menjadi suatu beban bagi keluarga korban serta aib yang memalukan bila diketahui masyarakat. Penderitaan korban perkosaan tidak berakhir disitu saja, melainkan korban menderita secara fisik, psikologis/mental maupun sosial. Abortus provocatus dalam kasus perkosaan tidak diatur secara tegas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Dalam hukum pidana, tidak dibenarkan alasan apapun, atau siapapun untuk melakukan abortus provocatus. Sampai saat ini permasalahan abortus provocatus bagi korban perkosaan menimbulkan pro dan kontra dalam masyarakat. Bagi yang pro berpendapat bahwa abortus provocatus bagi korban perkosaan membuatnya sangat menderita dan menanggung beban yang sangat berat, sedangkan yang kontra berasumsi sebatas bahwa aborsi yang dilakukan melanggar hak asasi untuk hidup, tanpa memperhatikan perasaan dan penderitaan yang dialami korban perkosaan tersebut


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    Koperasi Pegawai Dana Pensiun Telkom is a cooperative organization that is established by PT. Dana Pensiun Telkom. As a common business entity, financial report is required to give information to the shareholders or decision maker about organization’s financial state. Decision maker in this case is the board of directors. Based on this financial report, board of directors may decide the organization’s strategies. Financial report which has an important role in decision making process has a problem on its publishing time. This delayed financial report’s publishing time makes decision making process become hampered. This problem is caused by three factors, such as disintegrated data and application, and transaction journalizing process which is still using manual method. Resource-Event-Agent approach’s role on this research is to facilitate the modelling data process so that the data and application integration become more effective. The modelled data using Resource-Event-Agent can fulfil organization business process requirements especially for automating the transaction journalizing process. By using Resource-Event-Agent, the system that can be a solution is Integrated Accounting System. This system will integrate data, application, and automating the transaction journalizing process. On the future, Resource-Event-Agent can be used to model every data on every business activities on the organizatio

    Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Pada Kompetensi Dasar Mendiskripsikan Hubungan Struktural Dan Fungsional Pemerintah Pusat Dan Daerah Melalui Teknik Pictoral Riddle Approach Learning Pada Siswa Kelas X-IPS-B Semester Ganjil Di SMA

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    Dengan menggunakan prinsip Teknik Pictoral Riddle Approach Learning pada siklus I ini sudah menunjukkan penguasaan mengalami peningkatan, tetapi penguasaan yang telah dicapai itu sebenarnya masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya siswa yang sudah mencapai skor penguasaan 65 atau lebih. Pada data dapat diperoleh bahwa baru 63,27% siswa yang mencapai penguasaan 65 atau lebih. Sedangkan suatu kelompok (kelas) dikatakan tuntas apabila paling rendah 85% siswa yang mencapai skor penguasaan 65 atau lebih. Penyebab sehingga masih kurang siswa yang mencapai skor penguasaan 65 atau lebih, diantaranya adalah siswa yang aktif masih didominasi oleh siswa tertentu. Mereka yang aktif itu pada umumnya juga yang aktif pada pertemuan­pertemuan sebelumnya. Pada siklus kedua ini, rata-rata skor penguasaan siswa semakin meningkat. Rata-rata itu meningkat dari 66,92 yang dicapai Pada Siklus I ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari hasil prestasi belajar siswa secara rata rata sebesar 63.09 (63 %). Karena masih berada dibawah KKM yang ditentukan sebesar 75 (75%). Maka Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan pada kegiatan Siklus ke II, Pada Siklus II ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari hasil prestasi belajar siswa secara rata rata sebesar 65.15 (65 %). Karena masih berada dibawah KKM yang ditentukan sebesar 75 (75%). Maka Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan pada kegiatan Siklus ke III. Pada Siklus III ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari hasil prestasi belajar siswa secara rata rata sebesar 78.65 (79 %). Karena masih berada diatas KKM yang ditentukan sebesar 75 (75%). Maka Penelitian ini tidak perlu dilakukan pada kegiatan Siklus berikutnya. Sehingga dalam Penelitian dinyatan Berhasil dan Tuntas

    Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Use of Bahasa Indonesia in the English Classroom: A Case Study at SMA Fransiskus 2 Jakarta

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    The use of the first language in the teaching and learning process is often found in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes. In Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia is also employed in many English classes. This might bring both advantages and disadvantages to the students. This study aimed to find out the students’ perceptions toward teachers’ use of Bahasa Indonesia in the English classroom. The research employed an explanatory sequential mixed methods design and administered a questionnaire to collect the quantitative data and an open-ended interview to gain the collective data. The participants were 60 students of SMA Fransiskus 2 Jakarta. The findings revealed that most participants perceived the use of Bahasa Indonesia in their English classes positive
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