323 research outputs found

    Modelling and experimental investigation of the fatigue crack kinetics in semitrailer underframe longerons

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    It was developed a system of cyclic trials for investigation of vitality of critic zones of langeron frame ladder constructions and shown the results of tests on low-cycle fatigue of its natural elements in the work


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    The article deals with the theory of gender performativity by J. Butler in respect to gender leadership. The interpretation of this phenomenon offered by Guy Debord shows the results and stereotypes aimed at undermining the female potential of leadership. Gender inequality is particularly striking in the areas of business, management, and security and militarily services. Despite the fact that many media workers are women, most of them are against the ideas of equality, cooperation and integration. These and other problems are expressed by different viewpoints by both academics and prominent politicians. They stress that women’s access to key positions in companies, the management hierarchy, and the government of the country should be changed. Nevertheless, many questions remain unanswered, like «who is the ‘real’ democratic leader?»; «what characteristics do women leaders distinguish?»; «why is neither the neoliberal capitalist nor liberal social ideal adequate but functioning nowhere?» During the time of Ukrainian independence, these issues have not been resolved yet. At the same time, the comparison of the share of women in the total share of employers in different countries of the world shows that their share is increasing (for example, in Ukraine, this share is 31—40%). We conducted a study on the effectiveness of women’s labor in different countries. The figures are based on the share of female workers in the total structure of workers and the income generated by one woman on average. In the context of, for example, the Ukrainian economy, these indicators have declined substantially in 2008—2018, against the backdrop of a global upward trend in these indicators. Compared to Singapore, the gap between the revenue index increased by 33.4% in 2008—2018. Of all the countries cited, the worst income growth results are only in Ukraine. At the same time, the labor market of Ukraine has the following characteristics: employment of women in managerial positions in 2017 is 41.1%; the employment rate of middle and upper management women is 42.4% in 2016; the share of women in the total number of employers in 1991 was 33.1%, and in 2018 — 36.92%. Thus, gender leadership in the media sphere in Ukraine shows discrimination against women and demonstrates the impossibility of productive and effective work as a manager. However, gradually these issues will, in the context of the proposed solution, be comprehensive and will change the relationships within such companies for the better.Розглядається теорія гендерної перформативності Дж. Батлера стосовно гендерного лідерства. Інтерпретація цього явища, запропонована Гаєм Дебордом, показує результати і стереотипи, спрямовані на підрив жіночого потенціалу лідерства в управлінні. Особливо показовим явище гендерної нерівності є у сферах бізнесу, управлінської діяльності, силових структурах. Попри те, що багато працівників медіа — жінки, більшість із них виступають проти ідей рівності, співпраці та інтеграції. Про ці та інші проблеми виказують різні погляди як окремих науковців і фахівців у цій сфері, так і видатних політиків. Вони наголошують на тому, що повинні бути змінені підходи доступу жінок на ключові посади в компаніях, управлінській ієрархії, уряду країни. Тим не менш, багато питань залишаються без відповіді, як-от «хто є» справжній «демократичний лідер?»; «які характеристики відрізняють жінку-лідера?»; «чому ні неоліберальний капіталістичний, ні ліберальний соціальний ідеал не є адекватним, але ніде не функціонує?». За незалежності України вказані питання досі не вирішені. Водночас порівняння питомої ваги жінок у загальній частці роботодавців у різних країнах світу свідчить про підвищення їхньої частки (наприклад, в Україні ця вага становить 31—40 %). Ми провели дослідження ефективності використання жіночої праці в різних країнах світу. За основу використано показники частки працівників жіночої статі у загальній структурі працівників і дохід, що генерується однією жінкою в середньому. В умовах, наприклад, української економіки ці показники за 2008—2018 роки суттєво знизилися на фоні світової тенденції росту цих показників. Порівняно з Сінгапуром розрив між показником доходу зріс на 33,4 % за 2008—2018 роки. З усіх наведених країн найгірші результати зі зростання доходу тільки в Україні. У той же час ринок праці України має такі характеристики: зайнятість жінок на керівних посадах 2017 року становить 41,1 %; зайнятість жінок середнього і вищого керівництва 2016-го становить 42,4 %; частка жінок у загальній кількості роботодавців 1991 р. становить 33,1 %, а 2018-го — 36,92 %. Таким чином, гендерне лідерство в медіасфері в Україні показує дискримінацію щодо жінок і свідчить про неможливість плідної та ефективної роботи на посаді менеджера. Однак поступово ці питання в руслі запропонованого вирішення проблематики матимуть всеосяжний характер і змінять взаємовідносини усередині таких компаній на краще

    Highly efficient acoustooptic diffraction in Sn2P2S6 crystals

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    We have studied the acoustooptic (AO) diffraction in Sn2P2S6 crystals and found that they manifest high values of AO figure of merit. The above crystals may therefore be used as highly efficient materials in different AO applications.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Средства метрологического обеспечения газоаналитической техники

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    В статті описано особливості розробки засобів метрологічного забезпечення газоаналізаторів. Приведені їх технічні та метрологічні характеристикIn article are described the elaboration peculiarities of measurement standard support of gaz analyzers. Their technical and metrological performances are given.В статье описаны особенности разработки средств метрологического обеспечения газоанализаторов. Приведены их технические и метрологические характеристики

    Epidemiological and clinical features, response to HAART, and survival in HIV-infected patients diagnosed at the age of 50 or more

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last years, the mean age of subjects with HIV infection and AIDS is increasing. Moreover, some epidemiological and clinical differences between younger and older HIV-infected individuals have been observed. However, since introduction of HAART therapy, there are controversial results regarding their response to HAART. The aim of the present study is to evaluate epidemiological and clinical features, response to HAART, and survival in elderly HIV-infected patients with regard to younger HIV-infected patients. METHODS: A prospective cohort study (1998–2003) was performed on patients from Sabadell Hospital, in Northeast of Spain. The cohort includes newly attended HIV-infected patients since January 1, 1998. For the purpose of this analysis, data was censured at December 31, 2003. Taking into account age at time of diagnosis, it was considered 36 HIV-positive people aged 50 years or more (Group 1, G1) and 419 HIV-positive people aged 13–40 years (Group 2, G2). Epidemiological, clinical, biological and therapy data are recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-squared test and Fisher exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kaplan-Meier, Log Rank test, and Two-Way ANOVA from random factors. RESULTS: G1 showed higher proportion of men than G2. The most common risk factors in G1 were heterosexual transmission (P = 0.01) and having sex with men or women (P < 0.001). G1 and G2 show parallel profiles through the time regarding immunological response (P = 0.989) and virological response (P = 0.074). However, older people showed lower CD4 cell counts at first clinic visit (P < 0.001) and, eventually, they did not achieve the same counts as G2. G1 presented faster progression to AIDS (P < 0.001) and shorter survival (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Older patients have different epidemiological features. Their immunological and virological responses are good. However, older patients do not achieve the same CD4 cell counts likely due to they have lower counts at first clinic visit. Thus, it is essential physicians know older HIV-infected patients features to consider the possibility of HIV infection in these patients with the aim of treatment would not be delayed

    CD4 cell count and the risk of AIDS or death in HIV-Infected adults on combination antiretroviral therapy with a suppressed viral load: a longitudinal cohort study from COHERE.

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    BACKGROUND: Most adults infected with HIV achieve viral suppression within a year of starting combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). It is important to understand the risk of AIDS events or death for patients with a suppressed viral load. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using data from the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (2010 merger), we assessed the risk of a new AIDS-defining event or death in successfully treated patients. We accumulated episodes of viral suppression for each patient while on cART, each episode beginning with the second of two consecutive plasma viral load measurements 500 copies/µl, the first of two consecutive measurements between 50-500 copies/µl, cART interruption or administrative censoring. We used stratified multivariate Cox models to estimate the association between time updated CD4 cell count and a new AIDS event or death or death alone. 75,336 patients contributed 104,265 suppression episodes and were suppressed while on cART for a median 2.7 years. The mortality rate was 4.8 per 1,000 years of viral suppression. A higher CD4 cell count was always associated with a reduced risk of a new AIDS event or death; with a hazard ratio per 100 cells/µl (95% CI) of: 0.35 (0.30-0.40) for counts <200 cells/µl, 0.81 (0.71-0.92) for counts 200 to <350 cells/µl, 0.74 (0.66-0.83) for counts 350 to <500 cells/µl, and 0.96 (0.92-0.99) for counts ≥500 cells/µl. A higher CD4 cell count became even more beneficial over time for patients with CD4 cell counts <200 cells/µl. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the low mortality rate, the risk of a new AIDS event or death follows a CD4 cell count gradient in patients with viral suppression. A higher CD4 cell count was associated with the greatest benefit for patients with a CD4 cell count <200 cells/µl but still some slight benefit for those with a CD4 cell count ≥500 cells/µl


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    Temperature dependencies of shielding effectiveness of flexible water-containing shielding materials were studied in the frequency range of 8-12 GHz. It is shown that using the porous materials with a highly developed surface as well as nanostructurizing additives and components for the impregnating solution prevents the decreasing of the shielding effectiveness of the water-containing electromagnetic shields at temperatures below zero.Исследованы температурные зависимости экранирующих характеристик гибких водосодержащих радиопоглощающих материалов на текстильной основе в диапазоне частот 8-12 ГГц. Показано, что применение пористых материалов с высокоразвитой поверхностью, а также наноструктурирующих добавок и компонентов раствора препятствует снижению эффективности экранирования водосодержащих экранов ЭМИ при отрицательных температурах

    Surface science of soft scorpionates

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    The chemisorption of the soft scorpionate Li[PhTmMe] onto silver and gold surfaces is reported. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy in combination with the Raman analysis of suitable structural models, namely, [Cu(κ3-S,S,S-PhTmMe)(PCy3)], [Ag(κ3-S,S,S-PhTmMe)(PCy3)], [Ag(κ2-S,S-PhTmMe)(PEt3)], and [Au(κ1-S-PhTmMe)(PCy3)], are employed to identify the manner in which this potentially tridentate ligand binds to these surfaces. On colloidal silver surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) spectra are consistent with PhTmMe binding in a didentate fashion to the surface, holding the aryl group in close proximity to the surface. In contrast, on gold colloid, we observe that the species prefers a monodentate coordination in which the aryl group is not in close proximity to the surface

    Last Men Standing: Chlamydatus Portraits and Public Life in Late Antique Corinth

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    Notable among the marble sculptures excavated at Corinth are seven portraits of men wearing the long chlamys of Late Antique imperial office. This unusual costume, contemporary portrait heads, and inscribed statue bases all help confirm that new public statuary was created and erected at Corinth during the 4th and 5th centuries. These chlamydatus portraits, published together here for the first time, are likely to represent the Governor of Achaia in his capital city, in the company of local benefactors. Among the last works of the ancient sculptural tradition, they form a valuable source of information on public life in Late Antique Corinth