141 research outputs found

    Delayed neurological maturation is a cause for distress during fetal growth restriction

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    Theory of fetal programming contributes to a better understanding of the relationship of many human diseases with antenatal period pathology. Regulatory impact of nervous system is of great importance. Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a convenient model for investigation of the abnormalities of fetal neurodevelopment. Fetal heart rate variability is a well-known approach for fetal autonomic function detection. The aim of the study was to detect several patterns of autonomic nervous regulation in FGR complicated by fetal distress or without fetal distress. Materials and methods. Totally 64 patients at 26–28 weeks of gestation were enrolled. 23 patients had normal fetal growth and were included in the Group I (control). 20 pregnant women with FGR without fetal distress were observed in Group II. 21 patients with FGR and fetal distress were included in Group III. Fetal heart rate variability and conventional cardiotocographic patterns were obtained from the RR-interval time series registered from the maternal abdominal wall via non-invasive fetal electrocardiography. Results. Suppression of the total level of heart rate variability with sympathetic overactivity was found in FGR. The maximal growth of sympathovagal balance was found in Group III. Fetal deterioration was associated with an increased quantity of decelerations, reduced level of accelerations, and decreased of short term variations and low term variations. But a decelerative pattern before 26 weeks of gestation was normal. Therefore fetal autonomic malfunction could be a result of persistent neurological immaturity in FGR. The approach based on the monitoring of fetal autonomic maturity in the diagnosing of its well-being should be tested in further studies. Conclusion. Fetal heart rate variability variables and beat-to-beat variations parameters could be the sensitive markers of neurological maturation and good predictors for fetal deterioration

    On the Bayesian multidimensional-matrix polynomial empirical regression

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    The problem of the parameters estima-tion for the polynomial in the input variables regression function is formu-lated and solved. The input and output variables of the regression function are multidimensional-matrices. The pa-rameters of the regression function are assumed to be random independent multidimensional matrices with Gauss-ian distribution and known mean value and dispersion matrices. The solution to this problem is a multidimensional-matrix system of the linear algebraic equations in multidimensional-matrix unknowns – function regression pa-rameters. We have considered particu-lar case of quadratic regression func-tion, for which we have obtained for-mulas for parameters calculation. The computer simulation of the quadratic regression functions is performed for the two-dimensional matrix input and output variables


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    Optimization of professional relationships in the "mentor- apprentice" promotes the formation of a professional orientation akmeologicheskoj both subjects interaction. On the one hand , mentoring is one of the oldest and most effective ways to acquire knowledge and skills of young employees of the company in the process of adapting to a new team . On the other - allows teacher to identify their professional and personal opportunities and consciously decide to choose the optimum time of interaction with the students, based on their individual characteristics, as well as improve their own skills.Оптимизация профессиональных взаимоотношений в системе «наставник – ученик» способствует формированию акмеологической профессиональной направленности у обоих субъектов взаимодействия. Наставничество является одним из самых старых и эффективных способов приобретения знаний и навыков молодыми сотрудниками предприятия в процессе их адаптации в новом коллективе; позволяет наставнику выявить свои профессионально-личностные возможности и осознанно определиться в выборе оптимального стажа взаимодействия с учениками, с учетом их индивидуальных особенностей, а также повысить уровень собственного мастерства


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    Lean production and management in the system of consumer cooperation remains one of the most difficult problems both in general in all areas of production and in milk processing. A modern solution to this problem, increasing the efficiency of production, improving its quality and reducing cost is the basis of principles and tools that are reflected in the lean manufacturing system. Lean management is possible on the basis of optimal cost accounting and management of dairy production, by reducing losses on waiting, overproduction, transportation, unnecessary processing steps, unnecessary movements, production with broken technology, defective packaging, unnecessary stocks - by regulating business processes and mobilizing internal reserves in the activities of processing enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. The subject of the study is managerial activity in the lean production and processing of milk in enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. The aim of the study is the introduction of advanced and necessary methods of accounting and management of milk production in the enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. In accordance with this goal, the main task was determined: to develop recommendations for improving the accounting and management methods to reduce all kinds of costs and increase the productivity of dairy production. Performance management is an important financial and economic indicator of production in the system of consumer cooperation. This paper analyzes various aspects of lean manufacturing, accounting, control and management, taking into account the technological features and business processes of the consumer cooperation system. It is concluded that for the efficiency of the accounting process in the lean management system of a milk processing enterprise, it is necessary to build a system of accounting and control support, which will allow for detailed accounting of production costs for all objects of accounting and control.Бережливое производство и управление в системе потребительской кооперации, остается одной из самых сложных проблем, как в целом по всем направлениям производства, так и по переработке молока. Современное решение данной проблемы, повышение эффективности производства продукции, улучшение ее качества и снижения себестоимости лежит в основе принципов и инструментов, которые нашли отражение в системе бережливого производства. Бережливое управление становится возможным на основе оптимального учета затрат и управления производством молочной продукции, путем снижения потерь на ожидание, перепроизводство, транспортировки, лишних стадий обработки, ненужных перемещений, выпуска с нарушенной технологией, дефектной упаковки, лишних запасов -  путем регулирования хозяйственных процессов и мобилизации внутренних резервов в деятельности перерабатывающих предприятий системы потребительской кооперации. Предметом исследования является управленческая деятельность при бережливом производстве и переработке молока в предприятиях системы потребкооперации.  Целью исследования является внедрение прогрессивных и необходимых методов учета и управления деятельностью по производству молока в предприятиях системе потребительской кооперации. В соответствии с указанной целью была определена основная задача: выработать рекомендации по совершенствованию учетно-управленческой методики на уменьшение всевозможных издержек и увеличение производительности производства молочной продукции. Эффективность управления деятельности является важным финансово-экономическим показателем производства продукции в системе потребительской кооперации. В настоящей работе проанализированы различные аспекты бережливого производства, учета, контроля и управления с учетом технологических особенностей и бизнес процессов системы потребительской кооперации. Сделан вывод о том, что для эффективности учетного процесса в системе бережливого управления молокоперерабатывающим предприятием, необходимо построение системы учетно-контрольного обеспечения, которая позволит вести детальный учет затрат на производство по всем объектам учета и контроля


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    Investment attractiveness of housing and utilities sector for private operators refers to conditions of investment of communal infrastructure as principles of investment, as well as long-term rent, i.e.: on account of state and municipal assistance on non-return or beneficial terms; possibility to acquire such electricity, heat, water supply and drainage objects being constructed, that have not been included as a part of concession agreement against guarantee of investment return with regard to interest rated specified by such concession agreement, and one of tools of investment attraction thereof is application of new methods of tariff management and various models of agreements.Инвестиционная привлекательность коммунальной сферы для частных операторов состоит в условиях инвестирования объектов коммунальной инфраструктуры как на принципах вложения, так и долгосрочной аренды, а именно: за счет государственной и муниципальной помощи на безвозвратных или льготных условиях; в возможности приобретения в собственность тех строящихся объектов по электро-, тепло-, водоснабжению и водоотведению, которые не вошли в состав концессионного соглашения с гарантией возврата своих инвестиций с учетом определенной концессионным соглашением доли процентов. Одним из инструментов привлечения инвестиций является применение новых методов тарифного регулирования и различных договорных моделей

    Selection of cultivation medium for production of late stationary phase serine proteinases from Bacillus intermedius

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    B. intermedius have been shown previously to secrete two serine proteinases: glutamyl endopeptidase 2 and subtilisin 2 during the late stationary phase, with maximal levels of the enzymes activities recorded at the 40th and 44th hours of growth, respectively. In the current study, we analyzed the impact of various culture medium components on biosynthesis of these proteinases. Yeast extract and gelatin did not stimulate the enzymes biosynthesis. However, on the medium containing 0.1% casein subtilisin 2 production increased to reach 140%. Biosynthesis of both serine proteinases, produced by B. intermedius at the late stationary phase, were found to be inhibited by individual amino acids, and to be insensitive to catabolite repression. In order to maximise enzyme production, the presence of Ca 2+ and Mg2+ at concentration of 5 mM was shown to be necessary. Based on the results of this work, the composition of a complex culture media for the effective production of late stationary phase proteinases by B. intermedius was developed

    Развитие альтернативной энергетики в России в контексте формирования модели низкоуглеродной экономики

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    The article is dedicated to the analysis of the development of alternative energy in Russia as one of the key factors of forming a low-carbon economy model. Authors reviewed the main stages of forming the institutional environment which regulated the process of the transition to a low-carbon economy model and a wider use of alternative energy including renewable energy sources (RES).Authors analyzed the renewable energy industry in Russia. The empirical base of the study consists of auctions results conducted in the framework of the government support of RES during 2013–2018 and the information system “SPARK”. Using the Concentration ratio, the Herfindahl-Hirschman and the Hall-Tideman indices authors revealed a high level of concentration in this industry in the context of each type of RES. In addition, an analysis of the ownership structure of companies has shown that the most successful companies are companies in the form of partnerships between the state, a Russian company and / or a foreign company.Статья посвящена анализу развития альтернативной энергетики в России как одного из ключевых факторов формирования модели низкоуглеродной экономики. Авторы рассмотрели основные этапы формирования институциональной среды, регулирующей процесс перехода к модели низкоуглеродной экономики и более широкому использованию альтернативной энергетики, в том числе возобновляемые источники энергии (ВИЭ). В данном исследовании был проведен анализ отрасли возобновляемой энергетики в России. Эмпирической базой исследования являются данные конкурсных отборов, проводимых в рамках государственной поддержки отрасли в период 2013– 2018 гг., и информационная система «СПАРК». С помощью индекса концентрации, индексов Герфиндаля—Хиршмана и Холла—Тайдмана авторы статьи выявили высокий уровень концентрации в данной отрасли в разрезе каждого вида ВИЭ. Также анализ структуры собственности компаний показал, что наиболее успешными в конкурсных отборах являются компании в форме партнерства между государством, российской компанией и/или зарубежной компанией

    Picosecond Fluorescence Relaxation Spectroscopy of the Calcium-Discharged Photoproteins Aequorin and Obelin

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    Addition of calcium ions to the Ca2+-regulated photoproteins, such as aequorin and obelin, produces a blue bioluminescence originating from a fluorescence transition of the protein-bound product, coelenteramide. The kinetics of several transient fluorescent species of the bound coelenteramide is resolved after picosecond-laser excitation and streak camera detection. The initially formed spectral distributions at picosecond-times are broad, evidently comprised of two contributions, one at higher energy (25000 cm-1) assigned as from the Ca2+-discharged photoprotein-bound coelenteramide in its neutral state. This component decays much more rapidly (t1/2 2 ps) in the case of the Ca2+-discharged obelin than aequorin (t1/2 30 ps). The second component at lower energy shows several intermediates in the 150-500 ps times, with a final species having spectral maxima 19400 cm-1, bound to Ca2+-discharged obelin, and 21300 cm-1, bound to Ca2+-discharged aequorin, and both have a fluorescence decay lifetime of 4 ns. It is proposed that the rapid kinetics of these fluorescence transients on the picosecond time scale, correspond to times for relaxation of the protein structural environment of the binding cavit

    Клиническая эффективность и безопасность применения ингаляционного простациклина у больных с инфекцией, вызванной SARS-CoV-2 (проспективное сравнительное исследование)

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    Aim. In this study we evaluated clinical effectiveness and safety of nebulized prostacyclin in patients with Novel Coronavirus Disease (SARS-CoV-2). Materials and methods: We have included 44 male patients with moderate PCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in this study. Control group consisted of 23 patients treated with nebulized prostacyclin (PGI2). besides standard therapy. We compared intensiveness and duration of infectious intoxication syndrome, duration of fever, cough as well as SpO2 level, complete blood count and chemokine status values. Results: Statistically significant difference in duration of fever, cough, intensiveness and duration of infectious intoxication syndrome were observed. Lymphocyte and platelet counts were significantly higher in control group We have also noticed significantly lower level of proinflammatory mediators and C4-complement component in control group. Only 1 adverse effect associated with inhaled prostacyclin was reported. Conclusion. Nebulized prostacyclin showed therapeutic efficacy and good safety profile in adults with moderate COVID-19.Цель: оценка клинической эффективности и безопасность ингаляционного простациклина у пациентов с новой коронавирусной инфекцией (SARS-CoV-2). Материалы и методы: в исследование были включены 44 пациента мужского пола с подтвержденной новой коронавирусной инфекцией среднетяжелого течения. Опытную группу составили 23 пациента, которым, помимо стандартной терапии, был назначен ингаляционный простациклин (PGI2). Клиническая эффективность илопроста была оценена по длительности и выраженности общеинфекционных синдромов (интоксикации, лихорадки), длительности кашля, уровню насыщения крови кислородом, значениям параметров общеклинического анализа крови, показателю иммунологического статуса пациентов. Результаты: получено статистически значимое снижение длительности лихорадки, продолжительности кашля, выраженности и длительности синдрома общей инфекционной интоксикации в опытной группе. Также отмечено, что у этих пациентов средние значения количества лимфоцитов, тромбоцитов достоверно увеличивалось, а значение СОЭ снижалось. Средние значения провоспалительных цитокинов, хемокинов, а также С4-компонента комплемента были статистически значимо ниже, чем у больных COVID-19 в группе сравнения. Нежелательные реакции, связанные с инга ляционной терапией простациклином, были отмечены в 1 наблюдении. Заключение: показана терапевтическая эффективность и хороший профиль безопасности ингаляционного простациклина у пациентов с COVID-19 средней степени тяжести

    Disease characteristics of MCT8 deficiency : an international, retrospective, multicentre cohort study

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    Background Disordered thyroid hormone transport, due to mutations in the SLC16A2 gene encoding monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), is characterised by intellectual and motor disability resulting from cerebral hypothyroidism and chronic peripheral thyrotoxicosis. We sought to systematically assess the phenotypic characteristics and natural history of patients with MCT8 deficiency. Methods We did an international, multicentre, cohort study, analysing retrospective data from Jan 1, 2003, to Dec 31, 2019, from patients with MCT8 deficiency followed up in 47 hospitals in 22 countries globally. The key inclusion criterion was genetically confirmed MCT8 deficiency. There were no exclusion criteria. Our primary objective was to analyse the overall survival of patients with MCT8 deficiency and document causes of death. We also compared survival between patients who did or did not attain full head control by age 1·5 years and between patients who were or were not underweight by age 1–3 years (defined as a bodyweight-for-age Z score <–2 SDs or <5th percentile according to WHO definition). Other objectives were to assess neurocognitive function and outcomes, and clinical parameters including anthropometric characteristics, biochemical markers, and neuroimaging findings. Findings Between Oct 14, 2014, and Jan 17, 2020, we enrolled 151 patients with 73 different MCT8 (SLC16A2) mutations. Median age at diagnosis was 24·0 months (IQR 12·0-60·0, range 0·0-744·0). 32 (21%) of 151 patients died; the main causes of mortality in these patients were pulmonary infection (six [19%]) and sudden death (six [19%]). Median overall survival was 35·0 years (95% CI 8·3–61·7). Individuals who did not attain head control by age 1·5 years had an increased risk of death compared with patients who did attain head control (hazard ratio [HR] 3·46, 95% CI 1·76–8·34; log-rank test p=0·0041). Patients who were underweight during age 1–3 years had an increased risk for death compared with patients who were of normal bodyweight at this age (HR 4·71, 95% CI 1·26–17·58, p=0·021). The few motor and cognitive abilities of patients did not improve with age, as evidenced by the absence of significant correlations between biological age and scores on the Gross Motor Function Measure-88 and Bayley Scales of Infant Development III. Tri-iodothyronine concentrations were above the age-specific upper limit in 96 (95%) of 101 patients and free thyroxine concentrations were below the age-specific lower limit in 94 (89%) of 106 patients. 59 (71%) of 83 patients were underweight. 25 (53%) of 47 patients had elevated systolic blood pressure above the 90th percentile, 34 (76%) of 45 patients had premature atrial contractions, and 20 (31%) of 64 had resting tachycardia. The most consistent MRI finding was a global delay in myelination, which occurred in 13 (100%) of 13 patients. Interpretation Our description of characteristics of MCT8 deficiency in a large patient cohort reveals poor survival with a high prevalence of treatable underlying risk factors, and provides knowledge that might inform clinical management and future evaluation of therapies