128 research outputs found

    New Zealand blackcurrant extract enhances fat oxidation during prolonged cycling in endurance-trained females.

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    PURPOSE: New Zealand blackcurrant (NZBC) extract has previously been shown to increase fat oxidation during prolonged exercise, but this observation is limited to males. We examined whether NZBC intake also increases fat oxidation during prolonged exercise in females, and whether this was related to greater concentrations of circulating fatty acids. METHODS: In a randomised, crossover, double-blind design, 16 endurance-trained females (age: 28 ± 8 years, BMI: 21.3 ± 2.1 kg·m-2, VO2max: 43.7 ± 1.1 ml·kg-1·min-1) ingested 600 mg·day-1NZBC extract (CurraNZ™) or placebo (600 mg·day-1microcrystalline cellulose) for 7 days. On day 7, participants performed 120 min cycling at 65% VO2max, using online expired air sampling with blood samples collected at baseline and at 15 min intervals throughout exercise for analysis of glucose, NEFA and glycerol. RESULTS: NZBC extract increased mean fat oxidation by 27% during 120 min moderate-intensity cycling compared to placebo (P = 0.042), and mean carbohydrate oxidation tended to be lower (P = 0.063). Pre-exercise, plasma NEFA (P = 0.034) and glycerol (P = 0.051) concentrations were greater following NZBC intake, although there was no difference between conditions in the exercise-induced increase in plasma NEFA and glycerol concentrations (P > 0.05). Mean fat oxidation during exercise was moderately associated with pre-exercise plasma NEFA concentrations (r = 0.45, P = 0.016). CONCLUSIONS: Intake of NZBC extract for 7 days elevated resting concentrations of plasma NEFA and glycerol, indicative of higher lipolytic rates, and this may underpin the observed increase in fat oxidation during prolonged cycling in endurance-trained females

    Perovskite-Inspired Photovoltaic Materials: Toward Best Practices in Materials Characterization and Calculations

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    Recently, there has been an explosive growth in research based on hybrid lead–halide perovskites for photovoltaics owing to rapid improvements in efficiency. The advent of these materials for solar applications has led to widespread interest in understanding the key enabling properties of these materials. This has resulted in renewed interest in related compounds and a search for materials that may replicate the defect-tolerant properties and long lifetimes of the hybrid lead-halide perovskites. Given the rapid pace of development of the field, the rises in efficiencies of these systems have outpaced the more basic understanding of these materials. Measuring or calculating the basic properties, such as crystal/electronic structure and composition, can be challenging because some of these materials have anisotropic structures, and/or are composed of both heavy metal cations and volatile, mobile, light elements. Some consequences are beam damage during characterization, composition change under vacuum, or compound effects, such as the alteration of the electronic structure through the influence of the substrate. These effects make it challenging to understand the basic properties integral to optoelectronic operation. Compounding these difficulties is the rapid pace with which the field progresses. This has created an ongoing need to continually evaluate best practices with respect to characterization and calculations, as well as to identify inconsistencies in reported values to determine if those inconsistencies are rooted in characterization methodology or materials synthesis. This article describes the difficulties in characterizing hybrid lead–halide perovskites and new materials and how these challenges may be overcome. The topic was discussed at a seminar at the 2015 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibit. This article highlights the lessons learned from the seminar and the insights of some of the attendees, with reference to both recent literature and controlled experiments to illustrate the challenges discussed. The focus in this article is on crystallography, composition measurements, photoemission spectroscopy, and calculations on perovskites and new, related absorbers. We suggest how the reporting of the important artifacts could be streamlined between groups to ensure reproducibility as the field progresses

    Genetic Determinants of Phosphate Response in Drosophila

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    Phosphate is required for many important cellular processes and having too little phosphate or too much can cause disease and reduce life span in humans. However, the mechanisms underlying homeostatic control of extracellular phosphate levels and cellular effects of phosphate are poorly understood. Here, we establish Drosophila melanogaster as a model system for the study of phosphate effects. We found that Drosophila larval development depends on the availability of phosphate in the medium. Conversely, life span is reduced when adult flies are cultured on high phosphate medium or when hemolymph phosphate is increased in flies with impaired Malpighian tubules. In addition, RNAi-mediated inhibition of MAPK-signaling by knockdown of Ras85D, phl/D-Raf or Dsor1/MEK affects larval development, adult life span and hemolymph phosphate, suggesting that some in vivo effects involve activation of this signaling pathway by phosphate. To identify novel genetic determinants of phosphate responses, we used Drosophila hemocyte-like cultured cells (S2R+) to perform a genome-wide RNAi screen using MAPK activation as the readout. We identified a number of candidate genes potentially important for the cellular response to phosphate. Evaluation of 51 genes in live flies revealed some that affect larval development, adult life span and hemolymph phosphate levels

    Evaluation of the HadGEM3-A simulations in view of detection and attribution of human influence on extreme events in Europe

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    A detailed analysis is carried out to assess the HadGEM3-A global atmospheric model skill in simulating extreme temperatures, precipitation and storm surges in Europe in the view of their attribution to human influence. The analysis is performed based on an ensemble of 15 atmospheric simulations forced with observed Sea Surface Temperature of the 54 year period 1960-2013. These simulations, together with dual simulations without human influence in the forcing, are intended to be used in weather and climate event attribution. The analysis investigates the main processes leading to extreme events, including atmospheric circulation patterns, their links with temperature extremes, land-atmosphere and troposphere-stratosphere interactions. It also compares observed and simulated variability, trends and generalized extreme value theory parameters for temperature and precipitation. One of the most striking findings is the ability of the model to capture North Atlantic atmospheric weather regimes as obtained from a cluster analysis of sea level pressure fields. The model also reproduces the main observed weather patterns responsible for temperature and precipitation extreme events. However, biases are found in many physical processes. Slightly excessive drying may be the cause of an overestimated summer interannual variability and too intense heat waves, especially in central/northern Europe. However, this does not seem to hinder proper simulation of summer temperature trends. Cold extremes appear well simulated, as well as the underlying blocking frequency and stratosphere-troposphere interactions. Extreme precipitation amounts are overestimated and too variable. The atmospheric conditions leading to storm surges were also examined in the Baltics region. There, simulated weather conditions appear not to be leading to strong enough storm surges, but winds were found in very good agreement with reanalyses. The performance in reproducing atmospheric weather patterns indicates that biases mainly originate from local and regional physical processes. This makes local bias adjustment meaningful for climate change attribution

    Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: a consensus document by the Belgian Bone Club

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    Several drugs are available for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis. This may, in daily practice, confuse the clinician. This manuscript offers an evidence-based update of previous treatment guidelines, with a critical assessment of the currently available efficacy data on all new chemical entities which were granted a marketing authorization. Osteoporosis is widely recognized as a major public health concern. The availability of new therapeutic agents makes clinical decision-making in osteoporosis more complex. Nation-specific guidelines are needed to take into consideration the specificities of each and every health care environment. The present manuscript is the result of a National Consensus, based on a systematic review and a critical appraisal of the currently available literature. It offers an evidence-based update of previous treatment guidelines, with the aim of providing clinicians with an unbiased assessment of osteoporosis treatment effect

    Targeting Huntington’s disease through histone deacetylases

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative condition with significant burdens on both patient and healthcare costs. Despite extensive research, treatment options for patients with this condition remain limited. Aberrant post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins is emerging as an important element in the pathogenesis of HD. These PTMs include acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, sumoylation and ubiquitination. Several families of proteins are involved with the regulation of these PTMs. In this review, I discuss the current evidence linking aberrant PTMs and/or aberrant regulation of the cellular machinery regulating these PTMs to HD pathogenesis. Finally, I discuss the evidence suggesting that pharmacologically targeting one of these protein families the histone deacetylases may be of potential therapeutic benefit in the treatment of HD

    Critical appraisal of advance directives given by patients with fatal acute stroke: an observational cohort study

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    Background: Advance directives (AD) imply the promise of determining future medical treatment in case of decisional incapacity. However, clinical practice increasingly indicates that standardized ADs often fail to support patients’ autonomy. To date, little data are available about the quality and impact of ADs on end-of-life decisions for incapacitated acute stroke patients. Methods: We analyzed the ADs of patients with fatal stroke, focusing on: (a) their availability and type, (b) stated circumstances to which the AD should apply, and (c) stated wishes regarding specific treatment options. Results: Between 2011 and 2014, 143 patients died during their hospitalization on our stroke unit. Forty-two of them (29.4%) had a completed and signed, written AD, as reported by their family, but only 35 ADs (24.5%) were available. The circumstances in which the AD should apply were stated by 21/35 (60%) as a “terminal condition that will cause death within a relatively short time” or an ongoing “dying process.” A retrospective review found only 16 of 35 ADs (45.7%) described circumstances that, according to the medical file, could have been considered applicable by the treating physicians. A majority of patients objected to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (22/35, 62.9%), mechanical ventilation (19/35, 54.3%), and artificial nutrition (26/35, 74.3%), while almost all (33/35, 94.3%) directed that treatment for alleviation of pain or discomfort should be provided at all times even if it could hasten death. Conclusions: The prevalence of ADs among patients who die from acute stroke is still low. A major flaw of the ADs in our cohort was their attempt to determine single medical procedures without focusing on a precise description of applicable scenarios. Therefore, less than half of the ADs were considered applicable for severe acute stroke. These findings stress the need to foster educational programs for the general public about advance care planning to facilitate the processing of timely, comprehensive, and individualized end-of-life decision-making